HTE UNIVERSITY OI MICHIGAN DAILY 4 THE UNIVERSITY Ob MICHIGAN DAILY A FULL LINEi GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan & Co. Burchf ield's Fine Tailoring Trade... Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. ARTI5TKCALLT "...°NECMANICALLX We will be glad to proveit to you, Truly Yours, S. BUROHEIELD' 106 E. Huron CoQ Hl for SF the . 1 CALKINS' When we fill a prescription it con- tains exactly what the Doctor orders, weighed and measured with precision. To bring your prescription to us is to be sure that it will be right. 01 320 S. STATE STREET. ' You can qet a I etcOPtelIToo~abv TUTT E'S t.;i Ii iiititsfiyie ioofthe XVb(1o1tiliii li 110 ii io a lontoclaoac.dni a t o F oee' C lbs'It. (&iii' (M' Vi o ii sta inery at scllo A NY'I 17I MP1E hers"'doil( hel Ke.R.1.IRKt. Iookstore, 11tl So. Male St,. saI VON HOLST NOW is your chance to own a mplet~e set of the Standard )flStitutiOnal and POLITICAL. [STORY of the UNITED TATES join the Von Hoist Club now ming and obtain a set at the PECIAL PRICE of $ 10 for .8 volumes. IIA6IAN &(0 'OSITS LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE tor. !Main antiHurnStreets. pia, $50,003. Surplus, $35,000. Tranacts genealibanking busines. Kaxrr, Paps. C. E. GnEEnS, Vico-Pree Fir.-EDNHBct , Caiioa. of Ann Abor RST NATItONAL BANK 0r nnicdr1111 ptat, X100,00. Surplust otd Profits, 135,0A ;ange bolight andtilid.5Fornishi letieraoof D. KINNa'l, Pree'.NANRISONiSOULE, Vice-Prey 'Peonmtb nwth ,your tit tetotit. Grtang etra Acdemay 0" EcyiotSi. 1101110 .111(1 :101'0i1Q, -": (I),11'lll'1! IS 2111 21l) - .11itEa 1 ut 1 r c1 111111"11ff .11111 1ne n I+i, clf' 11:1i I-. c11(1 .11 (",11i:i11 dru; A. _A1. 1'.oi ciiea-e. tFindter letire it 5;0S Trc toed cre, 1E"_ S.________f,_S 'it'22 B I',,, ~~I RII IIO N l5oII55~ ___ - p (nitut $34oniotfot [ :;t.l it, o et" ttdi 111111 f 22 Oti (2 lth foo 1)lla11.l of 29 cttiri ili \ttildel5 fl i t- ftIto l Ie ie i e>t iil ttr ati'. $B a Ittisrore24l' I i ttll itt ________________ill _he______ tlof Ai RI.tti ttt. ll nitetta. 'tt Iitt" iiite I't I " I V lt'io o , tiyau Itenw le tie olt'1 40__Sterling___29_ ___llySI' is's' l.Ots i t' IVt '"5ll y t tie 1):21it? til}" Iii 'iiir'ti : Fow18'l2t If t l ':1 ie i " fc1)1'' li at iete At -nd1 iq thrs. (1MI ndseeth ll) (glas e111s Ii~u ( tc ol er s ' lliat i'Ril alt' & 'l eai'o le tf eilt X.?>cii ri'I i t ili tekiti. i'. I for'Yps.iln i t ndISI ..ltlt' 'l 5 to c. WAMTnn rbST R. S1 0 1 111''1 I'let' Ii tilt' - ll _ wkll_________ (V ~tth i t eillI iatti ~t' " .111111i I ll' i ll 1111' (Thil)tt' r i- ht at o' (o(tt il l tei te 2-1t 11e I i ill t stcl _of___________________ .PE N A, LL ,' genY. il ' tie ty-ottt tiosbtludeuls loum1,1- al itietlS 0 1 o'dh utui s o lan &Stele 11111 s w dos ot~ICo Iae 'I i to-.tol1sto o. a Il S ~o au t. ______________ ( DON T YO'll .0rh1Il ofdhe I ltt t y' 'hits :ntii -is a d u ctstt t oilw" b s 122 tg ("an ots'I onsttie t l ttit'I'oflii 2sIS 2a~'ti Yourt tSeiltr Nokloe M tta Il 'tt' t'h e t~tstte l c ore FUNERAL11( __atei'T R: Cit'iantltsMock, lee-=.:;W. 0. Harri- man,Vice-Pres.t Chas. E. ititeoeh, Ctrahiert M, W.a. BOTHc,i'RES. C'IL3 Gi. ARNODet e re= e' SITE~ J. V. Sujiiott ad ti Oe-et e JOHNt .'e.A"''tic SJWING 'Transacts a genorsal Try The... NORTH SIDE LAU'NOB 1tOS3oadway. 70e.0 P Oar Mcr tkn rso COLLEGIATE CAPS, Gtaleanod" HOODS, CAPS and GOWNS,j l SPECIAlLTY. CLASS CANES, COLLECE FLAGS, COt,LE~GE PINS,. j,AlrQ an.d '41t' t' ty . oat Sft. GOLF HATS $300 ;WAGNER&GO SERBY 1121 Main St. MlATTERS JUT TIIEn.TINtIQ rOR TAKIt4q LECZTURES r SGH LEEDE' TEMPORARY BIN DER Opens like a book. Neats the old stratg;'cve cleeuac paper 31b. foro4 .111111 '1 11 onThie beat fountain seats $1 F. SCHLEEDE, - - - - 340 South State IS M-IL WARD, SPAULDING'S FOOTBAL.L5SUPPL I ES Are anicersally used twhereaceratoe caine 1q olayed, the trade rnrk being the guarantee. Tie Spauldiing officinl Iate-eollegite Foo In used liy tilthe tltading ealleges amid athaletiecccttbn of the eauntry. Price, $4.00. Send foct Catalogue of all Athletic Sports. Spalding's OfficialtFPot Nallattde,.with the mcmv Rules foat1100, anilreords, reviews and aairactint, indinigpiceof at Nplayer, Price, 10 cents. SANOOW'S SPRINGI-GIPDUMBI-BELLS Invented byStandow. Nave no etqual an an axecer and developer. Every mascle hatto Iced. A. 0. SPAULDING & NROS. (Incorporated) SEW YORK CHICAGO DENVER THE fiN10T 0 0~ OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITINIGS IN THE CITY- ; HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NO"BY'BRlOWN