4 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY FULL LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. o a e HOT LUNCH TUTTLE'S Excursion Rates INTO GOOD CLOTHIES WE CAN SHOW YOU more thate1000 oatheotni r ty Oles for SFill and Winter Suitins othtat henver cibrought together. TO ALL WHO BELEIVE that strictly made-to-masuie garment.sacksh to bohtatbelowe the price", ordinarily clharged Ntee frankly say," HERE YOU ARE." GOODRICH & DUKE, Ageat far the Best Tailors on Carth.Front roam acer First National Bank SCALK INS' Three gfraduates of lie U. of M. School of Pharmacy pui ep prescrip- tions here. Educatioit, skill and experience are at your command here. . .... . . .... lRcntschler, the I1b'otographer. VON*liOLST!!t U, S. Gonstitutionall and Political History. This is the LAST WEEK of the VON HOLSI CLUMB Inicidenitly the LAST WEEK to obtain this Standard Work at thte SPECIA PRICE of $10.00 for the 8 VOLUMES. (A[[A6IIAN &(0. ANN ARBlOR BRANCH OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE Cor. Main and Huron stret. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $37,000. Teansact*- general banking bosiness. R, Kmanes, Pres. C. E. CanENE, Vine-Free FRED. HB Batten.Cathie. FIRST NATIONAL BAKOranizedrbor8 Capital, $15a,0o0. Surplue and Profits, :l0,00 Transacts a general banking titsince. Foreign exchaerbought and sold. Futrnish letters as credit. E. D. KINE, Preer. HARRISON SOtULE, Vine-Prey S. W. CLARKSON Cashier Michigan is Satisfied With Good Straight Feet Ball. .3<3tS Sistth Sate St. Ii is clearly esitdent lhart Miclitin still plly sicaiglit foot ball againist BIG 11i Hirs t oiroow In tact 't is olin y ta :h U. o M. will de- a'BIC (jCL e 'lltv tises ioni atny orfItie trick li ya liiwhici tso slietctr iar wilieti they aW'~~~~"AN ,1 isaiii so. l tti it tii tostiInhi s ide Irying 13ARGA~.It NS lteit oii ss htri the riefeitnstibles Is s50 Orient $34 Lt Iti i«ntirslevunnusaccosuitof ta rick it)0 Sterling 29 endla h i t i Hitatrvard is working til. $.35 F owler 24 'Thle ftall expottional of the llyWtas Arid matiy others, tall and see them. givn. MI. SIA[BLER'S CYCLE EMIPORIUM, '3101 aii ut 11s tolkotiri," said lie. W. WSEII~iTO ST. "I trotilii'tlike arlylhirti belier ttin 11<9 W 1SHNTO S. tare tlu ntry it [n." Jailsthe tasas Tit' S ,t'tling W-ts slosii atil. Jo~nthectasesj, dacintat Snol- I t Idotitink ituchi of Itrick 11 s 0 lilt hei'tvatis liarnt- dit A N Y T I snappystriaiit fiot bill,' liesi. GrtagerslAcademy ann Esynard Si. unyNIif-NilbestMo"o tlack tilt hit' rlittirn 101ii 'I110 I lh ittly ctf ItisLlra. mit I Itiat shei'\is-ill taket Aliri iaii 111ntoi i tielt' ilits'at Ilasytti los st ttoi'i rttii ital.i C. E. IIARTH'ELL, Agent, Omineit'til l it llfavriraitly ito lticii. 326 S. State St. Ann. Arbor, lMbh. Ilitis still not.tonly 110t'silappted tp,iut lis ittli1 r-itI tas ~lastt end um11V flUhT VUl rt For Ladies Only. ,1 rept' ' Ithas gatinecreneiirthaltite' fancy tdces Marty tonight at lie Biar- bour (lyiinasiiiit, trillblaop01111to thie iccitleientitudteeenis. This,lhoweve'Or is atmitsake, to only the youtig ladies ef thieUiritoy and thieir lady friends t-ill be adtliteedl Is lie runriinig inek tin visitors. Wuiletni r 1'Lauighlint lounitsain Uno, $1t('achi, at Shialler's Bookstore. 25 tirceislt: tiff siltall stls intl osei- Dl CO it o :1*0days only. (ILEN, feThee16 nil Mfor oavinug Bank 'Tailor, . cii' State ansI Wasltigitait. Capital Stark, $50,000. Sireptte,$5000. Orgenized under tkee~neralBanking Laws '10 IlEN'r .A ntce suite foe $1.;-0; oftisaState. Receisedeposetis, buys and tells ecag ntesell elta1 1t1 o (t 1lt23 tts rfscse pnpoe dniiain o11. ;1O Safty deposit boner to rent. OFFICEnet Christian Mark. Prert.; W. D. Caret. man, Vicee-Pres.; Chas. E. Hiretek, Caskierl M. ('ltbruoardifor $3.{k)na wee(. AMn J. Fr'tn, Assitant Cahber Wirss a Iceectcootik. extralincie ea- liriti:,rltrale ity siciig oic'eltrau'. 'ThetW. .1 . BoonHP. SPT t'o illils.427;'T'hotmpsoni. W. Aisori. lst Vice-pre _____J. V. C.NVrI 1(1 Vte isJ R Ilj -- Jira.C tLTrr. As tinker 1i Iao oua tittioltal flit-1dI-to" i's'. Ileititns oat 1 Itt' 111utu t ti 1 lsleic0) t'ransactsa ageneral Blankinig Business. CrlL. 1W'n-orictsr' it. 121 :. Attain. Mlanhiattan soil Wilson Bros. shirtsI For stile at Wadinonis, Rtyani & tettle. YV f I UI~ II UUiciytle Ulaying CaitsoanelPoiker fet Yotir 4teislS aid Luitlieso at IiiI I'J,'u' i I 'O ot' x Il cipsathIScliallt''o Bookstore,'A lain S1 A i(1ill 11:t Is. 10c l:i't 'tlt's. .u . FflD TLAND (4,FE 1111Y i' llt' a ltos's illlil talcii OPENS ALL N4esIT eenmplete line "Adler roll nulls and________ HUR ON S.,Tiwo doosaw'astofCook House. ttteec'iis at .Wadhamo, FRynn &Rteuli'. i-tIll I3N'l'- nl ilt'Ilk i rat iftliit' c,11ltstt. oit rI t it e o stilldae I 11. M MAlII11N , 11ii FUNERAL - DIRECTOR Etnibalcoing a specialty. No. 209 S. 4tb Are. Ambulance night and day. ties dance 302 Fifth Aves. flyNORTH SIDE LAUNDRY THSOS. teOWS.,iYropr. 10053 Breadway. 457 SellPhn Makterasatf ig. COLLEGIATE CAPS> C' GOWNS and MIOODSJ CAPS ad GOWNS, ¢l SPECIEILTY. CLASS CdINES, COLLECE FLAGS, COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE3 HATS and CAPS ., r Wag, KERN & CO, 4itSE.Fifty Seventh-St: f HlICAtlOILL. F HAVE YOU SEEN THOSEJNO8'B ' -ROWNS tie. Ask your dealer for hem, t)iolt. <21 E. eIi'osnl Colder wealber is Coning And swillhit comps thoughts ot Wiinter Garments WAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors,~ Can pslease you in the many little things chat go to taake op+ good tailoring. 121 and 123 SejMain Street . E3t' i3/3f3 / /:';/:/tA/3t'/'/4©©/ 3 34e/ e/Q /f SPAULDING'S WfT THlE TINQ FRi TAINQ LEZTUREJ SCH LEEDEU TEMPORARY LIII BINDER 1111Opens like a book. Beats tine old stingcoser Lecture paper a31t).tonS50 Tlhr.hest fountain pens $1 SCHL.EEDE, - - - - - 340 South State -MILW,,AR-D. FOOTBALL SUPPL IES Are tuniv ersalthy insrdwkerever the game it tieyed, the ctidenmaerkObeing ike guarantee. Tire Spauilding Official Inter-collegiate Fnoot Bail. Is useid 1b- all itirleadng colleges and athletic, cctibs of Ike counntry. Price, $4t.00 Senid for Catalogoe of all Athletic Sports. Spalding's Official boot iBali caie, with the sen Roles ton 1900,.anod recordo, reviews and insiruetions, including hpitues af letsplayero. Prine. 10 cennts. S xNDOWt'S SPRIING-GRIP 011MB-BELLS Invented by Saundow. Have no eiqual asan eerciser and developer. Every muscle besne- fitedl. A. C. SPAUILDING & BROS. (Incorporatedt NEW YORK CHICAgO DENVE THE FINESTLLINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGRISH SUITINOS IN THE CITY-