THE UNIVERSITY 4l MICHIGAN DAILY FULL LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH TUTTLE'S 338 Sooth State St. ~ZBIYCLE BAIRGAINS iS50 Orient $34 $40iSterling 29 $3,5 Fowler 24 And many others. Call and see them. MI. STAELEUR'S CYCLE EMPORIUMI, 119 W. WASHIINGTON ST. Joittettierclasses in diancitng at ANY TlIM-E 'Teret g wt yo ur f irtlessn. Grtnnets Acatdemy OilMt.ytotttit. C. E. BARTHIELL, Agent,:^j Excursion Rates INTO GOOD CLOTHES WE CAN CHOW YOU mare than l10t0 of the most inviting styles fatrFFall and witterSuitings that were eter broaght together. TO ALL WHO BELEIVE tit strictly made-to-meatstre garments ought in be bought belaw the prices ordinarily charged twe frantkly say, "HERE YOU ARE." GOODRICH & DUKE, Agenct tar the Best Tatlors as Earth. Front room orer Firest National Bent CALIN' PREPIO CAMERAS 1=3 Off. CYCLONE t" i=3 Off. POCO ti 40 per cent. RAY << 50' < KODAKS " 20 < Come and see them. 1Rntscbier, the flp'otorapher. I ii i 31 'I.1 <1 tr St 'he'ater'r'tt~ eeittg tis'teek still ito tdotub n't-heliltlatrttiiot't. She in Watdhamis, Ryan & Retule are sale tgenis for Ypsilanti underwrear. hItty yaur Opera (ilassen a1 Hailer's awelte Sinre. tlate youtt eye gltsses repatired by Ittlr, lthe Jetweler. Realt$8 blia matteis the Howard. .itillallts, tRyatn & Reule, sole agents. 'T'et'Neon' Dtiiestie 1'iniishis inthe 1ollper otp 'r tio'latunidrywoark.b'ore-it ry Catrl .Wagitner, 121 S.'Mttin at. I. 1.1011 Itill dtititrightl. 111111fated'lit er and 11111 i nt Ilei'tv. 1Allstlesn. Seiilt'lr'a RBtti- tort', 11(; Soi. Main a't. 'ttltiorttatlat iltor 1tOstudnt'roit t 2) per cent off 00n1111 soils anal ater- )iat~ tilt'10 tdays only. GtEN, the tiler, ear. Stale atttl1'tahington. \11l111,1's Jetwelry Stare. It. s. (fret'ittrata. Sieltiglitiltiaetlger ltgt'tli of Hie'Wttabashrttilraoad, «ntstnit ltt' tity yet'eltrtaytoIatratt'e for alte- lal ralOt'Otesf tenllO trisliigto Il liotit' to rate. FORtI SALE Resiad'ee '104 Slate, cr. elt'ftrson St.; MliteettCtntihs 12 trtti's' tll Imitte'nli't'tl rto. a')t. In SF01'it llO t'I.NC AND) SltI-E huoYIT it 'ier a.Itle t 'iteral ta.Se.. Wadhianms, Ryan & Renle are solo agents far Ypsilanti ?Ir~at,--wear LUp-to-date Stationety at Schaller's Bookstore, 116 So. Main st. Smoke Booked tHavana Fil'ed :Night HawkR Cigars. They're Owol igh-t. 'I'le nme Walo" ilft1Ilitllill oiti ttti tt 110 1 iuat lit' misl~a t lt:LlIE Il'S. Art tPicturesfor Studens'o' omats at Sebtaitet's Boaokstore, 110 So. Main at. Its merits: lute Awont, petottpt adeliv'- t'ty; tone by lie Toledo Iaandry Ca. C'ttrl tL. Wagner. Ittent. 121 'S. Main. Manhattan and Wilson .Bras. shirts for sale at \Vadhitans, Ryan & Reule. ANDREW'S AMERICAN LAW Leading scholars pronounce this new work to he one of the GREAT= EST BOOKS of the day. All who aspire to the law should hare one. Call and examine. (AIA6IIAN & (0. (zs14 Monroe St., Chicago) ANN ARHOR BRANCH OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE Can. Main and Huon Streects. Cnpiial, $50,000. Surplus, $35,000. Teansncts geneelhatking busineen. E, KoEsF, PFeet. C. E. GREENE, Vine-Free Fans. HBLSERt, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K tnof 16 Capital, $100,000. Sueplus and Profts, 530,000 Ceratoet a general hooting butiness. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Fturnieh lettees at credit. E. 0. KINNEPrent. HARRISON SOUSLE, ViceePres. S. W. ('LAREKSON Cahier Te ir ff1lirr avinu Bank Capitol Stoct. 85na00t. Surplus,.$150,000. Organied under the "General Banking Law' of this State. Receivee daposits, butys and selin exchange on the prineiplcitis ottaf tile Rained States. Deafts eatbed aeon penpee identification. Safety depnait boxes ta tent. tman, Vice-e:.; has . E. Hiseaek, Cashiee, M. T. Fiettz, Asitnt ashier i. Ati w,1t icerei 'I rasats a gotieral Banikinig Bunsiniess. 32 6S.Slain St. AnnAarbor, ic.a WRY DON'T YOU aet Youri' Meals tint1Luntchies atI P04t~loC4pE OPEN ALL NoItIT. HiURON ST.,Two dlo r _-t'jnlConk Hoane. l FUNERAL DIRECTOR Ebinalming a epecinity. No. 209 S. 4tbh Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rea denee 302 Fifth.Ave. NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY THOS. ROWE, 1Propr. 1003 Broadway. 457 Bell Phone Makersatof COLLEGIATE CAPS. +i i, GOWNS and 11OODS, Renting af CAPS ard GOWNS, E1 aPECISLTY. CLASS CLINES, COLLECE FLAGS, t' . COLLEGE PINS, CLASS and COLLEGE HATS and CAPS.,. t WMe KERN &GCO, 411WL. FiftySieeth St.P CIAGO, ILL. F HAVEYOU SEEN -THOSE N9B Y BROWNS Intl trill tNltttl 'loit r tlt t'e Sirlitin C(,ntite line "'Adler call anits and 'relte. utovercoats at ,Wadhanms, Ryan & Renie. It 'Tltit ur t 'n't'ttvitt i 'ii- t 'u'luutk itt Colder weavber is Comingq And with it domsthoughts of Winter Garments' WAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors, a Can please you in the many little things that go to make up good tailoring. 121 and 123 S,tVain Street UrtTTHE TING FR TAKINQ LE(ZTUREJ SCH LEEDE' TEMPORARY BINDER Opens like a book. neats the old string rover Lecoure paper 31b. Car 50c The best fountain penn1 SCHLOEEDE,. - - - -~ 340 South State SPAULDING'S FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES Ate universutlyytusrd wherever the gatmr it played, the trade mareSbeing the guarantee. Tite SpaligffcaIne-olgaeFt Hall. aidaOfciltte'toigteFt Is used by till the ladintg eolleget and athletic clubs of the country. Price,$4.0 Send for Catnague of all Athletic Sparta. Sitaidioge Offleini Soot Hall Guide, with the newe Roles Car 19000. and records, reviews attd instructions, ittcluding pictuesof1600 piyaers. trice. 10 rents. SANDOW'S SPRING-GRIPT" DUMB-BELLS Inrented by Sandote. Hare no etiualas so exerciser and developer. Every mangle bente- fited. A. G. SPAULDING & BEOS. (Incorporated) NEW YORK CHICAGO DENVER M1LWABR..-D.- THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SI1TINGS=IN THE CITY-