b THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 6 THE UNIVERSITY OL MICHIGAN DAILY A FULL LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. ARTISTICALLY M ECHANICALLY We will be glad to proveit to you, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huror Il- t T T~I(1 Sheehan & Co.'1;ALI JIN Three graduates of thte U. olf M. School of Pharmatcy pot up prescrip- tions here. Education, skill anid experience are lat your command here..... .. . .. .. .. .. .. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a lVentscbtcr, the jjphotog3vapher. HOT LUNCH VONDliOLSTI! U.S. Constitutionall and Political History. This is tile LAST WEEK of tihe VON HOIST CLUB nIncidently tile LAST WEEK to -obtain this Standard Work; at the SPECIA PRfICE of $10.00 for the S VOLUMES. (ALLAiBAN &(0. ANtN ARBOR BRIANCHI OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE Cor. MatitantHuon treets001. Capital, $50,10^1. Surplus, $5,000t. Trasact- I't general banking tbtsitess, R, aKEMPFi,Pres. CE. GEENE, Vito-Prey FRED. H 105000. Cashier. tf Li o1 AnnAthot d., FIRST NATIUNAL RANK Ogaed, 188 Capital., $l00, I0. Surpluste 1and1Profits, 30,00r St exchage ougiht 1and1sold.FurnislettertttttoW -ctedit. E. D3. lINE.Pres-. HARRIOIN SOULhE, IIt Vice-Pre 3 S. W. CLARKESON Cashier IThefAiO lrbor Savings Banh 2r Capital Stock. 850,0005. Surplust, $150,000. Reourttcet,.81500,t0.O 1e Or-ganized tnder the Goneral Baking Law- of this State. Receivotdepoits,hoytsad soe excang Iontoe pinctipal titiesothe totnited SI afety deotit ttoxetsI to et. OFERS:atChritia Mck, Pe.; W D.atot. P-ooa, Vice-Pres.; Chat. N. Hitcok. Cahir; N J.Fritz, AssistantCashier TUTTLE'S 318sot StttiPato St. BARGAINS $7,l) Orientl $34 $401 Sterlinlg 29 $:15 Fotwler 24 Andi toally otiters. (all antd see theit. M. STA[BLER'S CYCLE EMIPORIUM, 119 W. WASHIINGTON ST. Jao in thte e in datninig at ANY TIMLE Cermo,.e a Or witatour0 frstye. sottors. Asthcie oatlrotte cf the ovonts Y. M. C. A. Notes. show. thte Americans wore easily the____ start in (Bh (Ofattcomnyu. Tite-se receptiontrillbet-civt otnighita mten could be picket out fromi the in-cc atIalltMdcDn tetoatiotnal g'routp by thteir clean-colt- phsqe n ytesinead(olosadPiris .por otal evideitedin tttheir eveuts. Sev- ottl tialin tir-cst Is the stticentsoI eral worlds recorilt aeittbylte thitse detlt-itin11011s hatstie-citarrannetad n rnh rcrs wr acttteneso hs eatnnsmse neeyeeto h hl !\- ep et l nie n mo a r. t t rt c i- o d - r - - t- il y titi e tt-s r c d .it t b ud t totit nle a Receptiona to the Athletes. ct-treittctl. Abatlqutet teas given to all tte ath- itt'. I Ott-l-Ittill spteak 1Is teict lete s at thte Racinig Clutb Houtse by OttctillanII 1a111 Sitttlatty--c 28111, at (lie FreitchoCoioamttea ttf Athletics ).I.E(timatlluldthte11010himn. few clay-s altertic- inet seas ove.s S Thie follswiiiginighlttBaroti te Con -t -tt-tc ittif n altstilts Intlov01 bertin glvee tre:-eftioit antI banqute(tC fo-r ttti tdays snly. GLENtoalhevsinahee.Tenn 'iu r. tendW hn.-t It elabtorate btanqut given by- Cttmmtis- sitner Peels tothtie Amlericanl athletes in (liehUtited States Patviliocapettto TO1IRlN A Gniesuite forc181.5t te clinmax. stii liheri aitnditiiba .Sth:,39Tholtt The Retarn Tr p. __________ The AMit-iigatanimetastay-ed itn Iarts 1itlitbtild fosite!, a tteets.lien wanaa ot tilfferent N'Lt s tFec ok xr tn a .ANL,1tVc-rsside tI s. Kte-no Filzat- rii;t too ) i iroeltr h .V H S. 2d Vicettreoco riots an11dtMcteantit to Londoit1011,Iilot it g lt(ct1l1 Jt h OHatiC. WAIt.TzAsst. Cashier SRVINO1 Dveoraks a1111Leiblee wetttto Dieptpeitcampus, 427 'Tltotpson. Prance. Inc a tecekiof saslt eater Itath- -- --BN lull Hayes.,(tans aindl tanfttrthltoottttts i tt11111a inosictti friend? Y es? ton extendetd trip trotugit Switer-ilttit 1111 tt iliit thse fittely- hotund cot- Tranasacts a general land.,(Iermantiy, nelgitum, ttllandtand ci t-it-sti -thtilt- citAcor Iltiic Co. B ankinig Busineas. engltc-and Iy Atigist d 1111 (lihe mten, --_____ Lotndon,1and11oilAtuguist - t.sailed ftorn Its__________________work,____________deliv- Soutthampttonittr Anmerica on (Ice "Aun- iI 0 do elm-c.the-Ti.etotLa.ndryC. guiste-Victoriai."CrL.Wge.aet12,SMin C. E. BARTHIELL, Agent, 326 S. State so. Ann .Arbor, lich.{ WHY 0ON'T YOU IttatTte.te gtte, Gmet Yout Meals attd Lunites at Conmplete liae "Adler roll suits and overcoaais atl Wadota, Ityan & Renle. P04TL41D CFpE Carolina Brights Cigarettes, unionL' z OPEN ALL NIIUnT. matde. Asko yonr dealer for hem. HURON ST. Two doors wc tof Cook House. ________ Mlanhattan and Wiltson Bios.shitus tar Sate at SVatttalttO. Ryan & Bottle. tretcl t. lihe-Camoputs,427 Prhomp- 1(8 ItI-IN-T A1ttleasat suit a of oo tuoelbltocktfothtt le Campuno Modern 03 M. MARTIN...'E FUNERAL- DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 1S. t Ave. Ambulance night and day. hR" deuoe 302 Fifth Avo- TyThe... - TyNORTH SIDE - LAUNDRY THOS. RNOWE, Propr. 1003 Brondway.