THE UNIVER3SITT OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 SFALL'S FSHION TENDENCIES t COAT----Increased shoulder width and squareness with emphatic waist closeness in sacks......... .. elm For full particulars give us a call. elilit Tliailors for Young Men.; 110 WASHINGTON E. m MICHIGAN C ENTPAL ~PIANOS TO RENT The Niagara Falls Route." 'Ik F H fENR 'Y B ~RO " ( ' 12,7t1T1l CE'R .S(ADR PM.Taking effect September ti oo 1900 Now on the floor at§ ShebreM sc to , Doeet NghtE a709 N, UNIVERSITY AVENUE5 e~r ui oe Do t N a-a .u... 5 55 a . 1.ksantly Eli et .... 54 ..... "4 We iave on our tables anl ntirzfy New Line + 14 N. Liet t1. Ae Abr &lapitI P Esjt:............. i.t4710 M of Pall and W inter ntingS. ..1 .Y9oto1pca .......... l, I.Bntntjini48It WillPa You to See Us. O Fat Eaettn ... 3J 8 Payl Mi an i 9... 840 A-j .R.ansd haKIn i e all 'le 4.s5a"ea©frtlt~Io t~e t11 T eas lrm lk Chicag Ni alttl'npte' 1 .43 1 ARTISTIC TAILORS,' Sesipket.leass ontrn Win, Arnod, Jeweler Euopno ints toet rts.Flr .. ATItH1 c kteanEs II.W intAltet For Class Games. edtr Society Preliminaries T Si e nit Uit and ' I siento:i. eld I ,tien tdliltniliie' for3 t i II CII A n tt Ot ON EAtso ANSI S^_ 1iMS iF ==2~f lul ,~l"' 113. ltrdstt'I' le t Ie:elttnti le a 'kin t tiotal. We are beler prepared than ever Taking Effet, Snndnley, May 21 , 1899,ttr nthit(-eiitdb e ni togv tebst fca ige evc, Trains Ienve AssArbor by Cetral Stasd- 3111is tton. tt the i wn ytt e b11 tt ie ill'lttent i k s tl ogv h eto araesrie and Tit . -el-itrilt all }rts tin sedt'hl ckttoth ai t e! t itt etlltC5 tof tt' s ill rerest s having added Io rb e ie SOUTH alo~t~el p it sla i n. t he I tt' 1111 tih l 1it-itgttl i i l t'e 111111111 titeba t teel coaches to our ock. N o . i n t hesnan u. tat f r- lh' 3n f e l l o nlhs ti e s aL i.e1y etNot ecall Taled1e58 enl. titb in dti thelt nn T Ilett1 1tt5'ots t il' 11Ab 'outtt. 2 ir t 'i i tt il n e lttl its 15, ' iv r Alo t4a. I li a5 tepik. Nd.a.-, :5 P.M. J1 0 iii it to bI i tl nttl h at . Dot latt -tr, 'l'itt I06 5i5tttlLIB'ERoy-itt sail r s io 3IIO gn.sttl nitt tiit'ittl tic . leooltlei "R nbeseessAn rbrand Toeot nl. itttil ilt'aftyT heln f' nl jewt, 2 T . abj 1et nt le'tttchdliettit .tai''',9- - At SrmpO tLD exeST uEdTaINS t-0i i'lllt' itti tt'ttte . 10-l. ''t' tel"I31tc it-e Thlt is b II ii Neo t'..httie a TOLDs O , COW T L L BS, A e ti tt t.ftti~nttiet ~tiiItilSt' n tt 1 it ' nil tttto t nitxltl tes. l- p'e / W a i N d T U AH N . Tte sn Itt--ill s 'ttn yItttl , 'il' ca-rt"."The 1 rtit btt1t is verymstrong I, airc f I tv-I02 ittit-lltttt i t- i'' 5 'th e ltiti eshNg, rfa r ofs:it t iie'vineit- l l ci.hralo ton e tila H O C K INtttlVA LltE Ylitt. '0tcit'eitlnandttsiti RancaeforToeir andaie a d fre- Detoit YptlatiandAnn Ar-____ ti-itgs fttlu ec'et'lloote ittte endes0n41 sirseve i. n bor Railway. ~~lit' ttite l,( iasno tit-e t-ilgo111' btis tttl( 'litti-va ie-tctgee ti' lt teiersoe ever haf ose, ceginin at th . m t th r 213. lil' .jl ttt'n l l' ' tet. IS' nt-cit'ti It-i ll i tt tt ti lt ticltl't- -_______ uTe; a frthat t De tro i -llity e l 1 ,h l ' t e y'ttttl' a :e dtl is It tI 1 1Wl titt S a tlilit 11',t tttnlg Wait ineomconera and ut n I ho ld t'hst. tLhacn,_ene ic. fl 11 .0 etc Mer it. chIianod.t-___--- 5tiil- bi {hi t - d a le Sti \ loftny at ebatera Pik ic t1 ja alos Illtill_:i___________________]its____ Webgeitrusetstli Stat- titNob. 1, attn4 eeri. 01tea ellse 4 up11515utETiprMoIIN le thefiN ( hllEhverything New anddba kc TOErt Otres. LU MBUseo Se ier. 0 tIto Smo ndSlrltilil oe.Boo e tianaed ht SritlU-teDte er a nd a I 5a.aA idH ES. paad ity a in g epes e;Tige.t c- I H w i gu rarso.Tie'e O l Rgh. 77 N Un rst Av A nAbo It tat ian)jugeHfroulVte inu W.H iie ; Iadavo _arrta1lwr at ~nrgt~ G. Ta.~t rllwr ilholoS, u 1 hO e, intu E arpOR We