THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY .41 { A FULL LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan & Co.' Burchf ieldts Fine Tailoring Trade.. Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. ARTI5T IALLT A. N.° ECMNICALLT We will be glad to proveit to yeon, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron VON HOLST NOW is yeur chance to own a complete set of the Standard Constitutional and POLITICAL HISTORY of the UNITED STATES Join the Von Hoist Club now forming and obtain a set at the SPECIAL PRICE of $ 10 for the 8 volumes. (ALIAGUAM &(0. OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE (CALK INS' When we fill a prescription it con- tains exactly what the Doctor orders, weighed and measured with precision. To bring your prescriptiont to ns is to be snare that it will be right... i W-Wwj 320:S.. STATE STREET. - You can get a lncuclev0 the HOT LUNCH L- ATY .C. A. No te . 0'A T U T L E E 1'n 1ill lit:te 11 ilCriti'.eA1. (_ iA 3t~ssout Stao :4 -ivs .t1 21 po 0 to thoe lst den ts.y .1 u ti l e faculty 011 1 t 11'1 11i0 1 ve(00 1 BA~ IG 1r4nr t't i e rvslt,t andllat u1nique1 ott()sent$34og wnliabi lo i n tne. ' o E linil $40 bostig t9will e i torgall to'toinln O, 21in )BIC.CLE oter_. 2l istr t 'oey. io Sndy And th plans ot1erh. (s.t _.. tee nttein B4 S A RGACYINSwll b pPeltllJd l, tt'140 tST atilt' SnL;tOtla 119~. WAtiN~TO S. !lit 'ioer . etro: rtnyo ige llen tI $iOss Ort e nt$ 4j n;Nlta swn rnoe id'' t .. (111 01111'1 101le. o of p1ii 140Stelin 29 t-'S eloonotlre0 f10 efi 001ompkins tlt $.:iFo l142 o r lec le llty ele.,oo lf n~ uAN)Y oters' Onitatons. tem e ipotograpber. sic1ths yeaI, I ilegeC 1.11h11ever -itei. Co. .Main and Huron streets. Till 11t1( I oft tie tllilill iithe ojoiil Capital, 150,0 W.. urplus, $33,000l. Transacts d( pati l11(110islotlible 1tha(1 of t11101yer, geera1l bankingbusiness. xlthe t11liltedance iilthIIothe1r1de1rteil- R, Kemrr', Pres. C. E. Onoesir, Vice-Preo IV ll 1 .. 1111 1 CCIl(iIh wngI lll-e11'1101 FIREo. H BELIEF.. Cashier. ___- "- DTiiilh~ AI oAnArbor I O Its. l NI1'_I- Ill ta 1111stlit111f large~ FISTNAIONAIIL BANK\Organized 185 1(1clt, 111t o I s~in- l b. 11(11 air f11r- Capital, slo~fore. Sutrlnand 'Profits, t30,00 1a C 11 1.1180011(1;1,,a, bth nd tlphone. 'T'ransact era CUOl banking boutinoss. Foreign xh; ~ Jfesn 1 rdtgcbnltadsl.Frihlteso _ E. 1D. RINNE. Pre-e. HARIRISON SoO1'LE, 1,11, IXi..W.'(LARNOON (.0 Elir '0 II 111111oC LaulgllinI otaOIiIin ThC flan flrbor SavingUs Banl tens,110 11 elil, lot tSchasll's '}lonksolC Capital Stock. k0oon0. Sorplior, X150,00t. - -____ - ResorIces, $1,i500 Organized undrothe GeOral ankinlg Law. xs Calender ' ' ofthisoState. Receivesodeposits, bays and sells axehangec on tie rincipal 01t110 of (hoe'(loted - Statet. Draft: carhedodn150plroper identificatior, S,1,Otl. 'U, t;1p.III.- -151CC tII -'- afty el p401osi oslto rent. 81. oOrc . ChritalollIack, Pres.:'W. D. Harrl- ge1111' I'itlit. man, Vice-Pres., Cilhat. . Hisooo. Cashier; M5. I'll., Oc..F6,l.o1}. 100--GhIp00inOarhe It 101C (111(11 (ioerllllen lub21111u 1110-C 5 1 000 ' W Cii~.'d' ..1100T .PRE1' S. STh'T Ii 1~C .VSaEAn. 2od Vi10prt. Cfls ~ lt , Oct. ?ii,(Oli. p.G1. ll-Ii 11Cy iCCOS Coos C. OATzlOAsI (0 lshe)II f League.BfNK S11111'i~l, ((1. ~ IilllliS111ItlC Trans atsO a general ,1~1;11111e. IBankitng Iuolnent. &' ermn 1051111litth v1o1! t 101070. Granagers AcdosnI oii hlonasdl t. 1t11115111, 1Rya1n& I~eule Iare sole 11811110 fot' Ypsila~nItillnderwear. 7i illcr 1"ep1 1a 1'ml 1ol. 11i 01110lm d 1.t f Il:lt 111.]41o is tho IriIxvni.43 " " s('. l lot10_1 , t011ICb0.fit1(1 011 , 1G1111 ,1(\ 1 110 ' 110 ' 1'i(1. C. E. BAR.Tt1ELL, Agent, AI1lttfl 0111d Wilson lions. stiris Dr1. ('ililo( Ii. l1cwlli, Il'o l1y iCof 31j.26 s tateSt55. Ace Arbar,."itchv. frbe 1 ' t11 'itsll, h571110 & 11111. 1i'lll 11111lOl iollO. 111s 1' 11 i''n l' l 5111- InAI5nTke ~ok(lI 1'111 F1tiil'l Nt 11 ('.1_i, 1 ('C . 1in to ll, 31110. Alitlleto W TIDYuDDiTYOU i1,~1 w i11 (E ? Y. >F1t oMols old Lum.t t -(jlonn11lec l iislell 10411 1115 tlllo',11111 OPEa A LN16t. I __1101°(_______po-ition.1 s-sc 10 5., Two doorswto lot oo Huelba M tl1la I11111)11S "(',I101 (ill1l1l.. Pic- 1 -_______ UM, MARTIN... r~m t 1.1-'1;. 111,1((1.0 A o ur0111' lter for 110m. FUNERALJUTARVD DIRECTO l'obioga opecitty. Nos.0'1 S. At' A ve. Amlair oe 01f0t1an0014 oty. t se tereS 302 FifthAce Try The... FORTH SIDE A' LAUNDRY 101011 Hroadwa~y. 4,571BeCr11 shone M.1 Olakera oI r' COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNS and s-jOneS. CAPS ai4d0GOWNS, ,I (ISPECIOSLTY. CLASS CLINES, COLLECEt FLAGS. COLLEGE PINS,. CAMS.,.. W.=C, KERN & co, CHICGOILL. i! i BLACK GOLF HATS Ak IM ... ,Oft. ! 3.00WAGNER &' GO. bER!) BY 121 Main St. MATTERS AUST THlE T INtQ FOR T t1KHIQ LECTU REJ SCH LEEDE' TEMPORARY Opens like a ~book. teats the old s0ringcoret I I ecrcespaper 311). for50C Te beatfoant tin pen'. $1 SPAULDING'S. FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES Areunliversallty usedoohrrev'er tto gate it pllayedt.Ohe trode 111000bringttoeotuaranter. 'file Spaldting OffiilInOter-cllegiate Fo hall. Is 1used1by15 1111 tto letading collegc's and athlicttcl1u1s0oftOhec' outry.,iprice, $4.00. Seriidfor Catalolgueofor allAttilete Sparts. Sptdtding's OffitotFoot BlltiG(ide. woththe ne0w tMules for 10, andtOrecords, revtrewsanti inutIIlOions, illcidiOO picturesof1600oplatyers. trice, 315ents. eaaNItOW';±S SPRINOI-GII' iP 1h11-HNLI. Inv entod by51103010. tHave1no1eq111101s ao -rxeretoer 1105 developer. Every msnsee oe tired. A.G. SPAUILDING & BROS. , F. SCHLEilto - - - 340? South State, NEW YORK Xx8At1o0 DENVER Mi m mL UC :I Cur~~T . u t