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October 25, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-25

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Announicemient THE ILLINOIS GAME., ilixf11,ic. kdau-s, the ehaiinan ihia' WrirsOfoodfBtl
Our special line Wrenn and Hoagland Will Officiat- of lie eiw coursie'e ill higher eoiiiie With the Illinois-Every Eye in
offrinad Both Teams Strong oii Defense I;Ii eiie itioui 0a11d5)ltlie ixiltitid- the West ivetd on Tis
and Weak on Offense. 0I I i'~tlast tmg ri oil a T I1 Game.
domsti faricx'iliiatdressitaiigi i ildrtxp)ihiil
d esi f ais 'amil wiiellxiileavte i
For the Fall and WVin tee of 1900h has eli iii , uilixttit-conxxxii. i ii ce 0f ifexx1 lxiiiol Senexce cli and Art(41 toightithe t a ilh t
a; taiae int lbxkersxi Ihe fteum t ais iexdittx is a pxlxiciopei-ng' o t o e the Al iigxtxiCentealtiorxicageox
arrived and is arranged for inspec- leave efo (hicagox toniiigt a l:2 I xx ii o ores. todox tlx e with liihe ]illii.Trixin1-oexix
ion. Thelamie careful attention xlxiiihtixiii tiiiix i llte t e i-iin l ttat(iiei -l.Axxiixexciix-xsupeiacyiii ll tieChi x iicao teh oxe Ilx)%-hexr xt it
is given to the styles and finish of .Thxixixi .20 4)C oIlII("(? leiiii xiiyes. _Va xix xyonlxxiiyle mxoail txxxxxext rii illxxiii ixki heir iexittaelee, and (oft
ate f uI lxx iie xl (I oe-11111dxlhas ]teexix l i rat- xl olxxii- he xl lxx w ere, lil d ill eeI theiteamt fon the
every suit, whether to he uied for xiiiii.xi-xi im iii xxaax xiiiiii xo-i. l-iei- Ilivesily)ofIilliu isi w ht proieasx
busitness purposes or for full dress uutlitiy xxiii xf Chicii-xiiiti. II wxex-iiiy-lix it xxix xxalinxxiitix igherxi colug-i te i-tx 11iinib-ex-u(xifxftle gete l gei~ixtx
xxxix lxx (.a iile wtiiii-iIlii4 iiiiiii ixii x xxx;nliihiixlan lxi i ilmiiixly o ix-rlilix -fIthe s(xx l
occaion. ]xlly the xoi x- lthie xxiir lx xxi f lx ot xa x ixeoilg totix l iuxixlx1.1,xx x-ixxxxx-ll Ilinisxyiinxi orx thlxxx lxx x iixxiili-
W Ig CO j- .-i(- for ih" tixixi Iii. IiI h oxe xox li re tg- . -ii xixndii1lixit l i ih x;1(( xW xiiiou
io)$ E.W ashington Si.iii lixileauxxi ii xiixiii-I xxiii l- lxi l ii e iilux (for. tlixi ix iix-ii asil i t t0 ;tlxi aixx-li-- lxli:xiponsn dilixpexith~eir
xI-"I xiioxsecuredi . xxiii o ulxxxi l~x iii o( ixi ii xxi iiiis ix iiixiios i11xxi('11 xltr ige
Theii iiiteam iiiiIwillx ii iarixiiv wih tti n a d (.II~Iineve hold its Ia1l i li iiiiiisr l i ixOlli lopes xxio
B A/ TH TO W E.iLS lixix i x iilth L-xii-tin.. 1 xxiii xi xxiixi-iiieiii- xauii over xl-lix xxxi xi- nl i gm ixlxxii be x xxi te fon
xeri:u lo i veniiiixiii 1 -tnu ill - lIa~ iix liii o fle~r.;ni h ae n tone h oh rra
FOW illxiklfti iii (lxxxix o- I lxxi * ii mi i i xxiixIlii lxxi xc. l lo 1t ;111tIII Iiii ix l ve t~n
PRICESItr ip r 1e li- -mi-x-ixixiiliiixi I lx ndl I ti isi ui-- oe'r th t x xullvesiflelilioiilci) " tliii i-tdi1-ill I- xxxix - ilixil t t 1ic1i litohieal th Ich
Y O U R B O O M O T H E G M i r xs i ity ) . t . n il l i ti D b e n]i h l Ie xx 4 i h e x iO u , i s x i xii)i ( ( t c t d f ; i l t I t i l ii i x - s h e
(' 17[ l plowihl111 ~t11lie11 ixil (.lth lxx t ix11} xiiit fmitoDen' 1t(tecns.1h1ofystly
W il ers ha m a y i xiiiiitt-. ixi ddxix- 1" 111( 1tofolw1xix i ( ;1 ly.Itw s (It ii txliic" o lae
'p/ Jiiix.a e lotn v , ol(do, o ~nt it flicl- liii (I l o a olnofiiixlIii ii
I t hehue .of l l aix edli(i'-ix xII I l- l xii ei . lli bnsuuixxiiilss ii lllxxx xl to ii r(ixiii ix-. xxlii lauriii- ixi IIIixxlii
EV RTHING Ou pln id Teo iixxi xii w i ith t1" (itf 7s4 1 x7le, c lay. x The i rdei i4)lx ix liiim iiixiii lixliiin- xi nltnai ii - iiiii wets lii xlii ut - xxi
NEW PESBACCO-een GASthe dstore ixxO. i ii(oxutesiitxiO xxii xipi ein ;ixi0 Lc. b it, l iiislnl de ipof othix-ix. lwiill1 t nXlixixtro xx-xxipLx.xi t x i p
itself is newis. We have remodeled the lx iiiilxxitxi. i xix iiii l i iiiiii lliiili lxi lxxiiliixxil iiii. 1u t Te i [r xiiixi lthe
iiiate sec in eio uthoti.friendsYut a'ais to coltre -.' 11c11sa (I T ec m cA bclil iqe o l'i u~le1IvA~rta otr Cireo hs ili hI te w.1 srh t olk ws. o eli"ta
bet or LUNiCHIES. andi lhi iiixt ie lxbi iiv~ vrt ilxithe i xii iniquol4)Cii-xU-iix-x I lxiiiloiii i i Dulii
IR.E .TOLL , :si8 , State S. of ii xiiiion T elx liiii xiixxwii oa lily lxx x-iix--i-mx-. \ I\-]r i x ii it isitruiiihat. liii- liih xiiro xa lxxx(viii xi.Th
xx to nxioixtex xxiiii- lxxcllxtxiii I lxx's 1 ixiltslnotxto i"iiiix lie iii u l l a r e Ix I I([-ixix beiii i'I txli xx
.1 °" ......... . . i (li st of menx i h Hlxxi l b(i iiI ixo ll ii ltdIhxfxIii el livv iill xso iirb x tw ii i liiili t licbIi- iilii -.
A L R E T 'S #!\1 : ra "l b 1 (t.Il -tel Ixooid loiixi xxi ii ( (mxf xhl x lx- xx
AN toA ,xi l xx-x xilxxix x lxx iAt'letic Board Ti ilhs < ts ihilrofirta
4. "I' - l lixno i xhixx lx x xti ixi<drlilx xii auii lhiahh$ .
1 r='(t d(iiionexuxi-x - xxi iiiT-run x- oxu1ixix:i00i i
111i ilu v w dl w ru 111 I togai (ono iiiii Ndx1iii xiiiiiiiilx tili iviliixin.) th 11ti i01e
+ IN 1=4 Ib, 1=2 b & 1 b BOXSS XXi xii: x ,mu xx xotuiuix ofxi xii_ Lets]fh atSclitslbdsnixii0x11xi(-oilixixhx "i utxi- l
4), smat]xi i iis geot herexiiis :iluixe i xiii111ixcon;xlitxa
(OR SIFTElScotdfNIuofrt1inv Alllxx Mxiix i lexxi ( xxxi -xxx i l olxxix itxxletiil liii itit1 rix el.f titem)it i t x rx nuil lxxix lxii xx11xiffx.x
Q U R I 5l." it obtlxxxbe swot"uu Iiiix l t ulx ufxiii a" iii iiH xxall. xi-i-ihie t e a e icit rix s l neii - xxi xi i im III(x-.classA
CO.SATiTiadNiUIESIY AE., alN ix l xii xl xi dnfed i nt(l est 'wed iforxiheii t ix-ixi ot ix~t.- xI xliii lxxxiii elt xxxix lx bxi i t ixiiixi lxi.
...................lxxii..iii11ii1 y los-ixhltg.iweixorieitherlxsideiial l iixxheirixal xw ii Oi xxx xlii xlix I ix xiii- x xxiii-lxxix x ioixitoiithe
.'.4...3.44. i' xxxii muoreixoi od !,o eatumui Iiiigx lx i lmxi. xd ol rixiiix xl paiix s-I dxh ilih u h a.ifi xi
4. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ -IIiIi? Ihe u t xxliititiiiilxxix dth hut olexiuxxlctim-ie xxilbei'liiimxledxxyii I I rlie- lr ori- mxthexm vlxx mx mi l xiemloe
xiixty Iixiim h li) tl inaving i xi ico 1 :ot is asx 'llt xi ite otiei tiolrinets ilmerims iaixmx xreo linx ix ixihmilg
" That wear' are thin Iind p. 111.xserf x.xailt of lits mniifromix w xe iii iiiitof
we will show you if yon lii iirixa ieixiiii ix t he folixlo ig x iiiiiisncm l t iiih itt l II('fimehih im- i ail lfIi liiifuture
Thenuse a th hspta hae ]-o thie eix A- ixiili i xiixii itxxla ap iiiemh to fraextu
will stopin ad]ol veOt.a-etre heOgn' ro.tonw Aih nnyls nh(obet
in andhook OOF wxuyx hail lierep-utaioisof lbeiig Vrtn ihxOgmi Po ximt hetgu mhx li' ji
our recent arrivals. Thin) kixidutandxitgood, andtheyic'seimidetelrii - mi.iStanel bintolii t allgmi xiitiirelyhilmutw xxaiii ffet-
~ em d fFn a bs iiieilix coitinte so. A pude itle boy Nut. S etuise71 VuexiPtiitliigy" ie yel furrooxting tug.xii xxmxms._
on, m ae ofFi e F ahioed, fronttmhexi iohtlu aris utiof le sate Prif, W.IX PLtuitiixeitAimmmi lt eomxuiiiiillxixxxis iixmdto i
w ioae ulFshoe, who ihass lien sreceiiig treaumetl 'Novi.15-Lmxtun'lg-lu' Mr IXN ixlook fie txxalig;xsev rxli gmouixuigx
'F and can ho had in Stripes fr somie timie, wxstui xggdutill ifie -i"ItItIIah tiwritxeni foli-ti f r x ttie llix1_igu ghiim
±~shp x 'xM~ui ondayium t one of the ledmig \N)xx 223 I m-u-irm 'nixum-i o , humilew istox have lxxiii xi l ]ixuxoiiieriu
S and Solid (Colors. we colhig sores iad simt home all til: (uxCor -mmiii X xc mitPedua'x Sitr Abetoft xi ( iii' g iiti tenx liidaxys befiie liii
are offering Spaldiig's lxe expeise ofthl ime s. Surehal ii iwoxi5 xxniiieie ngli he os
tx-u-mixof this kintd arec'orthyiof thenii Dlet 13--"hem V ili, i Ste ~rnard iiioreri wtas im ti rmmhieiix aii
ers9eys and Sweatersatlit ou Stu iii boarxiiii timmin to ieti( t ei ici al~i
prcsrn ig front__________sui i - e ltre -Stime Priiciixes badges atialxiiinxxeo, limit htu t t
Nxt Saitia is xviitor' dlxyx aiiofiIecintg" IPiof A S & W hitey. txke an aie -x- itmi l e ix'x he lii

ar(,le lilieu1to]lioIii tino:;
$ 2 to $59 (i r at i re i v iteix dto f iisite lea i r tir 1). ltxn hanx,18'A fsi i
liiexsx iss4 Ia 6i si-ou-txanii lpxrticipahmmiti txl 1onixitated tiythe repiubiicxisiio(itBitty- ourtOperiai (hixixois at 1lixuiie's
£ U ~ , ini xirogeio i itt i~litliiiiis-suifurSae i'Senator. sess-toy toare.
-W ,Hi i See The Team Off Tonight. See The Team Off Tonight.. See The Team off Tonight.

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