THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 7 Tat NIVESITYOF MCHIGN DALY.. AP- 0m io i 000 HIGH-CLA SS I i^.t HD+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0.1.1-0+r,, MICHIGAN CENTRAL '-The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. ' Taking effect September io, lgoo Detroit Nieht Exprerse...S....5 5A. Atlantic Bxpres............745 " Grand Rapids Express..........11 10 Mail and Expressa............347 P. N. Y. Beten Special .............458" Fast Eastern ............... 943 Mall and Exsso... 840 A.M. Beten, N. Y. andChieagoa......8943 FastlVWeetern Expressa......... 201P.Mx. G. R.and Kal. Express .......545 Chicago Night Expres.........09 13 PacificExpesse..........1 38 A. x. Steamsahip Tickets, all Classes, to and from Euarpean points at lowest rates. Fell infor- mation on application. 0. W. RUGGOLES., IH. W. HAYES, G. P. 8sT..Ag't, Chicago. Agt Ann Arbose. TIME TABLE Taking Effrct, Sund5ay, may 21, 1899. Trains loereAce Arbor by Central Stand. ard Tine. SOUTH j NORITH *Noe 6.- 7:25 A. htB No. 1.- 8561 A. M5. No. 2-11:30 A. IM. *No. 5.-12:30 r. am. Ne. 4.- 830:33r. a. No. .- 4:56 INe. 102-0:05 P. x.! tNo. 101-9:05 A. a. *Runa betwee Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trains dotty ececptOSnay. tSunays only. it. S. G0CLBMtE, Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. P. A_ Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Dtroittand Ypsilanti every half our, osginniing at 7:15 a. m. untiO 7:45 p. in.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. mn., 9:45 p. mn. and 11:15 p. mn. Waiting room, corner Ano and Main eta.; Detroit. 111 Griswold ot. HOCKING VALLEY RY. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Between Tetedo and Coumse,usng fin depot in both cities. ThrougehSleeper to Washingtonand Baltimore. GREAT ROILR0OAD THjF HOCKING VEILLEY Write L. W. LANDMIAN, 11 W. Fort St, Deroit. 04- D <3 4I V'i'iJ7 Y 'a L 7 V7 _ 7_ Y W v F-w - WW-WWWWWW. -* W. - - HENRY BROS. Now on the floor at 709 N. UNIVERSITY A1VENUE We have on our tables an Entirely New Line of Fail and Winter Suitinge. It Will Pay You to See Ua. HENRY BROS. 6ARTISTIC TAILORS," Ci § 0 + 0 + Ca + 0 § 7 +o0++oo+ + +o0+++©+o 0+n+ THE OLDThe following '00 dents have located For several weeka we have If bLI een laying in a stock fee the as indicated: II. C. Benson, Laings- heys, and sew are ready with burg; Mt. A. Hlenderson, Pert Huon; RELIABLEa r lline or LUNCHES, CI- GAS and TOBACCO. R. II. Bedell, Zanesville, 0.; B. W. PIPES A SPEI&0ALTY. Wells, Evairt; 1". H. Austin, Brooklyn, R. E OLLY CO ich. R. E J 0L L Y' & C ~ Laws' headquarters at Callaghan's. If you wish a good fountain pen Fors gymunasium work you will re- cheeip, call at Hatller'e Jewelry Store. quire Bath 'Towels, Soap, etc. We can The U. -of M. Masonic club wili cu furnisho them at all prices. Quarry's py a house of its oWn Ito year and it Drug Store, cor. S. State and N. Ti- will be conducted on the order of theo versity avenue, other fraternities. .Miss Lisla VanValkenburg, '99 U. of you may have forgoten your !tooth M. lit., tarted August 24 fr Rome, brush, comb, hair brush or some such where she will take an advanced courseneceseary, if so, we will be glad to in Greek and Latin for f'fle coming supply you. Campus Drug Store-J. J. year under the direction of Prof. Ketl- Quarry. sey of 'the University. Frank Eainan, '00, '02L, and formerly All law books at Calleghan's. of the Daily, has been appointed at a FOtR A GOOD BEGINNING. USE salary of $400 to the instructorship in Rtoyal 'Tigers, 10e.; Tigerdttes, 5c. elocu~tion made vacant by the gradua- ______________________tion of Chas. Simons, '00 *L. Mr. The atheletic association buttons for Simons will practice law in Detroit. his year were manufactured by George Finest line of Cigars at Rtosey's. tHaller, the jeweler. tlstportetd and domestic cigarettes at Deos F. Wilcox, '94, .is the authar of Rosey's. a paper ion "The American Newspaper; tat lcsa olrsJwl- a Study In Social Psychology," in a -%.amCok tHle~ eer recent publication by the American Soe Actidenty of Political and social Set- Prof. Scott, as University edtour, Lais1 ence. hal issued a nteat TI- of M. pocket note "'Three"bal at Rosey's. book. It cantains pictuires of several 01n0 hundre pianos is a large num- buildingesoild ttemb es -of the facily ber isn't it. The Ann Arbor Music and quite a litzO Ustversity infotma- to. have that numuber for renting pur- tion, as well ae pages for notes. lyosses. Prof. Dean Worcester, U. S. Coinmis- Prof. Francis Kelsey .and family left sionler in the Philippines, anld his secre- August 17 'for Naples. Eighteen or tary, J. A. Leoy, '96, are now at 'twenty students went With him for the .Manila. Mr. LeRoy was managing ed- Auterican scchool in Rome. It is ex-itoe of tile Daily in 1895. pected the attendance will be twice as Quarry's Tooth Powder excels all large as usual. othters In cleansing and antiseptic prop- The genial Mr. Clark i here again eittes. to represent the big law book publish- Rteeults of all sporting events at ing firm of Callaghan & Co., of Chi- Itoocy's. eago, and will be found In his accus- toined headquarters, at Schleede's, op- ?the Best Alarm Clocks at Bailer's posite tthe law building. Jewevlry Store. PIANOS TO RENT AT TE S,.haeberle Music Store, 14 W. Liberty St. Ann Arbor FREE A ,50c U. of B. Pin with every $1. ilSethb Thomas Alarm Cise Dluring October. Wmn, Arnold, Jeweler Pickwick Billiard Parlors, Reogulation Tahiti, Everything New and Strictly lUp-tnoate. 707 N. Universily Avc. Ann Arbot You can get ia HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S 338 Sooth Seats St. A"SEETJO nthing bai hicet igit. wo yfecisA-s atwokcnotnthdeiou Iiangsterfer' s Lectures Printed lecthures for all depart- ments of the University. Typt writing and Mimeographing EDWARDS BROS. (Over Sheehaen's) Slate Otteet " PURITAN" HAS MOVED TO IISOUTH IMAIN STREET FaceMassge aEmbamer nd013enst William Street U. oiM Barber Fc asA~ DIETERLE, pb aer e U ivrsty lst one-half block west i Fn ^ t Et.GlWr n CH of law building. All hinds Sanda n Shop anti Bath rZha 212FouthAv.,Both 'Phones Soesopobrparng jilydne Rooms3, 8as STATE. J . oaoSatsfation. Av.,kDO Ep . ambert.t WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STOS 41001fth