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November 03, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-03

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IX Oford Derbie
The "VARSITY" is the proper hat.
x ~ In Style, 'Quality, and Workmanship unexcelled,'
$3 and $
n 117 MAIN ST.rS.
MICIANQC TA The Most Renowned Ladies Shoes' Alarm Clocks SI.'
',The Niagara Falls Route."
CENTIRAI STANDARDNDR TIMrE. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic U. of il. Dils 0c t.t $1.00. Fine
Taking effect September to, igoo Street JensWilr'Xatch Repairing a Specialty.
etotNgt peco stunT. The Melba, JnansMile
Grand ptills Nap ..1r - All styles, nlDress All styles, S3,50! CHAMan JEWELER
N. Y. Botospsectal.............. 5 One price, * Wer &nepi, oe.
Fat Eacts s. . ....... ..94
Mail and E7ool '.... 0 840 o. IFRE
Busoo.N. 14 to ttocaoo...043 All widths in Dtogla Kids, Enamel Calf, Box Call and Valoir Cl. A - ~ Pnsto
Fast Woosten Epro . . t 3s1% . A5eI fA.Pnwt vr
0..nd opr~s...-.....543 Sole agents for Ann Arbo. ad t~ bt tr, te
5~cg lh .. ..943 ___ flaSth horne AarisClc
Pcifc Rapress.... 12 30 . MR C - -PR N YDuigt l'
Stahico Ight psot NA ''''4 an d rom t Wn, Arnol.,Jeweler
Suropeian poist at invest ratesa Fll talor z a z ~
natlon on appication.
oW. RUGGLES. Ht W. SYIanc _ oT
6 P. &T.A2't. Chicago. AetAnnoArltor. r1141 io)11 1 t1o iill i ti, ot l l "r I Iii, 5e itol ti loDr ese", Blite 111nd~
oatll t r ta .id l i s 5 ltidieil t smy,' il~ii e i s a 1step ala f NI W
u. thloogi enliv li i~tnestdapei es ctil ad1(1Soais 'Spirit of I bet 3N E V
-- - ro1 oim rtii liied,i Oh'I'1 ll(, ltliltllot15 3tiist (Co. S f1) LFL E S
1111Haller 'slt llii ai-ltpuceloloo ot hiigh class A -ND T l i l) 1 OS AL A.
tiie rivn 11115 itrN le l t 111 . t fito "arca njeeli13b rey rp tin, ils been rlein er, h cuvy We are better prepared than ever
I ME TABLE (M; _________ l-ttlilel iir 58 to give the best of 'carriage service,
Taking Nif@et, S unduay, May 21, 899. Wadhlanto8, Ryan & Rtols ae sole
Trains lease Ass Arbor by (etral Stand- getofr51131itueroaI 111siityl sit-i I having addedtoc wo rubber tired
11 IA. LE t sill tde it right coaches to our stock:
.No.- 7-25 A. . No. 1.- 856 A. . Up-todalte Stationery at Sehalele's NelrAAoen,'s117lnicpl : H lm s L v y
No. 2.-lil30a. i. 'No. 5.-la66n30 . . Bookstore, 110 So. AMain t. 'lii S it ot f Siiiortild tll, hscIits, 'PO E Io 51 E LBET ST
No. 4.- 3 35 . a. No.9 0.45 . M. 4;lid 10le ii 111of solll tmild tit i nn 1
No. 1012, i:05 . x. ' No. i1 -0:05 A. .
__________ -Snoke Booked Ilavana Filled Night Arri:lpl111100111 ionlis h11011 15(011 1
-Run betwee Anti Artor aod Toledo only lHasvk tilaro.'CTi~er Oswl Migbt. 1 's II1 111i-ui T- T-a 1-
All tralsa daily e ept Sunday. ________________ualeti on111 . III Is 11,1 1.1 s ti nsltlilll 11
t~Sndayso 0111 .T.7. SAen . 11111111131541111anldd inn r lt l~la o rlle to eIred ati l iaI annual111 ooi111 orliii
prce 5I'EN TT .P 1115 1ll ll i4l(t1111speadls 51r10es0thi.thIl ll holha l et 1111 t lilt -
11111balls . Good servic, refined table at11 Ii 11 iohc ld uing11 1111110 liini,
a111111t111111110 in't dany cooitg; 11111lillillay
HOCKING VALLEY IIY. -.io AIMPUS,47 ______________________
The Railroad that takes the 11.1[ItS.BA H T W L
Business In and Out _________
of Michigan. At Picur-s for Students' Rooms at BAH T W L il
SLDVESTIBULE TRAINS Sohlltro Bookstore, 16 So. Main t. AT* wr
4 DIYBETWEEN 4 Nf-hta and IVison Bros. shirts ALLh,
TOLEDO, COLU1'IBUS foi- slo at Wo'ditaus, Ryan & Rent. PRICES
and ATHENS. FOR___________a.1
Wic. ie, 1..W D tcaitlI++++++++++++++++++ OflflEY IDOL 01' THE HOUR
.5.A. cI. o Agt ' , + Y URBut 0e01r of attacton is still at
Columus, hit. D1. 'etiti. 111* LLE.GI T.I S + H1an1ks oe lchooeansld fresh
AND cnisadoses evdi n
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- LOWNEY'SWidrstye ihrsov
Caalaefor Dti +SPamc tl tete trr Deot andi Ysantt S stat, 5t.200 E. Washington 31 So Sate.
evry half' our, uginning at 7:15 a n. mP4 --_______
unti' -7:45 P. im.;After that to DletrothIN t-4Ib, -2 b & 1 b BOXES ~-________________
at 8:45 p.im, 9:45 p. mn. and 1115 p nm OU, aD, it.r attonthtseu. +*EVERYTHNG t)ir pl-ud i ne i o Pickwick BliadPalos
.:Waiting trroom, corneroAnn nod Man high grade god ctise +PIECGRadTO
aqutot 1 riwl t iently 7011 a. linays 4+ NEW BACCO-een [le store Regullatonlli cTalen,
aeri,"Il urofa getting theunreh1 + itself is new. We hatve remoeled tie 511 11 'l'l~
O- ~WD ~ (ll D ' i place and invite all or(fietds to all
on WatoebelDiamods W eels and olbei tot-- and inspect what we have. You cant roerEythollg New and
tonal Peoperay. Ounice t rehllesor,731. . CO. STATE S5,ad N. UNIVRSIY ;AVE. beat our LUNCHES. Strictly UptoDate
Libety tiret. All bsiness cofidetial. 4I . J LL ,3O8 S, State St. iv st ve An Aro
tloussato 11:0 a. m. and Ito 3:30and 74. t +d+, L,+,~lI4444..~+..+4. lt4.+4 i J L Y 0 .Uiest a n ro
P. mn. JOSEPH C. WATTS: Z""j+i+13+ r.77N
I305 O L.J1_J~-._7_PURANSHO - EFR W ME N3 5

"ac MTsagRaE mble.ad610 Eaot Witlam Street-hl
S. oa M Barber Sa Ma ss oaENOCH IEER E nealmDer toad University i'st one-hlf bloek west .Fnd,
Shop and Bath C212S. Work 'raned Soe flaw bildng,1an ind
Rooms, 822afiAT . .Tr nwsJ21 .Fourth AeBoth. hne h eSh p E.p LametSn. Poo

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