4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY JUST PUBLISHED STf1LKLY & 609' BY IPUING Publishers Price $1,50 Our Price $1.10 SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers Stationers and Engravers 320 SOUTH STATE STREET. 11LeA STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSO- CIATION. Twelve Numbers to be Given Tis Year. Tickets On Sale at Wilders. COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. 1. Lyman . Gage, Oct. 1 8. 2. Congressnan J. P. Dolliver, Oct. 7 3. Max Bendix Company, Nov. 4. 4. Brig. Gen. Carles King, Nov. 1 7. 5. Senator Wi. P. Frye. 6. WIll Carleton, Jan. 1 7. 7. Jobn Temple Graves, Jan. 26. 8. Sousa and is Band, Feb. 1 9. 9. F. Hopkinson Smit, Marcb 1 5. 1 0. Oratorical Contest, Marcb 25. 11. Cicago Alumni Number. 1 2. Announced Later. Season tickets $2.00. Reservedj seats 50 cents for te course. I ~I remember that we can supply you with a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which we folly guarantee. Whiat aisre can you ask ? Try us. AIARTIN $ ALL DOWN TOWN, 116 SOUTH MAIN ST. TallyI For The Game WHIY NOT GO OUT IN STYLE WITHi A FOUR IN HlAND Phoane toe. 515 East Liberty Street. L AMPS FOR ;STUDEHNTS We hate a floe asortmntoe of Center Draft, Nickel-plated Lameps, inluding The Royal, The Rocheterandlthe Pluewoo-d,TheoBerlinandoePerfection StudetLaomps. T'he Neaa-Lap.Plumoewood, is anaace in oLamos. It gives mcore light for the oil ooed Shoe asp Laomp of ito hind. Wo see glvee youshe hose Lamsforeetho COME AND arc. Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. DEAN & CO. Stag Social. Last night the msembers of the Uei- verity Y. M. C. A. gave a ostagsoscial at thei roomesusioneState st. A large crowde teas inattensdanceealli oeshom report Pla,,,g had a msst excellent to. PThe progr amesfgrthse eveaing consisted oi eisitag, the oinging oi csllege sogs, a mcstemsuseum, ewhich furnished a good- ly share of tile fuse, and last Set aot least eras the bowrling alley whliche preved ts be the drawring card sftihe evening. The Y. Al. C. A. less much larger quarters this year thcan goremerly ad cosnoseatly better gaciles for giving serials, masy of whiche wiii be given during the college year. Glasses at Grangers. Classes for beginners noew opt-a. Gentlemnen, Saturday msorning 10; la- dles, Saturday afternoons, 4. Ladies and gentiemea Moaday evening 5. Chil- dren, Friday efteraoons 4. The ad- vanced class for eadieatnd gentlemese weill smeet Thursdey eveninegs, cosm- sacing Rev. 2. For further informca- tioa call at the office. No stairs to meant. Office end class rooms greeted fooer Grangers Academy. -t8 Medical Laie. Thcere bee been seine inquiry og ltet wrhy none of thee medical faculty of the University acre appointed by Gite. Pingee to position on the registra- tisa beard, as provided ine the laee passed by the lest session of the legio- leature intshIis slate. The maatter less beetslooked up ated tere is a provis- lea in the seeaw tasophysican or our- geese who is connected ,rwite assy legal recognized cmedical echool shatl serve asmemabere ci lbs board. Theereaeesen being. shoueld graduaes of their srhoeln present themselves for exaemsinationt,,, there msight be favoritismn showns to thema. Calendar. Saturday, Oct. id.-V7arsity vs. West- ern Reserve University. Mhonay, Oct. 16-Tappan Hall at 7:30. Prof. Hindale before Pedago-ical Se- ciety. Wednesday, Oct. 1S.-Varsity Ta. Heirs Dams University. Oct. iS-Lyman J. Cage spon S. L. A. Course. Saturday, Oct. 21.-Varsity vs. Alusm- n5i. A newv line ef Manhattan Shines just in at Wadteanss, Ryan & Reula. See thems. S. Mlabnsot. NOTICE. All Catholic students and their friends are invited to attend a mseetieeg of Foley Cuild at St. Themes' Academsy see Saturday evening, Oct. 14, atS o'clock. A Oine program u-ill be ren- dered. Op order of comamittee. All candidates for the Senior Lacy class football teens till meet for practice in front of the gymnasiumc daily at 4 p. m. Candidates for presi- dent ex cused. C. F. CHOTHERS, Manager. Perhaps oue wonder a-by thatmanssis son popular? Did you ever hear lita play guitar? Sf ousaentet you have mcissed a treat. He bought a Waldo of thee Music Ce. just a fewnmnths age. Reuben tH. Rempf, fromrERuropean Conservatory, Cermany, teacher of plaso, organ and musical compositionc; also the art of teaching. Studio "112 S. Division st. -30 A complete ine of Adler tBroso.fOne nulls at Wadhamns, Ryen & saule, 200- 202 S. Main st. D. fI. TINKER~ & SON OATTERIS5ANtO FUNSHERS Headquarters for Dec, CAr, MEN'S sFoRscast and CoespletellesfOcssYMASIUM Goos sedSWEcATES. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY ATS 334 Suth State Street nnn&huniI Snk (tr sMan ansd sHron 51reets. Capitnal, 550.Srpls,.$00000. Tasacs a generaltankingl buies. lRnamr, Pe. CE. GOENe , Vice-Pes,- FRED. H Einoseashier. FIRST NATIONAL BNKo e c r4100 Capitnl, $100,f00. Splesd Profits, 40,0 Transacssaegencerlhcalue usines. Freign~ oesge boghe nd Sold. Feernish leSteso credit. E. .aKINNfE, Pe. HARRISONf SOUE. ice-Ses. SW. CLARISON Chie IThe iAnH Arbor savings Bank capital Stoc. o58000. Srplus, $15ยข,000 Resourecese. 5,50,00 Oganiedudercthe Generel BekenfLew of this Slte. Receiese posit, beye andsel excthnge on the picipl citie o the Ueted Staees. Dafseltoanhedo een peopee idetiictin. Saftyeposit bcesucoto ent. seTrres:ecCeeistinMelc. re.; W. . 55ee-- as. ie-P-e.; fles. E. iscoc. Cshie; 2d. J. ]',t,,Assistant Cshie W. . BoTH, PE,.STflTg. W. Asees.ettic-peer Jee.tia. V AefehieSA1VINGS' BANK Transects a general ]banking ,Business. School ofDancing SIt As MRSO.ROSS (IIANE, ISTese rse. selieend At deecc 312 Mceaseet-es blo]eltccoc tateetrecetsts Bel PhonecN ?4=- U. of M. Barber Shop at ; ,','thi and Bath ROOMS. thcccl es.S 322 Ctate St. J. R. Trjanswsk, Prop re ]"cTcT-ccee, cc ceece,, e c r. c~-.,, CALeb..UP SNOW LAUNDRY STATE PHONE, 520 Your laundrywseleanosasd ell rstrccherelacdlctcanrd. Eelerytinblrcell auedeairdout of dors.Tyus 0U19R5SNTEEe00 0fITt0F9GTION. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF Lcies 5egiseing lrgsdee, 55 lto 1ce1. PINK BR4OS., Instructors. Offiso and Aademy, Nikel Hal, 334-335S. Stae SPALDING'S + TRADE-MARK( 'fotball sudeFOR less The Spalding Oficial Intercollegiate Pootbal useed exclusively byYale, Princcn, orcrd,. Pcnsyelveani, Cosell, Uivoserity of Chicg,. Mtichiganes e. every~ leading feootball tesece Uniforms, Soes nd Evep Reuisite for the Goge. Spaeecige oOficil FeetbcaleGuid. CEitecd hr WalecrCcamp s18c9ecule,wihndx esec te~lesectee notes, reocres, potoegcps of Ieclrini.teamscseCtpaied, 70 , 15 claccsecely ill s. trated Cesalogueeof li lSt aletfree. (I. G. Spalding &~ Bros., New Ysrk Chcg, Dtcyer . M. MARTIN,, FUNERAL' DIRECTOR Embalming a speaty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night ad day. Res. dence 302 Fifth Ave. R1 TAILORS TO MEN' Large Collection of Exclusive Novelties 123 S, MAIN ST,.1 MILWARDE, THE NOBBY TAILOR. STATE STREET