THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. t WWHAT'S I ANAME? When its " GOODSPEED" on a garment it means: STYLE-Original creations that Ann Arbor's best dressers have looked to for years. FIT--Exclusive fashion followers recognize the perfection of a w "'Goodspeed" garment-so different from the ordinary. FINISH-Only the most excellent high grade garments bear the * name of "tGoodspeed." * SUPERIORITY--Of workmanship, best grade of materisls, rich- ness of design, correctntess in detail and highest possi- ble standard. 110 WASHIN~ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, ala 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, E~D'5 IGTON E~ -**4 A 44 444 AAA 444 444 AAA AAA AAA AAA-444 AA4 a-zla Z..A m MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Most Renowned Ladies Shoes'Aar loksS "TeNiagara Falls Saute.______ CENTRAL STANDAR 1Iti . The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic U. of M. P-ins Soc Ito$1.00. Fi ne et GhNG sacs.TeMla n ac Raai bgaSpecialty. TakigNefectSTmberho, MelbSreetJenness Miller J, , L.CKAP>ANJEWELER, .tiNgt ,pn............. 5.A.X n Atlantic Express.........j'4 "4 Grand Rapids Exptres.........it1" All styles, 0~fi Dress All styles, ___________________ 3t. $3,50iN Louth. Mail andNExpre.............. .On *7PU N. . Boton Special.......... 4a58" oe price, Wear One price, F E Bonton, N.Y. and Chicago ...... 1..43 i Alt widtihs in Dongota Kids, Enamel Calf, Box Calf and Valour Calf.:.. , PatWsenNpes . 1' .a.Sole agents for Ann Arboi. A 5c13.o S.t~ at v B. a. and RE at. Exprs. ....5 4cia h Oeh fis1ta Aas iten Chicago Nigiht Expres.......... 943"t16Seh 10TasA rmCo'k Pacific Eapaess.. .... 12 3U0A. n . 1?1P%1r2 i1Dt g ~t~5sc tc)iea Steansahip Tickets, alt ClasseS, tond Srant(IY1f"''& ),M, I.wM Wn iAoldJeweler .European points at teseest sales.5 sltlafor- mnation on appttcation..- ________ 0. W. RU0>GLES, H. W. Oarss. T 0. . & T.Ag't, Chicago. Ac-,t AaaeArbser. Fresh Engineer Class Meeting. f Light Prac ice Yesterday. The ''i- ll til il ic '' iit' itt' . -i 'tslrl'itl li ;aItcy tto l i at'ti itllat EW isthel i iltltill 111iitso il(I'lthj (e-ii 'tatllele 1111l-Iilytook ltit it t ttsc ti ' 1 ti'l'e itly'It C"ii til lll 1it' I ttg't f,)1- is "tattle 1. d 'l '. Tet' 1110 mxerea'01111' S c a e b terItelA re ta.e e TIME TABLE l pacCiltt i'isc 11lt t ' l\lt('a llt ( t "± lt l ti' I0 t'ic t'' i 111 till t'n tlt' 11ll 'll to gtcticUs,1 cige s r ie Talaittc',aaNs~~a O~4 O l's ih tttta111wl of llltlter'ay loil- iwit th ilt a(hlt y ' st'l tt titl-idItlt ?11 -11 da-=ns lese Atn Arbo tty a; t td I I:tlt VI t'.'lltltlt,15lltt' hlt tctCltdtlt' spirt 't 1 11 I'l rt'b'Inru ar l TI MEi ititti litL till t ti tttittttt'titi l.111i')ort. t ''lsl'tl't11101' ltil tl t ' 1-I'lt xi ttii' coacvtacs et ' a rrigeseti. Tak in Etecl~a'' i tIt, u ay2,19. w 111ld (11 A wl1), 1 1 s- 1 plotuto uht.1it"('x10111ithat st Cic l at' > r i s I j Trais a ve AnAr bor y ni t raltillt itSid iltlaXI ii 111 I i' ati'iti'hvngE lOB, 15t:: E. LIET YSer T ar Na iu-t S a.'t nc 01 il 11 1111m i: l t it t '1 r I l ll vd'itttt 'ttt cd 111stl a ttFt111 l y l Au 11e itit I;)ily c'lot 'aaaa ittt'attta ".taif )t