THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3' Ear. :Tir. r"EE:fr E r. :fr.EE:E: E'.FfF: E :fr r: :E:ir. :tE? i'rE F: FFEEIF:E r: Pr.E F:CrE : g E : fr. : :E: EIF :rr.E' r:EE fr. : e:ir. = a: caEE:fe : r: e:iF fr E i'e-'.F : r'. :fE R AcFAA"LL'S FASHION TENDENCIES W VESTS----Cut higher. TROUSERS----Smaller around the foot, and, less sharply defined crease. For fall particulars give us a call. 0OD.SPEED'5 Tailors for Young Men. b 110 WASHINGTON E. ' I1 4' 4' 4' 4' !' ' !R' !f1 !r' 4' 4' 4' !h 4' :: 3 z = 333 i 3 3 333 3 3 = 3 3 '3?3 3?33 3 3 3? 3 ?3 3 i 3 3 3 F MICHIGAN CENTRAL iThe Niagara Falls Route." CENTRIAL STANDARD TIME. Taking effect Septenber io, i1900 Detroit Night Expres...0 ....555 A. a. Atlantic Exprcess........"r45" Grand Rapids Exprecs.....t ...11 10 Mail and Expess......... N. Y. Rostton Special ............4 58" Past Eastrnn...........9 43" Mail and Exprese.........8 40. .. BosonNY. and Chicago .... i....ds4 FastWetern E'xpress..........1 38P.. G.R. and Kai.REpesse.......5 45" Chicago Night Express ............943:" PaciicExpres..... .........12 30 A. M. Steamship Titcoets, all Class s and from Earopean point at lowest rates. Fall infor- motion on ap~plication. 0. W. RUGGI.ES. H. W. DAE, By. & T.Ag't, Chicago. Av't Ann Arbtor.' TIME TABLE Taking Effet, Sunda.y, May 01, 1599. Trains neave Ann Arbor by Central Stand. ard Tine. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 7:25 A. st. No. 1.- 8:56 A. M. No. 2-11:30 1. M.*No. 5-12:30 P. ou. No. 4.- x:35 P. nt. No. 3.- 4:56 P. Mr. No. 103.-K:05 a'. I, tNo. 101-9:05 A. X *Ran hetwee Ann Arbor and Toledo only. AlleI rains l'ilyexcepn Sunday. I ISsodoyc only. 'I. T.WVILLS, Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. P. A. HOCKING VALLEY BY. The Railroad that takes. the Business In and Out of Michigan. f SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUMiBUS .and ATHENS. W. H.Slisler, 1. W.Lanad,o G. P.A.5G. Teat.Agt. Colambas, Ohio. '0etroit. Michl. The Most Renowned Ladies Shoes'Alarflm lck 1 Cl csThe Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic U. of Al, Piles 50c to $100. Fine The MlbaStreet JenssMllr'atclt Repairing a Specialty. Th eband Jenes ML.rJI CHAPMAN, JEWELER, All styles, fl Dress All styles, 20641l'InSontli, One price, D)),0J Wear One price, FRE All widths in D~ongo la Kids, Enamel Calf' Box Calf and \'aloutr Calf. A5:FToItieittever Sole agents for Ann Arboi..2iS eth Thomas. Alarmc Clocka. AM C &COPAF N Y Wmn, Arnold, Jeweler Wrinkle Out Today. The electio11 nu11 bel. of* the \1;'rinkle is oul rtjll writlen by Dnazl, anal is a warllill to i'reshillell who, are illvlilled to visit: Ypsi. 't'ile lea fill- (ll''o will- oecllpies a full pa e, .ln(I represents two; i pi(al polinoiall"s '111 the Oct. 01 sovilly the ('01111'try." '111,6 1"'Icully is mildly roiste(l for keep- ill;; the lrlusie'll dubs ill torch. The Jokes my quito spicy. '1'aRillg e erg - tlling. into consideration to dzly's 11u111- her must Ile 11ron'ollm-ed Nvell 1111 14) i lle standard. W lill iiiI 'it', i:iil'ou ci' llt' C.ll'lil' .12111 I'l t'd lll 111 11siiti''e ii vi ae or TO NEW STUDENTS AND THlE (OiJ ONFS ALSO. We are better prepared than ever licild 10 illilllli:110"d11(11s15 hue. "Sc to give the best of carriage servicer sto i " i fo szlc it t~il having1ii added two robber tired :1 111 to210) ;S. 'Iic yce' St. 31 IA 11.1K ItS. Bicycle Playing Cardosland iPoker Chips at Schalteros Bookotore, Mlain attart Pictures for Studlents' Roomst. Sclillcr'o lBooksore, 316 So. Main at '1H11KEIGlHTHl'lt ONIOKEAL 1S 1205°i1 'l'igt't'o, 3(11; Tigeelo(', :)c. Waicrtiain or Laughlin F'ountalD Pe'ns, $1. ' Schallletr's Bookstore. lit' Vlllil 0 :1111 A lllnili 1:1 lilt'h11e 101:1111 Sl'il': ll ('1111151.'1111 f l'~ ol: ismerits: Fieu wir pomt1llOlpt deliv- try; clolle'fyItic Ttoleo LcTaundory Co. in 31. "L. litlav 3c'tt.1315S. Malin. Mianhallan and Wilson Bros. ahirte for sle at Wadhamus, Ryan & Reule. Complete line "Adler tall nulls and overcoats at Wadhanto, Ryan & Rute. lw it' . '15..11 OlyllO.. Svhlllt''s 300115' s11111, 113 '. 10. au o. coaches to our stock. Holmes Livery 'PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY ST. IDOL OP 'THE HOUR But center of attra ction is still at Hank's for hot chocolate and fresh candles and oyste'rs, ocrved in any style at either store. 200 E. Washington, 3113 So. Slate. Pickwick Billiard Parlors, Stooivcli Cuishions. Everything Nw and Strictly up-Io-Date, 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor OlS'lihaillv'e s I* , 1111'i , 3 111+. .51:11th c. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- Eialt7i t 3111rell~lir''e:11t llle's. bor Railway. 't- lercetoff onl alt cults a11nd1over- Cars leave for Detroitand Ypsilanti 'O':l1I''ol orL' aughilin 1Ioiiiil 011:115 for:10111:1ys oly. GLEN., te every bait our, beginning at 7:15 a. m. I'tile, $1 eachii.11.Slllltlcl"0 13o(IoIre. T'l':ior, cir. St:1atid Washington. unfil 7:45 p. m.; After that to Detroit. alrsrprvo frhg ls at 8:45 p. im, 9:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. im. Ifayours reptoooeepufor higb cimeoa 'Waiting room, corner Ann and Main evlll'c1 and jewelry repairing has been I li ~ei11(tl 1(lrlvlli'i eta.; DetroitII Griswold 8t. estab~lished lsiltce 1858.elfllclg11'gttCctp:111I ___________11A.51.1.Kh'iiJelt''ry Storc. MONEY LOANED youca't{afodoisSrass on Watches.,5DiamondaXWheels and other er e,' I'l'Nc'o Domiestic Finish 10isthe sonal Property. Offhe at residence, 331 E. Carln rgt iaets no rpreprfrludywr.FrI Liblerty stret.All business cenfadential. aoiaBihsCgrteuinjvprc3v ~Ettldyook iri Houlrs. s to 13 :0 a. m. antd 1to 3:3tand r toeO made. Ask your dealer for hes. try 5C311 S. Waigner, 321 S. Malo of. p. M. JOSEPH C. WATTS. i~nPURTANSHOE FOR WOMEN J3ULEAD IN STYLE AND' QUALITY 5 37 STYLES AND ALL ONE PRICE iSOhMANTI3T ixSOUTH fIAIN ST~REElT iiSOT MAN TRE U. of M Barber race mssage aEION D DI Shop and Bath Cassa'ork anid. -Satisfaction. Z22S.- foui IR 0oA18 2 STTE.JRTrojaowski Enabaluoer and 613 East William Street Pi Funeral Drectorl Universi ty jail one-kalf block west.T of law building. All kinds B~h'hn& She So of repri. oool dn. a a hti