m e4 No. 23. VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MIH., FIUDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1899. Senior Lasto Politics. W DAs svas anticipated, the polities ofthte senier lass' class, Isas engrossed ties at- TT teslioss of ntstanle 'the professionsal l politicias" and ties candisdates for ot- H Fine Fall and Winter RHfhie hat te anke afilehisoattho cs s cc 511t111t Cold E sil. T'ieeeccine' isscrtasinly goinsgto 'E SuiinsaofhSitts osn . - cite plilicl situteioniieso Fancy Testings. fr teDconcerns thse candedaes nopn 0 tined inour lsnricle, has iomateriaily csasried oweiengis the enterasce of TDRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T threse inse meninotesfighi teees. °Juttnerc,Staintortlh and Seeishee. A W CaijteLr stA lMr WorensoC. Sewisheer atOheo, see We Crry he, Larest tered ties ease at sash a ile date, thai T Stoeli it weold el cotimsistic isoipeedict eey In11 the City. great folloetineg tor hies. 'Mr. SCeeshe L des~chtnceatfslectisneendsolaregeldysee oa deadloceIstweenesthe eltes tactione-. o 108 EAST WASH4INGTON ST. 0 Hie is piatica llysunknowens to a large share O is l esst tieisepartly R Roercm tese adfastmanneri.- Nion tisrens cli ltandtisuppiort ile.Asfteat'sewesn sec etiis le W D hasineer distisnguishted iiselsbyP eitherehissvirtuesi or lees isoisuities. dir. iorace dV. Danftortheat Denver, a Ilpears to test Iis clis upaion Wes akea h e'l c 555ialily sf Chocol'stes as a sie line. 'iN sell latesof1 them anti or stsck is alita.ys fresh. Lss ney's, Nle-retti's sand Kuhn's aliwas in stsck., Wilder's Pharmacy TELDL hogs.itlistne aers ittis RELIA lE l lneisofiLUNCIiIlIS CI-, tDIYT'LDA in'L01AI I' Y. R. E. JOLLY & CO. SALE C e aie'panormacydo J erassandcslw ntht Swe hm oeoeaerseat hsitchase ip.'' fascholsip"lie seessld tinsre an telistsli Datelessth tesitltirbbyb2tenx peiet ()noifatorv; h ittle i li nilitestrogisly1 agisthmistath s commonlysais hoeereensitrely tforetinlet his tot isle' ItSos beentsaeidofitheat ite is clansnishe and thtie hi fails to reed" Hies opponents elsoease thilatleehis neeesideiesd imenselfthle'ooughly wsith clslt sufiiet snteseset in elass piis tosb p.iesesni'it a'sssii'ge'leiton.Th'lesusds- dseesithdrasws'sof1 name ofi Geo. Vi Ginsert o1 Ilii is and the iselln~r pesoseal frsiedsipeistsng between imiself andsi11r. Dainfortigevesieeto lierurestheat les candidsieytis Sting advocted ciy tle ii Ia Ciftratesnty, whiiche is lent cooites yteehiiefatesthaet loin namoewas 5 tirate" ib' 'bods' sitsein setteeMdieDantestle st riszilas he tiesse asuestols iwith ths eesesibleei- cepionofetsetl,areaestreytfond- tile. Chsiles F. Juttnsersifdisenomee Mliii.,the thirdi ansi list seosi tes casedidatessewithlees charactetrtistic en- lesssom cifthi'eltesr'esedsiaisni'ak seewad suearsia"Iisle e sowilsuetsly snaike a gain. tile.Jutse's carepaign is strictly a esextparitre.Sisteorsty bseig thait a candsida te shldibeit elected putely on tis persistsaiipopulari tit ndntbthi'le aidi Ot eny orgaizationte whichsis tfrieds mieghtetfcttot toeispueriposset savanci" his inleeset.tie in thor- oughsly advertiesing ltaSheits asadi- date tier ofisetisat he wsnusld like the suppeirt tfetsrv memboer setissclass lent is net seeking pie dges and ntse othesreisse siciting entes. "Grandl, giooming and pecaliar, he stands a sceptered hiermit,swrapedtiin lie soslitueesofsthis seen originality.'' The cansdidates s'-%hnlist'sbeen in the hield fsr snome lime past, have ntsn the acconst ositheisentrane of these ness men changed thier plans or be- come lest sanguine o secre.Itla Practice on Gards Back Formation. politeca "rs'tler"'ofevery cadiate The '505115 eas ysedyavt sereslistenedi to andeievei'd Ties i000 listsclassould r eers'sthISoldiiftie' practice in isea~inseup the enteyl- sylogitnm tastlessto al, n loiccad vania gard bkfre ma etoion.'Ties Ci- insesead ot eng a ratswith sine tails it lge sas lined p i is lformationad wouald Sc a tins aith iensheads given ties al. Fan asat stand Ate. W. J. Meyers st Ciii, and ie hisyed gard swllSthe College tearing triends stitueiese that he is tie sten brsnft ted to he tieseict eecusies"of grea hles is lies '\assLy't lies his class tied despietsthe act that Se Saddeeeaoie lit.dup against the lan visiblylost grotnd daing he pst'Vastpayn tke.Piewsot anci sdtevoteiehossdeesoit I"'atteison to plays w-.e,, oninus t thoriz wih Dr- sritnl "the esoilandeltiscoachinge"the sea onthe "strisel osthle ites. Thegen~rly ad godrlhmhipofers's 5i rsaksng aipint ee ees the e'ns(lIisg'ti s edtielcareer mt 'let""ctie'" sfatteed hose ad tlthestniesietilist hade i 't et''the Var seey Ioat oldl ot lie teensthefoe st ot ies lader'heit"s'rp- es idly elseole set toowaids lie ea" d Mr Rctal of Hamlet bi Professor Tie- C!onlon weold Sb assu etelectioi ip1 blood sailntolpreviouasly deblesd itt peltitetLs',esennengtfs'sorTeblaod lee- aed aiteseiisomotspeesnaliannostcil rae the e'Uivessty Oratorcal amongehis poets.iaseisoe'byareng "aet"ieo teo oeld hlsostsen Itsols "ib ,blsdeserse" peset andeaptladed 'rw oi.M.Galekeas e. den h parfeuntstyasitit enst he geroseecisaus e eis rmetred o lea:e'sosieat eadisg. tiesrsed a combiinationsot sone lit setof.Titueblood is tremnetlyi a withe dre Foid reitetiaenieatdereand etanedhit Mlii Carl 10 Fetid oatOhioiel hislei lo c s eesete'ncn astute ead v'satilemanagera'ss d.e Thelie tise" heshels sesannouncted, Setelh Ses Sese asy i~didlf'or tie i"asoendesnet ftie eons sttais, esgesoztion hey blave 'ded s ne o tkeilac5ateethe edit--wstde- to stonesand teey hesuiledb'etles lateel selltioe wsehis lad it in carge. ta thuey Iksette tic Gets W.'Govertssiefreeese The Assjciatin les dded m"eynests maeetedlless pttctiesa-lid s thus asses ettesentoLies sll ane'sessmuic en Thesesusltsef the election isstill oaed y theiresetlshon doubtful'There wsill crtainls' i'bee _______o__ eetin on tie he foteebalolet N\ eove c l'eslelan Guid Lectre inlied ossileroepheyr v mul sy 1nSuPttdaiy esenig c. 2nties thaesfrm te peset otlook ,.ha Frst5 l I' E.cussctieJohns Hentrt- ds- is'sanesfeectio''sn seresitsthe foli;,'testos, iesen i t ef Obelinn toiveit' ig order'ICondonitFordi.Dattoth, ills te li e tislit leciaure assisthle dittie" endiuefieldl leethe rear wit a de sst tinGuiild corset"foe theesesl- to ititltle la"sit hodsoeya. Hs sbjct twi lte 'lie situtionteis10peduleei' '55iary 1avrbl"hilstlntste, shyi i soeltimatlelyees lee a desksitessetflies propers shaed. Secoe lies' s-vesalreigon." At candidaitie wheo is ewel l knowneeby the lsataoci is. G ec a g"eepl ieet geneaiyofteca. westadsinelltech ma D. C.5CarriotrAte AboiSSv- ineehasiptandesseasttaltututies 'e- tgsDo-ie. g555i5 tepeerstl t'onigcoeniai' ndipi- ' henliiytutsgee seeto liesFrCenteiy uiiLety emight esily cites 'iayt e ists"yontre eeitedicetoses's'mee n beoteielectieon andtin ilbysdaw- ccl eekingsy'u'speiseness'seesesle. te foma allthose candidaeseWeho it sepl aiuendoinseyouti sill esougtit~i 'sinest strong"'y ott the first teeliLores'ete-orl-buy eel ooe "'strumo'etiofe tests.lit wthut tush a cmbinatioe Lhe's ieesCo,tnd ie teeDit ait softulities le couldsinst commado nysesPtft ietles l'C ti i'es i iseh sus the olrensgthiquetiosnd"' set'hat effetti cud Iiesr IDOMoe ectre. ioseingt'eo"felPalcotie Ss the dJos ~o More Lectures. esonseaChleestaniyands msanksnd"- Quns stle le idlda in ' e 'tue -et SetnsdayGt. i22ndeoes lieBs n- At a reet'eemleseisg o soit sc icl inostdies Citass ttheisConegeetiissai flese ts i t seied -titdoeawaiescaulsahtssmmedeiatly aster ue monoig tie s 'ipiossile ilhthue ld. t iseT cases' eel desotie metes tes to qeictaa anses'insiclistruactiosnTeh isocuresDr Tomo Iomi Le. will noet itrer tstSthe licitr. tAativeof lJapansiltalklabththtes coursessee ltsese sciensmthi aujete 15tfa JpaestsCiiitestesbay- Suappiltitdesmore-directdly to ties litictal1hieofItio'Womtnhossod giings' all iesut- dims scq gea 5cttoeanyschtools hlist is S he isssth conduct a apdiaee tes adoptledile'islanind ituntoseeiti twoksO partytaidsmariagee ceremnoey ssises tee vesy good 'ad'antage. The bSyostnts-'pope in sialehc otumse msatterehissbeen uttler 5 nded'at'M.idl chtrh, Modaytevesninsg' Odcl ation ftest esatints St netdeiieessis eonsclusiosn cdbet isrsatheelunilth e Tei.I'of Aldaonic lisb ill hold sthereenng telytIes aieent lpott eill 5" leached aeuson n the e i- lenstrsensee.tiose ya ell egiven and the sadent iss expetesd to at hirseoeas ne6 .1 5Sae st., Friday elaresupon these tfstiesthe text Sesooset(eni 1Oc.2,at seed p ee. Ali tut- resaomnended. enseti-Inane'saasscordially invited in at- 'IS' sadent set a 00o0eSisree ntt-tend sn a'ththelsaidea at thee oil ladimentI have assreewok nes taISanseSdonse It nt alead a memer a in yeas' sellSh asJustienotheisslest application thai evening