Published Daily (Sundays except'dl btrntge - ~Cullege year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICRIGAN _ ~ MANAGING EDITOR,' 0. H. HANS, 'I1 BUSINESS MANAGER, F. ENGELHAHIS.'1 L EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G. D. HrntsTr, Ex , iF A. HMcotlA-LL,'0HlE. L.J7. MsxTueui)s '01 W. A. KttNittx ,-'01 I. V. T'. Esuss '03 MISS LILLIAN I(. SAulso. '03. As yet it is entirely too early to say muhlt ais reglitd lti Msiiga's Iprospiects for at siujig Ionai. Tilico is anl enror- nUous alouint o1 wor1k to beIlo1il11 in titel'cijinlg a teai but it bas all exect'-] 'has bee'n spared 1(o Ltring ill' eliftnliphl- ship 101111' I Ann~ ArlibI' tis year. Iti- 11101, iplatcs it high figure ats leie Of Lnngttonl lea's servici's for lt'e two inonths lie wtill be ss'illi til t n 1111.1d1 of gsod butsiitess. lilt' btest is ahtastS Ia lgo ti 'I'll is 'i till'dalt. Andt it t't'l'oi l ia bt hasi everlili~ betor Ilt' wl lltt' tiI thes game1s1 laIrk-ll a111 11itt '01111 b1e1 net'll T~is 1n'tar1s1 geoti THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY: Football Scores Saturday. IllItiet'.sarolday pritttiet' giaies itot a1 sinlgi'losing tealo lt111atraged to i sq~t'ueezeill .1ltH'or.Th Ti ttlowsiig we tilt I,0,;( tllt'illtat contestli in.tle Itlitl-a- 24, Lonibard 0. Minnesolta 26k, St. P'anl High Schootl 0. Wisconsttlinl 6, Madison IHigh Schlool I0, t'lIe 3' 4, Lebanont Saltey 0. Nitrittisesitern Untivers~ity 136',Nirtil- ttestt'rtt college 0. Behli 23, W'hitewatcr Noliltils I0. Mtonmollutht 43, Kirkwood HighrI Schotil 0. Knox '20,. (arthage 0. Marshall High 'Schoaol111, Katlatnazoo 1t1-11 Schlool 0. Whtitehall High Schtool Ii, Muskegon Highl School 0.- IL.-Jisilag 4.,31. A. C. 0. Calendar. 'i'uestday, Stilt. 25-5)lttniitg ofit'rst Sa'tulrdiay. StIti . 8t-- iiiidalei ttRell versity IAIl-.A~lnul S. C. A. Addlres Nyt)'i'.Am~l.IIA'MN STEIN-BLOCK CLOTHING j i= This mlake of clothinsg is con- fned to us in this town, and is the ssellest tailois' creations for Fall wsear. Suits $15.00 to 25.00. I Overcoats; $i6 to 3o. J LI NDENSCHIITT & APFEL Nobody is in it with us. We tateu Decorate your room with WHN got a regular cinch on the IT $3.50 and 4.00 Pictures from COMES MEN'S SHOES ' TO Call atid see tLem. No troubleJ~ ~1~Cj. MEN'S t t~~h~ltt toshw heFles 1 ART STORE. SHOES GOi~. H. MILLER~,1 212S. Main St. 1217 South 4th Avenue ATHENS THEATRE, DEAN Mi. SEA BOL T, Lessee ant(I fflyr. THEVI[RST BIG GUNSoFr THEIZSEIASON., VIMA'* ritt Oil. 7. 11. X'. 1) TUESDAY, SEPT. 25. Hoy's Banner Success, o ~ t i f V i1L t lthl'Nlt-nAll tit' itebltoiny "ATRIP TO CIJNATOW'N, al'tt'r "'atliri.lay t't't'llillg l tiselibl la lst Introducing Mr. Harry Gilfoil1 de-liiti; poet'ltry. _ WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26. NOTtCE. l Mr. John Griffith in a Magnificent Revival of .1. :ittilntr ot' college -girls wonid he itt wfxork of Ythe folioseving kinds' "THE GLAD~IATOR" j Swi'(epilig, duin~iig, waiting tupon table, I' I " 1i U illill1l sew fil, andt the care of chi ldren.i Lathe~S wishing sunch work, ei'iher by tTHU RS DAY, SEPT. 27. the huor01 week, please apply to the WmA.Ba Presents OlaNtes's esino Emlpilylent Conmmlittee of the AWorn Wn A Bay Og ~tesl eso Miis. F.t'. Jordtan (chiairmalln of corn.) K. L1..J ..L' ...' 08Olivia la icc.I Production Colulhlete uts Presenltedt at Wailack's Thleatre,. Nest'Y'trk C'ity-. Mris. l1. I]. Cootley, 534 Sit. Slate. I Mrs . R eachmS 102 H ll st RCES, 25C, 50C, 75c and $i.oo. TO p ti ae Tliree Dtays iin Au talte ianttr117altltionit tHALLER'S Jeswetc. TO Store .New'Stake IttlOil. NEW STU DENTSI As; it ittOtt )ONS sAist) R O SIN 'S', it'e are better prepared than ever U r Y ~ - Y to give the best of carruage service, ]BILLIA D PA R LO having added Iwo ruiber ired coaches In nor stock. REMODELED, REFITTED, EVERIYTHI NG NEW, BRUNSWICK BIALR(E COLLENDER TABLES. I I CIENEI IL CtHl.aatTIIY-AD- TANGED CREDIT. All applicanls comxing front high aclaoolu, normtal schools and snmaller collegea, and who are expecting to re- ceive advanced credit, will be ex- ninined for anuch credit. The examina' 'thoit will be hteld on Thuraday, Oet. 4, at 4 p. in., lowver lecture room, Medical Building. Applicants from the colleges or uni- versities of equal rank will bring cre- dentials and -other evidence of fitness to receive advanced credit to me on Friday, Oct. a, at 4 p. itt., lower lectnre room. Medical Buildinig. The right to examine any or all ap- plicants is reserved, P. C. FREER. START RIGHT BY USING royal Tigers, 10.; Tigerettea, Sc. Holmes Livery 'PHONE 106, 5l5rE. LIBERTY ST. Redmnond, Kerr & Co,, BANKERS, 41 Wall Street, New York 'Tranat a geneial baninlg busese. Receive depoais subject to draft. Dividends anid interest colleeted aind remitted. Aol as Fiscal Agents for and negotiate the issoe of MONAJ~cJ4 ciJsy$oNs HIGH GRADE---- CIq4,ps, ToR0oc, C'q41fETTES :2RR 32 SOUTH FEYNOLDS E HA.$TREET I f. I _ ____--- _ - -_-- - - -- - - -__ _ _ Secorities bought and aold on comtmis. ion. Members New York Exchange. Dealers in High-Grade Investm~ent Securi- ties. List of current offerings snt an appli-. cation. Philadelphia Correspondence, Gra- ham, Kerr fie.Co. I JstFWICU SANITARY PLUMBING, ELECRIC COIISTHIJCTION AND SUPPLIES, ~ STEAaeT AND ROT WATER HEATINGI, 207 E. Washington Street. AETIsUsiC GAS AND E~LECTRIC FItU'tt'iD ,- AnLrb r a g steait We are headquarters for everything in the line of furnishings for- G" asolineLa p . students' rooms, an LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS, SlJADES,. '"The Lamps that don't go nut nightts." 1 WASTE PIAPER BASKETS, CUSPIDORS. Made by The Superior M'f'g. Co., Our Prices You Will Always Find the Lowest. 329 S. Main St., near Williams. Sfl, 'hstpeWiholesalea and-n retail dealers in Mantles, Shds-hmesadSple.W ae25SUHMI TET Shde, hines ndSuples W hve21 SUT Mii STRT, M - AZ NEW STATE 'PHONE 467- wax tpes t barn I _ a Tr rT IF YOU WANT TO BE SWEET, SEE BROGAN, 110 S. MAID,