THiE UNtVERStTY 0OY MICHIGAN 1I1it. U , o ~ Senior Laws Win First Game. _____________________________ the firsttnoise f the class chain- Pubiished Daily (Monaycsextceptd)during the pioushtip series wss played by the '01 Collegeryear, at Ezi xxx and '03 Dents at Regents' Field THE NIVESIT OF lCI1 ~ Teenior . Laws defeated the Fresh. MAINcFFE BRANHeCcHerFFIe Dents by the decisive scare of 27 to 0. Aegax Bldg, Mai xSt5. 336 5. Stte treet.r The lis ttamelalotege n Helix 'Phcnes 13. NewS 51c1'Picxxs182. cery steghe n _____________________________ utxclassed te team fraxnm the dental MANAGING EDITOR, department. 0. H. HNS,.'01 iXicolls, the law qunairterbacka, was in- BUSINESS MANAGER, jured ii tile first scrimmage sand his F5. ENGLRxD~c, '01fL retirement from the game necessitated several undesirable changes in the EDITORS: line-np, which weakened the team to ATHLETICS, - H. 0. Hrearce, '01 E. a consideiable extent. The Dentrs bad several goad indi- vidnaxxicoGrr 0 .w. ~cT,'1L players, especially their right MxxxsfL, K. SAxIxEc'03 Closs, fix-AKa'01 end, flit they lacked teaml work. fi. H. Weescxew, -xxx W. P. CraxEY,'i L Far the Laws Campbell, EMand and _________________________Wiiticimfi plae d the best game. In 4-nc -ec1an-P itait]11,01 axano n eaiec_ .s STEIN-BLOCK CLOTH' 0 tHOTHiINQ HOBBIEK °K NE. Tihis make of clothing is c fined to us in this town, and is1 swellest tatlors' creations for ri rear. SUS"ts$15.o0 to25.00. l uvercoats $16 to 3o. LINDENSCHfIITTI & A PFEL ING AITER :on- the N all Thec subscxipiocaxric-of5thexrILYxisx350 tionsxxxdrtirate intendedrr fo r pbclx- xio xiiuitbexcandexilrratcthiii AILYoirixixe l.,oriaildto theiitrbxxore3 thxey re ectedrctoiappear.i Subsci'ripionxxixayxilbecl l xftatt 15DALYoxiceii Mxexer'x, orxtxx ets ewsanxrcit Busines M ta ixer tSubsribersx xwill conferia far iby rxxirtiixxcpromxxptyat isofcan faluxr.of carrie'rs tliertiapex Alt chxxangesxiincdvrisig ate msbei oni whiichiltey ire t per SPECIAL TELEGRAM. TeamxixarriveldStIixis)toringixfine rcspit'- its and exceletihlxthlic 1erptKellycelia caxuixhxicoli!buis not act xxbadilshaxpe.Teaxm loaxitallyho xxrSidercti itic paxxris xun- ti it in., xix el too Si) l i xiiiraicecncl xxx xxxxfai xxx At 3 p. 11t.lily wentxithrxoxgh sitisignxxal zcoin xxi iioniitchliiBeaicht Hotelxibull xxand platyedin xxfine fcrxxx. Tcamx xxistoelofi /wcinigandxxin xcex- certlexnts/illixli CoaLaxij s ia ii We xxxust wixiice are henxto play..footblil andilare goxxxg to dc it. Dir ectociritid Sic/i to[inixas dccc Fit patri. Ilinocx iiimetax citlidi at aniid xxpect Ito wincHflxat/liistipci!allixipportcrs c/f Sc bet lieuviy xiii Jlixc ln ii3n isole oddsc if Sc 4 have bee Poffxredby Illinisx Lixnc-uipixsxme asii opnig Ifnuru ;cnxie. F. E\Ecxx1cxxit. Owing So the taci at space in to- days issne dna to the Pario ga mes write-np a numbxer at ether articles were coxwded sill, txnl will rects-c at- tention in tomorow'sxxialssie. Todays Gooses. Minnesoaavss. Nortli Daxoax. taowa vs. Draklee Uxixvexsixy Chicaigo sc. Pennxlvnia.xx Kianstic cx. Denvexr \ hit-tic Cinb. W~iscosnivss. Grinnxel Punrdue VS. tose Patsytechnic. Harsard vs. CarlitsleIndians. Tate vs. Colunmbia PrinceStso nvs. tBrossnx Niest Point vs. Willitams. Cornell vs. Dartmnouth. IF YOU WOULI) BE HAPPY SMOKE Royal Tigers, l~c; Ticeretleox Sc. The stuidents from the Owosso filch School, accompanied by several of their instrnctors, visited the varions departxments of the University yester- day. They attended the class game in a bo-dy. thly ditticult gal, in inhich department ot the game rte Lxsowscre somewhat Class Gaines Today. i03 is. '1, t 5 a.m. *03_l v . x l t10 a. m. cit01 5s.H,'xat1:t0 p. in. '03 L xc's.'0, a-i 1:30 p. m. Biasycle Playing Cards and Poker Chinsat Sclliar'sBookstore, Slain st Bu yxouiiiOpera Glases at tHallaris Jiwlr Moirstae. FO (xi IN 1-One bxlock n-cot of the cas a frocnt snite at cxxmfortxxle S I H LC FOR R x R (PICTURES, 0 1O PICTURE FRAMING i AND S ii/SI GI BSON PICTURES I6(.ob. miller i S 212 S. Maiun St. S DE FRIES' ART STORE, 217 S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR. rocons; two sbeds, bath, gas, tete- -VVV oVV oO . . V FV 40CVV V V~V V0VC' phone. 521 E. Jefferson. 31H Hvyoreye glasses repaxired by 5 AT1 HlEINS TIH1ELA lT R E, blter, the Jeweler. tic-t $3 hxat inade is the Htoward. SAlTU RDAY, OCT. 27 Wxadlxia, lRyantRiule, sol aents. ' Americas Leading Romantic Actor, Final in Tennis Doubles. iltr o itantyi bin e-CARL A. lIASW1If' peinenplxayingofth final round9 Famous ltixoigliont the -sold as "The Silver King, wilt presentt inth cc ie, tnidobie.Ttain mpreetd his i(wanid Scenic Melodramxa, in Four Acts, entitled tme txxx one sat being played. The fist -set waisscarn Sty Rnssel -and Dan- forth ove Gu xtiei and Whitney by the cccix 6-. It is ituite tprobable that theJf math _ilbideineyospoed By ARTHUR SHIRLEYi and BENJ. LANDECK. ttalle'sreuriicn oixexCr igh clas ssattch and jeswelry repairing ixas been The entire production under tse direction of Francex R. Haxwin. establisthdsince1585. AS PRODUCED 1000 TIMES IN LONDON. 1b -iNess ortritlaxticIxinrk. is rthe A Carload of Special Scenery and Mechanical Effects, propiexr lisp --r fCiii- lxry Fair it tr __________anr,12 S Man t PRICES: 25, 35, 50 and 75., All repubitlicansa join t eclbbat O OAAOAAA poA0A0AOAcJAOAOAOAOADAOAOACOAPAOAOACO 0 tsxi's B-ioks apen ftrar f ess-days ___ __--_____ sadhamsSRyan & Haute are cole Phiato Viesaof Sthe Bryaxn crossd at 111f ii011)111 EII .11 USTt 151ENTS'lIEADIQI xlt1'itS the CoctrHotse tor saticby Esndall. BILLIARD P.AR LOR BOARD $3.00-Meni ssaiter s;Fecan m RIE OI)DIThI, LEFITTE.D, EVERY THING NEW. cook; string orchlestra. The Cam-BIRUNSWICK I3ALKII COLLE.NDEJI TABLES. xlis. 427 'Txhomxpson 0/. WIT H Red ond K rr Co7j HIGH GRADE--= 41 BANKERS, 41eWll Sreet Ne Yor s C 94qS, Tos4oo, C19qIErTEs Transactl tatgeneral11bsPhtsgItbusSnePs. Rexi itc esits cll ee l.t drafxt. iidexd AL 3 L TN 1'A LS~i.L G E E T anineest colltedanx remxxitte.t s t ~A II xsosO T Memsbers Newc Yctxlxt+xgc TATEENO D sOEN -u E NOLD RoAoxtxi 312 TREET Wadhams, Eyan & Heute are sale agents foc Ypslant.L0ci'"ear DEAtL IN _____- HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. I r O UI SANITARY PLUMBING- Up-ta-date Stationery at 'Schaller's Lisxticuerrenit alteixex test on applieation, J* [ * C S2.EI CiiItCCOSTRUTION AmN SUPP~IS, Bookstore, St16So. Ma-Sns. PHtLAttELPHIx COtRSEPONDEFNTS, 7 Sr'EAusiANDsHlxTvWATERii IATiNGx GRAHAM, KER & CO. 207 E. Washington Street. Axivsicf GAs AND EeIcTccFi Fx,'UmtaS. Smoke Booked Havana Filled Nght HIHRAE_ ANELAD_ RAES Hawk Cigairs. They're Owl Righit. EXCHANGE Your Oil aFr "Ass We ares heasdquarters taor everything.- in thxe tine of fnrnishing~s for xro"iMtc eeratoxrsmstdents' rooms, Reserved Seats GASOLINE LAMPS LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHtOTO RACKS, SHSADES,. -Far- Brngs i ourxodones andletssuste rau WASTE IPAPEB BASKETS, CUSPIDORSS. GOOD GOVERNiMENT CLUB LEC- an oer-.Th Superior M'f'g.Co., Oar Prices Yon Will Atways Find the Lowest. EreCOSE.5e39 S.Mats St.,sesr Wilims. MA R KHAM' S BA AR BnieCure2e eadqxuarters far Shasta Mantles andBA AR Now on sate at Wilder's, State st. Chimesyj215 SOUTH MAIN STREET, NEW STATE 'PHONE 462 SWEETS TO THE SWEET. IF YOU WANT TO BE SWEET SEE BROGAN- 110 S, MAIN