Wbe ' o fj '4rIg ' VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1900. No. 3o. for but unpopular mal-de-mer. For- tunately for the party, the voyage was a smooth one, with the exception of a few days passed in very dense fogs. ~The weather and sea were most pro- THE P RIS G ESIamount of travel brought on by the Exposition, the team were fortunate in being obliged to occupy the .cap- tain's quarters on the hurricane deck, the best cabins on the coat. Every berth on the steamer was filled, and the representation of college men and SoalSup orters of the University Send a Crack women aboard was an unusually large one. Besi-des Michican, Pennsyl- Team Across the Atlantic but They are not Cornell, Princeton, Yale, Team Acrss te A lanic b t T eyBrown, Colgate, Tennessee, Illinois, Chicago, Smith, Vassar and Wellesley given a chance to Show Their Ability were in evidence. Th:s fact made the social life on board delightful, and several very pretty parties were giv- en. On the night of July 4th, in mid- ocean, the captain gave a grand ball FRENCH COMMITTEE ON SPORTS RULES to his passengers, Howard Hayes, FOR SUNDAY GAMES. train announcer rang a dinner bell similar to the one Doc" Nagele was accustomed to use, a squeaking toot of the engine answered, then, guarded by a company of French soldiers, the train was conducted to the city gates. There it took up speed and soon whirled the party through the beauti- ful scenery of Normandy. At stations along the way, when the boys stepped out of the wrong side of the coach, t.sey were promptly driven back by French guards. This caused consid- erable amusement for everyone,. The company landed at Paris in the after- noon, and went directly to the De- troit Hotel, a hostelry conducted hy an Amer can on the American plan. The Stay in Paris. Every one found himself troubled as is customary with all foreigners, with the French money system and dealing with the impetuous French- The Trip and Games Described in Detail.---The First Complete and Authentic Report Given by Any College Publication. Through the liberal and spontan- ichigan, the winner, to stand off and " eous support of alumni, scudens, sac- see Stagg's men go as sole represent- ulty members, and business men, atives of this section of the country, Michigan was represented at the Par- when we had performers that clearly is International Championship Games. outclassed the ,idway men? - A year ago, wnen candidates for the On the return of the team to Ann track team of the University were Arbor, energetic steps were at once___ ".______ called together in the gymnasium to taken by those most interested in discuss prospects for the year, and to the psoject. A mass meeting was listen to talks by leading track men, called, prominent alumni were inter- cccc sccc it was intimated and almost promisodc- ete od, inside of one iaeek te suc- Icacm cr>c-.rc -,I c_ ,;mi Acl Iz dd}i(WX that a trip to the Paris games was in cess of the undertaking was assured. cAVORITEc vAcdcNG STIC, store for men who might show them- fT hose who were most liberal in their selves by the season's work compe- contributions were Col. Hecker, of -ay tent to represent Michigan. A num- Detroit, $500; Mngr. Killilea, of Mib-swtiDcDrateof Cornell, leading man. But after a few days the boys her of the older heads present looked waukee, $100, and the alumni associ- the grand march accusistomed themselves to the mon- at this proposition as quite possible ations of the larger cities. To fight off ennui, numerous games tary system, the language, and French but hardly probable. Still there was In order to keep within the amount were invented, among which the most customs of the people, and had but a degree of earnestness in the prom- raised for expenses, t was found exciting and probably ue most pop- little difficulty thereafter-in fact, ulcr to those, who did not participate they were Parisians in Paris, as far in it--was the old-time "funnel as Americans can be such. game," well known to all Mlichi an On Monday Keene Fitzpatrick took athletes. In tis contet the victim, the team out to the - Racing Club with closed eyes, endeavors to drop course, situated outside the city walls a penny from his forehead into a fun- in the Bois de Boulogne. Here was nel, the bottom of which is placed in- the scene-to-be of the great interna- side his waistband. Before he is able tional struggle for honors. The whole to accomplish the feat, lie finds about party, on entering the grounds, was a quart of water, which as been emp- struck at once by the seeming unfit- tied into the funnel y one of the ness of the place for athletic pur- managers, following Newton's law of poses. In fact, the enclosure had the gravitation. Some n ine or ten of the appearance of a pretty picnic most prominent personages on board ground. One would naturally expect ewere picked for the slaughter, and that a contest of this magnitude each in turn, with evident satisfac- would be conducted in a grand am- tion, assisted in the disposition of the phitheatre, surrounded by huge next victim. stands, and with all the modern con- Fitzpatrick di, not keep the men in veniences. Instead of these facilities, strict traiincg, only requiring them to whi-ch would have been considered a appear in their running suits on deck ,necessary part of the arrangements once a ciay for light practice. The had such a meet been held in Amer- passengers watched the work of the ica, the athletes found only a turf c-er diANiTII MCLEAN C TrAT CK men and kept them busy ancierin track and the grounds covered with IcAEs ieVdORAi iuii.iE questions about their respective shade trees, which caused no end of IN FRONT OF THE RACING COURSE CLUB HOUSE, PAIS. events. trouble tio the weight men. However, ses of the managers that indicated necessary to limit the team to four a fulfillment of the plans, if such a members. The men selected were thing could be done. It was, no doubt,) Captain John F. McLean, hurdles and} due to this spirit and feeling instilled broad jump; Howard Hayes, half- in the men so early in the year that mile; Charles E. Dvorak, pole vault, inspired them. A special effort was and Clark M. Leiblee, in the dashes. made by every candidate to outdo These men, with Keene Fitzpatrick himself. To the older men there was in charge, and accompanied by Her- a special incentive to set new marks man W. Danforth, '99 Law, and Otto in, their events, and in this way gain H. Hans, of the Daily, left Ann Arbor -an unquestioned right to a position Sunday night, June 24, sailing from, on the team. the result of their ef- New York Tuesday afternoon, June forts was evidenced in the showing1 26, on the Hamburg-American liner' Michigan made throughout her track "Batavia." 1 his boat left from the season, the culmination of which I :Hoboken docks, where the horrible came when she carried off the honors disaster of the 30th occurred. The at the Western Intercollegiate last boys knew nothing of this catas- June. trophe until their arrival in France. So enthused were the backers of It can be imagined that a sigh of re- the University at the showing made lief went up from the men. The re- by her athletes on that occasion and mark was jokingly made that the lib- K R A INZ ,EI N1 , i T H E i G Rdi , i CiiA TESTc cAc T H T . especially at the very excellent work ! eral contributions of Michigan's alum- done by several of the men, that the ni came very near furnishing funeral England's s-tore was sighted on Ibis le-tee fault may le excused, a- idea of sending a team to the Parisi expenses. Saturday July 7 and on Sunday the ground ay hay be xcgsey games was revived. Another thing Life en the Ocean. morning the Batavia pulled into th acppedouit my French contestants. that helped push the scheme alongn . military port of Cherbourg France dice ccommsdations f r the public was the fact that Chicago, whom we As the Batavia steamed out of New where a special train for Pasis was in consisted in a tempoary grandstand, had just defeated for first honors in York harbor into the open, the boys waiting. After the boys were locked smaller even than the noe bleachers the Intercollegiate, had already ar- began to wonder who would be the in a compartment of cne of the xanged to send a team to Paris. Was first to succumb to the always-looked- French "side-door" palace cars, the (Continued on page 3.