THE UNIVERSITT OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 JUST ARRIVED "tNUFF SED" G OODSPEED'S ~A117' MAIN ST.S. MICHIGAN CENTRALf PIANOS TO RENT {The Nigara Falls Route."U ~ Y 111 Rote"E AT TIllS CENTRAL S'TANDARD TIENT. . Now on the floor at0 r Taking eftect September io, igoo ~79N NVRLYFVN ~ + Sthaeberle Music Store, Si~Gh OtoN... 079 .0NIERITaA EN E 9 Detloitigh pres....... ... 5® We have on our tables an Entirely New Line'' 14At.Librtnt1ic Arar Gruff sads ep............11to +"of Falland Winter Soitings ___________________ N. Y. Bastton S pecial............. 0 8 It Will Pay You to See Us. Fast Easern..e .....a.......59 434 Muff ad Expes.. .......84A.M10F G.RF aKl . E a peos i. _.a.I N[6I45A oc U..01f' il.Pn withievery Ch.i. ad Eaf. lnpe ........ ....93 ©ARTISTIC TAILORS," + dO01 H cth Ike :0. AlareClfckf Paniei i Expes.. .... . 12 0IIWi.ArMl. Steamasbip Tickets, aI lo lsses, noad front i[r~l 11 l ,Jeweelr aUrpe a paints at lewestirsees. Fal laner- mation onaapplication. 0, . W. ECOLES. 10. W. HAYps. Last Practice 10 Good. -al10a (I li . takilln fl})1'11 f ticl bt 1,111. i. No oeii vosfiti IN E N 0:01110 .0110 :1 t tt 1111111 AN-1li-I (111) l ie Bars." ,311C W) O e ar betrp prd thn vr AN2t~ T 2LT' ZffiTLI LI tSN S; TIME TABLE Taking Effect, OSnay, Mtay 2a, O18ts. Trains inane Aaa Arbor by Cenrsl5Sad- ard Time. SOUTH NOR11TH *No. G.- 1:25 A. nM. No. 1.- 3560A. As. Na. 2-11::30 A. M, *No. 5-12:05e. a. No. 4.- A:3t P. 5m. No, .- 4:s6 r. tt No. 10.-o:05 P. x. t~n. 101-9:03o. Al. Eu betwee Ana Arbor al Toledo only All tn alaialy except Sunay. tSsnays only. W.I. T. fILIPS, Agent. W H. BEN NETT. 0. P. A. HOCKINSG VALLEY RY. The Railroad that takes the Business In and Out of Michigan. £ SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS f Tj DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUM1BUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fisher, 1. A. Landmano, G.P.A. G. Trav.Agt. Columbus, 01:::. Oeleoil..Mich:. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Curs leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every hailf"our, oeginning at 7:15 a. m. until 7:45 p. m.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. im. and 11115 p. m. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main etc.; Detroit. 111 Griswold st. MONEY LOANED on Wuiekes. Ilaboonnd,wheelsad otber Per- sonal broperty. Office an residence, 031 E. Liberty street. All businsconfdential. Hears. S8toII1:30a. m, aad lto 3::30 and rto 9 p. M. JOISEPH C. WATTS. Al. 011:115' l litll.filin il 11 (liii 11 120 1 ,io . (e. l Sp l. oie l~O to give the liest- of carriage service, ym-(klfrm 1:e111 rs1 li e 110171a l l. Init Le11. iil:ii 7lli;o1.liWintshaving -added - norubber tired 11w Ilrushes .I leiii ii 11:10 0w11 :en 11 o 11er i4 tOct(. 27-Illinois it 31a1- coaches to our stork. Ilcln0.1f11II fbr Ilie scubin li 1011a1 , Holmes Lier Wcl Ilil1'nly, Nov. 1 1c iy UCoceri,. quee ,,ay.Urqar. 01 t1iill(11rnt 11111 Scoolo Nov. I at Sp l. 'PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTYST. of the scrubs.1:100t'cleariosithe0line and _________ly,_-______________s'_Orchestic_ _' startedel downl t he fl it>If; SI0Ietl1'y e11:10 ens . 1.:A. Cotu'se. :17: 1aftr the nII mad <1 dre fr Uto-at e :i Statfionery at Sohaller' The1 oiiy lyI11iell: 1brace1d11111 11 1Smok 15Looked -Jovana IFilled Nit o~~~~~~~~~snc 11:1:1:1fc 111IlI i:1I :11 1iaish Cigarlb. ThieyreOwl Itigrt. n . Ar1111 re1tfil 111111 inull~tes Il tI1of 1:1 phySiwvelymd crlick11 from1111'1110 1111-11- CochLeai theni calledo a.(h(lt 1and 1VIII1SO tltS .11 1.7 f) 0 ft, 1111 hil 1111111 1111 111111111111 Ne1l111ul :s1le:at Wildlel'sStall1 or. 011da t1:: prepare for li he pslI1r011 : 11 1(1's111111t111tol_ for Iii, 211 clas <11 III fritel l1 1111lii: 110 1 Ni ile1:1115t1akenIIi 11 ici_, l 01:111 .\Ii 11 0 1110 1111 III 1 1 hatc111111and111jewllI 11111111lii s a" 1ee 1 3 IF 301 0WOULD BE, HAPPlY 83101017 Itoy::I Ti--i 8,.100II: 'fIg of I eo, )( 81111. 1bypoinn ool t Wadliains, Ryan & Reule are solo agents for Ypsilanti l:socerooear. 1111 eNewIv l)lloe ,tic Iinl i is he1 111111111(.taper110far lliulO3 90111ork. For, ft 117 1 : IiS. IValitlier, 121 S. 31:1 in St. Yet. AV'udhlais, 1Ra01 & ttcole lire sole 1011110 for Ypsilani utnderwea:r. Ili ortI o 9111 fo1111ale y iuo cr11111 i Biut center of 1111r-itiou is still at Hlmils for hotiii 10r l~if~t e d fresh caniesICO andltoysters. servedl in any s171e .it either store. 200 1E. Wasl ifon11, 3111 So. Slate. Pickwick 'Billiard Parlors, RelatiotfIl Sf01e labl. loiicoli 'ilshions. Everything New aid Strictly Up-li-Date, 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor PURITAN SHOE FOR WOMEN O LEAD IN STYLE AND QUALITY 5 zIE SOUTH 11AIN STREET 37SYE zDFNLOrFRC SIIOUTH.MAIN STRETf , ()I Baec t Massage a ff i~nrEmbalmer and 613 Ease Nu1 lockm Street n . spp n ~~e.iaty. FirstENOCHUITRI E! nerl ~Directnr University jFioneknStn ws Shop and Bath Clas wok ad [ p }of law building. All kinds Satifacion 21L SI'Qlth Yel n1'PI~i8Ssf repairing uneatly dose. Shops and Bath u 12LS:Forth ve.,Bot 'PhnesShoe Sop E. Lambert. Poo WE PAt.RIZE G00DYEAR'S DRUG big _-