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October 20, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-20

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p d ormsssan F. Harniasatechnlogy iphthd STEIN-BLOCK CLOTHING
~ P ~~"' ~'~""~±~ out salar. tcnsoywt-________
Elisha W. Case, B.S., 'was appoitlod
Publhshed Daily (Montdays ecpd) durittt ~i n t rai ie ity osc
cccd A. A. t'indsnoer. tOhN OB~ K NAE
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1P. . ElWstrtli as tlpork isocon
MAtN OFFICtE BRANCT 0 tcp htt=cJAI111,111attfor [le now hotnoe- This tsake, of Clotinis co
Args Bldg, Main St. 365. State Street. polit i osp1ital. "dfned to Its in this town, and is te
Both 'Phttne 13. Netw State'Pttant 182 r.L m adw si
_____________________________ 1s.lobrdwa point tt attot swellest tailors' creations for Fall
MANAGING EDITOR, for the neow omoeopatic iospital.
0.1ITs. N,'01
BUSINESS5 MANAGER, I Dedication f Sigma Phi House.t
F. I:Eio,asstt'1 .'ol Sts $5.00 to 2500
Iiilt~tSFInvitations hIave been issued for te
ArhHErlC, . f3. . HUDNT, 'St E. ddication of lthe new chapter house of a vercoats $16 t0 30.
-I'the Alpha of Mihgn hapter of the
A. . McDoO;GOL,'O E. w. A. KNIGHT, '1 L.: Signor Phit fraternity at Aan Arbor I
Miss L, K. Saa. '3 CnAs. ossAK'ot ~onight. The ouse was econdy I
H. H. WsOatow,'04 W. P, CITANRY^,o'it (copeted and the members ofte L I N DENSCJ-I1I TTI
chapter have just taken possession.
Meptoesswill be: Mrs. J. F. .& A PFEL
La--wronc, Mrs. Mortimer F. Coote _________________________________
and______ iMrs. Ftlonce H yes Spizley o
The subcttionytatttpri0clttft.ret.t itrao AIt rbrand 1( Mrs. J. HIL ngf ln ar T E PLACE
fte tocllow eas, a jitt eegtlalardelivery Walkerttn1(Mrs. John T. Boadhead O H 1 I I
tiaat. tad utttee datto. ittt ted lao ptthli a Detroit. The ntetnhra and gests willon ad'tI, lttrieddfr ulccJ -
hto Itt asttite tattdt at the D moi cticndt tt-ltf, urde game othis afteroonto. -- FOR -
ttfr l t -t.tt.,ortailtO to the etito e tre3ee 3
It a.1 otftetday peioustott ttht daatn wichi --ICT RES
tey areepetctedtoap".. Baird Returns From the East. PIT RS
Mesaoitittr ts oitl L tI ttno r is thsI
Mcra, so SbtbtotsltttClfto al, PICTUREFR MN
lateor by t-re ttt"t_ r itre at this. ogete attn lilrtdllll DiednC h I arles birnrtl -It
faiueo at it.t tti ta lli etr. Itttuned yostudty flonlt IllUrl in. thtlttAND
All c ge ot in taatliti tgt i a ttes tmutst bIto I eat~s . 1 r. 11atedvisilted f'tortell, lat- V
thi~cr noltt0 OOil thedaOT~tO. t td ae 'i1ttl,103lso, g~S GIBSON PICTURES
1 _______--------_____ nr 'llsylvlIiII 11d1othtl 1151 Oa otl -l" "I).IS
Regents Make New Appointments. I() O.Itilittlttof1r ieF 225. S. lEDIQ AR Offl
tip was IIlt hdtle ,twtlsforall a tt to-U hit )U
.5t ll'I Ittthre n t ingttf lthe Boartd etn ltttsbltitrip intheIls pung. At 111e f 217 S 4h AVE., ANN ARBOR
of Rengents 11hefollswittg aint mn~t"lt daiftoott plces hett teltmanattiges_
wer1e ttmtadt: 1a1(1ti lit tns Of setil s All 11wet-c V~~t
Alt apr riap thtion of )$15 tellsteido tvtry frenodly111111stmedtte 10ill favoor
for ltdp itt1s ralsit,0ts lasselectorS by of ltot-tltg-t ibasebtllte1111flrowta3licli- AT H N H A R
ritepr iseaforo, tlso $111for rllSI a'itotal gn as t t hettlo t Ju11.ist t iaeseuttS T E T E
1141)ii hitoy.fodeenlitt loll xatt 511daesan t. H E
were poiottlci staisl5 i phytts Iloticsa t(tit-o, tll tt t-tltatebll trip iI II1.)I ) Y (. I .)B E 2
X300 0301. i rc itll r edttt.
1). C. S~lhrtlioe s lo it)ltitlllasttt- flht 11111teleeof gettittealotacl-i foe111e YOU SAW IT LAST SEASON AND SAID IT WAS THE BEST
.11111n Lrsonlt N 1a ilispoittelt-s rit h st-everl1-tllt) tunde r ltttidatitt.tlOthers are eqtally enla ttic-in fact te -
itt platt nt 1~ 00g, it $251. bllll g o-. It ot yetil (. tluniversall polamlt ation is that.
ttilav. l]'ltitnslir AttatorypissittloARTHU
taistranttwilMotttrt lttt1l atottitoory t01 -P11111 lV. eald thArttIa Det i n 'tttitisO N \ffAR H U R
$30.nr i.L no l tt .1l ds Itok 151sts til It i h1t t n-it) t
and (% 1')-Ecklertwoe aptlttti-da(l )iedtrun a) rd lro)1 .[of aroster sette V U L D M N
11i011Ii l~risu Cti u t t-tiii ult11d55<I f(is enoughl t o1Iol' ss I, I 11it, (ot ~ e 15 3Ot
tn nlets "31. the . 5 -t s rbe lcctcll b11 i ft a -11t 1lrht , Il-Iti-ln i l. tW i tll P R C S:e 5, 5 r 5
Profl. a3(111(1)31illn ~1 i 1113 te - rlm t
il alt tii-iril lt) 's a att is t$W .t t aly1a10)111111 l~dr- ti-tiofl Ar e olt-is atiti tffot-is BI....41J. Nsrad Nsr
Ft ed If. (,see11011ni98i, laapointed nSO 1 k1r11 ce111acIrileyat dn lwllal l ir- tl PRICES: 25, 35, 5AOA0 o a ndO f 75" A AO
y ea ,\tl 1 9 0 i s e r p n .< O IGA a pr 51tlt oirl ofltt i 1 .61 1 A stt I. II lit I ( ii 1 h e h 51(1o (I .0c ~ tl p i
ftti 1 lttt w i tt ut 111 lt tlo I t h e Ail _ r__________ a__ "__ h__ d______ p__________________
1w 11 . tu ur toitttrti lIt sttooitn.ii L e t tnAtrp iab lg a^
unltill ltt rtnis 13 ll i f ft tt S te. i ntwlbeed l t e ur -
31 lit- sttrIItonc-tgttl e iseMen. of etero Mol
1o. pliorrtt tl lgI af lI1t0lts rml dI(ll i t. - he keivesiy.22.pc
111 rteetltl Itltlt tou l lun trtat-t inll wligadMncgahn. RMIEERFTEEEYIB E
t itw o telt 10i laceli 1o111ally, Prn HAKetre s ,ral eat
.1ito reA.'trti >tttg, isill P AtR4LaiOtreRe Yr
5)s ..suer 010selectltnstS rlitelt dtaetEDAR aletDSateBROStite. BUIWAetLK OL RTALS
itts P1-Of. tgltt-at $30.(Fetr Atentsra d s ege 'atela truset F SITS 5=-I UT
raitetlailt sthaeif liat, r. R s- at-ond 15laterr n S?,o ste. E1i0 IC4 1S1tr4 fIero'11
(otiale . Fittuds esiged tas pafslait- y- TATEIH RAE
l"' loftporlli i nd. cliticat al ntistrt ,. e BANKtttt~ E R S, R
tsiI~ toio7 1IItsSaer tlsst1 ill-.MAstttttet-n41nWlletnariehettewrk14is © 400 1 [ 4f r EJ
do rtI- hl e st- il i i o 11n$ fi ltD.I~ b ee. - R D I V S M N EC R T E . i O ' ~ US N T A Y P U B N
Ill tpoinedl TrS stts enera akngettalusis.tls r ~ U 1 l~ 11111 1511klO N)St at
lI)trt ett llttV Atia t htlttst r i oace cepostser t oDiws w E. U .'13TL E~'18Ott. at NttSOR T I EVETS 10
1n1 atndosat5 t ttIllrt 1ittl Pitet icltl AndCeoIlaeRte d AOS ST it
el tohe 011115nto' a flt 011111 tittt .O110- 1i - - - ok xh~tg R sET AL~

sfatirltin ll l ttIIII01111113s Is :$0111 EXCHANGE YourtOli< Itt~ettAttst We ate iheadquarters fore net thtisg iintelitne of furnishings for
Chaes AV. Josn , tlI S~lt and Haithrtr ta ~te eetlostudentsoms~a,
qlrllt~t~t'i vec.oh ii oe, nt$<00) tallh. lttit i aour eld ones .an10 ie-Ius ntakte you1 WASTE PAPESR BASKETS, CUSPIDORSs.
Watltct Ti.13101110 Pit CIwsap- 1)1 511 The Superior M'f'g. Co., Our Prices Tonu Wil Alwatys Find the Lowest.
paintted assISItaf r n tt-l toII sue.) 31205S.Matn St.,nesrWilliamt.M A RK H AM'S BAZAAR,
tee G. 1 St Heath, at $130)HeadqusarterorShadeMantles attd 5SUHMINSRE.NWSTEPHN46

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