t THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MfCHIGAN DAILY JUST PUBLISHJED 60.1 BY RUDYARD KI PUNG Publishers Price $1,50 Our Price $1.10 SEE~HAN & CO. Univerity Booksellers Stationers and Engravers 32o SOUTH STATE STREET. WHO'S YOUR~ TAILOR? D. 11. TINKER~ & SON MIATTERIS AND FURITCSHERS Headquarters for /J _ IASaa, CAPe, MENS FRNaISnIIM FRONT ROOM OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK.Ga and Speelno YNSU AGENTS FOR THE BEST TAILORS ON EARTH. AENYFR UG~YHT L. C. GOODRICHl, A. P. WALKER, -THE MONEY SAVERS. W. MURPHY, 14=4& v itFor is y OEM" UThe WHjY NOT GO OUT IN STYLE WITHl A FOUR IN HlAND l'Ilas liOv 515 East Liberty Shreet. LA PS FOR STUDENTS 'We have a fine aotmcaent of Center Draft. Nictel-plated L aps, inding The Royal, Thse Roahester ad thce Plumewoond, The 11cc-ksandl PerfeatasntStuenct Laumps, t'he Nae Lam~p. P leer eat, isau advance in Luanps . It gives moaae light for the ail need than any Lamp ofiitehinde cal ;regic-oteyaabaeatamps forthe L.,ABW 1 MONEY".'r Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR. NIGH. COME AND SEE. POOR TEAM PLAY. Calendar. Coatinaued teat::itst paige. aMnday, Oct. 16--Taeppan Hallt at 7:30. t4. Haldy tried RSewand Ilost 5. Clisby prot.inedale h toe Pedagogtcal So- tunted 1d arde ta Fitz e-ntaid wttich Sn- clety. veeley acndtWeeksn trcduced to nathing Wednesday, Oat. 18.-Varsity vs, oen taut downs. Michigcanrecend S0 Natre SD.aeUniversity. cards tar tnterferenec ce-ctlbccnter.TitanOcL i18-Lymean J, Gage apens S. I,. A. Snaoe and Wthitewenet-btattried hut Cuear they anly 'at a yard hateeas'them . Sturdeay, Oct. 21,-Varsity as. Atuan- stbyeceered tha halt an a anmlet eLni as timeawascalled A new tine oat:Manhattan Shirts just ThtIn U: Ie at Wacthaaee, Otyaje & Gtil.See Michigantt 0 nat :ra TlPearve tiemI. S. Maita at. Gil11 -Wiete .,ak._le.____,le__ I~i~atedlt~cte IC).. Presiddent Angell's ddressbefare the )talea a DplyS. C. :s-was crcewed nut oatotday's 'aignncl traeatt ........ lisby rapu. _________ -~tealla uttner... t....Ltb aptt. All candidates gap the Seniar Lawe Sno .............re..,.;...;..Ilane~l clss tfoatball teamee will neet tar Fitzeald ... . .... .Pilties rtce in ttfrottoattha gymanie MtcLean, See-la .h. ... lIns-er dily at 4dpt. n C andidlatestar tpreai- dernalce'nc- etks.cr.... t,. aldy dent eceed. tepeeaSwely....fa... i.. telita C. F. CLOTUHRS, Maccager. i : r 334 55th Sate Sreet Cr Matead Huarnrt'. Capia s taa, rpls,$00.T rarnacts A R, EeX,tares.Ca . GxE -a,Yice-Pe , FREaD.1HBe'Eua Cahir. FIRST NATIONAL BANK lraze 6 Capatto, ceta. SurpusandaatPotit, $40,0ct 'rat'cut a gneathbankngtctsieare. Freign ecctt ge buhenttad eol. Furnsth Itect af cedit. E. KINNE, re. HAtRISON OeU.n . W.- CLAntcaO aCshtetra TheoAniM fror Savings banK Capital Sacer. stotIoo. CScatlte tts, tllO. ltcsa ecsr. S 1.fdeti. organieand erte en3ecraltBacing Laces f this State. Itccice driceita. hbuycacdce a8l ecagecnthte aictpalritre fth United Ste-~. Dafeetyetupottcett rt:aitetitlatin Safety dcposit hoec et Oeter-erctacceitacc Mak. Pes.;W1. D ar- man, Vice-Pre.; Cta. Ih. Sicce. Cethie; t. 7. FriteAscstantttnatie W. . Snar, PRY,'atnc {LF W. Acteeca, t Vieefprea J. . SnHMEHAs, 2tt.mVi7c SAt INra JON,'..Wacae, Aat. Cbuer ~lI BANK Transacts a general Bankintg Busines. School ofDancing MR 'A MRt~ScaOSIRANOPIcs lanearcecc. ofcecnacclAcacittey lt2 Maynard treetoh block west o ttetreet storecs. BilPtenc Na..dS U. of M. Barber Shop L', c - and Bath Rooms. te aebttll 3212ta StneE . . Trcjanowski, Prop. G.A. >UP-', SNOW LAUNDRY , STATE PONE, 520.1 Your laundry wanlhed cleta and wellj trtret andt ire. Eeyttcghiceachd [ anaid ttotf deter. Tryai. WAIRREN BRBE OUeRRRNrEs SSITIF FIGTION. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF Get lemecnstbc-inicigrca. Mtdcecc to I -mOelt. laccilce tccticccietg clue, RWectel cco ~ PINK BROS., Instructors. Ofie adAcadem, Nieket Hitt3.a-3a S. Stat SPALDING'S TRADE-MARK ~ootbaI~I '"'FOR lees Thse Spling OffiesI Isnterolegite FefbIl -a- Vxlus ttr 1, la c ccrin c ccn, lzmard:cc, t'cPe, N e~auia, eccatccl. CU aiR iiy clof tiicg, Ati atigaccc, andcl e cy Ic-:citc- tfo ttbat( c-c:. Urcirms,hesaned EercRgqi It fr the Gampe. Swclccicte6ettic-al Fc-clnlGidecicc. cc Ce by11alt cr tc cl,180tuel.:ecI-. cittcitd:: taectcts:cc:Iccuaot cilc-lore ttttcdticcttac. A. G. Spalding & Bros., tsdccI ok c t::, cc noccr 0. M. MARTIN.. -- FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a peialty. Na.,7"0) S. 4th Ace. Ambulanceenight sal lay. les. dents 02 Fifth Ave NOBB3Y TAILOR STATE ST. STUDENTS' LECTURE CIATION. ASSO- Toauchedow:ev : teatala, Jutte, ea- Twelve Numbers to be Given This 'cccley. Gs-ici-om r~tttOccc tdace-en, Scow Year. Tickets On Sale at Wilers. COURSE OF 1899.- 1900. 1. Lyman J. Gage. Oct. 18. 2. Congressnan J. P. Doliver. Oct. 2 7 3. Max Bendix Company, Nov. 4. 4.. Brig. Gen. Charles King. Nov. 1 7. 5. Senator Win. P. Frye. 6. Will Carleton, Jan. 1 7. 7.-Sousa and his Band, Feb. 20. 8. John Temple Graves, Mar. 3. S. F. Hopkinson Smith. March 15. 10. Oratorical Contest, March 25. 11. Chicago Alumni Number. ?2. Announced Later. Season tickets $2.00. Reserved seats 50 cents for the course. THOSE NOBBY- GOLFS (2) 1 -" it ndratferea, Knight ant William. Tige f .halvs, 26and 20 Itcte -a'-)th at CXath-ime Weyan f& PelactI ic:1 t ton thce maark~et at $3.00. 20-230-c S. Man - Lsag Dittance Men Out. Alil the runtersc- at:d:11cc::'itce Mea tn ice tolagae-ear:euetectdccte ave their nacesanlt thee eltcac tat thcce gytias-aiene cccaaadic cly. hedirt r can wiltltan tlaae itictday. IRRENE FITZt'ANTRgCa, Trainer. Pcerhaeps yaoucwcnderw bhy thatlmatets s acctcular'? idyccu aoverthaar 7:inc tlay guitar? It aou have notycu have misdatreat.I ecoght a Walda at the Music, Cajusla t:: -mothsage. Rleubens IC. emnpt, frocm European Cocnse-rvatocryGtaayteaaaher at Pctla, corgian a-ncCmuacac ccoaiaciic; alse the cart at tea:c esab .Studia wit S. Divsionst.-30 A comptete line ef Adler Biroa. fine sctltsat CWacttamn, Riyan & Peule, 200- 202 S. Matnset. We are now In a poslitior ELISKA to show yo"o the 0 - New Fleur de Lis Pattern)s. Wagner & Co, 7# a 9 .121 Socuth M1antSt. SiHaberahr.itc