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October 30, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-30

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o ^ i o


Announcement Michigan Is Conceded to be the Strong-
est Teans~in the West at Present
Our special line __Her Proopects Bright For
'p of foreign and Winning the Pennant.
domestic fabrics ,t 1,-;t tie ci-titttittr aeteilltthie
For the Fall and V+ inter of 5900 has mtidle wed'taa eta-gao aharrow
dwinart t tcti itrb atofpaaihitities.
arrived and is arranged for inoper- 1sotiattti, ti iub ti-leu ibefore-Narth-
tion. The gamte careful attention Wcestern, ltis 'tlak-et-Nat re Doamt',
is given to the styles antd finish of ater tttttetattie-oatothe itt i- -e,
every suit, whether to be used for i taHrt'es tsY ill atttt i-naecit-
(1cluts.OCur ise _55 li,-o"t1totia ade -
business purposes or for full dress fteit ei-rt-i i a tictitillt. blt tt g
occasions. atnafrtothtTorot te itt ttttt rittii e ti

o8 E. Washington St.lttita itte ttita
bast e cold afo w atttie i oisCii
and B(Ioit. tld t e itii4fteseii1itts
B ATH TOW Ecis ilibeii! to -tatiwis -a , I ritt s i, ttatg
PRICESe latter o tatf,iscsit n. Chi--itu
Yuunnuuii .ill; i unee td ittya it-iettaea tint
ALLtha tit t ti-isac tfell et her ii t hit i ll i
PVR T IG ORC Spleni i lu e rittt uiO it'tt i nl o.1,keaf," o
FORCGAS si O-t tIti-ttheca a ii ornoeteIt e i- 1111.--ait
NEW BCCO-ven he eore ic ilt ng fit ig-t ic ii (lotsitnit
plac ant siviteall ur riens t sl ititi er hetprtat- i tht -iict asa
beat r' ouPLN hES a y ams.htllvl~lchiefrwnc
It. SStt E.,O L ,3 85 tSt t. itstill tti. Foii tlanut t bti her
pY T T it il i )"tt iii lict het saii it t heit onet
O ur splen id lisle of 1 t l cal' i ied _l ti'tti- it- ;Ir
NE Pz iIPES,~ C.IARS dTO lsdre si~ i ll-- c-1 enicat sitn
Ilac an4ivteal, urfiedst cl lb IIb OXES il( ii it tititstsa1it wiit. li
4.n tg i ie t w attwi av .Yu-a'tT evse)ititt D w tls il
hea ourteNCHES. ieya . ltini. fti i-ta titit
+t. iE. aOLLY, ie0$ S, Sate . liiii tilt- ta fW riscn i, ilt- ,Ioitit N
.Id J Ie ota ni-iftct-t )Nun i ttt e ntl
to4ls it.loilrcek w l e w
L. CO.S G Tpn I NVRS~ ~h 4.chl 'anPtitttitihec mi owt it i etitet-ii i
+ ANDI+irwill (tat a di id ti' tt ttti i-t- attis-
+j Istt LO f a N E w iii -f I. t id t rT it ic ii ii itt.ic i sii
~ College ongs in whch is ax i it-Iit toica Ito t. satitti- i-
4. C LA E peslaces 1 rIt rcr i "tiii'liii (tiiitiihisi-ti h tit.tilo tf otie
" th uvry ateistlarg nd thesr e s ~t -t iciter 17 -osto c ry he
4. g so gs, ay os ohpic haentnot titulcicaThis weitt-it , h iitit iac
yo benpbihd bfre, altlystgl lg hu' uticatit i lcttope
psur ftin g ther freseetive cot- otlt-u lst tits ~l iiisotccit-ittutu
l e e s A n u be)o o dj o n s i a t ic t a itt a -tif . ti lt S ic titit a O tt t o ila
thatstil ret i her opla i hat] niti.ti- atill fis t iiittfitt h tifs
hZCR.Av E een nld bIEcaST h Ey ti7ci-iittik f t\iteti tutalit t-i t cs -litDe
are stillilikedrad are muds song,11ilro-mises tobe
wherever sudents assmble.shlll-KiNe.Notrelant
++++++++++++++++++-1+fitt , itic Ott Deaii hits.a o ltt elsy
it p eaa o h pieI bt fats-i th -a iitiph a fuod r it -la tissal-
+I iog san is ta cc-ill li tho-tia the se tiof
+,I 50it~ocs r Ntria;nt Motidats coitey
ollieeFin-frtdhy san dleeslnt rin,otscibe
+ tIsathetoitlhose ho New hadkeopert
L ] taco s1)tcolhvesterallls arg et

Work Done in the Illinois Ganme. Dates For the Big Debates.
Blow -its ati smniiitrt of the tardtic liii-flosiig ata-tieastotbethieu a-
ntuitiy litftiferentat'tititta it- ilt- ratgedi ffrrthe oratorical catet, ead-
tit gfttttOnttutrdiat-. Thi-e attIII ,t, tte Nrthtern Oatrictil league:
ttu itt- itittro thtitletilt -hts iOfittthe titaitt sist 'TietatdyifFb.1i.
;;t titt bialtedin iithe Chli-unaihetie: Cl-atsirilttiuariu-a Fet. 20-28.
FIRST IHALF 5Univestyttconeta irePhfi.
Camt tiblt rius atutu ku-i-airtht hantrChiago Alutnietl
tututi n- - --.... ... 59 ti-idsantdti$75.
Minori..a ..a.-- - - -...27 ytiia t-ail e uatmano, $5.
i~tcigar ............. 43yard itill r(ii-iitttMfieitigtiuasatratotatand
tutu ........... G ad altrnatein ithe Not-her-ntLetge cn-
tittita ~tetto be ldtii-t i ititt, Ma1y 3,
[lisu (1.0nu ...fi ........tt 02 i s iri i'thonor, ieioi-a Ixoen to0iit
1,er~ tfo tIlnt Iis.. oyrsTtu a tt tealisote(IsiitittOpet-n ti Sto
Ott ' MAa1~tittttL I?.Pa a dtiltoftthel eatr ttitmetnt; n oDCi b ru n oks- ~dnso h iea yadegieer-
thilo-d. i...i . .. .......itt-iar - ret iat tutu-titt cs- h rhit i iuitatie
I' ts- iiter r ii 5 it law-ic'Students ccwio te-
it ut-ittut(-t) i yrsire t t t toeae tth idbteitsi-aoud join
lliois 1.) j:: yars t ftheiiliitiaty-stcetesitin tiroltrt-
hotrag for l ii it i r... i ,,_ yads yI tive iii ii t rftuuuta Outy nuoittioti
hittira e rIliutui, ... 1 ad fthe ltha Sui it.Adeilpi, SWestr at
I hi- c118yaitt Ct I I iI IEBATING TT1C Li EhV.
It ti ct i iii i tred a liiiThe intuttuloat 1i it it tt iti
-liol........... I Ii fittd' 11tu1t0 u- a ut ileatesolved , thatutit
tIuuta - i tittitiatforte iltStittec to tteitut to
Illnoi (5) .. .. .. .ia y 55so ilucite lN i i ulutt t a O iP-i
Miiss Clark at Newbery Hall. tutu Nt.Ii.
- -______ ut-r t-1 pa iuni Dettut-to vN.t-2.
tthe titeri-latyeatii tutu'a tind uonot,$h0it hit hnotuat$30.
Co mos,,t-te i ttt ity i-it artu- Iiii( iihon to tutell cntitutu theIhut- thit-
oui fhett-u -t $ittht-i uSund yaltr tu a i lt u eagte-u a m.h
litrig h r ittatsti o l t i hit tile-T hlii- IU tivrityc hi tittitt th -l linue-
tititifd ild s t iui- expri-ct ces, w a intutu t iiitit it-.ti-o-gaNtuiiiseto-ii
situ wutsauti i a, seia iii5tttiato 5 ttie i thut-ftutulitt-lte tt e hel
au-o wtutu iner t tutuollid u i t I utueti huResoltedthat teITa S
er fo hlhe i t thealttero ib hl ubsitidttie leu ntittihittitutine
diaguttuu-tt aphit-i-i uwhtuturtiUt- T t o a-Sie cituuiug ftutud-
tilt-tu forn tt litgai h5 : i e loitait u li
5\''iitut-it- ttaass it ii to CicoofTHtilt-It-N Ntyt\'LNIh - lIhtlHIlhN
snit-eu t uu-uuuuu Mastt tityearsofa gestiu utti tt-txutu'It A nA rbor. t'Iitt' lt 8,
httithrt iut tittc lca11i-huhainIi ut i.tttattit' lReattetat uhi .8.
,hrgofit wii thu g Oic's'hu.Theseuseators i'shouldtbhu tut - -u-tip ultarui
itt --i ~t forit u-u tnt. Iut-ut wuta 1'littinitht tc hiusa t it' hutDee, S
sueisiion.att Thut-us toducted on uuh ut tftuuoantttDec.-ut21:-iAdeliitit v s -t
ustrue iii tplantutuNitiDee, 22
.At util ttuet' t a ti iu ttseara- Infeiii htuuuuutufDuftut- utu 26.
I-u- al theis it uiuuuuult-ultl ilidby t- luhuuutia First 'htonor $70 soe--
I'ro. uir hiunTaylo'rtutudtuitntrit$50;-ithurd htutat$h
'The stututlimetusehtiiIt tiartgie ttl( liiihei-ittttta-iiitt constituteteUiet--
hut iit tu-clit-potu alittiIpartt f (hi'tlio.i al'ityion ting tam.
hou-ti theiiSi'ettottt workersta-alive F1thi CUP DEBATEF,
ututuctiuutl-gttthhe 114. n Ms a httitit thuiititui-iReIlecdtattthe itteg--
Iliii- ctui luig gislt usandiheritritt it til-ftthlii (hiutaseEtutire souseld be
"'aiit tittt ut-imie tut utu'etutuor t'their p r- uttta uuuui
nis 1 oit- uu ait-lscretutu nic-thuaugi01utu fthIttiuina tuusatte tftbyfMrht
li uttu irforifti-rsantuu ichidren. S0.i
('t!tip 1-Mn-tt is Ilth t nam ittof lit- oi-itet Iutr-Sctuuui-Dbtest-toftoi-onisn
ic-itthi-lpoor tuungirls tatd ots iaim-h c-d;vs.Wbtster, Apritl 11; :Alth No vs-
f~r hei ut-n stuig 'iii o- tt unsuhcniuuitAtelphlAptil 12
lutr uliautu-uuauumtiae hte tulltingiif CuptContest-lay 10.
ith'isttaes.toThe itammoof ue soetyut sinig the
Whentis 1larkittvit cIt ciiittetigatebtuse uandsftheOtuns of 'ito debaters
ther i-eu i-rie titiutit2ti uierpht tanhut thut tutuitscried 00 ti-acul.T hIie society
hhutututwinninttg the tost debatee in two ido-
'ticuff.tc-hut cwishiutifttudotitttticarties is entiledl to hold the Detroit
tth ihaSettlementtis nout a.ihtritlhOAlumntii Citytias a opermantutrtophy
iuualittituum 51 eaconsides tiftsi-i ME 1t3tBStIce
aettiouuutm oreashute tii. aso tmchtli'Meimbrhip in i-le Aociati-on marts
benesfitfrotesusitortsas dii-thee-itt-for foist yars. 6ifembersiip ee, 25
Oelttu of thseir hkindnes.FlisIn- 'ens.e
deili15lie Sentimsent oflte imath-s-________
thou. The name "Waldo" on a mandolin or
The _plusee eo buy your jewelry is gutar, giianees atsot musical tone
tIALLE-It'S and' an inttument

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