Announcemetit.hir____ r lne here 'Hawley fl
. ,. , ... ..,.on it Anid stayed. Pk punted 'accu- 00
g- -- -'- Indiana Taken into Campi by a Score ately 4ind the bawl wa delded to ]have
Our special line of 12 to 0-Officers a Very ;on out of beern roat he 25-yard line. Michigan 12 Indiana 0
~~~~oaof foreign and Poor Lot. I? hteadXodrdc oa 1 Chicago
ie tthro gi the left aide of 2nd~i Iinst WSeIl
dIomlestiC fabrics [ain totte'10 I'll shrotitato for atouc Mnnsth6 Wscni
ixaahsbion ct tO(' mt yihtani'o d own dWtad carrying it over. 'wee- Illinois I? Prde
For the Fall and Winter of t900 has roadl to 'tlt' 'totlinlpliolt, boo e e y promptly negotiated fr we ii adi- (laiceeick by Robeertso)
arrived and ts arranged for .aeyritcfanbe srprh.Tetoa sii.Ii ai 'rc iihtt Nortlwiestern I I Knox 5
bope- «tys rantl1 xiiontit ot rte ild-.1a1i i Mitga's ,tiossOOs~t0ton te
tion. The samec careful attention r.11 olrrr iu ncceti-'r wih'oito3'0-yrd (lit', Ibt('bitotte Notre ame 6 Beloit 6
Stive bitd treati ;faltMakSw ht Ir.'Pcee rsect tt I iiad a ritbeti iter' gat Harvard sye 7 U. of P. 5
in gie ote tlnadfiihot nt 1nuat 1ugI a m t u orrri itei<rtaicen1e xran e rf puntsro.0 Cornell I12 Princeton 0
every suit, whether to be used for iIlet ire trig ii ital 'tStiiit irst1ttIg tifit endirihitlif 51 iabg1 c ored Yale 8 West Point 0
51 Seigac'leasrrn try~ uit' ]trr g n roi . tt 'StoI nt luCke. fie bal
busilness purposes or for full dress Allt ltc i titliYt n ii t1uraiii. i'uern'Stedriti ile irircit' etrtc itt oftieltt'd ____________
occasions. 11eanal 'i'bca grnie i rl nr akir n tua ltriitu, atotitottairi fuiblediernrttire own
titit'ac~ieiir as'~etr rri' icirigi it-yrnurn.,Itticlr'iiifetliiaiatt. Stratss Makes a big Hlit Last Night
f! (1'W LD u to 'tc'bthgt' linte colcci'ia te. ht reuorltittr 5ti'le. W\"btaaiti' nt oittlii
6.H.Wl ! U. tic' brtie tca'ty rtr e titter'te g'lii apiuid itbysotti Sdivesilitro tc'fintte Ti(, Sites' Lvitra'S iii' ati
to8 E. Washington St. Icairorealy' t'rctiatrt'a. itit diheSth'avy .oI n ttiiaria'i-.c'yae intte, ciee ttrist 'rsr'c' is itopeetimti ca isiic'tctly
______________________________________ acttr'r'ng ain rsthrt o irwitbackirtik i n.Stchraiat iiitaf aert' lakng it t,1Sl t.icnigtiity Eurdtiisettrs' frintosro
_____________________________________trnedi nt ttte' tndri Sgiri folr'11to trs.attt iesri-sty 5 ytt'rrtirtandtie batii sent orierarlt. Bite bSi e Sthiti'te i9:5
rheoffitbitai wre oi'r't t o uirsy iroi o r i'. 'iie cootyit i to irtt burttte tiiari ronfrrtrVit'ttta sioteed 015511
intet. 'Tter eeta'e'ai'sly dlauyediiontthittttc'ess blineof te gnal. S'truge , te halliic-wasiwei fitei witt
OATH TOWELS s in whtrt he'' li'fist' yards 'lti'Sbetutufeit tret'ic Srhei'grottnd, whre'rcfor ds' wtoeir'nun titapin
Ctnl AT gritod inttwic-cdowelsorEiot. iic M4(41tigau11t0inn crnit-i in i i t ioart r tin s hafiocrtsitey isigirrshitett
ALL hcrdi'ly se'med S t o i'osts rtiicrmin of Is tedr estscuoteire 'hot-s. i r a nd. u icti itritndit IMiot t geii'ii'lrso1-tu
PRICES o0n0 icad et xk cutice luirrar't co uirtt- arut Itroitrirro trrarl' Stthe r t 'e'th ie tliy. Hli' rabltriuly it' cly'onraIru-
FOR nirily fhontie iIrco'strre'. Iifatr-, ie blath t h ric, siro tIllsiii' ontor. icr Srt 'ci'e r ppearetitt U nv esity
tf idteevthingcg otiStendctixtr-ly tri irt Sir'- o tihe -irtloic't. ici't'lt'kikekd gtol blcl iii iptysao i tt rmntet rtheuii
YOURII ROOM OR THE GYM ttosruisreof at Slln's it atigis'fThe 'usy gadl.airs gIrtoee 'ien w ith airb time t(,'Sr'is tidirie iori s
UVI. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ uiiire,'Sto, n-iteslittftot'iris sroec'il.t e Sri' in :i tistrga's tinor'ssiot are tra. Hrut. 5lr' is Wtr o lea-Sirlbty nti
Sri knotkig. itt'fueledii tirrtyIl ittetit pt i i enr rrr'ii ityr u eu. stni] in tarery piiict. ec'n't't n'tng
E li [Uilsa ia llr un fIscx is iso.'r u'hrplayig irwihri- 'ii un'diana. ilri' reitti Sts Thenir ina rctt strna'
ros. State St. tin0 attemtrait corct'iiotnr. Aguain. i I eden .. - t...1.H:. -.. Ie nuroey sturrnl b l st nm ight n Suits icrc'utrior
nt. mcrkcngntgearut i totiitoSI.!' itir' , ..t'--.. 4putrk ir"uy Sir'otndedtuon i tt ins cxisnstiou at
sa nte iis tcrneiuitirto cthe i at st l 1uto-- - - II it ,f ... les t ilicit sin' s to lcrut su poct its
EVERYTHING urSsplend~id.lne of. \ a i c-i inuetor' . 1Yl'Si hintiurn it Ii-i l. Jo u....C ....ibh tni -ll aw''u~ie, h is
PPS 1AS and T O - s luggdtt It-teitutittitti'ts, egiing J 1t'mS .. I, {....c'.s'ie ttiStri of uitthe liit'.O. ' tr etit iot
NEW ACQo.Ien the store hn l- h- h omeltelnt Sot .. h tei"inn
itself is new. -We haveresodelod 'the tr o'icr nsl rtuinStn't'rrrStes Ii 1 1 t.Da~ourrt-u tclnurun- bgcti. y Atihcarioc
place and invite all or friends to Call oftiithe inld, itu' tuttuie rasur on yrtS nIt, 0. lroternRc'r .....1 Si 't'Siruiti o.s~ aunagee -t r-Sit uchstir- ti
and inspect what rehave. You canitinat lstbut tcinr. 'Hitslxeitisrot- :Siu'tttutnio ..,...!...... R str liustt irunitwasr-i t ed.Tutr h e 'bi'oa-
beat our LUNCHES. ardtnitro-i -rrghurray ti norit st in'-de. Begit'.Wbitr'';.- -. It..1 1 t'ircr-'ne d ttitironitheSu ln'g trrur conscle 'taazi-
i. E,JOLY, 308 ;S Semte St. gr'e-n'. d tt-etrll crt o t urnrhde . l oluneui - - ..FCii..... '. tn-ru e u-nSu 5trkun y 1-Sutit Sutra Ittipl yt
'TtroulitSilt' rtothe m i rut kenritnbytutg. - "lt y sni 0runut o It'ue ths' cir n riu l 'hi,
rn .t thScis Itiutcan 'reemedri ta e.irunce I-rice ruausni-tms. 'T' 'e'ttitoirc"_
Sot' t ir-uiurr r I ' di ut- U . '
ittsth irony ca -n . th i Siter rm t eulsruit'ttic'tS-icc rn-in)n '111u- - Stitta tsiithttitt' it 5tetif y a
SALLEG RETTI'S r" O \ titf tilndunicis e'andro-debe tiirett'hennettnber
ANDmt'anntill, 'oan thir tilt iillrutiSiotic io endered ii sat utu ciwer' nitor ittarid
+ /' LOWN E 'S fiern Aiuirt'tiir' lit z] a irS ~_tIt-autr'nfnehese ''S n elti'mtediitudoablett
:y; i i- W I...A1S : irtiigmuri r-u -u_ ul~ ntitt Iiiulcer ninh uriti iStirito irt utiitlustse
lN -4Ib,~ b & 1 b B XE . Sirfn n t iruiung. Ifi i' ghyull atio m il iuirrS trti uil~1i'~tuin t u tur in-' iiTh tStr-c-r-un cto Stn
+ , L T tii rds gos cocc it ino tut-m otu lyd'rsur it k t o u-nS In-rld 'i-u r' 't'tut' i t It lii r- t ",rnc
+ tonftetn honte S
.p.iur in c ut n l}Snug Sri olSuann 0troneguer } ausrt od a. ;Sn-ti 41iri slit id ru t Irutn Sn i ur t-nit ' n ru' t iyr it-
gtr ouit sileutla'rtinSonr-thSrtsns it , i n, trt, i no ttit5910Sir' n ex'ileu lu inI n trrn rStu' \'rniitru St Sn
cretyyuendS.alwVRStay ntc oa c u-ituntu S Stil nuttilSn-ir ftirirui Iurt iunnStiny11) $flbc bse h ~u l lsee ~ irunurSigeu inft t-ut rintsuit ring oalter ect ocitt
coilsurAT fet igte rs htI n~ le-;teso e eoen ' "'iiev t tt i at nti a nsturin n Suitirrl455 ThSeutnin' t tiny n-liftaint iSrur
/ / V a~a\ t' gard. (tle riger dd. pe halts the irtu'clySum ri-isaflit'MelttpayedS1011 dntsninthureassisituon i utS-
iS LI, itu rkgt in t r ing t he balnut i -ti turuoo l Ilr'Wil ttaf r so ri-dira uitynu-o' clr rri t inn Srn--r--n SStnti n '.cu reus10'1
i-CO..STT S. ndN.UIVRSTYrAE ' 'iros St i l siSt urtone un il runt( in xSteun'rIlleytintuniriu twilli tw ituiS 5trr'-(rrhir-sir Strum' isan 1 r''ir'tt
in a 41.nu$ .+ . . . r ur-Inun t'iright sideru- of i l r-u rtn he do' nnuriurgaua trn ] sri-i t r of n ien u reg rta r.r' St trurs '
mir's iamrne IGolt' ersan:t S u-ndu- ,Stu-' s ornu rnihi ut y nuti~a s irnut0 e ulti iit t wo' pee tAmintil.i t.frwl
svgsiuit i Si iuri. suit lig nt te e ld. nrilettu rittg ' 'risnt tri ttu. et fut nXiPm h u.eto t, n s.
- s~~~~~~tun r t r 1 mnu iu t rui t-trigll iu an- t 1ri i st' il-lt tit ttdiua u n. m'erel_____
el s ot RH 5owing __
Suig' l Po triot illgritoumrnllstn-usSut N.ret-tHarin'fittiuttk utteru-'lgs-temtuynnnrgtySt'N '- t
! io tn uni n cs'neunirog'ttu e ir umri uaS 11n-i'r'iir m iti~ e ti' ygut nir. iriy htitteftnst reic' tini-t-t 'i-
InI.n aidt in mca-ut-g inSt ir'eiplagus.mru"t -uns nity ttfr ily gpirnt gweltn.' ens'tirhitig n nrntrby rfth'is'u si otPIArrn
Is the ttle of a News'Book oi tgmiium~ rrigin gureui inticuukit' out ut, "mjurs-to no11asir0 mnmedlforier Iit" nut ct rt omuii-u orf-ncot of Itrmc.. Tie
SCollege Sou s in wihicht inox- tOOS itnxcsit utgoo nl ofnr't rl rre'-ttn. Initr ntroayuc utiviry Ineanm; t e- 0o111~oore astitly ti'oo'tett in tie fra-
e rs$ has been spared to procure fC- sri-thshimi.'Teescot pi100 onh'~'it t ins te i sIto evtersesaw tenclorsunn, ertuct tor iivendn,
p eeyltetad te ey bs murchin rlteucti~r nI1 rue I'l( inlel murur cktni't ucigaino it' aguins.imuar uneslitttierod fnrt'ttr t'o' wi ,fin inetnge tain ara'
u m ~yof which have not and aiotctt"Nod t-ionSri'doss-ed from s ,vet.l nity tplydiis1nhtrnd gmlosur'f-it:Iiutt ureuned umeugimut i-te
sees, n 9 beee erralhu h iund ifter' iriniug tnt'411 ytdo -,f ftotat. Sto'tui' s mifns' wasuno tmtltot' a u eutitn ie-clion sri i -
benpbis heir eesetv ct - I gncmnrfu i iitrtirlie's bvti'tss't'e thus' s t r o gerg In'.1 Sitlexo.. 1i,;nmti-, c t n t' gano custuttiroit cotey co'oniuemotof all. 'int'
popula i H irrepetiruol r-itmunrk. 'Swetley Itmtttwseli andctl nuinuuel ii nilununuto' iwcg intsmono sts ecit-unung sru i'ntji samty ptnt rt ctcd
leges. A. number of old, songs a'iteth i l Ituult"I i ni t o t)inguutu5 tnt' otentuiit, tttan cietgtsif .erien ra emi nnnomg. thin. fylr's oeehtrtnn
thht still retain their 'popularity sapnie. ttetdtt'n, 'btdeot'-s'u'o n'renniSfume 'tNrtu tiny cv,'uuuutoo inn-omirelite." hiotc eisit('11" elndrnote tim i muuner
±have been lincluded. because they asometiexceltent isirhi. hit',miliy~ideis __________s lim-Sn crs htiy 'cutimeuten.
wherever st u ts assemble. Mimeus f'lI our tint- hll t=t itpfpittut, mmcnu i- rS u1urlL lt 4:10 itchly; oubjet, tie lin-, tg lo nt scu sn rim - icrs fort
e o n letand look it over and f nnno-rec.', unet' tn'i rc ie i r ''nrnu5al "S umitn e'inogt kptiii oI fuIeh igi- -dnscoterrS .
ar tl ie sdaem c sn ot ' iuutsul iu ciot. utut -ere n Sre II V'. loro oprtitr u t Nslia llnn ungoti-tet- au tc i ns lin h d
It pllasura yo}} thgp~iceis but 'I'll, iti s, ode -jl'aiiit i e. ra I urIt.11Cce iti .e"sntnnrumt ir t ga d otstf-tamn riss L isnh ' wiak
c-I -oelfte tolm sed I~'me yirmc rof fr lvlut , HisstiuV-ue f e'it,
itt mleldig uni n Stirlets a I cc ie - n rh Susr 60- If ruve tntia 1. i I e f W -in mc, -0., St