2 THE UNIVER8ITY OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY With this issue The Diy suspends publication for the year. It has een its aim to publish all the real news and ta0 represent the est and mst worthy sentiments that daminaed hsuent hody. The endeavr has ever een ta present fats fairly and impartially and -to do equal justice to all. The approval and encouragemnent at the readers at The Daily has been a great stimulus tn the efforts at its editors wha are thus the mre detersmined in further in- crease its usefulness and inlueneecu- ing list coing year. Candidates for Higher Degrees. Dring the two weeks remaining P- tooen now and econmencement 4l can- didates will e exanmined in the de- partmestofa literature, science and arts far tile higer degrees and fr list bachelor's degree on what is knossn as the University sysenm. The names of these candidates including the three that have been exanined and the schedule at examinations have en ar- ranged by the approriate committees. They ra as follows: Hermna Russel, . S. 1898, at Mani- tee, candidate tr degree of M. S. Harlowv Stafford Pessn, Ph. i. 199, at Lansing, candidate for A. M. Annia hordwevll Gel-on, Pi. B. 181, of Ann Arhor, candidate tr A. Ml Edward Clark :Hacsh. A. B. Alma college 186, of Grand Rapids, candidate tr A. M. Afred L~ue Davrnpor,13. S. Po- meona college 18, of Pomona, Cal., can- didate for M. S. Henry Mtilon Robins of Whimore Late, candidate for A. . Edmund Claude Champio, 1B. S. 1889, of Three Rivers, candidate for M. S. Boih lsbierta Ludlo, A. . Aiors college 1898, of Abiorn, candidate for A. M. George Flecher Richmond, . S. Michigan Agricultural college 189, of Belding, candidae for 11. S. dMaude Ethel Fuller, A. . 1895, at Charotte, candidate for A. d. dMay Wasley, Ph. B. 1899, at La Grange, Ill., candidate tr A. M. Charles Edmunsd Flkins, . L. 1891, at Hrlan, candidae for A. M. Florence ighans Kinne, A. . 1887, of Ypslansti, candidate tr A. M. Eugene Cyrus 'Woodruff, B. . 194, M. . 1896, at Ludirtorn, candidate tan Ph. D. Alice Carissa Joy, Ph. . Abion col- lege 1,98, at Springpoe, candidate for A. SM. diary dMacLean Thompson, . L. 1898, at Pontiac candidae tr A. M., Rachel Ella Dwon, P1. B. 189.,let Pontiac, cndidate for A. 1. Baph Wendell Taylor, A. B. Aliono college 196, candidate for A. d. Clarence LlatandMeader, A. .1881, at Ann Arhor, candidate tr Ph. D. dMarquis Joseph Newell, A. . Hal- mason college 1896, A. . Universiy of Chicago 1899, of Portage. candidate tr A. d. Ella Ehoda Wibur, . . 1895, of Larsing, candidate for A. d. Edna Lenore allard, A. . 189, of Ann Arbor, candidate for A. Ms. Martin Simpson, B. S. Olivet college 1899, at. Deekelville, candidate tr A. d. Ri Ann Connor, Ph. . 1899, of Ann Arbor, candidate tr A. iM. Carrie May Sperry, A. B. 189, of Ann Arhor, candidate f or A. M. Ktendall Page Brooks, A. . Alma col- lege, 1897, at Alma, candidate tr A. M. Carlote Emma Pope Ph. . 195, at Alegan, candidate tr A . 1t Itsuo Tokunaga, Doshisha college 894, 1896, of a~nagawsa, Japan, candidate tr Ph. D. Wallace Stedman Elden, A. B. Bow- doinl college 1889, A. M. Bosdin 1892, of Watervile, Maine, candidate fr Ph. D. Harry Hall Parke, B3. L. 1898, of Syca- more, Ill~, candidate tr dM. S. Henry Heimann, Ph. B. 199, of New Bremen, Ohio, candidate tr A. . James Lesie French, A. B. 1899, of Grand Rapids, candidate for A. M. Lila Turner, A. B199, at Battle Creek, candidate tr A. M. Charles Huus Mory, A. B. 1899, of, Charlotte candidate for A. M. Benjamin Franklin Bailey, B. S. 189, at Detroit, candidate for A. M. Prederick Henry Wing, Ph. B. 1898, ot Marine Ciy, candidate for A. M. Shirley Wheeler Smith, B. L. 197,p Ann Arbor, aniidae tr A. M. s Sanmuel Allen Jeffers, A. B. Central LOOK TO US Western college 1892, A. M. 1897, of New Florence. Mo., candidate tor Ph. D. FL (t'~~ E f-KM Fine Clothing, flats and Furnishings Louallen Frederick Miller, B. 5. 1199, at Aurora, Ill., candidate tar M. S. Helen Frances Sage, B. L. University of Cincinnati, Ohio, candidate tar A. M. Adonirans Judson Ladd, A. B. 1894, of Holland, eandidate far A. M. The exanmination of the candidates will he private, no one Peing adrmitted save nmemhers at the faculty and others swhomn they may specially invite. The reading- and defense at the these will he public. Senior hits Make Elaborate Prepar- ations for Class Data. Thte seaier celebrtrsionrs t-rse~ir..°s 1t1i see p romrie tolbe tiore iaho.t.e ltarn trc' liselciitt 9ear'. Tile arrantgemetts tetmrmittee lias practicarlly sell - I ott oll ille pi.s for senior steek. 15, ssnir 1)1 ersenoce to lie teld o80oon an y een- ing, Jirly 1111, twill te afeatture of the cctstettctttnit. Ocer 9,-joo Japanee laterns trill he strrrrng aonsg ihe trees, atntd te Unrisersity bandrsel llftrnrisite c irsic for tse petrettaters. _llary fees- icirsities toill give hsoise pa'ties oil this tevenintg. Tile U. of AI. tat I still ftrr- ntishlths~e srssic orclssda, 1nds lit oei cssprogramsrft heexrcte ;ill Ibe given lile membethrs si Itlan Tertenor rrcepirshstoi le teld irs I.e 'atiermanst gymnarss., rt. art FI rrs'sight:, Tne 19th, promitse s alarge attestdance. Tlit prograsr as selected bsy tse coms- mi~ttteare of 55hit i ,wt h JitUtriv e- sitis sea]rimbosseed in gold.t1td blueein lilt centlersrithld-ra~itsedlfitures Iliad dtrectlyl,.rset .ThtSIe en 1 5 receptoct ii .11 be selelhlo ~ trsindt - 2st ite comentttcemntrte x erses ail IPcisidcnt Jame ttt. 1 tgeli srccep, itt teaeIthed. (tellat peaain r! Mrth o teeele. sntel 1900will Ithav e rc.ai to te .t-Iotstel of is set -1th e .Uts: tmeetintg la:' igh i. II'ltied . .1,/, 1afor Os yto A srI, fs~' omite ti( ecaipiointedst olo f -pa iua REtgltareI & Jentstrtgs' Anatomsy of ltst Catt is tetilt of tatrot n, presswstll 1-trrydoll & Cii.lTe ookis abyIJtceib F. Reighaerdl, profefssorttofizooleogy , and Hlerhert S. Jenninssgsinsstctor. h1-zo- ology. Thte sorokeito llust,, bi I ltsteer- otlts oirigittal figitres, attendt hassniplest- dsx itssthicli ace gires tttet i.ls esfi .eeorl atd-I 'clilcel directsor a'lhstdisetionic aidt sitdy of ;.ittedifferot s stes of os- Our first offering consists of the advance style, fresh from the hands of the foremost Fashion Makers, THlE STEIN BLOCIH CO. Ecery Fabric that has strength and Charac- ter is represented in this collection; every style in vague is here. oe merchant tailor will give you the same style and patterns at 50 per cent. more money...... .. .. .. . LINDE NSCHF'IITT & APFEL 209 S. Main Street 0+04.04.0+.000+00+00+0++0++000+00+.4o.4o4o.4 40+0000 :3 4. AFTER THlE MAY FESTIVAL Stop in at PARKER'So CAMPUS CAFE and get a good, cold gloss of Q4 Soda Water. Strawberry 4 Crushes 10c. o We have the exclusive right ts the refreshnment stand at Athletic Field. 0 W. S. PORKER. 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -. +,~...,. SCHLEEDE'S TEMPORARY BINDER - .. - - - v . v-.-..-.-..-rv yr 7 .: s-4iTL 'TG i'Gi'1'Gs'b'Ls K° t %li Ffr - r t Fiitr"i, 1 !l fl C T ri r-% ac i - - c . A ,'lL sr I'tJ'.J 1 I IjJE f I VV71iN I aL ____________________________ Big Profits. Qisick Sales. A good wgay to make money thss sumsmer. I iF. SCHLEEDE, 340 - - - th te STRAWBERRY CRUSH (FRESH FRUIT) 1 Oc QUARRY'S ART STORE " For a SUMMER CRUISE takse the H {COAST [IN[ , TO MACKINAC PASSENGER -- attained in aoat Costruction, STEAMERS. Luxurious Equipment, Artistice SPEED, COMFORT o Furnishing, .. Decoration and ANSAFETY..00 EffiientSorsices.. < To DETROIT, MIACKINAC, GEORGIAN BAY, PEfTOSKEY, CHIICAO No otertieoffes~r s a sPa oraaof40mie s o qa ity and itrest. FsourTri5psers WeekSBetween Dy nd Nightm onr~ee Btwen ToledoDetroivndry Day and ~DETROIT AND UCL[VELAND Toleo, Dtroi andMacinac Tigh Beteen Fare, $1.550Each ietonr. PETOSKEY, 'TILs SOO," MARQUETTE Beh, 00 , $SI 1.05 Sttermn, $2 .25 ANs DULUTH. Cleveland, tConnetion re node am Clerelandiwith Earliest Trairnsfr allaltsEahot,PSouth LO5W RATES tosPictu'nree3kn e n d ~o Put -i n - B fa n Southestr, and attDemroitlorll points Retun, icluing eal andBerts. ppro- Nrthhand Nonrthwst. omre os frm leel nd,$2 .a;pr'om and Toledo. SandaTris.Jnea, Jul, Argst, Toredo, $1m.23;fromo Detot, $11.75Setebr ndO te y. SendO2cd for IllusraoestedPme. Address, N I f ln(N a . A . A .mCANTZ, G.P.A., DsTROITss in, &CUL I~ean ov ( 0. s/ A new Assortment of Oval Frames' '"'' j~I~ end Frame Mouldings, just received GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTIINGUPPLESSHAES, Do not fail to see them. PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPCI0ALTT. SANmTARY PLUMImNGn, STEAsM ANDOHOT WATER HEATINGO. StabIleor'ni Art Str J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASH NGTON ST. 217 So. 4th Ave. New Slate Phane 173 Wanted To sell Us, Chsase's Book during vaca- Std nstion, the Pests agent can handle. Our regular Agents make big mosey. Can give good territory. Particulars by calling at the Courier Office, JOHN E. TRATIS, SManager. those JNew~. IJ1IK: WU1IL you sea out every day come from HOLME.S' LIVERY Phone 106. 51h5 E. Liberty Street NEW STYLES FOR d ~ ~~~MEN ANDWOE$30 x SSHOW WINDOW JLLN THE SHOEMOAN SEE OUR LINE OF 50 CENT PEARL HANDLE KNIVES AT MUMMERYmS DRUG STORE.