4 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY A FULL LINE' GYMNASIUM, GOLF -GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a [HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S 38 South State St. BARGAINS Sio Orient $34 $40 Sterling 29 $35 Fowler 24 Antd maniy others. Call and see them. M4. SIAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, iin W. WAS#iIIN(STON ST. Burchfieldts Fine Tailoring Trade... Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. ARTISTKIALLX .A.. N. ECIIANICALLY We will be glad to proveit to you, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106'E.' Huron Three graduates of the U. of M. School of Pharmacy put up prescrip- tous here. ',Education, skill and [ ,I N S experiencear atyu comn Ihere.................... .1 1Rentuclevr, the Ij"'otograPher. Prtof. toidritit ttf Aliiont(Ctllege, Fresbmlanl,'Enigineers Meet Today. itrohliltilit etniitae for 1gotroru iil_____ addetult ilte piptoti'tf Attn Aritec, ,t 'I'l ri lltlbe11 .is'a teeiagof tite fretsh- Newtt'ry t~ti, extfitit tity tVt'tt inetn t'I olte ring class tilis afternoon L'er aisoteinvitttetl. ,.ttgip. to Itnrooto 10 of the e etttertitg builtinog.Te Ilttetttof separate ilas Next .'t'ttrstItty te istlt-tt lltIItts- ottt""tttt'ti ott stiltlot teidett ttdtiatfol itt' stittge tf te Atetts iheater t'ttIwhell__________ it ottt'e sitttitlr tel ittg',ettitttts. It ts lte i r lttth s itetn abustti. Itoss ililetd Withit t'efiltsenits, solttt'Ovet-Gran e' VU. S. Constitutional a11d Politi- cal History. Titis is te LAST WEEK of .the VON HOIST CLUe Incident]y the LAST WEEK to ob- tain tis Standard Wort. at thte Special Price of $10.00 for the 8S VOLUMES. (A~iABA~ &(0. ANN ARBOR BRANCtH OPPOSITE LAW BUILON~, 340 S, STATE Cur. Bain and Huron Streets. Capttlt, $50,00^. Surplus, $aOu Tranracts general ranking btsinest. R, KExPF, Pres. C. E. naacn, Tie-r-en FREa. H Bnconu, Cashier . FIRST NATIONAL BANK trg AnArzedr106 Capital, $100,100 Surlus and Profits, f31,110 Transacts a guurral trnnktng butinsas. Furelge. exchangreitnught and nold. Furnish letertst cerdit. E. D. KINNE, Pr. HARUISON SOULE, V ice-Prers S-. W. CLARKSON Cashier Thet Rinn flrbor Savings Bank Capital Stoek. 510,000. Sturplns, $150,000. Organioed under therGenralatBanking Lawn of thts Statr. Rerivsdrpnrits, trays and sells uehanagron the trincipal eitira of Ithr United Statta. raftsenashed uttan proper idrntificatton. Safely dreponit baums Inreal. Osescana: Christian Mark. Pres.; W. D. arri- nan, Vire-Prer.l Chas. E. Hiscoek, Carhirr; M. , J.Fritz, Aasistant Cashier W. J BOOuTn, PRES. S fT W'. AaNnLst ~uVice-prey J. V. Snanaun, 2d VtiCer-p fVIr. Juan.C. WALTZ, ArICarhiar SlIO BflNK Transacts a general Banking Business., lain the classnsa.indancing at Bilt roh' iipera tose l tie A -N Y T I1 E lC{>evIt'Seats -111tr- GrangersAcaedemn~ytlManard st. 'I I'i~tIs.8 Il'lt' t (ottse. A25'. Note 4ttsali t. il iter's., ,Mte it 1 j 1 tit lansRylin & Rottle ttre sole ag' i :s for Iysilt:trt' rl'e e. C. E. BARTHIILL, Agent, the- Courtt'Mtills(' fto lt' by ttatt~tlli. .26 S. State St. Ana Arbor, 'ickh._____ WHNY DON'T YOU s:rcatat'adhanis, Ryan' .Rue Get Yotti AeaGstingad Luncets at Xrtiitulres fttrStudtteitis' Roomsitts P ~mTL4 C~bFE Shatl ooktore, 16 So. Main nt. OPEN ALL N lIT. l'tes,".1 t cit Scheltrs Boostore. jURON ST.,ranodos s tlul Conk Honorse.____ ittst $3lht madtte is thteHotward. ~datttts,Iryan &RRettle, tote agents. I'l'sila.i stattt 11 tilt o at r- o t -r:Msi . forKt itN T'eyaeN'it and A (t etts-tsouttttty trttt silt itt'storted frotttm t'e gtm. ev''ettfteetttttttat. 4:177. Al 'ittitv itrtetiftinv.rited'.ofteprt. Fo Hit f10.iI rtt'w roosIl'xitt til e U. M. MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR tEmtbaming a specialty. No. 2110 S. itti Ave. Ambulance night tie d ay. He onuce 302 Fiftha Ave. NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY. THOSO. ROWE, Prsspr. 1)3 B roaslacay . 7Belt Phone .ii-AI i. F. sty r.7 I COLLEGIATE CAPS, *GOWNIS and I-lOOS Carolinta hrigitin Cigarettes, union ewiing: Itsic hy stritng orectestra. 'Te mtadie. Ask your dealer Poe htem. eatttlttts. 427 Thtomtpson. JUST ARRIVED... _ BLACK GOLF I H ATS $3a00 WAGNER & GOa bIo"ER BIT 121 Main St. HATTERS JUT TIIEGTnINQ+ -JOR TAKNG4 LECTURE) Rentag of CAPa opd GOWNS. Et SPECIIILTY. CLASS CA1NES, COLLECII FLAGS, COLLEGE PINS, COLLSNIIv HAT'S and CAPS,. W.81 KERN & CO 4Ut H.Fifty-Seventh 51, CHICAGSO, ILL. F. SCHLEEDE, HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE, NOBBY BROWN MuL SCHLEEDE' TEMPO RARY Li BINDER Opens like a book, Beats the old stricg eover Lrcture paper 31lb. for a5tc Thse br eastutttin pennsi -- - 340 South State mWARD SPAU LDI NG'S FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES Are uttiv'ersallytu-ed wereeer the gatoe it played, the lrade matkektisng the guarantee. Te Spaolding Offieial Inter-eollegiate Foot Bait. In uned bty all the lending colleges antd athletic clubs of tke country. Price, $4.00. Srnd toe Catalogue of cll Athtetic Sports. Spaidings Oficinl Foot Bati Guide, with the new Rain' fre1500,anad rerords, reviewn and instructionsi, including pietures oflsS0pioyrrs. PriceriScernts. SANDOW'S SPRItNG-GRIIP DUMB-BELLS Inv'rnred by Sadotw. Havenotetqual as an ex eciser antI developet'. Every mosele bente fired. A, G. SPACLDINB & BROS. tIacorporatrd) NEW YORK CH iCAttO DENVER THE FINEST .LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SWIIINGS IN THE CITY-