THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Publsed Diy ('ondsexcped) dr'nthle THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Argun Bldg, MitIs St 3t, S.Stt Stt'ttt Berth 'Phtnest 1. Nt: Stttt'Ptts 18. MANAGING EDITOR, BUSINESS MANAGER, EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G,. D. H-Dtt st', 1 . A. H. MCD~tG.I '.IVC . A. Kttu:', 't1 L. Ms L, K. SS.rt'3 CIs- .DVORl~tx'tt The nub'o1itilt 7iitt':'Idt:1=:A itttttttti, for te colege'-rkitha uitt' ' :11 tatb . ,-d d il t l''.l'ilt ii , P.o- Yp iI i i, " r it il, lt:' tl it utt':t'i r :1 p. nt. o:tetcay-1"'iou to :thtl t :11ih theytare e itt't'ii a 11p:'it t ASls~iio,' tttt II itlt:::tlt l:' :1 llc :1'll 1:1r'b''t, ill rapt:'lt th i tlih l It' te.i:::tiI'll, I3 p :13'l 1 ii:t i tt'lay I ' 'iu Ilthat opnlent 'oaf the feanis "and atllleties -ill general, aild'their iva-at nsus t be s-afis- ti:'ti. 'I~he 1:1113' 1t il ticO ii ieverly'lwly Eou li fth' 1111 ' ity 't taki th '1:1113 bt l it I 11(3, llsct'lls1111111 i 'ithe D:l13't'to ri 1ad1frmItOhI ulk iof'r our list tiii Ie h akei /s P~wr, 1GreensPlnsrdted.ht11a has lhlt 11 1said, the1.1Dail'y'i'll',riis:ttmi (1,01y in iltIcountry, tand'Nve':thinkhuit t ia igh Idll 1li11i1e :':rest. I : Th Dati lyioesalt vns fltr I . t, l~ STEIN-BLOCK CLOTH I NOTliIti HOBBIEK OK NE Tis inake of clothing isc fined to us in thisitown, and is swellest tailors' creations forI - '-':wear, Suits $15.00 to 25.00. uvercoats $16 to 3o. I ' LINDEiNSCHTII If & RAPF L IING EATER Con- tbe Fall S 0' RI 0 S, 0 sTHDE PLACE o -- FOR_ RPICTURES, " R1 PICTURE FRAMING I AND icrIs st. 7BEF~lBVART STORE, 27S4th AVE., ANN ARBOR. 212 S. Mlain W:lanoas, Ryan & little ale 50:" ateait ftr Ypsilanti .Ldrurweai'. I Bitois( ire:, 111 St. tain St. Only a few Seats Left RESERVE NOW I) COURSE ) TNTTHURSDAY, OCT. 25 PATRICK RINKTEIS & CO. Presents Joseph1 Arthulr's Famous Comedy Driania BLUE JEANS A Pcrfcit and Coniploto Production. Initerpreted by a very Suipeior Company. Fine Siiging and Imtitatioins by the "lFAMIOUS BIJOU, COMEDY TRIO,.' PRICES: 25, 35, 50 and 75. Comming SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27. CARL A. hIAS WIN in the Big English Melodrama A LION'S HEART _ Lectures TE'ROS;EYS Printed lectures for all depart-B L ~ RDP R O nments of the SUniversty. Type- writing and Mieneograpliteg. REMOI)ELED, RtEFITTED, EVERYTIHING NEW. EDWARDS BROS. BRUNSWICK BALKE COLLENDER TABLES. (1ver Sbo::Ilnos 1St1ate Sileet:IWITtI 11TilNYGJS4o SI)IN'T 12 R~~edmond, Kerr & Co,, GOEN UI 1 M.1, n2'IXR BANKERS, HIGH GRADE-== 41 Wall Street, New York Iq4'S o4co 141TE HR'o'ivdepoits sabject to di t t iviendsitIL~Y IIUStETINS 01,'.ALL StttORS1iNO 2EV'ENTS 111d interest eallected Slnd reie.A ctis EDA D SUCSOSOT Iiteal Agentstoorad neeotiate Ill:issae of "'f railroadsltr eetraiihvat', e, olspdnleete. TO L ~ TATE MCeIbeoes'Ne: Yori Exlchange. ( EYN U LDSIoo nAa TREET 111RDE QUU SANITARY PL.UMB ING. HG-RD INETETSCRTE.List of uet a o lerings lea:t01: applicatin, F CU H ELI{ 11 TRICOli oSTRUCT'ION"AND SUPPLIES, PHILADEILP'HIA CORRESPONDENTS. US'T'EA~IND IHOT WATEtR HEAT.'ING, GRAHAM, KERR & CO. 207 ,E. Washington Street. ARTISSIC CAS AND)l :.:te 'aic FIXTURtES. HIGH GRIADE MIANTELS AN'D GRATES. EXCHANGE TroOilLamps For "Anln We ai'e headquarters for everyitig itnthe line of furnishitngs for Arbor"MtchlekGeneratorls tuden1ts' srna, GASOLINE LAMPS LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS, SHIADES, tirin1 in yoar aid ones aend let us make' y0001 WASTE PAP E1 BASKETS, CtUSPIDJORS. an 011CCTh upriM'';.CoOar Prices You Will Always Find the Lowest. TeSeroM'g.C., BZAR 3215.'Mnin St., nesa' Williams, MARKHAM'S BA AR Headqunarters for Shade, Mantles and21SOT MAN TREEW TTE'OE46 Chimne ys.21SOTMANSEENWSAE'HE46 SWEETS TO THE SWEET. I F'YOU WANT TO BE SWEET-. SEE BROGAN. 110 So MAIN