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November 02, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-02

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Wll Ox~en tbe S. L. A. Course Tomorrow [vening
with a Grand Concert.

The opening of this year's course of
tie Students', Lectu e Association wil
be an event of u nsal interest in tat it
wiii be a grund concert by te far-
famed Srauss Orestra of Vienia.
This is the ist time 'sd probably the
last that tte people (f Aiii Artorwilil
havse te otuiisnity of hea riig temost
widely k nowesoicetri in te sword.
The first aisitoly' tresions American
touir of te Strauss Dicestra sas ii
18g0, whens it ion te greatest success of
asny msicalni irganizaiisinnth nt d cae
sio Amnerica fromsiabtroad. Asidi te i-
terrst arouseil by its treseit tiiir tis
been eqialy smarked. Great asdiesces
hase flocied o the Strauss cncrrs iiid
een etharmsedlie tieir nmusic.
Ftw io gesertiosse. Srussifauss
iitis led incivertinisg pertaining iio te
comspsition asuithue performnaic f tir
swatz. Thiy ave comsposed it sd
piayed is for the swhoe word. What
Sousa is for tsr iso-stp Strauss is for
te seat.
Buti the Strassses ave ot composdt
seat music asne. They have siood
pre-emineit assong te comsposers of aii
tme for te geniss ansi raige of ieir
work. Sonic of te best operas of te
generation are te prouctions of tisi
gifted famiy.
Since 1823, whesesthe father organized
the Strauss Orciestra in Vienia, he osd
iis three sns, Joian, Josef asd Ed-
uard, liner conriuted so iess tian ,500
contrihutionss, incuing such popiar
watzes as "Te Beautifni Blue Danube,'
"Artist Life," "Wine, Wife and Song,"
"Morning Jornas," "Wiener But,"
'Thousand ad One Nights," "Tee-
gran," "Trifoien," "Bilgersin," "Do-
trinse," "Fusionen," Fesce Geister,"
"Welcome to Anerica," ad "Autumui
Roses,"' and sorts wei-kown operas as
"Die Federmaus," "The Merrry Wsar,"
"The Gypsy Baron" "The Queen's Lace
Handkercthief," "Prince Methusaei,"
"Riter Pasanus," "Jabuka," "A Night
ini "Venice," "Cgiostro," "Idigo,"
"Wiener Btu," "Wadsaster" and
"Gotin de Vernuimpft," the latter tiree
operetas having been just procured ly
Mr. Rudoitsi Aroison for preseniation
iii Amserica.
'The eder Strauss created te uodess
sastz, asd Joians, the youger, "Te
Watiz King," nusunsers his saice coms-
tositons b he undred.
dnrd Strauss is se yougst f te
ttree brohiers. Their father sas te
founder of the Strauss Orchestra (1823)
and' as distinguished by the Empteror oh
Austria wits the tite of "Tte Imperial
and "Royat Musical Director of Assro
Hungary." Eduard Strauss received ar
academtic education and grauated ir
philosophy He at first intended to gc
into he consuar service, but rthe eredi-
tary* tastes of his famiy asserted them
selves and e turned to music. 'Makin

Iis debut as eder of te Strauss Or-
ctestra in 1862, te has conutced tist or-
ganizations ever since. At ue eose of te
sevessies ie begass his coscert tours.
Tthey 500o5beae psi oulsar ll ser Hi-
rospe, and ini 890is' first cae tss o kiser-
sa, achevig iian imense success, sait
beinig welconediii sixty-ussr cities of he
Utiedet ates.Inthite ist tientytweo
sears ie tis visited over ight hundred
ciies ini the tio hemisheires.
He is commsiasder, officer or kniigti of
tweleoirders, asset tis received valeiable
preets frons thirty-two iferet rulers.
His ismusicat pusblicatissio seiue tesier
hundssrd cmpsiionii'sf Iiisswnss sa tisa
hsiudrid arrangemnts of operas, coscer
pieces iand1songs.
The urhestra is cmpauosedl almsost es-
tirety (f soloits of esalisedrerpta-
to h oliicouldtotle tbroght togetter
exceptl at si great cos orsissder royalvat-i
roinage. 'Te folloing is ai 5lii of 'la-
CosscertsMeiser......Her Rotonskl
SolosViulo...... . Hri Irasis'
Solos Viloisellis .....Herr Its sspel
Soloislte ..........Her Ne isses
SulisOoe.............Hess Beez
Soloa Clariseie ... ti....erSeens
Solo Bassoon.t.......Hrrr 1ogche
Solos Trihoni.....Hess elmannsi
Due sit theinoelieasif the Viennsiee
bandi's repertoire here will le a swalz
comsptosedt by Johainns, Josef assetEuiarit
Strauss. It is called "Trifolieiu," asse
sas writtens tweisty years ago for a isi-
iical sciey ini Viesnsa cated the "Hes-
erus." A itter qarrel betieens tir
three rotrhilers trevenstet the ierform-I
suterin ulbic. 'T'he itrodusctionssassd
first mosvemient were comsiposei by J-'
hiaiss, tir seconds msoenent sait trio by
Josef and the third msoemenrst and csoda
by tEduard, whlo awill coiduc tir irs
perforisisice of le iwalt ee.
T'te followisig is fromis the h.Vior ak
Hersaldf of October 2, concerning ue
opeig cinertl iiNess Yok City:'
"Kaiserlicher sisns hisiglieler es-
treicth-Unsgariscter If tKalltmeiserr
Edtuardet Srasss" stepped rptily forwar
oin tir vstage of the grasd ball romi of the
Watorf-Astoria ltnight,lEven Iefore
the aptpause that had greed his apear-
ansce ail sublsidedtle swunsig quiky
aroiundi, raisedst oh ile anms ais as lie
brosghit them dwsn like a flashis or
cesra, swtichlhinstrien. urst into the
sirriiig srinsof ite "Sine Spanglest
Issineditely the fasionale audsie
sisassnits feelsuet atue east gae te
Hof Kptelmseiser a salvii of attiasse.
T'his ittle licident, whisih wsas not oi the
prtgrammess.a osnce pacedt eder suit
listesners n raport-or perhapts it iweoulst
Inc nore approprite to say iii Suiisng.
Eves's withouitthis agreeable esoup, siss-
ever, Herr Strauss' success would ave
Sien assured after the double encore re-
ceived by his uricsel, "Welcoe o i'
Amierica," n-islet is dedicated to te Hsr-
ld. Ax ecores lie gave the "Pizicao
Polka," shickle coducted witih a deli-
cacy of shading which made a perfect x-
assptle of tirenmusinl side sf the art tep-
sichorean. His polka, "Vienna Cuson,"
also hid a double escore, foeshiheli
}eiteiat song "Nur ur Natur"
froisstue "Merry War," wehihs the clever
tcomiedian L.ik stade fasiuus hrerwes
ele pretty operetta hd its early Isearig
so intis city. The iwaltz was played with
ileelightfu insoucinsce-ins just the
sreansy seutisenlat spi in whiich Jo-
mussan Strauss 2d wrote it.
Is short Herr t-oftapelneistei
SStrauss shoed thutte i to dace musc
>what Seidwany to Wagner, andwaia
'Thomusas is isv Bach oust Beethoven. His
gels right itoit, and proceeds tos ge
>everything there is its it, out of it. \he
lie interprets tinermusic tir facs tu
aunis1mce its his famsiiar tposiionu willh is
fviolin held to Iis ip wihlsis left hnod,
1his os raisedt like a baton wihtierighth
Ha-ing ed the orchestra thrisugh he its
trodiuction, ie alternately plys ansicooss
Sneaking of the programme, it wsa
-model of is kind, neither too ong no
- too 'short and with just the right style os
3compositions f r a leader' likeii.I's

StrauesitundIhis sseehestcsu ustforty-fou slatfosrms sane spakitsslh ese oust a nat-
musicians. There surer thur dsances it uoralisrsaightforirnehvss asd liipiciy
reasdy soentisined and thur eader's gallop, that is good tehsear. Tall, gunt,.large-
"Happy lie ''orluidcve," aussi Joihann iframed, ithv I~ a shck of jet black sole
Strauss' "Simsplicius" overturse. ad a.compexions as (ark as a Spaniard,
T'hen in order o shosw slur orchestras one unestands after seeing its why Iis
proficiecsy "ini ohe walks of ie" there pvrtraits lolk so blacel. tic is a ocus
sas ass thor hll thstirpeliude tou Susasuegun s soryteller snd carries lis auince along
oper, "Corsseliuss Schut;" Mosurtswithu ihisssireathess iterest.
"As-c eran" is Here Strauss' arrange Thle ifollowinlg estrctrs souwc Iis stir
ms'e't for strings and harp; Lis's burst cers a a lectue:
Hunigarian rhapsody andsel alurtsudmuits "'T'esannsoucseent ofhErnest Sesus-
sic frs uassenet". "Cii." Thesie ces Thompsson'iv seuwolecture' os's wildiani-
were icet1 tlayed, especilly the dlicaemr rwvry srge auie s to Witill
"As-c Versus," swith its mutestrsings" i sou5Malal, yserdy afternooandsu
Thur sate of sen'sohabuien huay anud eveninsgad they are awli repaid foe
sus unasusully large numbuier sof rccgoig .s"Mr.e Thompssonuis one of thurmus
oerved lseuatss've en sohd, tfthur e'nterainins g lccturers nose o therpins-
tush for seats eousies thus'hushlx'il be form.us le as a usay of puttig thigs,
vwito ut stusining after effect, whlich esul-
ecuuxv'eu'ti us isis isau'sienicae at the stare andsh ol;s
Thus'dste.'forte stineuisBadutCusser st o hesfinish. Ilethais vouefful posy
hus be'enuu ssusgrulfromusWediusda yes f nrisislu'.ansd as isl ecures sre
lii's. 1, Iso Thusdauy, thus'ast. prinipalsssliv'ersushovd of soris, mosly
'hiss'(hsatsus'lst usust 'sill he' un dIsavvni Isoumshiis uwvn experic, thee re
)Ptrcht1i ilSfussush us ilsirut24. s a-ta ct ie forlesthis cause loe, utxxwlen
uosususul, iutsrd s thslure, wis-hh caesra sandu
Hois. Henrey 11. tfstutrs aiety'hunn e ncurui theyarse t rare tet en-Ofiaduf-
IPubili /gr
frhssubhjuct"u' ", ani'" td i tusdorlie'u n asisy andffishiess f these
viably usu'tiseii 'iusi',tsories0are5iresstibluefoe us eeurything
s outnsssthur16thti.he lie ilMer.'hstes00Thlomsoseas ia nay
C os'rruar- G'ne'al Le'oiuusutWosodshof Iuc ul isisusowsii Csvciiif naked sande
Cubthss psromutisse to use rtu Amississuudomued, ele foests hetells s woudt le
'erior and.utusuhuhess lt'e Ai'ssisuisif ,rry- interevtinug; ut uwhenusweehas-c the
he ru a~in u es ts o tlsia'e'Ilss t. T11,18 furlt'aindhfactoes fussly edacing before us,
heu usuis ext'sesto beu' suhue 1s o su, andst hedinullst he suiquip', andshdroll
thesre'ifolittlt' doutsthaut isusfewss peisr'shhserof isv accomsplished huimos
ndsborss torysIccteller hle''rer irresis-
us detfin'fteduts' ern t-ransnosued.i, ible >uuYorkTuiune.u
vit) iKNuWS'WuLD ANtI-AL.
I 'Pl u'l ust his'boasdsaub lusos cesuoed fat'
Thur secondsu mbeuuushrso euu sur eicw ill exe 1ue1sf o bs uetit fr slut' Mchig'ss-
be a ledtuce oi"ii''ldiAnimsals I Ihv as-ctai-i g orisis'No. it0. 'Sec'ilstrstuso
Knownu," by- Ernest Setuon-Thomputson,"'wsil leve' Aii Abusoh t,9:3 usant H1:15
sn Wseutmsesihy'eveimng, Nuv. 7 u. u., sanud'siitt est'v 'e uhot at 810
M. Thouuuempso isisarriele gresisesh suit 12 It m. 'T'herfuktu'sicudiig
iplatform ssuccesssi uensy years iwisth slu dmsl t h re r
lrsy p.Silbr.i aced1 turs at $1.75. Thur gu'ssul 'essh sihui-
exceptionso uf Her'uuStnlyi49us, on tir gams e101.
sand Re. Juon Watsons (lass uacri) ,
u1897-99 Su great ssh arssntir e emandi-________
for hisserscse'ss alihis managergrrhiss',beenusPriof. and 1Nis.Giro. TV. Pstresn
'romspelledsto uoohsukbim ifuse tvoscusres so v5 u'aindfom feou Fovu wu'resre y
every day slisng the scasovn. Crry ~ iSusrdsu ussglino
'sutre lbe is',beetsgeetuetIy' crsowdeedl P s'u'ot'hu'st Ptisuuttof tu' sisssutu-
i ]ouss ad yungandoilari(( locedsih s toiueir ofTehnloigy Prof.
soue'suud ssss' uustsli ahls 'hseed ,ssoni assnusuguofat\y. I T.
o loari . td its tiSsed'u uhs'e eleu'tas"'u'uiisiof blue
He knsowswildhuanimsasls amd his sru- six-rsisy',
usigs about themithtius-ceensomouse thslu
mo5stiedely reach books of thur timsu. Murn Nominated for Legislaure.
t All of Setusu-Tlimsiuissu's writhings sand ___
cdaigsvdsipissltist' subthur uersuonaslity' Altiwhot st t'nded's'the urn austusutehtie
tof usilet 'snimal isur enshasncedutmanuy Isulutmss m etig rmc's'' rly' wilt ti'uit'tiht
eIby hiss inmi't'abl lerscriptuionsuousthesistareu'rouusuye' iputs'I suusli t,y is ts u-
shfoisthis',ownslits.It is seekuomithat ituItliar just preiuousstositile'apeal.iorub 55-

srtist is gifrteduwithsthor ability to rusher-secihuplonk.
tamn uptanmsthur lecture platfornm, lutlE- -ic. thuirtiin -s just hsu'u ituntainiiuui-
_nssiSeeon-Thuomspson s s sumeveer uwiisth y nomusiated by h't' iuhsttleutuof tir
Iis voice as with his pesnun pencril. siouib ulietchet for thur otlise of sRtate
a In permon be hooksm ike a nan wiviso itsenator,.ttsis a gratlunte of Mii~ishua
rlived much out of doors ansI shaken f~ilm-and1 one of tue mooset enthusatiec sup-
f self free of restraints and conventionali- portes.eHiss many friends with ,be ;glad
l "ies. Vet he is perfectly at homse on surheso hear of lute latrat aurors,.

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