THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY A FULL LINE Excursion Rates INTO GOOD CLOTHES WVE CAN SHOW YOU teei and Wit e utings that we GYMNSIUMTO AL thO tretli made to- inasu ordinairily ho leliwetfanki FOOTBALL, Goof GOLF OODSAgent for the Bet Can be found at Our Store C[ALINS Sheehan &Co. ~ )re thi l 00 oft tie mostiviting stele's toriFrll er fce bought together. ,L WHO BELEIVE te aretts ouht to be bought below the price- kl sao HERE YOU ARE. DRICH & DUKE, Tailors on treth, Froof room aver First National Bank 'three graduates of the U. of M. School of Pharmacy put up prescrip- tions here. Education, skill anld experientco are at your commuand here.......... ........ VON IIOLSI!! U. S. Constitutionall and Political History, This is the LAST WEEK of the VON HOIST CLUMB Incidently the LAST WEEK to obtain this Standard Work at the SPECIA PRICE of $10.00 for the 8 VOLUMES. (AL1A4BAN &(0. ANN ARtBOR50BRANCHS OPPOSITEILAW BUILDING, 340 S, STATE 320 S. STATE STREET.# You can get a HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S BARGAINS $511 Orient $34 #lt sterlitng29 ,a Po lar 24 A nt msany otfhers. Call and sre tfhem.j M. STAEBLE7R'S CYCL[ EMPO)RIUMI 119 W. WASINGTON ST. lRe tschler, tbe ph~otographer. .lan the classet ,i ancgaeot t ANY TIM.E 'Iero-nbe grnscwithtou ir0stI s~to. mor,nnc'sAc atemy p tOtt 'i rt't. i 4 1 3 I I I 3 ThIi'l! iIlum Sieti l'I'liteillie ufl 03L. Elects Officers -~_______ il,: first seleiii'iilii,il l iltit l_____Cor. Main 0a0dHaron Sireets. eestl~i1t: ih t I 1 t ii e 'e' hc.. '(' ilet'o'i:;L. I i tt' e, l liili llle W'it ll Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $35,000. Transacts ccii itilNvse iiofii "'ewI lllllnt'. lca i~mu 'te t ut lii 'Oe geoereatcooking bosintes 'lliitolrs ee 'ic'hil o111oimi t\\'ea t (ml cmiii el ''' clasii ei N k tel. RKnxrr,PFeet. C. E. GREENE, Vito-Free mltllpi('I'c lNve 'III(' l'ii 'uleiii e: lecei. u l u ' ti' 111. tte FaRE. B.BELSER, Cashier. to he n( i\sv lelll itliii'titit'i( )lye the ____________________________________ Xl oI lhilit, mie ' h illl~lI1. I ('C) . liti Sma , li, om m'ly thl Ii' tiiili 111ihllo i IA ~ U I l~It ofAimArbor Ililimmi. 1 lla''iriiie. 'llitllmmml site vv. ccelFIRST NATIONAML BAINK Iseaniard16 Six lnil \\it'e ' itiieint l lsi' i'i'miii' .\s ic tie' iner' m'ta' tt'e 'xlii' Capital, 80000. Sorpleus ail Profit, t30,tOO 'Idly.lii til t l 'i ild;ietifitl e lite 175 Transacts a general ha tune hasliesi, Foreign ali it flei14 li tlilli'li to ole 'tst hU -enehangeitoght and sol. Fuenish letters of Biyl lylgCarts intl ioker ttlcredtit. Stieetc 'tayEi. ,DBKINNE, Free, BAR1ttSON SOULE, Chlls tiat Schller'sia Bookesiore', Main at ''lhl mllt re cull 'led sfattlitie c: EVicePres. 1.II, lit') ieIii: Alias I II rl~t''ae',imi 'A K .amtr Iltyy5otur Opera tGlas aIttHaler'O's (li"('.Ilitetil: .1 IE. S\\t'(u'(i'm, r(stilt" t -C leit tli Slore, mi11w.I.. X.,Pinlci. r l aetc:.1. ' fleTuefi n #Mror Savings BanX ('opital Stacksh,0. Spies, $150,055. LI cm'toa'i'eye gassesirepaililtbyRescimice-,5~00,000. t~e t' sti eye ttihet retairet .\. theremmvi'i s not mi mimi 'l mci, mm c'f in Oni eethi le aGeeal Sotiking Laws Mallet, ,tlilt' ler'of it i I c fi l tt ii i imil ill ill(,iccoftic'e'aofi' oatthis State, Reeeives deposits, btmisaand tells o___________ eechange en 1tim'.tprincipal citits et the Stnited :It Bili 'I i m ie a t t- limi