8 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY A Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade..L WS FULL LINEOur sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state GYMNASIUM! of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. SENIOR, JUIR FRESHMAN ARTISTICZALLYXr'°NECHIANICAILLY You can obtain ALL the FOOTBALLtext books used in the FOOT ALL!We will be glad to prove it to you, course. GO FG O STruly Yours, C LAIlAN & CO S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron Can be found at Our Store ----- - OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE ,J When we fill a prescription it con- We are not only The She han Co.tals exactly what tie Doctor orders, Oldest firm but we carry S e h n & C .( N weighed and measured withprcso.3 To bring your prescription to usi The Most Complete line of 320 S. STATE STREET. to be sure that it will e right... Law Books in the city. noona Aetebty 5Wo 0airep Gn~ ALIthejj~'otovapcr.OUR 1900 LAW CATALOGUE for LEARNI TO DANCE ' the asking Mr an M'ra RoseC, nuce the -- esingof theiacrool atotloa Gentlemen ett her h i _ ®,o 1 .iL4/ J " MtextSeturtoday erlntadresafter letclr trma Wdnedoy eeg t. Call at office, A- °^ Grager's Acderoy asn Mayard Stret or r .e 1 ell 'Plone,4. eor tMinr00 an eerSreets. Th a LRn~rn, The Seassn at the Athens. L tie," Richard Golden in "Old Jed CpttgOOtt atW M.OOO T a -or Prouty," "Way Down ast," and Mrs. &,K, Pr C. E' 0 a, Vte-Pe MngrFiske in" "Becky 'Sharpe." FED. 1G 0 oERCsher.e CCEEPRIannUMi aae Seabolt, always alive to Mr. Seabolt has always taken ars et the best there is for lis pato cte oeere FIRST RTOA AK'' x~n boo been at work all summer looking "" iteral the sudntgs atd thervans.aitA O erd a mot lberl ptron ge t teirhand, cpitl, 10000.Sr per ad Prt, 140 tup attractions for the coming year 'enao eca reo oroeP rI ~ Eadbamtrat nsa ucs nSry If you want to look nice, get ecnage borrgt ad sort Prnret leer, cn the number of good things he has been yorludydn yteTldo-ce di. BICTCLE SUNDRIES atrir'to find for the students. Besides yopaunde r e byrigthendToldoscam E D.KINNI,',Pers. ARIOSol Etr.t tie ran of ordinary pays Manager sea- py. IhAeny atWa. d w M il sut .W.- Vio ;alre 4Nb JMVFLES. ri booa to announce Jefferson in Rip ye.Aec-tWge',Mi tet .W tBOl ote Van Winkle, Otis Skinner, Frank J W terman Fountain Pens at $1 at fi 119 W. Washington St. Kfeenan, Mrs. tiske, Richard Golden, Seiraer's Bookstore, Main st. Te iRunl iRFO ain dIus dI1 -'uoPdi, "a DwnEst"an "Dick" de Pont, son of Prof. P. R. Capeitaltc.oor0.eerplae rsV100. -lire C"rsic' eorril efudedoPont, was drowned at ltea Cheneaux orgaized unete enralrtPaktnacLha lieboi'Io ae tn5r sealaando this summer while out salng. ecataana teroriit cire of Outt ato- trai ha com oter atration in 'lie lad was well known 'to the stu- 5tat.nDr a ced no ro pe0r idetrito, sight bt does nol cae to announce rdns by iis connection with the U. of satgro~ hitiauro c, ro.; .DHr them 00 yet J. ~~ .. Fi toe, Aistattaotte 11 I;,, 1" Itoyto A Trip to Chinatown," John I. W. Danforth, W. P. Cavnaugh________________ Griffith 'in "Virgiius," Alberta Gal- an Cha. A. Frutauff, '00 laws, have C E. SARTHEiLL, Agent, iti n in "Sapho,' tmperial Stock Cs irrssed the Colorado state bar examina- w. d BOOnR o E . t 326 S. State S5. An Abr, tich. irr repertire, Join E. Kellerd in "Thetos and been admitted to practice. .. vSoiree so Cr1tre, t- - ytrher Code," "Under the Dome," Graduate Directr Baird made a trip on..WI-ZorA--rto-sir IO WHY DON'T YOU Adrews' Opera Co., Mle 'Awkins, t South America during th summri ET YOR U VoAT land IheeLion'isea, "Bore J. sitiono Heoreurnsoe buseprp- anateageea Vshirte irn taust," -A Trip to Coon- ber 1. lBankingtBusiness P04TLI4,0 CFJ E tlen,"ir I aler E. Perkins in "The Vru en get your repairing done Y Ilq w - -ansir tomr Mexico," What Happenedtaynd promptly at Hal ler's Jew- HURON ST., Twnorest of Csok 1Houe. 't0 Jones," Srdo's "La Jasona," Ger- 'ry Stoe. rode Coghlan in 'Vanity Vair," fi- ' _ periFIroliques, Otis Skinner in START RIGHT BY USING 0. M. MARTIN.. "trince Otto" Hoyt's "A Hal., in the tolryr Tigers,10.t Tigerettes, 5c. Ground," Jefferson in 'iRip Van - FU NERAL Winkle," Frank . eenan in "A Poor Conplete line "Adler" fal suits and DIRECTOR Relation," "At the White Horse Toy- niercoats at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. Embalming a specialty. No. 2G9 S. 4alt er-i," "A Ward of tFrance," "Sherlock NOTICE-To whom it may concer: Ave. Ambulance night rnd day. tRes Hohres," Oliner Scotta minstrels, F. Tie name of Henry Hansen, '01 Law dsnce 102 Fifth Ave. C. Whitney's "Quo Vadis," "The Heart Cas, h s'been changed to Henry _____________________D_ lrridon Stock Co., "Why Smith Left Htrnsen Erand. H. H. . S~t.ttlsleetptgee " to"etessiaeisea- Hoe,"' "ess of the ar ," "A Wise Full line of disecting instruments at TrNTe...Wman " "'he enrista," Hoyt's "A Quarry's Campus Drug Store. Goods: NORT SIDSh I. er in New Yok" The Span Hof and pices guaranteed LAUNDRY THO-S.SHP C U T 4,67 BellOW Priner. TWO QUALITIES _______COLLARS COLLEGIATE CAPS. t IIN GOWNOS ad H000S. --N / CAPSa5GSGOWNSSI E 151 C_ PECIIILT. V I E CLASS CANES, COLLECE FLAGS, e- COLLGE PNS," n ,aWAG ER & CO, SPAULDING'S- COLLEGE aerdasher FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES HIATS and CAPS""". Are ativeraiY uaed theree tie gaie is W,,KR- O TT ETIIGF RT KN E T R ) played Oe tademarksegthers ghuarrne 'I~'AdILI'. LL.1'JlL.J 'lie Spalding Official nt-oiegiate Fot C1HN IttSvAGsI C LEESIn ased y ali te leading cotee and CIiAOIL ~OPENS athletic clots at the onty. Prte, see. _____________________E . Send for Catalogue or ati Atletei Sprts. Graner' Scoolof ancng-pen TEPORRY Y Anea Rulstaf on iee, and recod, reviews and GrnersSholoiDnin-pnsEtRAYAruectisa.inludigpicurca es o0piayrs, ngoeihenhseason Sauday, B NDERfBOOK Prieg, 0 coas. September 29th. Gentlemen 10 a. M., LI I Invented by Sandow. ave o eqat as an :Ipayable i advance, $5 pe tern F. SCHLEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State NWYR Innerorat0DENE of twelve weeks. TOHAVE YOU SEEN' OB3BRWSM''33I fl A THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND LTHOE NOBY ROWN lviIL.V fmF~ ~N.JENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE CITY. I