THE DAILY FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR 225, DELIVERED OR AILED TO YOU EVERY DAY w h A >VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, AICI, SATURDAY, OCTOBEKt 20, 1900. No. 24 AFTER THREE YEARS coch amniso works n the theory M ichIigan Men in a Football Mixup. An1uncme1 tht(hanlgeof (iet land the iLSIety_____ A nounemem (f waiing ro hardr awn t t4,alm than Th Dener Republian of Ot. 15 ____________________________ IPurdue Teanm Comes Today to Figure at trip tho(ay of thie gnt, 00 te id~ 1( ootais a three-ouinion artcle on i ' Our special line -in tle Alumni Game, o eieIaaeit stleryttofo>,thah tine1(1be~twen te1)D11vrI _______ oorning ant will arrie whctt little Wheel llbad the Victor team, ts of foreign and It 1(1(reeYar, since a to 1tin 1(1 0 tinse 110to pr eoreothe gameo begins. hlatea e 1( lilgo011 lmaaged by, atnd domestic fb rics lal ( ty e, t(Ind., 11a"c5I11 Ito 10ts I ililt they (1111 s1e0d11in Detoit a1d(1it I(( (0 (1 tent c1mposedc tof old Field on tat ocasiud ali V 1 i 51 ill retun o It yt f1( o m t5 rr5c \uign lyr.B'.t lytesa For the Fall and W iter of 1900 has 1O'jrt05(lted the s5111110 0010 sty f(( fl4,o pose thils 1a1my1 of s'('tcrl1 11 in.fulbac 111 two cy, star I t0(1a(0snd h1er1'en1t(1 igh~t 1tifo Ilt etli'i(11 will have te0 followv ig lire e 1(1 1111 Xwhil KOea lla (11311Inl, £011 arrived and is arranged tor inspe3c-sr. ''ll(ct1asA galme10rsltin t11 1ore (up, v('S10(15'S Cat sf'ti~ ett ever h0C is(old psitoofCt ieletlo.11111irk, 11 tion. The 01(me10careftul attention cf ,l ter.41ill eliI11 I tll orl Ito's(favor,111b:utethe. W l nd t (111a(t te Itittoo ity te' pal year, is given to Ithe styleu and finish of s1110et a.11(y 15 lleint( ytX1stl11(1 so a :n i ht gnk (0);right K ell ( Boggs b ini frt he Den1v0egrl chub'by a ot,11( every suit, whether to be ned for Wtth nit e tlcll(' th 1110 (1113 looks Of itto(f(0.1013 25; et(17l i tern b t 1111111d11t('vll oluwig tl1'(tt(CIIt(1Ilo e~ttst iot 11 (1 1 Know8511(180)lft end1, IRedden (180); t 10 111 rtl tlt010satt lusiess purposes or for Inldress lss the A111011look £01'r1iteard strugle. 111( Ittltlck. Sltcinis (15; left hatl. I ( 11 ) .I mnliait occasions. 1On th111' Fortc 1111 rctre is but oeltte st tl.rlantin I 111 11ig tt ('lCw tith 1hi0 "i ma1(1ttwol wa('s1 With it I iltec 11rme 18(1:),ftllack ttwcly (70). 1111111o yow11 's, (lont stoad t hl 6 14H W lD iIJ ('olwast. l e is titI sween11 1(ca1ptai cand-his to 1 s111o(n 'tsi s 1'11 ir1e10timel, 11o1 hlfbtack tobrtsoxi aa at lk(111s1it 1State College Republican Clubs Meet xpsc anyi 110 4,11tat t t he 11field. As o8 E.Washington St. punter ando placeokiker hs earndllu111he reOc'od frso hlow(50'ho throw it1ro i 10tplae n 5v s1Ite tltIcs h st olee rpll e cltb his1hans to Iis fac 111101then chaged Itoejplayed1 51 tckl three y0111os ago, (op((ned15ti r eltenitumt to Armoyhsaslan.Jdoe lt he tolich '1(1sitolt10101111 ~tt1W held rthey a staraot ifo.low-ir t eme ntot1101'a 110i' ele. 11111 1111 ELS ng, goht lhst 31110(year lI '(k tlrero eii tollqoitto'IllOatcg totorl 18I en'(ddoly011y' p'u1e1e5int- 101111wh11re0I10e ran1the to1111 It,Isi I T(11' e110geatr 101111of 10thealefel.' rlit no. ld atrst~t 5100 t srwllO toutol gngier anI t Isre dt4,i- ylt m10(01 sJ ha1d1 Be1en 011 'tilts11 Sill1 11 ATwth is k 111n11 II O tiil 11101 II 11h o'rc0010I uepatb 10'cu ntgi t 'nI _ t'll r th he rl et of(( AT 55 111 111. kiehtg thiliico 11011' p111111 lt'ibeelts of tte league are 10 1010 to e a~t't (111t~a lo 10it'o tLLinvluble 1(1tahis t10m.11 1 I. 01 11Diav 1intees 11ctohpi sIleIft n m1b S l,ho ltuk4,igof a sottit PRICES1s011, IIt ltinmiddl otheilinhe. 5I is ' I ('Ilhonctitilllirttlo;loshould tThetg00'a' £110 R inlA ookiiis,,nd ari'tll tllthe l 1,and'' i'(t atl5of 1etail ltclltt '1w loltestat' lolloisg Ic sly 1' toy's tYM leA 010011 sItreut atio teI r s'e w ietiksttc(lof r itttca rli m tI1(e11 10 (111 Oi.litfo rtt ('11110105o IAIIA~o.,~. ~ 1(break is atoug 1110d Clo~ds 1ick. 'cr ted bythe repub11~1isc 11011(10 t t51toIl u ilitflrli('.0'ha? b r '.__________,j ____________________ I 0Ot''tl fi m(1111por 11' l'llt lt on.I' t111111 h w h ("1 1 11tel ( i's' 111011 11 (11 1 hl elo 111 _______________ Ph__ rm___y___________t____f__fs t's t1eeng1 tt1101 til 11 act'oible nto on v r EVL RTHING~ ~ss~l~dmd line F .to loto'0llt i ltes t 11,_Pliolhes'studeant t ourlll to'' 11home 1 to 1 ol t lneosotttlw~dts alon't0 andlolil it RS a.StdtTO- i s a111111 Seel. le iSyl1 'tml,11 I' tShe1k '110' o~iit il OtltlgU a t acle.'' ete NEWteran -een ttle stoe 111 iaI 11'tIle0' he f.ll'ry 111f. is 01 st li 0.Of lgts p(a ± ni nit l ntfre st lall stl r'ight' guard,11 also lto l ance1(1( i 111,1110 tere i' n 4i t o 1. '0 . . :M ' 11 Prl s psaiedlthe Ropolt tilhe Foest and TinetOwa wendsi.dYuln'oof ~evvtlg lick. tilt echo is plaI ,l1re holitlerit hoUivr h eatorL N H S tg 111 11 iIl 001Psil 113s'lelst o tO 1 5 1 ti 1 11 I.. er ivCommission.A. It. . JLLY,3055, tete hst.artcuicd olls (Ieis fals( t ilreaktl oln IdorellStJ. E Noielat *3.4,4,4,4,4 ng(thro.1"'0.ndtin i ng o lI~"11p 1 esirnr ic iilllOlivehia"I II Ila'seIl 4,et is LewW Garemodeled t (111h11e11 (1 11 11.''i It 1 I? 11 llltlI o 111(1'f~'aiyrsra an npc htw ae o a' .1 5liik ('Isle '111 Dais 1k11all-o1the1r1 Slszool olece d t WCll bsPaitNmls'.00' lhlo)t':IuII Wo9 I4,E JtOLLYC3haS, tt S511kl.Ie ep, hi et V1 '5al r1, yilinghe 11 a15 'i l 1 ,ii IIan till lii lt alll-n1e sIIv'a11 n11' "lt illlou, titol toisit ,hs' i ltol 1111" r1111 .1(S1111'ofn 111 haaerbd teone f t heitttg I li l3'. 115. io e r 1J.(1113'S fttll- iiitliW.F. tIr iSI' tciligla~ l D ' htue t V t (td~Oh'o al e ne. 111ie5 elr11 .111' iskfas1thNeT yl k o S It to 11111 t4,tios1 it e b goodesenable clubs oni tilt(1t1ais Ills s'Cioil'h(slit l S I '. Foo e~tal am s toay diroi'elllt'i for dtill fo srr''iilssttvlt ( AV D S1 lithal. tA) teei s 111 lillItI 3alit8lnis Ss1olo''io't. 1 1 5''li ':Ir3'1ll-lltll Ilyes , ' lllice g e as ttiIa'ts iIir.ta,11' telPIf sos nt1 s's. Soos a81(0 itthe. )k is \ l telIroototoo un , ol 5 tt' on sl ThL Y E IoS me I li ot tll'Oil tiitlgo t lt loif Ap.Jtil.'Ihgos0'S. 11)11 tlf S:lil' vititi e at withl hano e^re-the Ihaft llillooudll 011 r05a11 fa( to' t in f l'Iivil l S'.lyiPtuLOOCi ttIs (oh I~tliltl'tSsidtlc R t are nsadefro thr+ 815 11''oys 1 3sl: 111 It IOil 11111 '.callllttt.s lo 11 II i ewi t~naitS Dittie h Oug~t sasne w od gl~litliO 111,111' ('ltg' .ndgoi d wn w1. '0'. l" 4,v'mr- til'. l ioas 0'Se ltiatio NiiestrtlicnIlls' fiICOO IV 'titililiomin 1tlli-oso "I" ur aleisharg aelin. fstiear man,' 01and5011t1(I1111'1:10iSefoota loryh t ~u bog ' ltewllers'e lliarlaiettt toiialoa'e 4, quhgrd oting Bopser. r- lane t Dlao s olo Iatlin l isi he1 II-iltgt ftO h ettu ttl d v Wool i Ist. or uhtd (San' t ie Itl of 1 his000;a efes-, s1' sr f etn he m ries, lse i 11110 (111'bas unt 3 tl . le 0's. 1 . Wt'5c3aa il. e p r o l p stod eth" Itor ytsofm arisyt id grt + 1 11 h kn m )ut ,pa -1nf ht ou a1 v ftrln olr il~a u oucft sI iota'ior es r ill lln I Q U ulgRY 'NblS Lof- t lhson (201)1:'tigiiss g id ) e..1.5u311-n I