2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. U . of 4 1Conrersation ca. Translation as a ® ® Method of Teaching German. Sonme very tnterestitng statistics wo-e blished Daily (Sunday s eepted) during the irecycol liected int the Grman depart- College year, at i met t h oaslongbe aqetina THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN,. o\-l~e h en-iainlmto L F r A I eahig raticedihere ino Prof. 0FFatE: The Inlasid Press, Ressle0 Block. He1 Is Or' r. torrs clsse Bath Phonaes, 147" ssas supoerior totheatrtaioslatototoethod used tontmost hightischools. MANAGING EDITOR. Teexoai, imentWae mdotis-we exercaselws' i on ton olt0is oflee I BUSINE'SS MANAGER. it Egih.Teinstrtoreadtot 0.. II. teSs.'i L. shotw 0 0 Oin eii t it ,\,hC1 t a s0n0 t ZTOSTOLS. fiatesliar 1tote lecs.Theyithen lb-coe ATHLETICS,. . . (1. D. Ileaasoo, 'it1BE tohe liolis trlast ion'o ea T. R. Weoaaoae, '00 L. A. 1.ll.M oAL'aaa,'tlIal ro to \,h i ooot isotit' so A. G. Batasa. '00. E. J. B. Wolse, 'to, the itd countrywa it ii h pc t_ L. J.MaseaoaTGIta, '0, It. ll. IttCKEY,0 Ac'uS e.EC , d101lts nonteii - ---- -- asi. ly Itoorwr rirc - - - aeove oS"tipetcen otOt. O f lo \e sthedemsowho haili reiP,-51_itt''ateir , .'a fo theg inilthe sete. 0 oteegolote ooii:eeear.iThi sit die. Bo losealohiighischoolo cou000.1.sClfothea-1sillie ether matter le e ittdei torpulicaletiosnemust tie H v n 1i . c ol h t- s:, AHigh Standard soseritino clothes moaking is gained ranly by Continuous Effort. Aneod so ias n lot ohes dealing. It re- quiriescontinouiis eit oouaerttsleet that whici est ftromt the stocksosfelthe maney clothes makeorsinlothiis costry. STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING iwitoukst quesioIkehoenest pos- duocedoad sdtahleainev'eey rspeetofsOtIeoaver:ege smoee-to-oerder garmtents, aeoal oofoone-hoalfthe priee. It is thatlkinoocl otholinltg whchlethle hest idressers aeliookinogfo,oondreliig thislfacoowe have ths seaso purchaed all nusoflLarge Stack of Stais Blach Suits antd Overcoats andooareeinlot ositieono fithoall shaplesaodof fos fromt Oumgnifielinee othliis hilghird ae best Line of Furnishings and Caps. Always conte to us for the proper thing Lindenschmitt Apfel Lunch Counter in Connection stalled to the edoitortbefore :50 pOtt11. loe (by previoto to that outhicth 5ey ate expeceto0 Subscrityionsomay boflefe atotoeii.kDsy ofice, Meer'soroooll 000ews ondor it00-ottc Maanag.t SnbsIroitet wilociatoifer 00100000r0b0 repooi'gtpromtltot th00is loie toy falurelof crrerto tdetto cobater Altl i'change otn d ctisoi' matteir ooeot' Oeois who it tIll"ir t C ;u1"s: T 1. . L10I1 4 W"LS 211 beell t; 11 r ME~bHC S. SHIORT ORB)ERS P1N1DIYP IbEE tlthefceio'y 4lpoin.oioiteoiay 1r looeslooooL. 00 whichtey re too la.0000 e0 Ot- tile.1c0)0 1 o.o-ov The daily hoartao tsmet0- anight decidtedl toetnlargethedaily son wha. holSit s tepo 00sItakenotoo 00001 possihle t ~o igtoil--c atr e's0s0r00' chon 00n at 00. tettab' ofeed. T paperwill remaiattout too ,es of f columno eehtoslheretooforoe.lott leogth of each 0colum1001000011be incroe'a' chatmthis so toalspce I i ht tat t i 'mk ulrp-~ntoewsoo ssltible. 'th ti t 1.0ontedal il o raja ~i tooce setediy tolnlcllgedalyp Tefiosteoolar"ged tiioieo ooll bo suid on Saturday netor o the Alun Theoora"tionooe thfauta stuo'o'ants it askeod tooad o -°pitgt addiisona-l 0100000 filed, bo seninga sch0it0eins oos a ibtofcnta it cot.It shoall loe''tetotmof to' Ditly, Ofat as 1ossibleto otit eacih oay all I Otolsiof generaliotltt-oa -Ll, tthe Oat i 0s1oei o toe lorso "clegolonterests, he ltey Nout, itto toal Tele itrswisltoeke', apr theoe-ponet oi loll 110. 0.0000 o1 sloe 0niversity',totelleetualatll otod social. Oyting hh'o nso s., vn iteres't io draow tooit aony eonstt. abte numberoilstudlienit sit oot ' 0o aeact abtoostut. hie te ealot shaexer evloeryheffort to00collethell5t sooch aithtaorough edailyt eanvass as tot otheor00000 aitht. hPotsons, therefor having ain oterestinag iaes will cto for a fato ot hiu0o0000theoeditorts a readers of tistopapr1y0 akn0t known. All rookhcontit onsooc00ill gladly receiovedandimpoartcoally taeatThfnesunihafte un aoent ssued 0wilk yester day'a daaly 0w taken from tho lateot photograph Pro-f. Heneh, bySRanall. Wisotnsin and Yale have eomaorot Oted ntaeh in Wiseonoinos favor regas ing tho tinoe of halvet and will plO the 255atinutes eaeh. Wiscotnsin lea' ftr the east Monday and trill camoo Neow Maven until the tiaae of the gat next Saturday. The Students' Leeture Astoeiaot have had printed a neat prospectus this 'year's letureecourse. 01 contai the complete announremlent of the sociation, a list of offiecrs and dire ors, short oketehes of those weho are a ppoear this year, and outs of each a that could he obtained. Oh.'eonto ' so'tudenlots .o e t o ,ot A 000n.s1witelonilest riig -.- cult eof 0005istt at Goterned tuj Alumni. The T pryioaemoilproidingtoecfor aobto. ga0- is elt f ouc geattandivar0.0 i1010 iit.Olic atieon ha0 t. iciganandboil ic lrcosinoatedeciedt pot ane - - t 0.000 lare if 0.0the il.,p it te ii" Eatoth1ottO tosilo owt11he repiresenotedy t t on foo oT islo mmtel"oloaby ItIempoy;a. oa to d 1 oooth tsolo-olan t act0,0und101rt --rl itor oo to l ool t ng to-iouofa nyied n ohc io.0 d efo e the i W. S. PARKER, Proprietor. 701 North Unitversaity Avet. ' 'lie Refreshomienototndoao t the ieath ei i toooll toe und0er ^suevsinaai hs'er 330afa 'o lotticOs leoee toet f ine Sboee I'for Gentlewomen and I-2 Price spell for 3~.0 tand i$3.50 in PRusset or 0110010. NOB- SoleAodeants for toeeebrated A. E. Nellie' tolt Shoe, "'lie Ultras," "Terlie," otndol-"'he WAH R &MILLER Thec Shoemen 218 SOUTH MtAIN STREET S I? EC I A L 1-2 Price VON HOLST U. S. Constitutional & Political Historij. In o4o 4 0 PtOP+ 44 -(Whale teyLest.) in i, ALL AGHAN & O., AnnArorB h Law Book Publishsers. he P 340 State Street -- Opposite Law Building. al 0Ir00(If0 e h ).'lI+ AS AND ELTI LIGHTING SUPPLES, SHADES, (f it cootalltot. ue cillo: tsec(tex- 5olTP ttPORTABLE LAMPS, ET's., t5tefic1). ASIILY SNTR OIUilttOG, oiltP. t ABU010 ATdi0 lEn ItblaAT~r ti STAEBLERB .FC HU,.0 F4ASMSTNST. 344._liCl lel '" - irhle'ede'es 1ewe h Lecture. . -_l~ B o ok Bforaoe aooa, TaoI'i ot tot,- t loof cateoveool tios ee eorooleoo tirontcovoer. 'Thae poape o e lo o o r0000 .000000"li tai n 000thio aol stle lotirO1000not ok,. Parker and Waterman Peas from $1.25 up. Wholesale aod Recoil )le- Paper from 10 tents o Pound up. as F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 Soath Stats Street. of MADE-15YALA1ILII CLOCK ,in LYON & COMPANY. as- B2DG.&mui18lVENiruirmfl iflIflflr College Pine Is CM.AG flLLURi) JEWELRYTSTORE De cone CALKINS SELLS THEM MAIN STREET. SCISSORS, POCKET OR LARGE SIZE, 25 CENTS, AT MUMOMERtY'S DRUG STORE.