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October 19, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-10-19

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- o 0


H Fine Fall and Winter H
E Suitings, Golf Suits, E
Fancy Vestings.
A We Carry the Largest A
I Stock I
L In the City. L
Ve make aspecia ly of
Chocolates as a side line.
Wve sell lots of them and
oiir stock is awys fresh.
Lownsey's, All egretti's and
Kuan's always in stock.
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD Fo ee;1wek eor
eatn er it p ic s l io i inoug to
aot rcn syiiiiry o is
Calkins' Pharmacy
Jerseys andK
Sweaters at r

Administrative Departments of Got-
ernment Discussed b Se-
retarg Gge.
The Students' Lecture Aocaiatio
coiiise wasospee d last night by Lyman
J. Gage, secretary ot the tresury.
President Asgcii aced ao presiding ifhl-
ee intirdoing ie peaker in his us-
ScrCiray Cgse"'in it's a e e-
"nc toi ihe tiirten coilinis anidlhae
ihe "'vrnmentiaaiided by heia hail
exiiandedi realizin;thir'expettsins,
aisd isaeatingteirsiiofatthe icreas-
ing nation
'the ei'ht deiirtmitosihsreeeu-
tive heaiis aire aoibri, atte prei
dent' itabiniet wiresthleitakeniiurio;n
ore.'Peprpoeand ilsd rovered
isv earkhwereexpainedsins i a geiierli
'iii- pakriers'wct aseat imoae
iiiii ditaiiniirgard iso5kheitreasuy,
ishs is dt55 .isasat tishieisgtir mst
iiitiicat aisd inolved.i Her .iarea
numbersh""if'sidepeaset butraus sarih
is ssrigsfi in ibiire'iii iubi hiiiding;
ti lreailsdiretiyunder use idirctin at
ise secrtary 'this depirs asrt is one5
invinsigiavastamosunit ofiminuti s
iiiiii u5 s hripubic:seric555at iiry
erery pint.'
Att aiiitimtngiiis tiesess i~it
and priopersacioinistossiis tiiiintireonis
dissii 'tiroisigiitisus aso.iatss
peidn srir istep inrienishisosv-a
rios mi'attrnais"k e i is'i'siihisdi siiiosi
o iiiier iabiisriabiineiofical lter aeus-
tumbes a fsiindeihatestirbriesat usdreu-u
lyirespoiri'eotssulrhe tiet, schiias
ih iiiservaideintistsa te lsiiiisit.
teitites sairihtlie nus afpravesds-
me iciis t sunerakesia hc h
Tennis Tournament.
'le iiitames 5in the iieisiis turai-
metNii tipiard Satuiay miniiing
'issuci'iig t 9aWsir . tskManassger
Voni Nidisritl heiniitii'triiisty romus
cil be st ss apwd iii play aoi the c tr's
shiiitdiis not wsir ithiitennis riboin."
i'emibirs'ioa t hisAtheti Assoieationi
maysciie ths rsomtisiestseniissisi
sir n n t.resstii isiofitisir uueisber-
;i itics helraw~ssins tr tir
I's scaiss siiglsg:o (1) A S. Feliier
.I_ Ai.rutting; () HP Wherry vs.
1. C.Sti JohniSi t) H5-tusselivs.It. It.
Fust clasasdulaus:ra()If.Httsst,
A.S. Felskr s HP Whirry, t. a.
'5555"'- (2)at.it Met ia5' W. A.
"~Vei sos-n vs I D Thimas, W. D.
Sricand clssinge: 1: . Wad-
ottf vs A.SFelke;'-() M. E. Moletr
I'F.WIThuirnau () L. I.Canied
istM.A Dasnings; 41 WD.Kirk vs.
PNDisssway; () G.Guthre vs. 'W.
a.. sersin';() E. D. Thomas !n
cmi Conals

Michigian Scores a Vitorsj in Site
of Fumbinq.
A craswd at nearly 2,00 ipersiss
witnesseit the aneas
rthe VariyadNtePius" Iat'
tueit -ustychecinisg lheliedtass'sit 'or
MihiganaTheisies"to, emc's
is evid' ee he day wsu ial frCir
spectatorsI abht a it wamfia eply
ri, the field was stilt sst iiosmsties
placses was quitslsipeIy.
The paigsmred sri 'a is
greatvaiiety of payplusnfotatal
aith a littis hunting hsei"g uay"ctb
bthlisides GMissigan pnted mons
oftens than did Ntie ainsteslttrc
'esoreinto 'thisimans it aactsing~
itue at sonly when they cauldisot"gams
lbg line brucngawhie Isena soants
aten ain the fist ai send dasn.Ii.
psints averaged lInge than ills Gal
tit's and an ecihangswas alwayas ta
r 1ihiganis advant'ge.The otyacik-t
'tiss thisto ble oftferedsiipin Issnas
pinintg Is tht te is a tifle stowissn
Trtirig' tiiisstariLe.Siw's es'yistater
in lhiss regr"dut des st hats as ti
At t'he begissisig"o'i i" isa"ltu'sa
isd on ue tfIis unts hbloeiby' Mc-
Nusltsy usIlb isismix-phaisvesiitue al
"'i saiveid taoihigais Agais sisi ts~
liii luh fistitisishilissniwas .scri
anothescofsi sispunts was astouced ha
f~yn vihtsead i tsi asissofftot
itii siiiiol inesortning it is an a'-
va~me ofbut ITyard'.sosiosntral
iii'ciia ein gt sarlyinisftint oithte
fist eftort in that ie made b isv Hois'
aaadsti is" sas oni haidIto ala's
hi slt. Thisi'sasatheibeinanisigi oi
MIihigan'silst touchidtownisiotrit took
but t'ir duses itothelie m'ticrss hi'
goat ineissDurnsis iiearly lar ifthIe
gasisl'NotrGia' asaclersynofitther
teetut stir sttiled sswnimisseditieis
tipion Ib'ig soedrsuipiiiiansI heli the
F usiniiigtplayeda pIramisnensi Ipart i
the payig ofithei'atirnoassNlehs
thassfivtim ises itheli'va'irsity' drocut s
balltt.i hietimsiit asas;Aae,' swith
a oso somi ars . t It as'ls'tis
thiriuig'hsJtttiess sfault t tess'eaofi
ley' leti tislip tirimshiiiiwhenss'Iihdlsii
for tse flst downsis soLit'sHames 1
yardu'linin tiihi siiiid hl.Tn ii
tossdi'ppisdisthiiv tismes duiinga 'the
gam anais ltay iinsddaMci
It siseiedItothe Milchsigaun iisnsItsatt
Cltarks,' "'s eyblinid in tesesiinisi
haltswhsn Ntre Diaises'lisyed Ioallsiii
huthis ees seres'elacesniuh t atc hI
Mtichigansseiercal tis lir this amei
offesis.Multhsp1ainsgriisht end for1
the visitois made nahireiens' atheiig
an sids at aniy tiime duiins this halt ad
quitei oatiis ierwassfrom tlasta thie
yardsa isis ths line as Ien Iks baliwas is
snappied into hplay
The spectacular features afthIe gamesi'
awere the twosrcns by Tetel fliii5Isid
40 yaridsrspective ly in thr srcoind hll
The firt iame as the return it thcis ul
aft aftee Mithigan scaied in tesecon'd si
half,aHr caught the ball on t'u gol

line and rried 't ak ta the 45-ya-1
liac assisted by rather gad intre-
rese.Parley ut a stab ta is curse
with p Ityt c IkTeatae ri'
wsaiaoind t-' eid aid carried ti,
hallfat tumidl f ~e field t t'
'dhs e llt arOte'a isits a tsr
blocing ff. eary every time &ilturn-
ga's leirts alitac s suiedthe thece:0
oraBosbyisk hr wsntackaled leansbes
hind suei yi n th sr-a nd alt. Tis
ias at 11e'lisse toughitat 'ulletti
iras lyigfrm1 uo3yards offsid"-
aneey n i as us the se si's5
haChat uvi-nc mde nntoos
plunges truhigaha 'silsonu las 5 aid
go sits adie, %11 G aes iudt'
tinesae t-.srsuin theins for a aooi.
gainsas eueer giveia the alt.
Cuningnhssadid the bsct indvida'
playinusfoliiichsss" silk ith Sowass-i-
Deea cos aferhin. eetirstatarus
too tit ushimihum Io las at cc "s<_
Stiee payd iugodg e sac i a -n,
but quritersftii' ulledithe sckso_
thirufetet by heisitatiiigita call ttes h u
iti lai ferh ad givenstsesi-
nals One t.e bll as iIis haud;;ia
thoiiihii1ts.harrid i u i sitly assJ
seyhwtheii net iua. Jltner -i'
lowedscthit1suchliriststassut ru o.'
derensivess--i"o Is Hhits 15Wilsn aid
Iainir-ei csat timeso seats us tie'"
tositsin;. ri-icthle vistts a Frt"y
b sui\nk t ususare ussst iof thi
act goarl 'lMc~iuad sukrdlifitt~
NtrtDaueasr 4i0)yasus ec--i tusi
ildtheiiibhll lbiit recoves-rdlit -usaI
broaugtht t Ibaiik.ta thes --yar. ine hssbe-
tru'usibeuuingd~el i llir ustrdlun Iss-
ni rtepe sit us nt ht llriuus
blockid itT'e urll wasass' t
su~, its a lu-s it 10 arsitsnduonii au
usx dom.e ii Kesnrd as - satuasdG
Liedtoiigaini througiashishein but csum_,
sutandi scu-asri-iltaiunt =Tr'sseia'
lci~dthtle mustk -nstdrttuae flleon at-
1allion thsseir -rd ine.isus teost i
Tic naiiCairieit it user just 5 Iiaiiti'
slier tu t ithehikof.siamtkckedsul.'s
uretreeiedutecnestlruick-off oi
hi-scsd Im1-u"a'sitbrouguht i ac' ,
g cii t'e ti-ll ui s''ent .aurundul S iii
frtomtbshind,"Iiiitseiia ,nsign5aler
topnt t 'ii nrllls bockeil iI
win"' oud tii~igrus ais tisu5-yrdtin
eetstsraightthro luughfs, 11as ~r
unit 5 is-i is5 I "-susi-svs"n thum h-au l's iii_
yad t sis" theeti'u' ta s Iiar uuii
tan 'ulyn aning tlhe balpl.tuh iii
yhe Ihad h ssbllitilt the'varlJsity'sr1'-
subyams utusus the net doassthe bhl
wenut usersbecrussasWhiste soulst ris
sstsis"gIis hanids 'lustlen secured "
ascrunditi,, en'ud ansdlDunasn
pungeid 'ulntis the tne tfor' maehut
'soilandIke balttsvnut svr tarsnti's
couldno s 'cii'sKeenr untedl '-is
tme I-sc 45 yardusF-iary aet 1k sas ni'
guarrld iStusruts tr I0 yurus on a russ
hurls und lyiuusfllowed him thoughs
n tlhe net dowicisfos 6 mac. Farina'
'lut usistuhkr 5 hustHI-ayes anud lysurs
couldnost secure thesnst 5 in thu:-c
Continued onuseondspage.

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