THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 WJJTI!EIWLY BAT 1NGTItES Made from the Celebrated Baratheas Silk, In all the latest colors and designs, 50 1% G ODSOCU ' ~117 MAIN ST. S. ° MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Most Renowned Ladies Shoes'Alarfll ocks SI. The Niagara Falls Route.' -- CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic U. of M. Fills 50c toI $1.00. Fine 'Taking ef0ect'SetmThe Melba oStreet .ens ilrWatch Repairing a Specialty. eftoi feat SE p emers........o,5A.M 1. 1,CHAP MAN, JEWELER, Ataoit Nxpie Foitle ........ .... 45 06 Main South,. Grand Rapis pess..... .....10 All styles, flfl Dress Ail styles, 5 MiandY Exprt~ies..............341' On. prie, 31 0I Wear One price, 3 Muil an rss ......... 8 40.M 9 I -iR iF iI Boson,N. Y ted thicago .... :9 43" All widths in D~ongola Kids, Enamel Calf, Box Calf and Valour Calf.A Uci11ewtlevy G. R. ~ aKa. xres .......... 4>Sole agents for Ann Arbor. el-2.5 eiet i TomasAlarat (ieeE. Chicago Night Stxprtes, . 4....... 94:31"Durng O 1 let Steamtship Tickets all Clot1 asead f ~M FCK & O A fNY WnArodJelr European poitsi. atlowtte. ulleo 1 infle - ma tics on applictitos.______________________________ o. W. RUIGGLES. 11. . HAES. G.5'. & T.An'tCicago. A<>t AAor . '04t Engineers Break Away From the Univ. Y. Ml. C. A. Reception. 4T Lits. li lttrt .3.t 9 ~~ it tiikilrt Ittit_ it9 lte at1 t \tl1' h i' llt .1,tit ll lilt' 11111lidelts O L D ESPL 1 11cttitttl ~i f41 he11 1904g, Iillc i iilt 11111 111 ittttt11 9 1 eaebetrprprd thnee Tukla Effet, Sss~ia, Sta '25,1899. II ' t 1 tl~itt ttttttthtt t 113109 itttltt-;ro (11 iItth l licl nl l , l il 'cgov t gi vetebs f caraesrie Tric lae csAec b Catc Oas. ttittottt.19101.' tetttieite litttlltIilitti ttl it- AN DdTE twoI rober tired e.d ii~e lt ttettt~ Il i~e~ It 9 1111. tie (11. 'o1 1111 111it !(i' tc1ti lt ocstoiurstck TIME. 1 A.. Nc . 8:0.MABLEtI towlt it t in iltilt ott' it t rl litll tl'ttt l tt oltl:;i I t o lnth es f Lariageervie \\. e r 1 _4 o 1 1 1 ] 1 ° l l s p l t c in - ct. a y , M 4a y P21, i s .c - " e u r ll t h t t e n o f t e h a n g d e d w o u b r t r d *No. 6.-e:25. M. N. 1- 8o56A . t rill I1111 1 ttt 1 , :tttlItte Ihottttltly Iltnoilnt1f19r'HoE10. 51e.sIBRY1 T *Run btetwee eAs Arb~o andToledo cnly. IIocfttol I iiit wIt th e i lot t tletll liort All seatns.tdaily exceptOSnday. lptttnt tsndaysealy. e1101tt t1 1 lhe' ii ittin, tletttcttt- W H. BENNETT. 0. P. A.tedino k l too "n ,lo secs 1Ee spar~litnlco11e1 Whn th HOCKING VALLEY RY. tiitotle IIput,tIlttet some. Ivrtlilllit The Railroad that takes the 1111111 99t\ll'o x tytt tttll Bussiness In and ()sut 'l(,, tetttlorttI Iv lii tititit 111th tq of Michigan. ttltl1 11111ItI til htla SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS fttIle ilt Itttittof e ltig-cles tIll- DAILY BETWENtorev t, lil Ii ill Ie l t i ll MtllteI itt TOLEDO, COLUf IBUS Iliie aend .A~THEN31~~S, 9111 9 9 illl ltto co e ltttlttler111o'f1 Colambtus, Ohtto. lelsoll. Mtelt. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- c1iiEi11I III II N )ElI;.51 bor IRailway. 11115 i ligto. 10(,;'1'i: erette, 5c. Cars lesve for Detroit and Yeitilsnti arvhl'outar.eteiciitrat 715a. m.-______ EIll 111;111 recived a 11liltitt It'ovo :11,vN1, tr11 itt -t l t litt il l l i t which htt lllg ttlttt e 111Mleitt lty Itt 1 Itt I Iore c lled o11ttiftrlt 11191 t tles '-f-tGO GN , IDOL 01F lTHE HOUR But center of attraction is still at Hanik's for hot choclate and fresh candies and oysters, served in any style 'at either stere. 20 E. Washlingtn, 010 So. Slate. asntii_ 7:45 p. m.; After that. tolDetroit Wateriian or Laughllin Fountain 25 111r tillitoIT 1111 tll soits snd liver- at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. m. and 01:15 p.mi. Peiis, $1 each, it Selialtr's Rockstore. coals o19 10 daltys culy. GLEN, te Pickwick illird Parlors, Watne om onrAnadM i al~,cr lt n ahntn ts.; Detroit, 111 Griswold t. Carolina Brights Cigarettes, uonReuaion Sz als -OE-LA E made. Ask your dealer for hem. '5 1IN'r-S pleasant sut ttf rom iltotir eliCushionsa. s WeieOaetsSeesadalE. leone lock froimithe Campous. Modern ryhngNw i scudobe Property. Ofieat residence, .1 .titl. ;littiClt-s1it t I i .11.1 .10'8 Jewvelry lnijtrsvenmenta, price reasonahle. , St l pta e, Libety street. All fi usiness confidential. Uu~l pl-ae Sours.S 8to 1:30Oa. m.and Ilo 30and 7 to01S totee Ca11 91 812 E. Wishiugton st. 3270N.UivriyAeAnAbo p.a M.JOSEPHI C.WATTS _____'N. ___________si_____Ave._Ann _Arbor 305,0I LEAD IN STYLE AND (QUALITY 35 37 S TYLES fAND A LL ONEPRICE It iel SOUTH PlAIN STREET >ll SOUTH MAIN STREET d wu i 00trausO fr0 i uvi U. of K Barber ENceCHsa.altEmsialer aDrn niesiy615 East William Street Fse M-alt. ss Ng IETEREE mbnealmDetr'dlusonehalf btack west Fi+ ShopGla~s-Wok an 212 . Av,, of law building. All kinds11 C tla asisfaWtond outh Boh.. Soe ho of repairing tstly dose.R a 21 S veBAhSheE. Lambert. Poo R1oo'ms,312 STATE. 1. R. Teeaneeskl i~o WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG SThRE-