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October 16, 1899 - Image 1

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Ilk> pall

VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MtOND)AY, OCTOBER 16, 18 99. No. 19.

i J


Cans a Christian be a Successlful
Lawy~er?-Discussed -bsj Prof~.
U Brewster.

H Fine Fall and Winter
E Suitings, Golf Suits,
Fancy Testings.
AIWe Carry the Largest
L In the City.


We make a specialty of
Chocolates as a side line.
We sell loti of them and
our stock is always fresh.
Kuhn's always in stock.
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE 0OLD For sc eeralseek sob hv
ly RELIABLEafl adofaeredi wt
Commencing Monday, Oct. I6.
Is. a rpcicreof Ope1asc tigha, Vaud5i scevilles
Populacr isse, 10ec20 andt 305)etc..
lull aces cveey dsy oafccr Monday.
1 o es at100,lcofew at 20c
Jerseys and
Sweaters at

Prof, J. 1. Brewstr off the laete-
partment yesterlay discussed the (ues-
flut, 'I® Fidelity to Christian ri-
riples Cnsilstent with Successful ruc
tce off the Lass?" before the business
men's cluss of Congegatinal Church.
his remarks wsushtntally s fol-
"The layoc is cosimooily m de his
villain oan the staigec by the playwier
anidsmasnry swio ae called oet crack
jokes onl the legal prossin, ad 'these
are resolved by aUl eih a malcious
sneer aid laugh. A Detroit minister off
the gospel eenOly said that the chief
oaunce of the grat nucber of eiioree
in lilch so I soeencourageent givn
is the partie by lassyes, thu sudig
tbe whols tacosc -pu slble fr the s ins
off a few It oight be said ta'ti the In
discriminaela asiu of mister to
uarry couples beeasse of the lunging
for the aimighiy dollar is a oaso
Neither d earation Is true but one is
equally as "tue as tue oher.
"there are ctwo gcnerl reasons for
the existesce of theo erroneous views
held about lawyes.eFirt, due to tie
fact ldat there are many bad moss in
the 1egal profesion. Seccnd, to te
Oleaireisnlen of thu true c41ae of
the lawrye, Some men adsgrace the
profesion-by resortig tI tricks. They
are cospeuous In alcomnmuiies ad
aru often interested in larger franso-
titon, they may be learned or unotearied,
rich or psoor, aof altlawyrsre ccJdged
by thes few. They often noons o fhrive
ht thny canno be osiderd success-
ful tor they dlo not evess respect themn-
selves. There arc rascals I every v-
caotionadi there are ore in tO' lair
itshannothsers it'maylbeebeceasosa'ceie
tesions Is dishoesty nmay be ges'aer
but h h est and m' oetdscsce'ful
laccyer cc io is uded iby Chsisianiyb
'A lawcer acts boil s isa.dv isr sed
aso adivocate Is mny cises tieslots
ci great diilculy rise elilorc'e chich
touch the icist cntisae relaions o1 a
fanily iald hoibasobettr to dsese
such pclcvate missoiccthan a god on-
scintilousaChrieini coos The Icgai
principle may he seple but cethers are-
diticuli sodlrec 01cc a cmancs thh
nmoral Iprinciles to decide 'thens I
laweyes 're rightecos en more c
sect concelusionse cwil e rechd Ilac if
not, iand ithee wiii e he liest soiuccss-
fi lawersifieeecharacer counts icd
cien Ier laweyers idiom itheycan05
rut In cllc's.
"Itie c ontenddtt iaolawyreswill
take eiher ide riletior, w'oncsg iutit i
musk b e ree-'cd tDccwi hch sideiso
rult is te cuioletoic le decided anti
can only le decided by 'a ticbooali If.
a lawerccshould die lifater eaicg
one side only he ecwoldimice thn ousurp
the plcec ccitue judge May a h'ti so
taske op esr ide in a esYs o
arc cnoi bothiasicsenited tic e a bee
usg? Dc o otthe intermsts cciJusicede
macsd ihat iherecohiulcd be argusmecs
icer botihs? Thue nsocsis askedwhehehr
ace adocate should act fosoeseom
he -thinke' s-i'aiihecwcong.,'A i-sere
mighi ihink his client ceong and iill
acted cischatc rin'cesisli h ce u's soi
wrouldi isvie roijustice Shall a rman e
comspelleddlee poe himsef nnoe"nt
letore by con fie1 n adsoicor nmust
he liter' manfr'san adscae eho Is
not a chis sion5'SThre ceonlbe necgur-
aniee of justice ccithuui a class of mein
whecilii dfend anyone. Thee is nich-
lng inconsistentinii the practice offlacisc
with fidelity o christian irinciplie but
on ihe coniary, there is much o en-
corageoeverycfesiian criesdes enter
the legal professioc."
'1hecadd ressew's flowed bya very
lively discussion, tev. Bradsaw' sayig
he absotely accorded with the vi'ir
of te professorsnil Stting that the
most practical question is 'that a chris-
tian cacs e a mst sueeeoiui lawye
far any man, hover rlly heoei.
wants an hnest adiser.

Game With Western Reserce Char-
acterized byj Much Roqh 'Work.
Bud fombling coupled with poor to'am
p1a -kiept Mlohigan from scolg met
than 17 points aganci WesteroIeerv
In the game Satrday. It was a dsap-
poinrnsent all around wvhen the visitor
wre ccen to plunge throgh their op-
ponen's' line for mof substantial ;ains
to circle their ends and block their
kiccls. The home team ee.ed tob.
qite at sea a' far as looam wok was
cosncercecd, but the individal playing
waes at times of a high order. The de-
icnse that hus bon reciing' so much
attention the pot ceeoc did not matei'
alize io any great extnacd thude-
servo team found many places through
which to gain
Wesern Rserve procd to be. 0 ce-
tienally cecl cached acd i erc some-
w shat strocngcc tbanscalicothey appeared1
here a ye.r ago, and scre received ccliii
a score of If to 0. They c-ecocn wau I
difd noct fail is resort to dirty work
whclen it suited their ends, esnd us a con-
sequnce the gamoeas nt the le nest'
tisat has booan inssed on Regent's
field. A guod deal of opecs slgging
cyss infolgof In and soue of the pect a-
torcscre highly edifed to see Cap.
Laub of the Rleserves twitnetzigoral's
The comedy of plays, misplays, fai-
Iasuee'uc 5 Inicd I Isoa-t ZSwic' ri
bleat, sluggingetc,etc., eas presented
icc t00 folIcg macnre Capt. Steekic
wron cisc toss usd chse the cest gal,
Clichy kitking off for iesere at foci
f3e?5. Snow re-eie-ctue bal at about
the i7-yardi limitanicatrried It ack to
tsc of.On he firstccdowns Keena pot-
ed for is yarcds, Snow siling the man
wherea ho stood. Sribinger bcked
filiicesalsalicner ihe fist timcor feeSyads
hut lico ost 5 we r sloecr ii cming.
tnd tpc-' h-ll wenct over ecu doets.
Keecc Ice icwo pluncges mde 5, then
Di'ccstcln added 7 y going earound '.he'
cccii Otld t cci foloswed iecediely
souls 6moriiele esolt of trietg the
othcer'end 0 ilcs oade 4 nd then Cll
took lice ball ut wsestatkelficesro
of 5 yards. ld ea succeried only so
rcoserincg feus of 1heva acdcihc bal
eentoeecross dows.sStciieb se-ac
cured a yord ocnd a half ticstisut-
pliucnge eand Haldy iocosedslimmneilatey'
by going 5throughc'tackie i-r S McLes
tcking hi.i nble to gains, Cliy
ias exledbcikstiaicd punted ler 0s yards1
the-balOct11 ing's"where it tcccamedow,
Kcca tiditeeotbt. isearyi LoIre
trough Steckle' and-b'ocekd iLub
fall"nice the bal on Michigan's 24-
yardcin'ce sticiingr startedci off ciii
leaft they f-iled -o secure lie ecan-
igone and It 'is 'isMicig'ens b-ll.
"cowa tuiteil tir 3 a 11 hebl
gocng otetf bocucds -cd RIto''''g'ti
In ithe middle'oif'the field.A. delayed
pas;ewas tricd sd esulced in a fumble,
Aci at-fel ioslihe boillandwsass then
'soen first trracicti e' ceficil
yatticCci[folloinsmg euicklyccii 5
noe 'eSnoutC isadeiand iBernctein 4,
Steckle esdding 'cusother 4 ",en the
ball wa s fucmbled bat McLean sad if
andimce5. I ernten bucked fec 5
aced ML eean-irc7,'oseatdHon
strict foloine c cg ith 2 ecads Reserve
held fir owlesson tiei5-yra i nend
Cisaby tced isoiccict es-fof diis. Inl-
sead it eent out cci iounds anlMiehi-
ecn ad Itociteircoppnents S0yardu
line. Meensofound d2,-Brstein ,
Keena W ilsocn iIKeena 01et mre cd
Stecktle wcnl ver cr the tohowlecn
aftfr ffteen minutes of play Snowv
eiked ile gal
The next lie ue found White at left
'end in place of Gil Clisby kicked off

20 yards to Steckle. Keen punted for
30 yards. but someone wcas off side ad
the bal -as brought ack and Michi-
can 'as advancedi 10 yars. Agil
MeKeena ponted, and agin aReerre
oansas of side. Tho ball cwas brucpt
backand anothr 10 yards sas given to
Michigan, Hernsten got iS more on th
fist damofn Kd Oene. bucked for 2
snore tt amis fumble gave the hll
to itoserv, Meek failng onc i. Clisby
booted for 20 ya- xtoMcLacwho
broutt liback H Whaite made 0-And
dropped the ball, tieerve- getting it.
They tried S eec 's and ut to mo aai,
then Mldy on two puings netted -
yards A second attemnpt to use thee fe-
[ioyeei'pa caused a fumble and als
of 2 yards. which anthr funbe imm-
eataly follownig increased to 1. Cis-
by posted for if yards only. lisgerald
getisg the bll. Snow carried the al
ofciumi the end for 3 yars to -ioh the
Ccks and foekleased in turn addd
::S msore, ahen ticmecras called with the
ballinciMichigan's possesion ccl into
Itecerve's terriory.
TOhsed Icaf found the line-up-
clangrd by p1'acisc Buttner, Lasn,
BlcDonald and Sweely in in p1ace;f
Steckle, Dckl, VWilson and Kena.
'Sweeley kicke ff o i Mldy on their 5-
sg rd licnw.Ida broght if back to tOe
1-y- od mark chrccwites forcd hian
ot oi bound.IHaidy ridSnow's ed
but without sucessc anecd Clisy putef
to McLean on Reere's 24-yard lineg.
White maode , hea Sweeley tried to
putando the ball wnt out of ounds
only 12 ards ahad of swhers it 0ad
been. Iaidy miade 4 but the last 1 cos
set forthcomuing and Mihgani took the
hll on dowun. fact 'ado 1, Whie 4,
Sareeley 2, McDonald 4, Jutnet and
oS tceoy ,7 u MLa broke throgh
for if yards landing tbs bll on ite-
cc-rt s ;-yrd line. Herntein gtg
and shitn'rsentuler ocu a revolving
p1ay for the sacontd touchdotwn. Sue-ts
kicke goal while Clisby sloggd it-
grald iis after about 6 mutes of
p1ly ecded tiele 1giimat scoring ofth
Clsby wee alowedo to remain thu S
once ruted ohf the Red and kicked off to
lotuser who placed it on the 40-yrd
lieee before beicng sopped, Saeeeiy
hunated 40 yadc and the alrl rled hi
soes. when a Rtesere mainelfol on it.
Strin~gr s'irtme out club his acu-
toaced 0 sacris but Haely folowerdcwith
afeme in o Sweley's dems and he
noehinig 1oth-cont doawms20thyards __or
lbs. lst tochmdowns Sons failed to
keekthec goal and thic score stood 17 to
S. This time it tolk but 3 minuuts t
bicisgeraid "of the ick st and sohrtc-
vned i by.10 yr'de teeosbtie beng
toceced Swxeeley posted 40 sod fult,
tier c-ho got tho eus sadedd by forcimng
-himsesaeelsthai far Reserve could't
,q in acid coted Icaeteat of bouds
jost -5 yards ahead hibtfound 4
yarccdshut a iumbloe wcc hK isse gof
'sospig the acheacce. Agatn the e-
lacc eelccseeccas ti eluand Jutte gst
lice mistsfor a loss of 4 y ards Cliby
usie-I it yardtea Ftagecd who
looed ut the ball awuhile and thecn fell
0on itC ceeY Punte 25yacde, Sow
getting the man'iedlin could scurs
cutly lse-scewhninb a furnleshic esh White
Profitedcibhrgive -Nlrhig.an the hll.
"nice found a-ay ivtee loked4:Wit
folowhed s ccith 3, Screley with 3, Mono-
ald 4 aso Slc 'mc 6Duacci ca thens
met 10 atiulSweceley- toot 'cLeansc's
hal an sd TieOsks replsacedI erntin.
Swe , cirW5eelks and Dran'scsiweion
lbs.eingashed the next 10 Then icin-
gans off side play gasee teserv te
ball antimscmediatey 10 yards eas d-
nated furs ia, rason Mldyfimm-
bed 'ad lost a yards In the ml. up
Seigsmud and Yaepe dsluged one aun-
ther amd Kramner and.- Johosn tok
their places in the line up..- Stribage
buced for 5 and Maldy for 4 more.
Then Stebinger circled Wlt's end fr-
CCsh'sccl cn fourths pg,

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