16 THE TNIVRRSITF 01 MICHIGAN DAILY '1 H NVRIY FMCIA AL FULL LINE GFO OTOALL, GOLF GOODS' Can be found at Our Store SehnS 0 320 S. STATE STREET: You can' get, a Excursion Rates INTO GOOD CLOTHTES WE CAN SHOW YOU. more ohn 1000 of the most inviting style' for Faill aoid Winter Suitings thait were ever brought together. TO ALL WH-O BELEIVE lta strictly made-to-measure garmeots ouomht to he booghit belowe the prices ordinarily charged we frankly nay, "HERE YOU ARE." GOODRICH & DUKE, A"'ent for the Best Tailors on Earth. Front room over First Natioiial Bank ONRE W'S AMERBGAN LAW Leading scholaro pronoounce thin new work to be one of the GREAT- EST BOOKS of the day. All who aspire to the law should hove one. Call and examine. (A1[A6HAN & (0. (z 14 Monroe St., Chicago) ANN ARBOR BRANCHI CALKINS' i. PRErIO CAMERAS 1=3 Off. CYCLONE 11 i3 Off. POCO it 40 per cent. RAY 50s, fteritory ) o\'.i, 4 11 1il itl t stats 17 loU i8; gallery, sect ionu =l, Sw odsiet'o pr11 51 pIt t ir h 51 tses i lo hem is reqiuee.to retttt'n AI"'bg(he1Nilt tosWisltlrbe soltl oilreItatStiniel Capiti 54 tllerig 9fo r i it'e. o iec ofl\r t oel c t ion1111- _______ day, ' l'l''ll'''F. X ~ttll 1)11& tetiol io ts. ti atit man otaere (lolrantse rliou.dl'trsip. e fy hat M ANSLB E ' C C E E M O I M sttlt'r g ill . . .:o l lo i t u h p ls t 1 Itri t 1 11 , o s c e ti O t 1 y s t 11B A S1IIM (MTON S T. tsti ito ti tttl'(I~~'111Hilhatm Ctil hlsslfr.04E ' e e sehaD lois he ciatos lantigpatasieti t astion ad l lrtiem of e lar- :~t1 ;.~t1, tae las (~t i frem(itow. . Itwsh-'n.Fd O rttiientt lll$t sct3g rl4.'ltl' 11ore.t 1. . 'roes I i i 29byoor Srot icdr f sat o contt to'n $ea.doglertt2Map oati "t tee . Bos1 111 t t l'. made ist'hletSHowar. JTan p '~~~~T i s ocify t'it. . .g ittitt ttd rtt it t ti C. E. BW II AS I G nST avai I I. lf of i ~le ocsl, t grant tt- b s.lynrththecJ'ireesolexc 6 5 tat St ntsArbo 'Ich II I II..l~d. It, 10111 . le it fr YpilatiStdatees WedD t T YUby11ll lns tn 4etrAND IXIIIentti .lcttcafet Jet iY-1111 cMt s. I tdaLncitlca t c itl 's. St:ri- i l o iks, oeBSc.I~' i,~: m~ _________________r__ L'tsrto-tl..Ic...tao.ttocry.at Seb Jt.tto U sle, rturitt . yan i& Oteul torhe Nov- l s tlll in~cte still sit.Moet b l eota Tserm11 1 tittlwithtiyourt ti ratt legio1155to igas. TOeye ,ss1I i ht ,S. JH ' ALL NlsSITfrom tootte haacketofiheticonti1 Pitd sgh DSITE"LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE Cor. Main and Hueon Streets. tat, $50,000. Ssrpilus, $35,000. Transts general hanhing businese. exr, Pree. C. E. GIznasn, Vice-Pros FRED. B. BELSER, Cashier. ST NATIONAL BANRK of AmatArbor ta, $10,00015. Surptlus and Penfile, 135,0C Innoc a general hanking hasiness. 'Foreign ange teughit and sold. Furnish letters af S. INNE, Fees. HAtISON SOULS, Vice-Pres. S.W. CLARSnON Cashier fiw n nflor Savinqus Bsk apital Stock.i, woo. Sueplus, ;50,00. solozed tinder tho General Banking Lawse is tate. eceives depnsits, huys and se11s angr on the principal citien of the 'Unnted Gs rafts tasked upon proper identification, ' deposit hoxes to rent. sosast Christian Mack Pies.; W. D.Harri- View-Pros.; Chas. S. Bionk. Cashier; 1M. itz Assistant Cashie Sasenco., 2d V ito-preeNO C. Wosco Asst. Caehier SRVING BlINK TIransactts a general Baniking Business. 4 0. me MAR IN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR ! (mbalcning a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance nig ht and day. ties donce 302 Fifth Ave. Bicycle Playing Cards and Poker t ill-l per t'ttptr fo lautadry work. For -ti IChips lit Selialler's Bookstore, MainS tryIctrtli4 Wugnaer,". 11S. 'Main 011. R Colder weatber is Coming And with it comĀ°2sthoughts of ~sp gtettteitt~Winter Garments- Trq 0NRTH SIDE ? 1' WAGNER & COT Importing Tailors, 'A . LAUDRY Can please you in the many I AU I~RYlittle things that go to make upi 103 Troaw S 4BaWS.Phoner.Ygood tailoring. 05,5 Bsnda , 0 Bti Psno121 arid 123 SetMain Street COLLEGIARTE CAP'S. Nf fOP / SPA U/LDI'NGj E GOWNS and 11O005.J(Jt TII E ITIHINQ i ORTAI11 L~CZTUjREJFOBL SUP 1 }yegting ofAt i*e siverooty oed seherteer the gass It Rete ~S CHLEED' pliysieerdme i gsete CAWS rld OWNS InnSpaulding OffiialInfteis ill 'g ate Font A I SPEC~fiLTY nn p BallIsusesd hr all the e'di g t '0roand CEASSU I I I > TMrunsWn athletic clobs of theeontry. YF''t, v.10. u~l>uEi i iuAGSend for Catalogue 'allA~lt scSports. COtLR LEGSNS, Spoldiog's Oflirtat Font Ball tislde. with tb COLLGE P145 .11'nes Rules for tons. and records. rechirwsant CLASS. and ".s, NT ",Dginstrueteioninluding'pite ,-r oft pl. pers. i' C'U.BI DE Price. 10 rons.sFS HATS and Opens like a book. S POWn 'S SF 0kGGNIPDUM-B 3eL 1 ~Beatshe old string cover e er ier as developsr. Svery msclse nes- co. Leetuse paper 310. for 5ftod. WA,*seerlt4&OSt The bet tountain pens $1 A. . PAULD & kBROS. C[4d go.SE-85ILt, E ' HLEDE - 34 ' tuseor oat dl 340 i~i~ - -Soulth State NEW Yojkk C1ICAGO DSNVER