'. i. t . . .. _. wabeo-f 'l>of "' GAB YOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH. THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1900. No. 187. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received or line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suiale and de- sirale for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invite you to call and inspect our line at WILD'S 108 E. Wcasirgtor) St. Artist Wethave bugt Maerials from Wt- 1Mterals me',Bok Stor iuirasand hae addd t to th e ntleli. Oil Paints, China ad othr Watr Col- ors, Drawing Papss and Bruss ofall kind Wilder's Pharmacy THE OfLDForE sveral waes we have bUL ee ayinhg inanttstokrte boys and new are ready wit RELIBLE RSand TOBACO. ° f'PPES AtO5EiIAt...fY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. Sto Paris ?I What aotourysKat1? Woln't I itb ta good ideat o p t i toatno * while teeis lntsl011 anad lo us kit pfornyou? CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SO. STATE ST BASE BALL AND C4OILF GOODS ALO A LARGE STOK Or .JERSEYS In New Styles and Patterns WAHR'S COMMENCEMENT WEEK Olifiel Programme of Uniersit and Class Events. Te folowing is tie official po- gramteofor te eercise ofcotmtmetce ttentlmeek, ltttta7-1: Sunatty Juntt17t.8 Pt.-t.Dicottse cto thte grtduatitttg"claesof all depatttetts, itt Utttveatity ital ltvyreidetttAngel. tMottday, Jne 1t8, 2 tt, tt.-Class day execiteo detartmtnttl o lat, itt Utic- sity hall. Address, by clas nrsidentt, Th1 a b tArtthtrttCnione. rtesetatiott to the Cnitsty ~s of te lasttmemtoriall by 2oltttotilal Thomtas. oAeptttttce ott bealfi of tie Ctio rtt- I Regent larr. Acepttct onttboialfI of tielawttdtat oettbiy Dettcall ttutchn. tPoemttby oltt Frattcis linoet. Oratiott b Albert .Moregant Cotu,i. S. History by lDat F'aitaer Wt.eimte. rophey by Care FrattiaJuttttter. Valeaitory y Horace Ware Dnfrt, 3,L. it It.Itt -Sniorlromtetade othie I attlytt tened blle te gradatitg case ta tintaidepartmtt of literattre, sctiee attd thtt.itt, attd tetdepartmett of ettgttteetritg Dp att atfttediite atd surgery, UMottdayt t8,to Wedneday, 20- Mott Idty itttfterotoncitties.Alotdyaettttg, lectuea ottliquidtlair, be Itrof Freer. tusa Ta . geteratladres to alm ity A. Ut helips, A. D..iprei lont of tite NewttYor- State Meical So ctiet Tesayoafterttooot, elitiesTte- lday atttning, addresso ot 'Ilot'Plge'' Ibt Drt Not y;larson t'Ile Rgtt atio andttt teDgaeratiott of Settory taol MototrlNetrve-ttdintg itMuttcle," Tusd y tJ it' it at I-ietn ''ottObord .i ,Cls a,- y aexe- acid the rttattt o at ttttt octtee tao ttto aCoiodr 1T1111aFOak. Adrsa. ba telatss otpresiden t t ad Smelc Corwin Histoy to, 'Iai t nltClota 0a an. 1 o Ttom10 i~UattMitttttit ott ittot Cit odalto catatoco Coleg of DetalotStrv dontal ampitt- ttre. oAdtrtsc oyiohetctassit rsiodett, Thma boss Brdetn.1Csistortoy itw Fraonik I ttge", ' I0ot c Cass , I otc lbt Anktuott . ISteer Cat orm byl 1 'en Itt 11,111Goodih Clsortn Itty Thtma1sto tooArese ttetttbetsoftheba it ttit Valeticory tblty totlliIaotlantts'llFiffattloe "at - 3 p. Itt ci~ttottof tite Schtool of Fit ttt ty toAitres ,too tg utoittnttg cly ,,-P o . Ja tso. ii. al,11of1 lioo. 1,(,otrom ttte cassoesoftote tlumttti anttfom 1011te fautyof te school. Re cl)to-r1tt thliearesidnceof eotot Prcs UU'turalmat siumt~,11ttO~lt, iontie grdutolt- ott"classoes in1t1etdta'citrtmeto atof litert- tl .oottire, ticnc an teartsatndtolthe depart t\ oetta,IVJttte 20 (tiluttni dy) Sptttttl Itt renott of literary casstoeof 1,5o 'O, '7, 70, '75, 'S, '0, 157; '7 medicali980la, nd ote r cassiet. 0100an-om ootathie medial d- tartmtent: Closs day exerie in south ales ortnta soptal. Address by Dan Hinsdate. 1:30 a. m.--Latt alutmni reunion: Re- union o1 the alutoni of tto departmett of law. Al 11 O'clock noon a banquet will be given in room G, aw' building. Alt alumni are requested to meet in room C, law building, ati 11:0 . m., and proceed to the banquet. After the ban- 0quet shet addresses will be given by prominent alumni. A cordial invitation s extended to all alumni, ickets for the banquet can e penced at the of- fice of the secretary of the law- faculty in the law building. 2:10 p. m.-General Alumni assoeia- ion: Annual meeting in roam C, Ue- versity hal. Sp .Senanne reception-n Water- man gymnasiupm. Reention by the President and the University Senate to invited guests, graduates, former stu- dents and friends of toe University. Cards of admission can be obtained at the stewards office, from tho sertary of the Aumnti Assoiatien, and from the deans of the faculties. Thursday, June 21.-The iy-sixth annual comtmencement. 9 a. e-The graduating classes nwilt form at their respectve buildings, under the direction of the "tos presidents. The procession to Cniversity hatlnwil be under the direction of Harrison Soue chief marhal. 10 a. nt.-Comomenemtent exercises.-c tn Cniversity hal. Oration by Johnt "erie Coutitr, Fi.D. proessorinitelit Uneiversity of Chicago. Conferring ft degrees. 1:13 p. mt-Cotmmencement dinner.-v tn the 'Watenian gymonasium. Dinners ticeots roust be procured at te stoa-d ard's office, price, 50 cents each. 'tialk- t holders atitt asetbet at 1 p. n. un-c de the Tappan Oak.e Athletic Board Meeting Deoteda Mosthj to Bills and Elections, Latstaettnintthocatlticttabordohedat their ext to tite Istotmaeetnt" of thocyatte. Thte ciieflbuintess of til e tiitg waa tile disosaof anotentormtousttamot ~uoof 1I iilis. 'Thoe asaioott inote abot1 $8oo n itact. It inotncertain owhetier tisti atill 'a liiqiuidatead thitiyear I te as a- 1 tiae ingotd for the rmtainintg tree a gamestc, it probtby taill b;t lott if iti ris thtey aiii go farthter ito te tshole. 01 thii ittaebitetites, $ooeiaste reutitof ten tadi tweatiter lat teek..r Ater iistwerealotteda, teioordcd leo'.eeedto te eleciott"of ttmanaoges- for toxtoyer. T'eofictsalotottowenta begingtastoertiidi tot oseattmto be tattchiteagerntess toosecurte titetm. Tierec weraetottattlttec for otty tao ofics;Co all titeothercs wte re 11111 ittotto 'lite tatwo blfatetd cottttidtotta 11010Joo Stattt 01i,SigmatoPii, for assistatt footbatit !tmottge, and US WellsUtlc 02 loriterthatoolatic ttaonaeiToet ito 1101 tattoughtto re lceavaetetottitttit Ito or are: o .1 laet 101 ta rcie W ok U aorD. iPi Phit, Gr0ndi Btato. trak oongat hbiI In..U In- otn ot hcago. T-nUI-ottnagr-Clorotttt11a ipo~lyo 'o _.P iLca ti l itttcioiy Il. Intelrscoti aagrt .i tal St0l01 'o;;,lpoia Dlto hi.t U rpotle,- 'totottat too ttalloianUt ott o'r bctotta lototr,'_> PIUpio,tJckson. Uci tttl of 1tite Boaof ctC ottoiVill h.elctd at hemeting.11 toweek.. Att toot tttmeot' ootw irclt ors1010illbe let-< tot t ta100etelolacs of Livtongs~ton'tatnd P'ottet Iproited) Thse ottntedl toot ilictcoa00100 ae:S.W.Utlee. o02 Joet Stitirtot SgtmaoChi; S. C. UMa0011 Jt. 'n.ThItta etaooCit, tond ,.LLe,',,DeltaU pionot Ihr Ioa to ome1 0111 esion boti)theit t1r1p of tle ack110eamtllto Fari. No logll rojelatct was a vtttcoo otandtte pr0 oositon lt pr1 obabohlyal Ithiroutgt tocus ttcof 1l1ack ottfilcotttputsh. Soontac memersof te lbotrdttnitorodWa1lt more thaitot be to orterc toam wtthich i theltamIctt ihasI throutgtt th ms cfaeto llat Itt 'hiyal. itsee tagethtat Imo1tt oa ttnotets~y held DiroctIott tBa itot 11m0chatticttlocret futethe ttoatltltonttit t 10u11001hidot beenttcdoea lorthetlte10,1. 110'cloitoed aboty1,00 ihtadlcbteensenit olntttm tn oos of $800. AS 01 tsttal ting tacta do10 tino 'tetoat ,cobtttareccloer.,At to-tps,1we110adtot'otenoatets.a, 1010 fortiotatatoffredi$450. Chitoagot refutoca toom ateas ctt, adItollittois W11,10ing buct ntot ittout lassto. Director iBirdci oc tht. tootmtttttaitod bett dontte'for te trak: teamt, attd, ittfat, tttm t10ch m Oetttt weotldo be tdote for tletttnext yer.. Oracle Board Organizes. The Oracle board elected someO tme algo, mt Tuesday afternoon to organize and make arrangements for next year's ..cork. A partiat it of prizes na de- cided upon, but more oct11 probably be offered at the beginning of next year. Every one who an any talent in ainy of the lines in whih prizes are offeed, in invited to compte. The following prizes are announedt Prize story, $1; prize pem, f5t bet ist of grinds, $5; best illustration por- traying the different phases of college life, $5. The officers eetetd weret Chas. R1. Adams, mtanaging editor Chas. Has- lam, assistant managing editort J. Cadot Futerton, business managert J. Elliot MeAffee, assitant busines man- ager. CLASS TAX REDUCED Chairmen of Committees Scrap, and Other Members Vote. Ucolerdoy aftertnnttt e "aloe clas oheld 01 meeig attd rcosiorl thte Ue- ~iiott of a far aekst ago in rgard to it cilos100. Ao thot meetingtoghectax weas fixed at 425 pr iead Recett agi- otiott deelopethe ltas into teo pt- iott thtat thisoteot too high, atd a ptiioto w'ao crateta to thte effect tati toe sald tote.ttas redcettdato $325, 1w0 in- iced tmtettborsouldttiI agree to ooa' it. 'litameteing yteeda'.atr beitg calledto I order by Fes. Cortit,troced- 'c imtmttediiately to theicttssiott of toe ot. lThe ostdatt anotnted tat too 1011 appioitedai Mr. Bege cairttatt o acotttte~e of fifteet to cirslato tite oetiion. It seemso it roter petliar oc- cupaottiont Ior a tmettober of the commttittee whitcith a greecd ottandl rcommtended a $42 tax. lo to Ilbe acairttatt of toe commtlitte elohicht circttlaots it ptition to lotwer thte samatx. It wa'so reported that eoarly twno0 ttttdred ad siicd, and tere twasnto dotbt toot if111e ax tos loteroc, two-ndttared otd fifty'senoiors wotld I'll. A rtttlointtgcussttaion followe-d, and ofler somea 110entiont of te atditito ocotm- tittee, Iom obolison, cairttaattof toe eceitioll commtlittee, ttovedUttt te at- ilit- ommiotlteeit ins~pet te acotnto, of thte Caol,%ttdlGowtnicommttte ao tn'll atos o ol theothler commoitte. Alfe01attotion ottIrecotnsider te atiot of bot tlcetitlg toot carried ta A. Cattp- ell. chtairttt ottfteCa"andtot wnott ommttittee,11100eccihot tecalts t. be rcto 5ta 3.25 ter totetbr. It isotlobe invided-$i for clas omettorioal, $o foe lottttlottceoeto>t ea ao,010125 centsto t tile basobloliteam. t. Ttager Drot taotoed that te btaeboll amits011 , 1011$490nlo lobt.ntohe111c0ot fIpseould 11011ease lis to 5$49.40. C iIobe dscusiontol1 fo loedt wa 01 t ed0c1tat tie ttemo orial commolittOte lot tfurit urot an. tee tt11 01 $25~obo1ro'thboartislt,bProf. Frer, of Dletroito1,todCI001nee ot t hoc l~tuec - Mr. Camptlbelol i ttttlun011110a1speect 01 thlt s tax eekiotieNittntformttionowasitch to ClainItt M 'Icite:anttwtstoabsoent, h itoaa 1n:t rc Otto Ilie idot 1111dertan ott wtt thte commtitte 1gas goill"to rateoe 01 titt or to 1otc oat Itlol tie it-idh c-ti- thoc latw dla oti $or ootote ft rtoot. 31r e. gle. athrating0111"ht le 11010 1o0 oipoakino rot he commtteie, attatned tht oheO~cre wItr500 tofeett ite coltoeer- itlefrontaothe lampus.lttl 'Withotese fiue ietoaslytoolsc010001hotttorthatt 1,000 lattetoslibIonetedeod, bout if te cls atda ha iettdn lita iod no 0dtouttatt thlt 0co ittlolldcould ole rant toa- Iatottt The0100eitndct t111he nee tt ot A aoawell ci I t -Jnius B. \\co chi oeto'toof 11 ocial1 0o11 tttttee , toot sked ht ioow teaodttinogOto d 11 mittt-nas 0i 0011av al-"^rclti effect i t was to tohoblgto 100port tn promptls ittirte d 11 ly ;ottel), d- b1sdtsn 1110a aiomit tt.It 1 dcidn' ot a aa ttqot-c ton; Mrot Wolothodnxialoly ait lle 1100t oh Nasoh~istfirt 10u1estott fatrte so r 31ir. Campheiloat ttae tte rose tooot a qeti1011011prtsieandiotechi 111r 01mp tl rled55altitat 1111ot o1111011 moultcariedo. t assto 110mnoed and ncaiedthatthe laonsditoreaettrrnrpay te bl of te ole eotto-'tttommi~ootteetlyc 11h wlien they re ouchetdUfr byth itchar- 1110011 001 ibdotoitio mmiOttee.onFrank Senior Class Tax. Nott that te classt-alxia bendeft- itely- settliedtupiot, antioroatee trgeo 10 pay' ot otce,. 0s0it wiil he itpnossileito go otn itho thlt arragmentsh for gradt- atbion wekicutnti at lasi a portion of tle mtonedy Ihabentacoletedo. The 1inv11a- 11011s must behopad fortponodalivte-ry, atd there are ohlecexpnso s-hi nmststbh mtnItohonce. Trasurers office Ior, tdailvs'2to ,0unttil z: ticketsitdotw, Uoi- versity hal. F. S. Coesoo, Treasurer. Professor Jacob E. Rtghtrd, proe- soc of zoology, twili delis-r the address ai thte detdifationo of the nowats-lteu btuilding of Alma Collge, Alna, Mich., Junen27.