THE UNIVERSIY OF "MICHIGAN DAILY. 5 " am ) 5- EARL &. WILSON WM.' BARKER HOLMES & IDE WILBUR G QODSPEED'S un .~117 .MAIN ST. ',. MICHIGAN CENTR~AL a. +°c" "o sPIANOS TO RENT 'The Niagara Falls Route." , H NY 5 O . l CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. + Now onl thefloor at Tkn Taig. effect September so, igoo 7f N. UNIVERSITY AVENU Schaeberle Music Store Detoit Night Expess......... 5 5 .X We1 AAror Atlantic Exprte....... .....7 45 le ace on our tables anl Entiely New Lie 141 W. Libert S. An Aror Grand Rapido k I cc',.....1. 10 '~ of Fall and Winter Suitiugs N.YMoston dec.....4458 It Will Pay You to See Us.? FsilnEae c .. . .... 94 oa irr' F R E E cusBwsr.B O ai ndEpNs.Y.Cltc..)..........840 A W Foot. n'ecn 'cipct'cs ...111 l l~hIA50ic1 of M. tin titheery Chn ~gtcicc. . iARTISTIC TAILORS,-' 1)0D0et1100 c AarmClik Pacifci cc a e'. . . . . .12 30 A. At. in' tbr Steamship Tickets all Classto adBu I k" dC °"'C,'d "' IGdC3C3f''3 t' sold'Dtn'C 'I!C'$'C'd' '$"::"2"CI'O4O4.O+OWm4.Arnold4.JewelerO Europeanapointatlowtttr ateo. Full iblor-________ ___________________1 rod eee oalon' pplcation. _ 0. X. ncnfl.E3. ii Xc ii~en 1 l~iii n . ('11tolt -ky. thi t 1ell siu Il tiltcl r10. lilcey osid sint niighlt ibout11 TO pP. &TA t. hicago. At AnoAol~" nco. cI e an l lof filiitlig, mill oclck I tll' exaulillnils oll in- hill 1itt Iby ext Wdni sdaycotl deyIl "4111 cn l t'fllt ha~1111 Tt Lug" ill lit yII'[Itill' to t lg f ixlctili l 'Ite l oh h l ___ _______ xt____ week.NI)111'Tii, '. 5 Al5W ..agg' Ezsa xr rivcg - -- if' yltiliishItokelp accurate tl' iiie ll We are beler prepared 'han ever TIMngEff c T nALEy 5y~ii9.'11119 EII't'tl WIO\VNIORtIS ilochcll g111t', t01op dll at to give the best of carriage service, Traios leave Anns Arhor hy Cntral Stod. 51 1 a o;TgretS a. IslerSloer tr and Tn..c litrtc Tigttmle. c 111101lc~c'St~ . having added Iwo rubber tired SOUTH NORtTH - cipl1ete line "dle fall suits and coaches to our stock - - -- Wlet'tman or Laughliu Foutain overecalts at Wadlians, Ryan & Reule. IioiesLx ry 'No. 6.- 701 A. nm. No .- 8:56 A. . PilDS, $1 eacht Sehaleros Bookstore. otesIfv r No. 2-11,1D A i.t. No. 6.-1'1:30 . n.~ No. .- :5 p .M. No. 3.- 4:56'P.s. NOTIrru, lI VltO'I:pl.txl'(1701 1ttS 'PHONE 106, 515-E. LIBERTY ST. N o. 10.-R:05 . if. tNo. 10 -0o53 A. ,u. },y cl' rlllllV 10 rm11toIhel ttar1110. .All 1IIIlurai Il o l ts can go home11 51 111111 "Runi hbee sAn Arbor aod Toledo oly '111Yo 111te,(11ro111Nov. 3,to10 011 , Ifo All trainsoilily except isoday. T'lilt' 011 .11' r 'llolotr' ill el'lltlelgc 1111 tlire. Cet' ct 1 1 o0if mem'lbershdii Iso day only W.T.WILSAgen.a im5 x. 11 1Sulday. 1111 ii No. . 1 lilh ich ni 111 be se lce I of1-Ju11c preiet , 116c'iI W A. BFNNETf 1G PA11(ow1l1111e00 at. S:561 a.. i..til]l lvt' at . ttate cI.orI'Iof ite secetaryll at 8______________________________ :51. 1111'No. 2 twh 'ih 11now'goe110 tI3:11 P e~r.$ 41 :0tt1. Ill., wil11 e e1111' i so l 1:0. _______ HOKN Ij uVALLEY fRY.100lc'lhelllli' 1111t1111y11y111111',1,,ee1ry11. The Railroad that takea the AtPicitres for Suiens' Roomsa Business In and Out Thei' il11't nlll'lllll0 Tlil 11o thier lTli' SelllIlers Bookstor, 14 So. Man St. ° of Mschsan vc'l'ciy fincy rleterpar ll''ind11pa111in- gth ity11. .011'styles . Sllll'' 111- 0ll5B ok Is i'l'ifO: 1miv tokrlitomlpt div- A A SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS store11, 111 oMi Sti.11o. ttry;110115 by tie Toledo LandryGo - S DAILY BETWEEN ________ arl L..'Wager. agentl,121'. Man TOLEDO, COLUM'BUS O Itt l 11ccfor e letl1'-l0 00110, lt Maallan and WAnson rs. ashie and ATHENS. Si Illte' t 1ks01 11.40 So. Mimi 0. for sale at Wadbooos, Ryan &. ele. VctiO '' W. H. Fisher, 1. XW. L1.,idmail, 2, x le euain fr hg ls G. P. A. c. Trv.An. 25 per cent ofT on aill suits anti over- Ilalrsr'o 10 a ihc 0 DOt Oil THE HOUR eohbo, lhio. DetroA.Mieh. ito o'for ilday only. GLEN, te 3wat0ch1and jewelry repairing has been But centet of a1111action is still at Ililtil, Str. Stale had Washington. estblshd _ine_853.Hak'sfohthoolteanfes Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- _______ candes and ostcrs, sered in any bor Railway. If . 1youyfst o ke1111'' iep lila ift ul 1 ,)'Aitirmfe111'eiatill lnI t teither store. Cars lears for Detroit and Ypsilanti afit. otbacll g t1111'gil a sopyitll el ta t W u olc y e'Vminiii. Fidrtiturn171200 E. Washlingto, 346 So. Sate. every half' our, beginning at 715 a. min .0 .I l'llS .tt'telry Soi. at 1111 ily otic tit 11recie rolrti unti 7:411 p. tnt After that to Detroit ________ at 8:45tp. m , 9:45 p. i. and 11:15 t. m. ItO1tSALT eslt0iidee 504 Sll, c 1* If 51131 ~t il 11'o 1ta~'lrpaired'lltlP(icwickBlirdPro Waiting room, corner Ann and Main .i'tiro,,o St.; btouse -'Ililll1 2 I1.l~Idl tilltdoi it tli. PIikwick Blir IPros et.: Detroit. Itt Griswold St. 1113 li; all id itt li 111)33' weuifs.i. - tall Icytu 141iii Ie CSC1111' e aid IRe utiatilt Sic,' Tabliets; (O E ~ N D11111.4, 11tthe liprem3iiises. tl ra}( oy,' rtaiicott ts a wotsteptt,tr I']ew icittar hioicns, on watches. liamoodsIvleeis andothr I'er- Vo_______ tice t daulSttiia'c"Spiriitf tilttry?" Eertin tonal Pr~oerty. f0 e t5 e tisonce, eliE. Carolina B~ights Cigarettes, union if not, a11011forthe At i ArboriStrictlyiii .0i'htt Liert treetl. All btsiness coofidential, ytr tt l p-oDae Housr". e-to 11:30 a. m. and 1Toi:40 and 7 to made. Ask yor dealer for hem. :Ms ic Cot. 77N nvriyAe n ro P. oM. 10SP55 C. WATTS.CoN.InvriyAeAnAbr t PURTANHOEFOR WOMEN ~ 3.50 LEAD IN STYLE AND° QUALITY3.0 ~~~~3 . o~ AN~STYLES )AN D PLL. ONE PRICE ieSUHMI TR u. o~ Barber Face Massaigo a tjeera6l53Coo Wlliam Street ___ "'_ shop, and" Bath 'ls okadof rawbiring. allydos Ro msSatisfactioo. 21_2 S, Fourth Aver, 00th 'Phon es.j Shoe Shop o e arie tn. RPndt' WE PAT~t0NIZi GOODYEAR3 IRUJG 5T0_R