THE DAILY FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR 2.2. DELIVERED DR MAILED TO YOU EVERYDAY Wbr SOatn VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICR., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1900. No. 26. "BILL" ALLEN ON THE ,COASTI Good Practice Yesterday. 02 Laws Appoint a Coaching Co- Announcement -- mittee. Seattle Times Gives "Bill" a Niche in Prctse ysteray was unusally theTemleof alie. -oo fo Aonay; about 40 men li- Thel Junior ' hialt'tartedl an in- Our special line theTepl oeFme in~ the sqjal, an unuutlly large nusation it cllege atileti('5 by elect- Of freig andniber for te firt (lay in the we(k. lmg, in place' of a captain prope, t o foegn ad T' irr(pressible "Bill" Allen, '0(0 L, ''i're number of .apints iis die coinnittee of three whiei will have dorn-estic fabrics well know-n to aill old football players largely to ihe entlusiasui for the game onplete roiarge of the coacing, eteo., FallandWiner o 190hs anti roters, as plyti and cuali, iiiil hat Ritf." ehainisilled into the an shall decide who lia eaned I For the toastueantsWintertowspeopleashliemelttit hii (ii'(tiitolithat )noront' pl te enthe team.the committee con- arrived and is arranged for inspec- :.e kinig," las cent' to light a'eagaint laeo h ta lt o eso M~etr Wlo n ligilos ini lrgey. . J I ayis also of Witney C''te irst-iaiied w ii cto tion. The sanie careful attention It seetn [it "Rl"nhit, etiie il]- the opinionil that tie lowscsore of St- field eptain in toe gaies which the is given to the stylen and finish of Innelc- poiular witth the t.atleicfia- trday was (lt' etirely to the greatl temlt hy'. le was witi te 'varsity everynuit wheher o benscdfor iity of tlii'far west wo'hi-c ii'asii5aiiont f funitilngb hiytle baths. Isquad itst tar ast later played end everyisuit whethes thebnaaiidwfor "en ticd his5 coilietioii he' tis sidiltat thoeo ite:i'll-i res lii t'ni business purposes or for frill dress Meitiali anid mult' fo urliisef Ita s hoil shlit tiris ti'iis'kes ,abli''to iWilson is tloseii teause of his ae- iiuie tat wirthie Wltrieit Otitls hng onlo thlit'ball siill ib ' gieni the'('it1 I olilictioli uitli the 'Vatsity, whitli occasions. 'will neve ie"the''tsii-iani'i. 'l'he' platr know lii' sillI lilciti' lit i i stton to aid ma- - eent Islu'of t' itiat t(W ish). no'iisswiaii he saysami. all a' nak- teraty ii'tile coachiing. Wh1itey of G. H. WILD QCOI i Dlaly fine o cuitins a dft'elalftiion'eig stri'iiiiiin i'it'irs to freeze'i' w1 tlilst sring's 'Varsity b st'all team ('lt of "Sill,''a~ntlsang ohuini' eiiis th e pigkin. toI ifoim'ii-Aiihei't plalyt'i, will glve io8 E. Washington St. aliili iill he redl with iiinili inert o Molthe I' sglals ted poaitie fi'li' ssistbane of his knowsledge of [le by all whliit'ewlahm. hi' hotks iiu (iissiig occupit'dla l agi'gnie ' a oodgitlljutgmen. The plan is "ie etie rcl tin' University of itli-pari(f thei tiiit before dusk. ftows-- Iausgrted in the hope of eliminating - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g gni. anid the iiist a ftrnoon foundl liii i'v'r a shtrt tiimie was gienl to the the ias ir of "pItll" iiconnietrion with ELS oi the gridiii, wlieie his mim giilieelt s-iiniulsi~andm a variety 'of at aaliphlying os thei team, adin i the belief fiNN biiltl at onctt' mtr,ed the attenion of slois' bail exibited. As a rule the tht with so strong a to lunitee the BATulH v thlii coathesatdle was placed at osiohi hiut ita stroeigdefense, bt ntersts f the ilasssa imti testV AT ~~~giartd li!Iit'he irst crinuate.Tha~togeei' seehy fosindiihimlsef tlear aftei He'csi-d. yerTiep°ye aiyniiouc t-it-s plunge intotick lithdided hby sh(l~- ALL gard, talehlt'eteiie anih ul. I, wi(iteftreiie by Snov iriil t( Simba Chi House Dedicated. - PRICES su~~~whle payiniig thi'lttr psin ((iailiyardhsTor a tiiithdoit'i.This ci[h'_____ FOR his tcoachi t'suisi-'(cl-il his true t' ..sti lyivscore made in heiiglip lt.-T'e'Aii' onmthe iifeatumes swhii t't ime So- ORi'iYisiie Mffhmiai has(hver('eeiitio('it his-eucdas- ui oow'asiea ii incolegelife was nYU lie IturiiiyiiOpelSing fdIlis iass- Sigm posiions, and All-nim0no smalliih '' ' Vasi-tt- in Sofutheiy's game, wa YOUaROMORTHelped hermi h sitoht''i smakieititehis5'i garispthoticr'-isetstihiii1ihiose oai Nothi Inall street to triiii.At that tim' iihe sieighii'ihsumo'- e ic. ltit-,th use ld ii'biestter than the li'frieiits if the soetyr}. It is te Wildrs rharmacy r'nl'ikeii198 poutndi;.l ainihit icaniwell1 i Immr~em.larg'st aiditimany resect the most ii' iiiii~. b im gined' haltihippe'nei] h e ill'lit' liai oiie fi-(td l iuiy houe iiAim Ar- aeSStl u.hicbed into the iiterteecei o'fiite S. C. A. Notes. (sic,11141 iipcotnt f armmgemmiet of the y p___________opp____________ lhonit's attoit'k. 'rooms, ueioi'itiils lid furniture ranks EVRTIGOrslnid line of lor' the past Vvo teau' r.ScA[lli-sim hatmao ia ii't u mogtesecn ict Iithe country. EVIRYTHINday ath TO. hincaimmirthngllichi iuonththe vres PIE.CGR n O enerle is acohII I It! l i- botiiit se'i'itf-ivgt''t5ss-t'epr' s NEW RACCO-even the store w y,1i1-wsadrsedb ev oracud al one i i ut 'r hhid5ihitihasito v is 'ei, raniihthuiisi' ssas piettiy tdeco- iteloiiiitW hvere oelt(he11 inepato fthe*-l .Ichurcihi rtdstithsesinliat. mter itepoilnwarV hvere odle te hI' riiordil li vi n hs midii Isi ss riiaiutihiii'i~ mi- loe.wit fiwug t(s t'nd helts, n teir taaeand invite all our friends to call ills liilgi'iuhim'ttu ii hucvi'ohisaliiiiaso l- and inspect wat we have, You cn't su ~chuoci ot to stnditiiits to ai iioa iitsmr ic mStis j.wP heat our LU NCHES.i 05 mmt tmc lhii'matitic hmres'nti'dlwlai R. E. JOLLiY, 308 S State St. I nlinth a filI'll!tiut - ty f 'u[shi- 'ii tsti''miI-i~'ii tii e ii. o h LSonomi; I 1i . I P. tt tssy, iigtoii hiailsurtmrcutheir iri-outcht fi fadiiodszdauin' o ta a Il.I ritnC Hu a frm'tlaits sericeus to tel oa hha h ha imisentoh litahmmtouh . C;lammi'itimi t.ta itAl, sthic mii it semu'~t iiui'ilii'lt'h. 'mooIhit hi i(.11 illihave cha ' ih usmmuuum i .';aml is As * scois ndtheyeiiul:rmc'cciied.mitrtiidro-ietfi stu'.ium.Amlca ibitrae iuicl- Heiwor'id ws rii-i' ith ihitt e i- prsttt'imii;io riii IIr a lya Deri t L L E R It suik'hu-toiuss-i i ii ii(i i- 1ii- (u I.h iaia ",lls t e ii m[v uh' li iii i's oiii it it ii i-a De it E be t igm ilily -sh -- - itit , iiis5iitoutIthis h'iiivi'rts-tt 1 eiitt is'-ii ii' h rit h i-ft t t o -m-ft q. 01 11 b - l b O IS j iit t ii ihosi'ifto h'-itioti l. ltcats'i iu ihis tit1 -H -i o timttio'uua h e. i cii't a iti + ~ ' oim¢ eOsistussmeeterii s-il(it ito o t cron It u it' u sh h e t obeii rIst s hiso' C'] iii^_r tim -t ii'iimutio waen d m themi t ititofsi tihi' cO ATSEeS as ]u tiinhi-t d ome ' iTou at t-miw 't i -a-inI''it' t m tt- siislu-nlu.f'flits okiuefor qre attdgeitlmi mgthemrahwes . lih 'it iri cry If hit e h e ss l t ensilt ___e___llhe __tohe_1____deo I ol, i-t htit- u' i-is oisteaternoisoil IN )4 6i- fi & i O E tli h clii f i m a ctitu u. uuuHali-irs.i'Atl i ufiiu'utiui tmual wis gmiveni i ou slei lrg i-heeI-m i hl'th g i - unto1 ath is ,a hu t ________ill__ t uni u i lr-- (m ni t aimm u t mii i t o s'.tit'h et liiigigadehit-ioue-be s yrsh lito law cretir-- oa i-'iiitismg tucu-mt t I-u s m'- l - ttit - i't~t ot-i + ur lilttn t mfes e t u tla stiltheumiguuat mliiSI n thmuihtomfII..5itlh u is tiii i ii i wm is ii X' ick s te. ma acrin4 Ftl ~ o lstas Iie - f i r ei r i t _ ! uuguo muthm 'mt'mii-uu u -u t mew t hmut msisemrsran tw ics' sie QU~rARY ~RS \ ln ho.ofi~n law :loyrtears1]1,1 ia~ iuttheXOh122mIi'tm!"u tu u't uuu'lu''tim 1858imuSisettf I OR S AT S , an N U IV RST ', VE g uir l e i ul k m e ce uhuItre tigi S tae mti mmics F rn-ished o t hgeuu-a n Iteelia sl I litcil r be til at .> TIlat wear arc t1e1)ind1_the__________e -c i Regeif'.h nt s counliii''ohlliii's tossuill itsCape oome. 4. -- ti iitthid''4d.. .. . .. ,we',te.11, sll' otuimeteClu rgihamili f heknd whci a wewl hwyosi o iv eteilasneamd om iiru iesashmighuhey'imilegcunapte Si r. cnti i. Ayes 'a rtredrt wilsoIu ad lo v r sle as lii i( oiurt an Atierit ist ui mtheesults fuuu I,-Ith rwinuh beent u t aihuee'tiI i oneolt-, +- ourrecnt rrials Thy 'u (layg isttamius tir olgc ictm it' lai du'mi amut imto on timeruAug m nIlls of i). .ti,- i. w ile sti None. aruhs#h + iifhur mlaacddthi ctluet' th re o uach i muo rr t, o o u pg the ur1,7:3 s'ot ut 1 ;lt7S Tselut roo Shiusofi Ci outofwcan aremad ofFin Labs f Otstuthe i'oorthe t I-musSIll the ea eld.hasmematiAtel to fue Sitmialledof iii thie mastte tehanrnits Sand ot e ns be my i itone omf h ii uu ttinsiftime til nn_'hui e's in '~ssuthe i tr imer e iuits 'i-, At-a-es ectu er "C so 5il. te i"o li;i o iuit pchfart 'mii'u ft sumelmtues1,thalw) kdetl ea t im tm oofo alpae fteI.o d can be had in Stripes is onettuvuei te bestuknonotu allanmm'thes.uIn fil']'tr suofry Sha int theuu3.tat fthe ec g.Fu hi''' 'uuul cmm chtuut' uS i s'lg4(1seethetmt i o i natof ht'gre - hsmi ol-ecusi uhascaefo arwe wllowfrynoupnliyug Gs-iveulhe asTaRoom? utDIui'singtar the asutitYets gtradeore.bahito" . yres hsbeturnkeogta Jersys aad Seatrs a phu-er if himie 11h m limittiuuissmmlhttuuurm'tshaeb-those cefomter Dtr it aoter fumr all sinva 'som tBt ar ad fFieLabs ostautmors tmessnikcuro ilupot h ibnltmIoigt emuto flptlire arhie's o th76-oi hue O'touerm't nyeopressd fmoiese t prices ranging ftuni I m t uouugnm to 'allosw'fthuemimho rea the, imperiuteudents of schools a.,lighly pleasedi ever conditiomus ini Z i hi minest us-ysev-etal Iiemrumms thoughutless- Of-thue31in 'hem'litierau-t' tepart- Nomemas atolh hatd madi'money. Now, ~~ d-~~~ ly him dubuht, had 'thleir bmicces swithi ment 130 devoated their entire time to ilie "Ce-nut" is cuting wuood 01n eon- p2 t 0 $,50 the-msiiin h i di o f the playing, and a single subject. Of the literary stu- teact in the up country and incidentatl- I ~theme Ias coai.-tant danger not uly to dent sif' wore graduates of'blue Uni- ly ntakhig a good thing Of it. th ewhslbuitoa emt.a ' fu soke u nd niv 6 radties )nd 24 grdunautes o aeyu y se eardb W l of 'a wbeel. -lbeIuiehigan Normal College. Ha ler, the J'eweler.