THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SUIT CASES---ALL STYLES T E L E S C O P E S Have you seen the indestructible ease? You ought too- 117 S°. MAIN STREET MICHIGAN (CENTRALIf ",The Niagara Falls Route." 1Rentschler, tbe ip~hotorapher. CENTRSAL STANDARD TIME. TiakingEffect April a9,1a99s. ' GeriNd ihtExpres....... 555A.M*W' H VE JUSTD C IV D AINOTHlERK A G Atlantic Napres............ 745 VLIMV GairandpiEpres..........a 1 "tr.R C I E A G NY.BsoSpca...........adaMi"n Epes.............34 .x DISPLAY OF WASH TIES Mail and Express ....a.....84e A. M Bo5stornEY. nhca...1...9 3 A REGULAR 75 ENGLISH s etr xrs .........13 .M 5 SQUARE-50c G.ER. and Kat. Express..........da4 Chicago Night Express ......... 43" pucifle Expressn.............ta 30 A. TeltstefcsinNro.Fs nHndTn a Steamship Tckrts, all Classes, Is and tram Telts fet nbro ori-ad n a Europran saints at lowest rates. Fuit tnfsr- Wings. Silks, (Runmchundas) (Baratha) 50 cents. matten sa appictatton. 0. W. RUGGOLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T.Ag', Cticano. AgtAnn Arbor. U f .PNSI CI ~ c o . 1 The Baseball Season. Wisconsis snd no team has made a All ihe games of baserball which xilibetete eodd with She tpossihie ,exeep- tisn of Illinois. haveay bearig in tke Western 1ke pisyisg of Michtitsn's tamishas P.NTD E= AMS S=P I2ITOMD; Championship this yeaor havisg been been very streraky sod has caused them TIME TABLE played, ohe season sissy be reviewed aisdtoloosso to teams revidestly isferior. But Taking Effert, Sundaey, May 21, 1899. the hsiiors distributed to those to skein the sork iftche testi has beens, taking Trains tease Ans Arbor by Cestrat stand- lillsor is due. Tilechamptionshipa istitsssas'iktcmtcrltbe rd Tre.presumnablythtk of aatiertisana n id sccesful. SOOTH NORTH as sects Notres Dame andttBlosit altre_ ______ --v ithout recogsition. Coisetlurixiy *Ns. .- 7:25 A. M. No. 1.-St:5t A. N. No. 2,-11:30 A. M. *Ns. .-ta:30 P.. u the genies with tkhose toamssmust hr Tentis Men Meet Chicago. No. 4- 8:5, . s. No. 3.- 4:56 r. m. c si(ailsrdin ttile light otf practicer only, IThi tulstennis mtax cwith Chicago' tNs. 102.--t:05 P. N. INs. 101.-9:5t5A. M. atidtas haxing xxx bearing onte cit n-its xiicovmnmence this afternootn. The pRubte s roradTid ay ioinshipi race. matchesrtn singles ivill be as faoxwst *Rlt btrae Ay rboprSnday.ed Aly lreal champsionskip ithere ecannot be \ls i .ttibri tSundays only. until a teatms has itlayediantudesetsed Whberty vs. Halsey. N. S. GILMIORE, Agent. rvery tther teant in that sectionisos the Micee v'saRislee. W H. BENNETT. 0. P. A cttuntry but clairsms oeore slse good Hatmsmontd vs. Guthrie. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar'- sisy be established from year to year Tie matches its doubles xiii bet and it has fallens to tke lot o the Illinii Axehrialtstid Rlipley vs.Gottlieriasnd bor Railway. to akiie the brst claims this yeas. No Halsey. Cars leave for Dersit and Ypsilanti percrentae basis can be used as astieryad Guthrie vs. McGee atid every half our, beginning at 7:15 a. m, tesas has not played the same number H amond. until 7:45 p. m; After that to Detroit of gamies setl every othetr tesmTis he Tir tenetsxvi lao the baet tkat is at 8:45 p. us,, 9:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. me. process of eliinatiiionsimay be citrd as bring played ints he universities of the Waittlng roam, corner Ann and Main tke best grounds for rchampionshlip nilddliesiest, as Cicaoandl Michigan ete ,Detraitli111errisvold at. lasims.Michigan lied wxilk illiniss and wetr e tleadeorsin tke intereollegiate. the tiriso nt to be played, but W~ison-lbshesaatchses iii be extrenmely close 'W W W \WV sits succeeded its puttieg tke fortsr out ith Chicago a little the favorite, but it T1oflee sace. A genseral survey of tke is lay noixeans certain tkat Chicago MIDNIGHT FLYER seaatnkowveyr, leasesnotdauba t i ilattn thetorae. Sithetildsbit tat tute pilmibelons t o Th'ebsfirsniatchesstilt begin about ToS OUS Iisinois as nauche or naore sa than idd2:5Anadmaisstin fee of 25 cenits to To S.L U S last year to Mickigans. coverthtie exponses of tke meet xiii be Out ol tweslve ganirs played, ousoagd h mets-ladies -free. A out- Via the WABASH ROAD., xxiths Chicago, twoewstckNortkhwestern sithagerd tlie is x-ix,,ies free. A. iii Os anfer xlicies3, a new Wabash lTsin lassoxwith Wisconiis asnd fousraith dote all xiii be provided. wilarvrCSi.Losat 1:30A . M, andleriog ichiganIllinisishas lest hut twoe these ___________ arliSt. L ou it7:teA. S.; eLidgto isMichigan. It her tgamstsOswith thse P. at. andt arrive Chiicag~oStoo A. M. smsaller colleges eke has herenitno less ECRINT OEOJN o Twxo sthnerstrainssvia the Wabash successful, kavlingx ass out its every Each year Toledo is becomaing moff xif ois dle. sutro.Alxc ai . ae u e ik ae pae tlsattractive as ati Exeursioan City, and met pt-ae rt rcl o ae u fgtgmspae ihy as and ine schedule. the ethers of the live larger callicoes Michigan people rtalizethat usoinure City Ticket Dan.e. Wisconisin has von twice frons each at delighstful plate can be found to spend L5A1 ZZKm 9 dm St. Chicaoe1Il Michigan and Chicago, split oven with an aftertnson. The Ann Arbor Railroad Northwxestern and test txvo to Illinos, swill run its scxi excursionto 1 the Cen- Michigan's record is of snuck Ike same tenali City as Sutiday, June toth, leav- nature hut wehere tee Badgers tied inig Attn Arbor at to :2j a. i. The fart HOAL E R ,Nosrkhtestern awe have evened up with far te rounsd trip xiii be 75 cets. Nc /Iliois. We lost to Wisconsin wvhere otie shsossditi liwshilo isa Toledo 10 visit 4 TRI~NS DAILY 4 team has defeated Chicago in te series. cenits pays street car fare froisathse city Cicbago's reodshow eus h wnt h park ansd return, sod iticludes ad- Brtwrrn Toledo acid Colmssba, using Cion sner in Ike series vith Northwvestern misisiots to the Park and Zoological depoat in bohteds.asnd loser to Illinsois. Mlichigan and Gardetns, also to use thecatre wvhere first Through Slerper is Waeshigonasand Baltimore. Wisconsin. Tke aearers osf Ike purple class performiasces are gives. On te GREAT ROILROAD have been still mere untortunateisav- openting day, Mlay soils, thse Casino ws leg lotst out Is everyosne save Wiscen- visitedi by fifty thousand people. THEF HOCING VtILLEY sin witk xvhasn tkey tied. WieNotre Damae is ntits the Cosference Howard hots at Wadhams, Ryan &$ riebut is eintitled So a kigs place. They Rcule. Heat hat on the market as L, W. LANDMAN, haive defeated Mitchigan, Chicago and $3,00. 200-202 S. Main St. 11 W. Fart St,.Deroeit. i 3 t ) t . e d e d d - e 0 it n Y l- 1 t e s . ,t Alarm Cok I U. of M. Pills 50e to $10.00;,F ine Watch Repairing a Specialty. J, 1. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 206eMiSsonuth. Hiave You eel sue POECELAINS? Fig tisg out-only place in the .wherreyes can get them. SI'[5GIIXL RATES 10 SENIOR~ The BOPuIudil StlfItI 112 W. Hares SI. N. S. Phase 119 A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE Whitenee beautifies, anti preserves the teeth. ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE TASTE. All druggists 25 cents, or by mail upon receipt of price. C. S DENT 8i CO.,* Detroit, NMob. Prisateelessosribedassetsgby Ste. e Mrs. Ross Gragr.-Lessn': three turters hourse.50a. (Obtie, Nesil arsc nd Academy on MynarI V.. READ THE DAILY. , " i'tD a d bolders toe Sale. Cshtfor Old Bald and Siver. . Win. ArnoldLedin 1 The Mdost Complete Line ot LOWNEY n CHOCOLATES Its the Cityctin be foend t TUTTL B'8 Y ~338 S. State St.. 0.A Q M. MARTIN... FUNERAL DIRECTOR kEmbaling a specialty., No. 209 S. U4t- tAve. Ambulance night and day. lies- deuce 302 Fafth Ave. MEN AND Puritan Oxfords fort 0 ff 3.50N L 20 STYLES IN ..... Box Calf, Kid, Enamel, Patent Leather and Tan 11o E. HURON ST. ' WEPATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG .STORE