THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? D. 13. TINKER~ & SON HATTrERS AND Ft r'ofIHERIS Hcadquaricrs for HATSCAPS, :U o'os R.-111N.GS FRONT ROOM OVL R FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ridCompte linet of Doooo -sio Goooed SWEATERS. --- AGENTS FOR THE BEST TAILORS ON EARTH. AEC O.LNLYHT L. C. GOODICH', A. R. \VALKER, Wo. MU RP11Y, _______ 334 south State Street THE MONEY SAVERS, i~g~.. trim1 ~ [x L w~, or Co.lai dtsdlo treets. Cope- ,n nO000 boplot, 0000 A G0. IWujY NT O UISYL The GamIe BY ~r"b IT TN, X7 A rr WITHl A FOUR IN H-AND Axone 106. 51.5 East Liberty Street. Capiao,$500b0 Suplut$0000.Trnata R,RooEm,5'Pre. CL.(4EFo\,Yice-Pres. FRD. IH Otros. Cashlier. Sof Aos Aotioe FIRST NATIUNAL BR oL nit 16 Capital, X100,00. Surplus0an1 Profts, 1140,000 Trasactosoooeneral ankigto'.inesr. Foreign exchanogo bought and -old. Furnish letters of E. D. KINNE, Poos. HIARRISON S001f. S. W. CLARKSON Cool oor We oaveaofne ss rt t otooo tr oft. Notolpltetd Lomptto oolodin 'TheRoyal, The R ties 1 ~.C The'Ne La p.,:. ooo .oo . ot oocein Loto o. It-icesmoreo 11,1:1 to toe o sd thoan of tDos state. lReceive lood t t torti sil StatesDraftcashed up Sonope1r0 00 D tofctot - COME AND SEE. maon,.VYceoPres.; Ctao, .IiccCsir l Publishers Price $1,50 Old Number: J rtArs~n ahe 44SO. MAIN ST.,w.0 soPRS Price W.zTILD stVIeL~e O .. r Price $1.10 ANN ARBOR. MICH.aJ.VSie a, lViep~ ________________________JOHN.Ct.OooaALT'oAt. Co-hier SAV'ING S All fUeoolo tt tt o o-s. A. A .H. S. Calendar.CF 'jl Satuotolayo mtot to;it 0 o 'c t lck. Ad- I 1AN tttQI U.IOO* toi to l111 C . 1 .ie t Saturday, Oct. 21.-Varsity vs. Aluin- Transacts a general -Urniver lty Booksellers retornttooctynrsl or 517 E. %Vslo., Stationers and -t ttto t.- Engravers LOST-A b rowtn0poc0ke tb.ok, cnaa itto $2 to buotsatwo00:00 00:0tickes.. 3200 SOUTH STATE STREET. F:inde reurnt 0 Deito r' toot __ ___ihose iodtoo it" k\ad i STUDENTS' LECTURE CIATION. ASSO- Twelve Numbers to be Given This Year. Tickets On Sale at Wilders. COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. 1. Lyman J. Gage. Oct. 18. 2. Senator Win. P. Frye, Oct. 21. 3. Congressnan J. P. Dolliver, Oct. 2 7 4. Max Bendix Company, Nov. 4. 5. Brig. Gen. Charles King. Nov. 1 7. 6. Will Carleton, Jan. 1 7. 7.* Sousa and his Band. Feb. 20. 8. John Temple Graves, Mar. 3. 9. F. }Hopkinson Smith, March 15. 10. Oratorical Contest, March 25. 11. Chicago Alumni Number. 12. Announced Later. Season tickets $200. Reserved seats 50 cents tar the course. THOSE NOBBY GOLF Itoward tlots .atXN todtatto ORoan.& CeuletiostIl fltt0o000tte maoroeotat $3i00. 260-202 S. -MainoSt1 All rtototo o i :0t p.y n cls 10t 1l r.otli igtoaoiistcl0s2.m Con titvtotO eay, (00000 toeaoheo ot als lthe010000 00. n .Stnlio<;l All Jmoior toos'toloitiogc0000e o firt order0':looa10000tnamtes000 iit otooiito A comopteo line of Adlor Hros. Dino sooitstt Woolloos, Rtyon o&tReule, 2ii- 202 S. StIain St. Wh0 1 bet~en Taptpon Holl tool t-e oitlldeign osinlaid itn0r:1:1. tPit r 1010.0as00r00u00 totward'so olio 0:"0 Prof0. Hootn0'. tWo.,toois 01ep00t01 to: toove0arrive0d ttoa o 00c;ue, 01I - J. A. Wolcht, '991, iso looat,:1oatt Sham- 000010, 1Pa. F tro L.o A. tourse. IO 0000000 tour-n (ut' o D1-' Saurdy, Ny. -astyols0.000as0 at RgOnt 00ilU School traNv --ast v.K -APAh tZ.IoSS(11 'Gan rcngts it Regets'0Fel o. i t 0 MR e and A J itS. y 10t1_'ONMa, t. dtlo-o so llo 00we oo tatti 00 -0 00a000s0 LADY: TID0000S. U of M Lar er Shop Laott int~o; te sbtooof :t 100000000If d toms.l a wtt00~~0 Grngr'00 aem. al oz 01: 322 Sltse0S. J. R. Trojanlowski. Prop. to :u toflo 000and0class Loom -ro0nd:l SNOW LAUNDRY for.- STATE P1-lOE. 520.1 t"-r lottntry wasohedti cob ond Well A neowlieot Manohattn Shittos juos to tltrtoadiLolrld .toOltiit leettd' itn at \Voolhoat.s, Ityan &.Pttulo. Seeo andott-IoiretOut o o er10s0. I' 00. them. 00.S. Mit n lto1. .0000,000o-ottt 00000000000 All1 Juti or Looswoslantin rlasopips WA. I" The 001000me Uih . l3. Paddock 0at IL[1 5BARE .O1yer'oinoewsosd. OUfltROJNENoPS SfTIS"FittlTtON- NI)TI0172. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF Tlhe' annua00 oi ttotioto fo lb 0el1ction0 of blao officers will b oilFridayo, (O.. 2N, at 0 1. 0in., 1in 1b: 0000 U iversotlo 00.11 ioll1. - o~l~o lt~ OO~~to 0 0000Ot0 000 G n e en b r i logca!t", 00 :1., - too 1 [.0 . lot ooloolto t Sthi ot tto 0007o 1 PINKO BROS., Instructors. has ubmited o Z~ichia te suject Offioe sod Acadomy, Niokot tolt. 334-336 5. Stale for: the debate,001 alo lt otw : e j00110. _ _ _S A L DING's 01010:pi0ctboo'of t'e Voty fotbllTRADE-MARK IIe e s 120000' 01'1. L. H. UOIDIE1,i nge.FOR 10559 TheF0p 4ig ficitt tlercollegiteoto Fo ll 01 00ci,-ie Too Y le. Pino n.t Rifordo, j Penn vl~ tot oril. LtIiotiottt 0of(liooo, f. hie 000,00 y }lc tt lthttl'll toot:: 1>4 e~l~jUniealrrnms00Shoes0 tnd tooro Requisiteort boo'ttd -,tea l. 110000000. 0)00000ei iltt o H 0. ,M. MRTIM .. L SE WINOW AFUNERAL R Wagner & Co. P DIRECTOR S laed~shtslr. s Embalinlg a specily. No. 210)S. 4th Aoo. Ambuolanoe sight and dayp.lieu- 0idenoo 302 FifthloAve. MILWARD NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST.