4 THE UNIVERSITY 015 MICHIGAN DAILY A Excursion Rates FULL LI NE WE CAN SHOW YOU more GYMNSIUMTO ALL GYMNA IUMthat strict ly to c-to-measure FO T AL ,ordinarily tharg dwefrnl GOLF GOODS Aeo te h INTO GOOD CLOTHES than 1000 of the most inviting styles forFoll ever brought together. ~WH-O BELEIVE ogarments ought to he booght below the prices o ay, " HERE OU ARE." )RICHi & DUKE, dlar', asEarth. )Foot roosm over First National Banh V N H LTNOW is yousr chance to own a complete set of the Standard Constitutional and POLITICAL HISTORY of the UNITED STATES Join the Von Holst Club now .w Ca efuda urSoeV II~ Three graduates of tise U. of M. fcormi anobinasttth Cnb oltcatOrSoe School of Pharmacy put up1) inip- ganobinaottth tions Ii ere. ',Educationt, sian SPECIAL PRICE of $j Q for C0experience are at your commnand thec 8 volumes. Shehere .& C . ._.__._._.__ ._.__._. _ .A.LA.AN&. 320 S.STE STREET. AI 6 N & (O You canget a1Rcntucbter, the IIboto~grapher. OPSTELWBLDG,30SSAE Ii'fOTLU C K~_ AT (x1l07'1I0I OF It AMtt OtNDS." A tiitl:e1111ho f0 (il- alit1nit-al- F ~s ,,t futiti onl itic scirl tt'iinltti' or i0irlo- trIti,. itg I i htmawert-11 flit'151m- toe. Sain adltatoo Streets. T T .L .Eit itolllt llltiwi0110, 11(11t i jt l (1it' its: 'I'. .A. toitoit, litsitleci. '0()I.<egil s wit ytiefirs' t ". t3l il". Inolly lfttr-lttitil t'l'l'etllir )'5 i lts I I111 il I I' 1 11 s il5111 10 o' i'l o' a. V. iOtfn h. ?ds i re-ll (-Ins flt d5 'FirtileA tten3 'A liyalolti. ties 1,t1Ili 0Cf111 llwll' 10 lilitlt lti______________________ 'Fc.Calls A~t .Cwhvieral 1 t1 , er~vie )t'coie(1all, ilcl(Iit tI~ t ll I aI11)1IlO11,11(1 tiall' I'l "I Satej Atr Arbr 15a lit/I lls esli III l t.A.t . )'?7 hl bisilstits itil oreoc - I liii Oso.I . Ao t ltI 51ttl. ltilit'ti 'ti I Banlilit -ess. m ~ m ~ . ______ __ 0til llS.lt(1.tl l. lSlMli II A 'il' OP1 N AL!.. Nit T N Is las1."sIc I oI,1111 I: N wl~ 1 t 11 .11 t ol l-;N l- l- FUNERL _ - DIRECTOR Emlobaltintg a specialty. Net- 2011 S. 40i ,kscs Ambutline nightstud clay. iRes deece 302 Fifth Av50. NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY- T THOS. 10 WE,- opi. 1003 Broadway.4a57 BeIt Llhane 'COLLEGIATrE CAPS, GOWNS and MOODS, Rtegtingofa CAPS aord GOWNS, i SPECIIILTY- CLASS C~lNES, COLLECE FLAGS, 4 COLLEGE PINS, WAC KERN &CU1 il t. f irty-Seveth SI, ( CICAGO, ILL. Rcolder wna br is COMiu3 XAd with it cos thouitsof itaer Garments o WAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors,~ o (JCan please you intshe mtany blite Ithings thai go to make uja goi ahirtg 121 and 123'S, Main Street0 JUSrT TflEUTfliIQ OR T'AKIr4Q LECTUREJ SCH LEED E' TEMPORARY BINDER 3E~IIOpens like a book. Buscthe aid sting caver LeturecpaperSlt.for 50c Tbe bet fontaipes$1 F. SCHLEEDE,-' - - - - 340 South State UlflhU tEN 'wft SPAULDI NG'S FOOTBALL SUPPL 1 ES Ar t-sitseially tio ' t lrcever thei'goatie it pltayed,lbsetcradeitoma riig the guaron tee. The Spatulintg Offical Itera-cottcgttteFoot ho tisiediby alltheunlieaditig collegiesOast atletic clubs at the coutrty. Price, $4.00. Send toor(atalogoe of alt Athletic Sports, Spatting's OffiilI Fot il ttuOide, with (hi' tune Ijohle for 1900, andO records, reviesnd 5 instraetioea, including pictorva ot 1600ptlayer. Price, 1S cants. SANI505'S SPRItNG-GIZIt DUMI-HELLS Iovented by atnilse. Haveto ttequatl asanar exet-ciase ar inddeveloper. Everyomascle bte fated. A,0r. StAULDtNG & 000S. (Itocorporaltel NEW YORK. C IRCA O DESNVERl THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND