THDE UNIVERSITY[OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 AA**'-E*ILfW ** * :~~l~fie IF** E -* e 9** EFEOPt**I *;..F16*rI fEf~fFt'fE EEI OF~~ STAILORIN( FIT---Perfect. STYLES---Cal QUAL 6ptivating. JITY---Enduring. SELECTED and mal under rigid st -_ _ - _ TP* 4' od4' upervisio' 4' G OODPEE4' Tailrs fr Yong Mn.' 110 WSHINGON4E MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Most Renowned Ladies Shoes AamOok I ',The Niagara Falls Route.' CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic U. of Ml. Pins 50c to $1.00. Fine Taking effect September so, s oon street Watch Rej airinig a Specially. GOtni NcItNGtEAST mA.The Melba, ad Jenness Miller1.1,CHAPMA N, JEWELER, Atrant id Epe........1 0 All styles, 0 0 flDress Asilstyles, 206 AIfl 266 SlaYn Maland E3press.a................UU.One7 Price, *J N. Y. Boston Special ........... 4 58 one Wrc, S , ear Oepc 35 __' Fset Eastern ... .........0943 ~ ' W Mail and Enycoss.... ........8 40 A. M. F E Boaeon, N. Y. and Chicago .......943 " All widths in Dongrola Kids, Enamel Calf, lox Calf and Valour Calf. AScf.c 1 i 'i sr Feet W'estern Expce. ..... . 1R Soe.frMAn AbosAeg50ectU.Iof M. Anena Claveay 6. R. and Eal. Expccss . ........545 S l agentsfo An Aro.l25 t hoia Aai C ck Chicago Night SEopresc....o....0943 " OacDuinellcllober. P~fCEpes........ .a3 . M =C 1 C M P ISA F~1f! 1WinArnold, Jeweler Steamship Tickoets, all Classes, to oand fromc K Eroea pont alwes rte.Fllinor mation on application. -_______________________________________ o. W. RUO~f.ES. H. W. IS, G. . & TAc't. Chicago. Av't nArbor. Assembly Club Dances. Reports From the Illinois Game. To s: 'jsj r 'fy " IIIcs ' iv thtusin't'l "ealsoll Ifofill'heAtletilc Assciatiioni stillreceivc NEWV ^w - he', cII lts1 oit lcI dutill leilt'fat- .intasitIladli.1)itSIJENS ti e t ' li c i ti hi 'a '. . s ' It 'o ii ' tilln l otstl e r fo t di re iiti S U' e N r T r p e aeSh n e e .E..OtD m'g~1s~ulxmune~ i..gigrmliii's tlllsill" ticit}cc to cli.'iii's tt'MiIt'i llilitwiiro uttc' titwgs a1t TIME TABLE Nov.),a. 11, al as ntl .Marsth S.i. liii sioiii. 1Waith lliirrollttily flot to give te best of carriage service, Taking Effeet, aSnday, Sty 205 as99. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- t 11tih ist 'tlitlsi' i f ISXllllfrom'ttiiil ' 1111i fllpartiicutliashavirg ad eitrd Its rutbber ired ad Ttne. o' lhe, foltl ug ;;sit fi'tt'rliilil':Zettaco he tonrs ck SOUT RT H Pi. l.Thetia Pi. Sigmia liii, .Alpha A we~ll illfhii asucofpdecahstoortck *No. .- 7:25 A. a. No. 1.-e8:seA. 11. ela Phii. clItislilntinl. lPhi 1Kappast"St'ioriuii"' csoltc l} 'tt' t ljjsjor Holmes ivrry No. 2,-l13 .i ao . s * No. 5.-2:01,5 a .n s i. .s yect.lo stills hat i'hon lakin stir aniti itriitnitit'iiity ci 1 o n.LIr a vta No. 4.- 8:35 a. i. No. 30-450 P.At.4 1 ''l gllc'lit iiy tit~it"5i.111 s alsts PON 0 1 , IET .S No. 10.-8:05 a. ax. tNo. '01 5 O:iA.a DI, o chAtli'ste 'iic ol ty '(11ttb' a'd'tsh l' c ~lis 'HN 0, 55 .LBRY T Stu abetwee AanArbor aiid Toledo only 111(111 flot t e l tils'iiit7' '11111 .ii is prol-T heliii' gli i l ii th e liii' san All ntrans datty except Sunday. attly le lit' 1115'For ty- stilt 1, be lis- lt'e=Norilitiis nixt Sattr4l vl t 'l er Innadayseonto, W H. BENNETT. o. P. A.Arbor._____ i'.15ls asilannounce't'll I 1115' 1111' Busnes n nd Ou lioho nie. Ryan &0c": ifreet ares so:)t. t'willli 5cld il,'lIt'i llilylili. 26'. .Lt.'0.3 oMihgnagensofor Ypilsnti aLsdrsvenr 1'. C.1'. l"5;121 l. . SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 1"ENt S 'OTIl'lt 'En '. DAILY B[TWE[EN 4 . 'liii' Ni'-t t' nict'Si 1 iloi srm steiIs l ln t 112 of theieIi' I '4't Iiish i ie . , - and ATH $NS ! tyCaliiS. Aa;nt'r, 121 S.Miaini of. 11i;11t.'litirsllli). All iictstt'rs Sholdll :a 4 G. P.A. G. Trav. Aget. lo '.I.I Clumbsn h o. 0 D etroit. Rich. if IIt', 51 ici l aeiisitl lllBoard'tl ll4 But1. CenI N t r oi if atitration to still at oi 'loct'kiIlits iiflritis lit o ltli 1), t"1'. 1.'taio to' to-i~~lie ti rs Detroit, Ypslanti and Ann Ar- 2' l''''lIIc li l tls11lt'l' csdicosod oyster'., served in any bo alw y .0N "tIntlI 1. . .lI) l I:n 1d,1 'his fc~rll'ays o1n1' ly.GI'. t11br1aiwa .afsyle Oat either soiri'. Care leave for Detrost and Ypsilanti _________'lll'.s. ha'111Wllilgl. 2400 E. 'Wolshigloic, X16 So. State. avery lhalt'our, oeginning at 7:15 a. m. .11 1 llIllliils .holn till'11itih i_____________at_________ sntit 7:45 p. i.; After that to Detroit lisi'y's o. t pt iIitifiir'.a fi'vlt . slys I'S) INt 1'-- 1i ' sut o $.0 at 8:45 p. in., 0:40 p. m. and 11:15 p. m.n. tittn li IandiI Mathi. -No. 309TciIliicti lnp P iwi ck Billiard. atn ooPare1nnadMi c11 O t ec;Dtot,11Giwlds." ale, o1 yegassr tIlc ri, It'es'weler.(Ch lu bolardl for 53.Ou a ss'i'cs. Alen 1101iarchi Ciishios. n ONE WthxsrmdvhLOAED ohr5' st-oilers, a h'recirhcook, extra nline ca- Everything New and sonal Property. Office at residence, 311 E. 1Wolersoosi or T1acghlilsi Intcsioin lericig; mucsic byy oring orchestra. 'The Strictly Up-to-Date, Liberty street. All bustness confidenial. Hours, 8dto 11:30 a. mn, and 1 to 3:O30and tta9 Pesns, $13ecatfSchialler's Bookstore. c'iiiliii0, 427 Th'lomsiion. 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor p. m. JOSEPH C. WvATTS.__ PU ITN SOEORWOMEN350 I__ 5i0I LEAD IN STYLE AND QUALITY q*Jj ii o SOUTH l1AIN STREET ~7SYE XDFL N RC i SOUTH MAIN STREET B arb asaeEmbaImerand6t3 East William Street Fn U.on.B r e aty NOCH DE E LmE ra nd ver ut one-half locuk west spat is a t DEERE Funeral, Director unifsly aw repatrin nealy kidnsi l lasWorandof Foeth I R Shop and_ Bath Sass Wto.rk n 212 S. fut Ave,, Both 'Phones Shoe Shop Eg. Lamber't. Poto WE PATR0NIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE