Z THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Publishe Daiy(Mtttdtnsexctned) dutitts the Cttiioge yeart, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIN ORrICP BRANCH Ott-tCE Areas Bidg, Mall St. 336 S. stttle Street. Both 'Phonet 13. Nest State PYoe 82. 'Todays list of fat-bitil gaimes east nd set, furnishes the first set of de- inc contests for titis ears football 'etistsn. (Tonight will fintd two more of the big we'tersit icans oat of the race for frst itanlors. Tite Chicago- Iowai antd R'iscouitntit-Miiiesoti gaines Weill be bitterly fought and quite close; seores imaty be expeetetd. Stagg 11ke I tlrsvltiitg ttttn, will grasp nt 'thte ltst stralw, titi tlry to give his tea ttlt iattil ittg by tlcfeltttitg the ltawkeycs. Phtilt Ting Noutid gltit over a shingiter f te Mlittesota tttl-tt for titere I scit nteighbottintg state tttttnerti en ittve lever itteit ktnw t loItve eaclohr lThisgtttttottll giveth it n gotot oi-I ptortulity ttt see ttf 'wltt siltS t liag- liilY cottt fit 1thisieia s itt tbtttltt Foot Bamiy lli fuanesh plnty o -n1, m in.e WIntcm Ittitheti. eo da anth ite Inti lltytttt - lhu Aitin en. ile h Ovug 101its-. of srssNia',a and theel Pisiants.'ory I," . in to ieh x t t-it I al Iios1st i11dt-tttt-tit-t.311 WadlitaNs Noyrn & Rets aeSo (It-tt te s ~ n Chips a'tihliers oksorMan t Atabrii (vas. til A ifcn's Jwer rttr Best $3 httt Made is the Howard. . Wadhains, Ryan '& Reule, sole agents.-I Injured While Being Initiated. Citisonit tllen, sois of Mr. aitd Mrs. Cihtrles AM.ut-n of-flits city, is just rc- etinerittg tittlthefitsefects of his iitia- Lion -itto the signia Phi fraternity a wee-k ago Friuday night. it" -,vis ott onf :a class of five to be ii -ratitcci-to tti he mysteries of the frateiity3aitnditriiig the ceremniy an actcidetlt-I iapened wvhich injuied his stpicantdiiead tte fttltt .,1 awsay aiintl-as carried to htis hintte. The maiiier in snhichtlie re~eined thte injury nvas fully explained to thte y-ounlg nan's pareiin titnd liey exonerate the fraternity ineCm froiu blitnte, recogiinig that it snas purely aii accidlent. They, of cotirse:, greatly regretted the occurrence, btit rtttliot that their situ wsa ticnti of a(ecrse' cir(.tun'ttttitces' YoutntgMtilt-enn-tasdiliriotus for foutr datys sitc-eetding ite liiititi. ion antius lt ttttenitultphys13icialn says ttti iti nll tilt e iiibile tn to it u its coileg-'snitc until after tihetitrintitats hItiittyn tWaitrmantttori Latugilin Fouiitaint Pls, $1 ie i't tScitalle's Bookstore. Its tierits: itne woik, prosmpt tdelin- ery; done by the Toledo Laundry Co. Carl1 L. Wtaginer, agent. 321 S. Alan. GO0IIOME 10 VOTE VIA WABASH RAILROAD The potpular route 10 Chicago,; St. Lotuis, Kansas City, Spriing- fieldl,IDecntur, Daitville, nnd all; poits Southwest. Consult ticket Agents. Immuteditt Connection att Milan swith Conttiteitatl Limited- R. S. Gtiasctioit, MKP.A. - * STEIN-BLOCK CLOTHIING. :.NOTHING NOEBIE'2K KIER -This make of clothing is eon- fined to us in Illis tosil, and is the sellest tailois' creations for Fall wear. Suits -00.ooto 25.00. vvercoats $16 to 30. I .1, LINDENSCHfI1TTi &APFEL S 0 R 0 S S 0 --FOR- PIRFCTUREFRAMING AND Ss GIBSON PICTURES Geo. b.millr I IS 212 S. Main St. S DE FRIES' ART STORE, 217 S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR.. ~ , , ' 6tYJVoVoVVoVovt3oVoyS .VVVVVV~ OPENING NUMBER~ 5. L. A. COURSEI STRAUSS' ORCHESTRA,~ UNIVERSITY HALL Sat. Eve., Nov. 3tj ATHENSTHEATRE, ALL TIS WEEK AT 8 P. MI. FUSS HELE~N BOVEiE THE WORLD'S GREATEST LADY HVPNOTL9T StJ3ECTh SEILECTED I) tRMTHE ADEC I PRICES: 10, 15 AND 250. NOTE:-On and after Mvonday, October 29th, reservcd teats for the Athens Theatre sith be on sale at the POSTAL TELEGRAPnH OFFICE, ne.xI door to theatre entrance. Order teats by phone, N. S. 45 Bell 4.. ADMISSION $1 .00 , c Course Tickets $2. Reserved Seats 50c i*U'; ) jj 4 . 3 Printed lectures for all depart- "BLILIARD PARLOR ments of the University. I lpe- REMODELED. RtEFITTED, EVERYTHING NEW. writing and Mimeographing. BRUNSWICK BALE COLLENDER TFABLES. EDWARPS BROS. 'WITH tOvere SitutctunI State Stete 'i'i-t~Yar~iu ~E i (GENt.iNI" - )11A CJ4 ~ aA1 I ECgtEIVE Redmond, Kerr & Co. I HIGH GRADE--=.= BANKERS, 41 Wall Street, New York lc qf ijSy 10D4 COO, 1q44fETTES frinatteneerltbankting busiinss. AILY BUitETINS 01- ALL FttttittlNG EVENTS Rl --c deposuits subtect to draftiidsuetnts and interest iollec-tediastilteeitmtedrtAct as13N D SUCESOS UT Fiscalt Asgents toeradsegotiotle istsueof ii __j IDriras ttieettritinas gas opnS t.tT SScrte ogtads n coml~min.el'I!R EY N D SA 1st SECRATES. FN jU U SANITARY PLUMBING- HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT ISECURITIES.flU IBitincr it COtNs RnU-TItn eAND t IES,is List lit currettotfueingstest 01appliaiotnsJ. F.SuHtnt AI, lin 1TrWATaEu HEArING, t3=tLAiiliH:IA CORSODNS 207 E. Washingjton Street. AlItftssi-c GRAS ANDtS Bunt mRict FIXTURES. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. HiIHiGhADES MANTELS ANTI) GRATES. EXCHANGIE ]'our liii Ltmps Fite"Anti We ace headtiuarters tor everything iii the line of fuirnishiings for E Arbour"Matceeratsrs students' rooms, GASOLINE LAMPS LAMPS, OIL CANS, PIIOTO RACKS, SHADES, Bintg ini your utld ones adiet us inaike you WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUSPIDORS. ' TheSuerirfff'.ro. Our Prices You Will .Always Find the Lowest. Te Supaino er ilhliago. MARK H AM'S G Z 32B.Mi t, aa tVilas eaduanrters Cr Shade, Mantles and B ZAR, Chimneys. 215 SOUTH MAIN STREET,. NEW STATE 'PHONE 462 SWEETS TO THE SWEET. IF YOU WANT TO BE SWEET- SEE ROQ.0AN I I0S.5,MAID