z2_ THE UNIVERSITY OF? MICHIGAN DAILY. cat* Mt Lein is Heard Fromhos.~i~ _________ tet dys ao arepeoeltaShoetsa ag acrfic --Afeed sag itrpeettv ofPblished Daiy (Nli1-a.- a e clettrti iaaithe the' Dal eeived a letter from Jolnts t aS cr fc Cllgeyea, t a (I olt a11 last year's tiack 11;11 It THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN hliktd ata Intti of the trackteam.t T k he way our shoes are going will UM t'. o0dtof isRwoCkHtOtt.' Johnssurprise you, and, the prices that Argtts Bid,strSt f 3S6Stale. Street iitt, caey ths yar. lieinare making them go will surprise Boh'hn,,3 - - S l~ho i tt towis"it rucitig lo t ttin h rcgls e-Uyou still- more. It swill e profit- MANAGING EDITOR, anit i thtory, ha i lsestide icreit , I in ahle foyou to e surprised. Drop beng lea of . I. H a. '1, t llill deprtm nt. f hs fot-in today andl try it. BUS IESS M at YR, hlie smlit eitayri"Tet. ma trifoot BUIE5MNA R i,1teltstc Tettita _ GLASS'S SHOE STORE, t . Eac naa,'ot i . Poo- thepresident.asit s- I. at~itTSiiisCteoresldjit hehasever set. Not 1 9So..Main Street.. TH ti , - (.t)Hrtrsat. itistatiltg this we cvre iotitbeatents Open evenings.until AN ARO ,MC AHEI , G.D nsr anE utuil at Sttitrdtty, attd Ito oweels 8 p. M. A NA BO ,MC A. H.3aitrtc,.t, 1)1hE. W A. KtGHT, 101iL. tag o e ttfated Sacred Heart College Miss . K.liiior le firt i tie Ili th history of the Mtc t. K.casor 53 Ct s. vouan school:te etd euntug of ortrbtk H.. BA. Wooato, nitRO cv.e.tahcoc, i a ~ti terit Aliteitrtu avr Ites 17 yaore , A tue aitd, weticsontea lt vertge itt atiut 1 ____________ _____ ttoip linds Tireitt ait l i wrigaten t That's Iad to secve ut we will Th . taeiiiou imanitI t otna tt iiit ceiglis ntilr170 poundtttt.csolve the question of Iows to buy1 forth t olee.atsea.tt itt atratatda, T)i' a i itittitit iittit~lt i bettr tnutea eat.N tetcoittttttn a i it t_ G te Wis iict i rt ttrtiytitr clotling economcally if tiot, attdtetr it ti r i tetutet bi a-I. W a tuiug-it')3 t.inttttthc it p. iu , ati tt a.t ci t it rc h titey are ecie t tips tir. Ot-i itt aiti ofttie uict yisalay." asthe Now Stoe when downiitown.t Suuscrietiontulae btiefttatItt LA fo, - B otiut r t et S titietrilii eat te 8'tiiut t utitttt ltilltJut treceived atother strong lue tniter tit ear'ttgitSltite atte. itonoy a A nti il oOI Stiltsunainini faa vbyleItotititeittipl ti t h iis iea ny ee nsic$1 eth ,at;SeatllerosiBookstore, "f hoe fauiuuueoaiertoeaeia er. ofihotitobyt$5tt0 Suesti otiefce biy St itp i ieta haitti ~Imnpotrevd Scothi Cheviots. We have a tew line of Golf Hats to un w"hh(tIua,110 t apearILMEshtowvyoat.. Would you like to see sotethintg swell in Overcoats ? the i cititetritisatito ile, ttlittitti V o Baiitedtty Ims iithat tie ina VIA WABASH RAILROAD' STAEBLER & WUERTH iii' uti Stal Nit I ttt mr les -o np 'orc olit motre The paopular route to Chicugo, Y V:Y1 :.I ©/ i/.o/y3/~r.Fy;yy:yy ;,~e'y ntstl -urtani, is hur I Itcs St. Lotus, Kansas City, Spring- ATH NS TH ATRE hav ttha is iuu'uicu th e i h -avi st field, Decatttr, 1Danville, itid all H j temi h-gw~t.nlpty ardatipoite Southwest. i1TH NI> - itf foolbllt. Te' avt- itt-u-title i- . Consult ticet Agentt-. tat liii lter abitl dIake a tIediate Cotnnectinct lMilan ALL TH IS WVEEK AT 8 P. M. st roll' clit:I plceamit ngi.it uglit hbig wit Continenhtl Litmited. siu tif it,1lilaSu. etnl e sbutll- R. S. GtuvNuAsuvuoi, M. P A. ~H L N (X juriy seil be snit.!ulii ivutthait - ii MISSHE N O E tley tand lt~ithelalt Shluin5uni te, OPENING NUMBER ~ W RDSLD kiii, gtodaytillty maciiitir l ly ll qiiTHE W RDS GREATEST LD sit tetlinati iuut.Thuey ciill tutu S. L. A. COUJRSE i tuptitt . utt ;ood r t C utherit0an tiuth Iot of-itgi i it ttan utoit luittt":ll i H Y PN O T~ PI T thrug i tt in t ii tuith tut umphull eI i h lougae gtuuii. htauti ity itiuxirt etil SUBJECTS SELECTED FROM THlE AU',DIENCE t i l. uciut htit ciiitttltmen tututihardl ci.tuotuliiid ib ttitushoiutllit their ORCHEfSTRA IFPhPCES: 10, 15 AND 25C NOTE:-On anti after Monday, Octoer 29h, reserved seats for 0'OSLw Special Election. UNIVERSITY HALL the Athens Theatre will e on sale at the POSTAL lELEGRAPH liiihucututuit1 t iveltsa htht Sa. ~OFFICE, next door to theatre entrance. Th Lso y1edin s eda "E ve. Nov. Order seats y phone, N. S. tq, ell . Itoot It ilihells binttg toueni troti AAAAAAAncAOO~~SJcI, itt 4he 1 fiii.ADMISSON 1.00$ Theu. ult-Itlu t t1iclh l i orthelit tut r J VI -~~ ist e itt choousing ti tuitulu t tr' a tutu iii Corse Tickets $2. Resered Seats 50ci ltulti tut 'ito luau IethEiti h tli iutL c R O SY S be 'Itfrheeoti ul s atth Prineetires TSHE 1)11)RELtABlLE STt'DENTS' IEAIQIAITERS Tie leIsnltl sfoh ;: Prntdlectures for all departB III~ 1 ~ I~ O i 11. Ii lnttihtlu"" wriIingsofthand ierspitygype REMODELED. REFITTED, EVERTHIiING NEW. leutuliur leuuutorh,1 oit-d-riinad.hneArah gBRUNSWICK IBALKE COLLENDER TABLES. Dita, 90t); . 1-2.lihueSa.EDWARDS BROS. WT A lutl e i ua1t .t. A . 8 Johnsoncuuu fo es Seethan's)cStailte r. TIWITHl St;flu al ih Ellh NnA ~~ff- ~IruA L.OT E Redmond, Kerr & Co,,1 HIGH GRAD--== Caledar.BANKERS, __41 Wall Street, New York IC'qd~r s, 1004000, U iARET TES utiu iitlestuic i Ntuitrr rthl fessat a geneetal ankig hlucsI . iDIL 3il ltiiE'1IlNS OF ALL SPORING'EVENTS ait t Pe rsh i 2a nuty t tustreteatatulstdreitellt s f SIC ON O T etinedpost subjhet dtortat Dividuesds E AND byttttirilty, Iv Sa I ur '9 nSi d iersA e lctdantnretited c sttC S0S 32Stisa gnsLiadngtaethe issue I Tof' T T railriod,Stret rcolicas guscempnis , elc.iT '02 , C lttutcField Seurities ittgiteaod sol n touts in t Io L SRsENTBALNN TRIL Sartur day, Nc 3 1230 p.rn i.- 02 -1l Me-titersNet Y or.lt 5eangee vso ', teguttsIfild -i _______E___________________________________ ORAL yVt' n.McignVTIN UP flfNhlEIIEPLUMBING- SttudNNvi iti3ihIGH 111-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. v. dana.1 f~lFerlcsiCocvssUleHArN]) SUPP~LIES, So iaua,N .38I n. - Stai Liestorfstret oeringa ent onutappliction, J1 5 - .-rEAMlASND HiTs WATERutHEAIN, tImuterial, Orchestrat atites S L. A. GRAHAM, KERR & CO 2 EWahnnSre. HIGH OGRAD~E MANTELS ANTI RATESFTUE, (Bourse SatuitayNov. iIts a avs lS-tutu- gan htIDetroit.I Lauusiuusieoradl ci thit1ad 0haiiE IIOI U U oute frnsl elifotsneads uties rte DW uShoes aW A H R , utu l~s th Good sesite iefined tale THlE2J iOEN'AN te nuituuentand sttllahutly tooing in 218 S. MAIN ST.K sic: TItt] C ,MNPUS 4 ' 27 i tsonti SWEETS TO THE SWEET. IF YOU WANT TO BE SWEET- SEE BROGAN-.I1I0 S. MAIN