THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 _k FEE:FEEFI'r.FE f fr.'E:EFEE tEFF E:EE frisf i'r. ?E:E: ir:¢ E E f: E Et E!F:IF E :FFirfr. =fr :f : : rIF E : : sat :cs: : : aat a . t: : :: : :ic :cs:e: r: c .- WT WHAT'S -IN A NAME? When its "G.OODSPEED" on SUPERIORITY----Of workmans material's, richness of design, c and highest possible, standard.. *" ,,,r e'.t s rtr. s:ra're r. rirat: er r. : f : ii'i 'i=lr' i?4: ''EIE FiF r FiFF a gi ship, eorree --- 1 +1 4' armen it mans' 4' best radeof4' 4' ctnes in etai 4' G m ' OODSPEED" 110 WSHINGON4E arm ent: it mYZassseeas : 4s'ra , .y"....,...._ 44 AA a-Z-44 AAAAAAAAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA A-ZA A M-4 aa3 MICHIGAN CENTRAL + 0 + ~ ',The Niagara Falls Route." H 5 R O S CENTRAL STANDIARD TIM1E. «o nteIora Taking effect September lo, igoon * WIeG eOMk t~cE a. a 709 N. UNIVER~SITY IAVENUE Deri i;tEpes........ 5 M 4Atlantic Exrs................. 745" We have on our tables an Entirely New Line 1 (Gand Rnatide Exprecs...........1110 of Fall and Winter Suitinlgs. - Kai nadExprs s ...............34 P.iM. N. Y. Bostion Secial ............45 It Will Pay You to See Us. sc Rlern.............. 90434 WIN(, .55, ' M4ail and ..x . an . . .40 aA.. Bostoi n N.S adCican.............5 sO S Bsin '4 -and Epr(his ........141 P M. N 5' O G. R. andKal. Express .........545 Chicago NightExrss ...... .....094.," o ARTISTIC TAILORS," Steamshilp Tickets, all (lasset oand4 Iros &Eopean points t lit r1attn. Full infor-- mantion on application. O.W. RUGGLES. 1.4W. HAYS, M.iSiiE tS iSTONIGHlT. Alitlls 111i>> like all theristralner GP.&TAg't, Chicago. A' niA 'o, Ju'.1 sill '.t iskiiis.''t11,1atitractionin2a strange ld.if bhi isheks to st' AtIlitilstolli-t, ol.glies t10.Aili l oiicinlit-tiefit liiiselfhe li tJl-n tllsoi p1rece1ed1l) ea spilrid reccorci ofvescigale saln11ctale eadvice of those sou . It l-had o '-la tof ciglitsseeswilh p i-c-idc11111i. titi essuoitgwith d 111Ottt.Nett Yorka. lost sea- the colti"grad," ycoti sill learn 111111 itk son, six Oct'15 Ill iltis>itto, st-vt-itve Is'ssks5als'ays advi~lle tlit teb-elst il- I llIll iltliiliia.tind nnculethe lt sst-i airilg atItlialici 's es-li'y Oitsrtsvliclt 1.11,11reor1 oci11tyitlc' ifor eigh;litsI sti I Is toesvery iiitiiiiiis sisliig'MS vek,11aS11111 -ot-.tatcrl'll.t TIME TABLE Takinge Effect, Sunay, May 21, 1899. 1 ily--1setiilt' tt~pttin- tits rs-gilar'sosarso-n_______ ' Tras leave Ann Aertte by Central Stand-.ii ttt