4 J UST~ PUBLISHED BY Publishers Price $1,50 Our Price $1.10 SHE2EHAN & CO. Univereity, Booksellers Stationers and Engravers 320 SOUTH STATE STREET. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY rememnber that whe can supply you with a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, wichl whe fully guarantee. Whst core can you skY Try us. DOWN TOWN, 11a6 SOUTH MAIN ST. D. fl. TINKER~ & SON- HATTERS ANlo FURNIHtERS Headquarters tsr HArS, CAPR, aEa'S FeaNSasmacs and Compltline ofGYMASaIraaas Goons and SWATRS. AGENCY FOld LONGLEY HATS 334 South State Street, Capital, 850,(00. Suirplus3,00it). Transtactsa. cgeneral banking buhnss R,tlumr, res. C. .GREEN,Vie-Pres. Faat5 caaH FI.FRCashiec. ofAnFIRST TIONAL LAI raie 16 Capital, toof to. Sarplur cad Pralits, 840,0t raaaactsa gaeaaeralaiag basiness. Fareign cacharagabaaghtaadcald. Facnish lataaca oC crdit. Et. D. KINNE, Pras. tHARItSON SOUILE, vice-Pres. S. W. CLARKESON Cahier 1 "U1y no For The Gan e WHY NOT GO OUT TN STYLE WITH A FOUR IN HAND Phacer coo. 51.-)Eat Liberty Street. «e travt a fiae assrmtarof ciCester Draft, Nichel-plted Lampa.incluading The oal, The Rochester andithePlueoad,The BerlinadPecctico ilaeat Thc Nerw Lampa ix tiar crad, isancadvace iaLamrsa. It give, morelightfor tha ailasrd tha any Lamrpaofiialind. Weca iveayacthe besa oriliet COME AND SEE. Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. NIGH. D A 6 %C s The FinnflMor Savingls banK Caitalatck. 80,0.ciSucrl,00. Organized undrthlinraaBacnkinhgcLaws at thisaStalc.iRcceives dcposits,. hancd aelle ehan- nt ha ricial taticattieofthelUnited Sitiatts.raftts cachedrupon proerc ic atiiatiac.. Safety rdeposit hoxaeito ralt OicER:Chtrstarck Prs. W.D.laro-_ maVcres.ooC(has. h.Ititacoc. Cashir;o1t. W. IND16ci tcc prea Jcaa VAt.arr d AVichtare 8SAVINNS 1 C i, I I The Blck1 Huascsat a elltt e seated biy athe iurihrOpea CIoman~ry .txastiht. HactliaitctaltdsosHak enbcksiaaghterwascat hsar o h perormcrance. litr s 3altong atrd pta: ccg sincer anad agood inttecrpceter of tarctaatactec.0Thaeiutatedittng1 ,,erec%\-llreceiead. Attia0Lauahinin i asong-tpecialty roedatri eaithtvo aas onii tata aigt. iteordeace pi coolly in AnnraAr beri goottinvreestmert.lIt's icyapecialty. L D. CaerrSavtig'sanktieBlocia LOST-Sater day, betaween 40prain.and 8p. irat ladies' goldiwa~lth;hurntring cahiarid cha~telaanc Firidec ples reterna to clay iaa ricocetc E.:hWaiti, .and teceiv: reard.t Cias.P a Fevec, '9ttag brha' o sitionrr as assanart xmeaictalcapein teadenrt o1 threAdanorThlireshert. at battle Creekttich. LOSE-A brean tocekethoohicoie tract- ire bilsantwoatasaeasotickaekte. Fuidrietucrn to tire DetaGamnga housare analrceive retward. Stketicale people donr't believe theat acre gaitcr can be taught in "oeessonri." It eoasasiothirgetac le' it. Studaio tii MidteCc.stccc. :i Calendar. BANK Thrsaay, Oct. it-Prcatf. Truebltood ii Transact ageneral tdailea rcital, late leetire acetic. Baning siaeness Oet. 1S-Lymoan J. Gage opetna S. L. A. Saturday, Get. 2i.Vatrsity tsa Alumc- nitad0 a NCtat iit chool ofUancing Frye onri. L.A.aorsea FridtayOc2-t Ge 'i ( t.party in IR. ND aRS.ROSGitAtG ISI UT terara ( ytnnastltrl. )111c iidAiclrad aei tt.Aaiiar str eet on Ccliii Net thlIi orallyfbtate t- ctlt ierrra4 atttReent's Fietld.U. of Mf. Barbe~r Shop Lttinrv OatirditatNot.2o--Vatrcity ts.ix iii d..1 er.etire tat-re-a.brill mioo, at iRegetstField. and fahtuUm. icedtnli- ric 322 Stat er. J. R. Trcjanoski, Prop. Doyo an tcee? Ace youaceonsiderirag GAl 1,UYU the suhbe t ofdatcng I otall .at GaersAeadtemy. 1'r. rM r ;; ti tca- NO LAUNDRY Grne wl e laedt ie youiany c STATE PHObdE,120.; ladesmetaiactatyafte rnsart 4 ourriaicadrywashecleear:n wl rtaiitirc}dad ironecd. Evt v 1inI,.rieeed' anti Minayten iara at .i Nostih C ondaie uueifdoors. '1' s thcerni S. Main st1 GUtRSO9NrTEB6 8Atei 5thiGOTION. Alt Juitr Laws ar ntreing elas. pittes UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF leae niamcicitti C. 03.Paddoelatai Syec' aewshtand.itN II I NOTICE iota Geniiccieri eirrinningr deer. 31 ictrac to ra10 pim.. Tae anna itmeetaing lorthte eteetionira ,'lter cirinic dc, tiaed., Cic t o1. ofclas atariersec aill be held hFidary, idea. PINK BROS., Instructors. a0 t 4 a .,inRetoomaCa Uniiccaita 5Oie and Academy, Nickel tall. 334-336 5. State . STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSO- CIATION. Twelve Numbers to be Given Tbis Year. Tickets On Sole at Wilders. COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. 1. Lyman J. Gage, Oct. 1 8. 2. Senator Win. P. Frye, Oct. 21. 3. Congressnan i.P. Dolliver,Oct. 27 4. Max Bendix Company, Nov. 4. 5. Brig. Gen. Charles King, Nov. 1 7. 6. Will Carleton, Jan. 1 7. 7. Sousa and bis Band, Feb. 20. 8. Jobn Temple Graves, Mar. 3. 9. F. Hopkinson Smitb, Marcb 1 5. flow;ards bats at Wadhams, Ryan& Iterrie. eri-t rat an lire mtarket at $3.00. 260-202 5. AMain st. Rteubern H. Kempf, from Eurotpeia Coinsrvalctr, Germany, teacerc oc plane, ocgan and murtcalcmpttaiion: Halt.-2 also tli rtclof teaeching. Stadioa1 .Diiinst___OS ieda fenon oe attinreitwtenTappiiaiaHatl analthe A complete line at Adler Bros. Oine lirbi rayatsive tchatelie wact sils aI.Wa dlama IRyan C& Haute, 200- ath tdeari'nintlaird iregild. Finrc 202 5. Main st. tilease return 10 Stew aid'a offiee. : t 11. Cbtica o n tetMarEh2 . - --.r- -- ..-"-,.r - ,-r_ 1.CiaoAlumni Number. t 12. Announced Later.l. Season tickets $2.00. Reserved seats 50 cents for the course. l; TAILORS TO MEN1 N Large .Collection of Exclusive Novelties 123 s. MAIN ST, rl THOSE NOBBY GOLFS V 'LWL SPALDING'S fo t TRADE-MARKIA 001 ll uplesOR 1890 The Spialdieg Otficiat Intercollegiate Frrrtbaol, ie ttta11-iaelc y Talee, Princeon. Irarvard, 5eit cii~vaia, raritt, C iierrit iof Chicaga, itiiigir, and aeeryteadtiag forir rticarri. Getecress, chos and Eaery Requistefo fr the Game. Sticlringrito tterifficialotbal i Gde. 1"ttdb altt ei r~r111. 19rut ete. cwithii laria rited Ciatiat citof all ot air ereei. (I. G. Spalding &~ Bros., NewrYork Chicao. Beste 0. M. MARTIN. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. R~ee- idence 302 Fift1h Ave. NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST.