4 THE U141VERSITY OI 'MICHIGAN DAILY ,. TH{J4YR YOFMCIA AL FULL LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S BARGAINS x;50Orient $34- 's10 'terling 29 Burchf ield's Fine Tailoring Trade..,. Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. ARTIST'IALLYTr".°NEC-HNICALLT We will be glad to proveit to you, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron CALKIN S' Three graduates of tihe U. of M. School of Pharmacy put up prescrip- tions here.. Education, skill and experience arc at your command here..... .... . .. .. .. .. .. . VON liOLST!! U. S. Constitutionall and Political History. This is the LAST WEEK of the VON HOLST CLUB Incidently the LAST WEEK to obtaiu this Standard Work at the SPECIA PRICE of $10.00 for the 8 VOLUMES. (M1IAGBAN &(0. ANN ARBOR BRANCH OPPOSITE LAW BVILDIk G, 340 S, STATE Coo. Moan and00H0on treet. Captatl, s")0,003, Surplus, $35,000. Transacts gcneral banking ,bnsineso. R,KxmP, Pres. C.'OE,GEN,Yice-Pre FRED HBLS" Cahir. FIRST NATIUNAL BANK of Ao Z Capital, $100,00., Surplic and Profito{,00 Traonsatsla 0-00enera aitg lotootat. Foe ign oehange bouolhtoandool. Furnish 10000000f cretdit. E, B. IINN, Prost. IHARR~ISN010'LN, Vice-Poty S. W. C JARKSON Cashier lonentschler, the ipbotograpber, II I sinob'. I oar . -,iilfeo'ols eo cody, .t -0(1(1stor' Nv11l told illt s1ro)11; ol1111(11 ellt iii lltlcl. hove ulmdliluelt ('' lr lt . t l II 1 11lt'.a se ie'1111' ier (11(1 1 Itmor tt' Il;tc ti rri ll( picture1 of 11,1 " tS11 fe il I1 , lb'1(0 .oIllwi h the taut1 it is all ('(((1(1(111(1 111 1'l'otill- os well1fr11h111 1Itltnil o 1enc11. f (Itiwill h I'l '1 '(? +s-11 11101I'Nt 1n l 81 i Itll resent111 n1 :hon cllll't YNlson, Itth1e 1111.1 1111 ' 111111 10 'FleI'111111't1111 worll Is' 11 1 w 111)1(1 111 iln el.11 1'e"slli 11111' 101'(~'tl 111that the11w110 l 111 wil he i1K1: rolucedin0al f e I,". r 0:15 Fowler 24 - _Th " "Ann'""'""t I rpor Savinas MaR And ninny others. ('all1Usd COtileBI. 1 111 111 ( ' Il'~~l Capilal Stolk. 50000. Surplus, 150,000. 115 11111'115 'l)'It- t T ld t Isutlo5 (Y 1p-111111' 1( lttot'5' It ll 8111111"o , llotso i .1,5 ,000. M. SJAEBLLR'S CYCLE E' POR~l , (0 .WstI'l.1511,118..ii. b, ,s,11 81 011 0gtlized Iutnder tteCoGe oeral Boltiog Law' W. WArhIL.TON ST. __ogent___1'1. 11110 St. l Boosioc" d('yIll;0, 111150ltid to. iiq9W._WASHINGTON ST.'oxhat< onthei' al c~ities110oftto Unoted _____________________________________________ Moom 11111trm an lWIlson IBros. s0111s1 So kle' loked (1 I a l e'1('(1 i 01000S ttlto so-lah o n 1111oper identifit ion100. Join 11th 1 clasesindacnga t .0 for 0(11e1itIV 'dolalsl, IRyanti& 101011' . 1111 ' 10. I'll 5 're01 ltit. Otcptmt ChitoiatnS't '. Poest,. 3, .HIatti- _____ at, Vice-Pooo.; C('s.. B.Hisock,. Casior;1t -AN YolT IAooM-ooE'o 080 Cof1 1(-101"1.11 1.(0_ BOOTH,_________________s. ____STATE____ jS'\jJ J j N,*81 11OUN'IN(I L AW L__-___________________CLBI,1_C'-_W.________IstVicepre .rlot.11'tAosdemy o011!tlaynt~tt.Im 1.ot s, ( ________________________ l l~cl in 1poiisio 11in (Ihe lihitr ''5' the 11( \- ' n(11 11 1 tIsWille"'. 8(1111' 01. Bf1 I1.1w tidll"~l~. 11111111 11' 111p 1 0111t 1111 _________ t1111111111 11(-. loltle '0or clok Iho',Iratnsacts a general 0111118 (((hlI s 0 e, eiion li fll. 0111 I . . 115101 10'c '\I I '1'l tills'o(111101111 launkigBlnress. 111111of ,w 111 r111hen ut. 111,1 'lhoe ho 1 ull' ei 1'w'lld Ie 5111011'sI i1 o111' Soof (1 (1'____________h_____________ 0x S S ae;t. An rb rMih 11\ I1l lt i" 11e pre"(1I1 01 1 011 ( 1I lla~ o1c~ fTL oeoftfID C4cTEli~c cl OP Nyl Ali C Nit~ olI oe i1c~i's 1 heAm 1'to"AhT.ic o ON 51 I wadelta oti C ok noB os~tlo , IJ{;Soi n std .- . 0.M MARTIN.. ( I made111. ,osk yotur' dealer too' hom.n I 1il.dle'o 11 (115 8so' I ____ JUST ARRIVED... FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming00a splecialty. No.(1109 S.4t° Avs. Ambulance ntght and day551 t deuce 302 Fitfth Aoe. TyThe...A NORT08H SIDE LAU N DRY TIHOS. oIOWSO, Pro pr. 10013 Brada.'457 lell Phone COLLEGIATE CAPS. GOWNS. aod'-'HOODS, CAPS ard GOWNS, (I SPECISILTY. CLASS Ct4NES, COLLECE FLAGlS, COLLEGE PINTS, HAITS and CAPS.,. - W, cKERN&IcOc lCHIC AGO, ILL.St HAVE YOU. SEEN THOSE NOBY ROWN BLACK a GOLF HATS WAGNER & GO. $3.00 D~ERBY JurT THlE TINQ 11121 Main St. MIATTERS FOR TAqI114Q LECTURES F. SCHLEED SCH LEEDE' TEMPORARY LZ~ BINDER Opens like a book. Beats the old sting- c0ve1 Loctare paper 0111.).r5 TheIto fountain0 pen15 I - - - °- 340 South State ILW ARD SPAU LDINMG'S FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES Are uttivorsaltly floedotherer tto game it played, l'too tle mark beinglife goaraflloe. Thte Spaultding Official Iter-collegiatleFoet Ball. Is ff005 1y'all tffe0leadin~g collegesad athlelubs 1150of thecounatry. 1Price, $400. Send for Catalogut' of all Athletic Sports. SpaldingasOiol Foot0 Ball Guide. with the ne0w1 Rufor00100, Safd records, reviews 0011 instrt~~iOo, iflulding fpicturesof 1600fplayors. Price. 10 cnt. SANDOW'S SPRING-GRIP DO1TMB-BlELLS Invetetd by Sadotw. Ilano eqf0 u~lal as ana exerciser ted deeloper. Evycry mftsolo beff Citedf. A. 0. SPAUILDING & BROS. Ifnaorporated) NEW YORK CMIICAGO IDENVER THE FINEST LINE, OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE, CITY-