2 bihed Dily (Sondys sx-pteibdurdoeg the College yeaae GeFICE: The Ilaned PressIHennig Block. Both Phooe. 1. MANAGING EDITOR. F. NELIaecono'0lL. BUSINESSnMAN AGER. 0 Itto. H.HN,00 L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS, . . . G. D. tcooUT.', '01 E T. . Wccoat ', 00 L. Al11 MDoIOLLl A. G. BaictEol.'02. . J. B. WOO, O L. J. lONTOIeooo' o,OW. 0. Iltea , 'tM, The Subshreetictottrie eoIthe HAnL s to£1.5oe the tocoleeyawi argloe delico ef oee other tattleeoiteoedortoubthiaionct tttbe hooded to at thetDALYaotttceefheoet 0 p.* ., o setled to te eite otot o 3 p. In. of to ay prvosto that ec wtteh hye oocectd to Sbscreptittons maty heeft tt te DAsY otle, lMeyee ,o tl~tsnw td ecorwith Boines Itaa,r Sttleceltee ll conofe atttvo ley re O ee roply Itttho olhe ay ailrecof carrtees to deltecpaere. All chngesontadvetsintg matottee mus te to the offiee y a p.In t. othet day precetoo to that on which thee te to appeart. shows the eed o a Brace. I'Ctlss lehiga takohe a deciedetbeete before 0 tooowatfenoon Lhtie poseo- teets ae IthtNete Daooe ill caltooff cith thehooors. If se ha a 1te00 ttatto aoywhee ea toosestrog as if is laimedi Co be there souldt te little di- healty in the way of hee winig. Fete apotarentoly the 'ariy wilt boo able t tot little otposition befoethien. Te greatfalt l ie in getiog the bal bae ino oo. ads of the roo whtistoto int ettole souad wi t ' crti ofps en curatey antoo1bactkst, otoo ndtackeloetheawoCrytI ba osetntooomnookno atmtt ei t~e(1urtr. f te all dos not fll 1 etoltl;;itthloer atm, tot t"Yg tlintti-tlwihthouteent 'tempoottngtoI totc 01it00rfall o t.Nrdthygv" ticrteoo maee aIt g n1 lfth I E . at cyar Note Dne a not los heart, Ooto' Ito bohld Mh scor muit love taot satidt u tO-sh~Oetoe wthton11 trne temanlItt' ye'oa t ole a a t" fro'nt o' 1\ I oo'loowhchttsto ortfe'00l' ~at.Tiolc ia little 100m00tot rtce up i0 bttItuly the hecemutooctaelo otomoro'sI geoeaooil ptotn'end to o too ehamonsto ohipe aspirat1000101n00ae patof lMte hoat. oioeietloomdetlntotheal a oet 'o va eehbuh t onesostaeantol' i. oo'seplay whieh did ot oth'sistooad vancing te tal.'huoe the 'aarsoly ot a touooewleon andonoce thoo ,elcoatplaceelkick fomtoe 0yard' ln.1trot held te bll otoot twa Cci lift ohitover. Theeis thefhet 1000e Itoat to- foer has beeon otelhe010 All inds o Ball Teams TIeclss 1sebalteamso aill oo bigrhave to monopoly o1 the emust uitgthe afteenoonso fee haitee Yea- tercley theeewal a eerowd of onteesed t spettors ahewateled 0tw0 glst baosket ball team a 'oatceeatet ot tile deoltal buildieg. Theeerae abu 2,t girls in the floe teams and teaceot Ino thegame awith a tooeh 00m0as te teays do. The lass teamsaeeeclieeltad fee the usual rowd ef spetatra ole seted thteto and wathed the moeet tactia'e ight of c-ed temoel Bayig~ out of ders. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Centineodteofromirtpaote ball lam. Wilt do the tuntig fee his tean, aod tio this is qiuite peefieent as unts aveagng fy yad. F~lemtig quate baek. Weigh 152. Thied baeman n base ball teat. Titld yeae at N. D. t~iodo, half baek.Weih os 100BSe- end yeaeo the teats Hayes, haf bk Wegh 100 lynn half aekt Wegsl1.62. ){ophlor. half boeck.'IWeigs 10 Duncan, full bk'CWegho 11 lOm- bee of at yea's C. A Cteam,00heee lie gained a reehutationloao a 00010 bulee eadhudler. hiest yeat at ND The earno 00 eahed by IHeeng forerely of Chiage Universatyanatd by M(leeetey, forer0aa y eats a tmecm0bee of tie Chicago Athetc Aoeoei'tion team. Jackhnledecte 'oaoeo toted long ditance rneutoothtsechatge o the tain tg. Tli tem oct11 toake South Bod this afternooand ariveo here tonight. It is tndrtood that conidrable money 10111 te sooth alontg waithlohchebto balk 000 thete taa'euiniog. Golf Tournament Begins To-Morrowt The teurtnament of te AnA rbo0C oe Golf club. whchowt abeun lat Batr- day.,oct11 te cotinuedttoorow ooat the lnkson oth N'\0 totee. The grounodsoore inoexclen haeAlreg crod isexpeted ott thlotrounoootoI- noerrowo to aatco tetoe lattitoare. At the lao t meitg f te club th following otmtl er ee elected fo, the ettsuinog year' oatitnODr J.Play fooio Muarik; sereary, Prof L P.Joelyn treaur- er lre AgutuTrfooworitogo. Ihse throe re eco oetcoemboeuets ot the boarod of dreotor.'fle othee four i- ecetoora eletedw00e00 Ptoot.IFed M. Taylor, Jutotooto.aBela l e1/oorum 00inanond ogeorrilotstoeltrtwo 'fle consatit00tion 00rotie foot amm betstoip fee o $3.wit'ototonnal obes. Thot famioly' ofmemetrlotamoa y oots upot the' pament of t fil $1eaoly t~hoe 1000ears0of 'ie boing eligible. Singlom000en, oreno-residentsa lcy beoememb'ei~rs uon tootheloytoetof0 5100 - enoberalot an' $150 itntual 01u0s. Ast'he mtatter of10000miting tememermto- s1hip0i00beig edicuosoe, Oeyoo eloo h0000i0 itcltattoto 0jo0in Ciihelub shouotldtsee Ith boaisor tenamoe i00plor- posed HISTOLOGY, -BIOLOGY, BACTERIOLOGY Supplies gand DiessOthg Oe garanttee to Roott. le giiiatot"the poriooc J. J. QUiYRRY, OW IT DV 7J'CJ' R TORIOM ATHENS THEATRE' ONE SOLID WREK Commencing Monday, Oct. 16. WILBUR OPERA 00. In a repertoreef01persl~glo Cae'Iatdet llie and Liin tc Pe 0C PopuslarPri-oes, 10, 20 and t3 cs.. Mataees evey day ate lDoodsy. 1,000 S at at t0e, a fewt at 20. A High Standard of merit is elotheo makiis gaigned only by Continuous Effort. Atnd so it is too clothes dealing. It re- quoiresecotiousoooeffort 000our peet toselectlthatswhichoia best frcom the socko of theoany clotooohesokrsitohits ceutoaty. S'TEIN BLOCH CLOTHING aissiout quoestion the fioest pro- doced ood to aheod to every respeetocf thoe average moadeto-order garetatI lal itone-half toe trece. t is that tied of clothoitog owhicho the best drsessersere lookotinog for, oandlrealizino this feet we tove Ibis oecsono purehased a0n0000usual Large Stock of Stain Bloch Salts and Overcoats aaete in c oo o sition o t oaltltshapesocnd foerms fo ouearifcetholinteof tisigh gradeomahe. Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. Always come to us for the proper thing. Lindensch-mitt & Apfel PARKE'SLunch Counter in Connection IRHL TICKF1T. SHORIT ORDERSIROMPTWLY FILLED W. S. PAR~KER, Proprietor. r 703D North 1.Tliersity Ave. Tte Refresheena te itoO t te Atthbetie Ftieldt will eb te dr toe'suptervsion aain this year. Veofofor Vote te VEBY BE-ST SOESc ever moadoe to fine sboe6' sell foe $3.00 ando $3.50 in Russet or Black. N..-Sole Ag--eets for te oelebratedt A. E. Neit te- for tllShoe, cThte Ultra,"'Terloune," atott"Tha Gentlwome and Colonial Baonto G~nICV~nCn ndWAHR & MILLER The Men Shoemen ~v~cii21s SOUTH MAtN STREET 2JCLBSV FROM W-FH9 I2Rgss STEVENS PR"ACTICE Stesitl tdents Us CAL ..AGH4AN AND Co. ANN ARBOR BRANCFJ OPPOSITE 340 STATE ST. LAW BUILDING GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SVPPLIES, SHADES, J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. Schleede's New [2 - Patent E i I Lecture f Befc ore ying yourio te oo k sorlc0 re oerstchalltnoandseeournptenoteo covtoer. The t aler oeosotooo'eoeetooiolitla i t eo ld s t ylo o fioic i noto'ooooeheoooo Parker and Waterman Pegs from $1.25 up. Wholesale ard Retail Paper from 10 cents a Pound up. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 South StateStreet. Bry (fat ALARM CLOCK HALLER'O JEWELRY STORE, MVAIN STREET. Collego Pine of Fi'ne Design. A' GOOD CLOTHES BRUSH FOR 10 CENTS AT MUMMERUY'S DRUJG STOhKE.