rcduati GjOLF Suit ingf Full Dye: Shits (, OUTFITS If you want.. DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, CLEEKS, MID IRONS, LOFT- ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS.,....... You can find them at- Sheehan's We carry the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Or clerks are up to date Golfers, and will gladly give yon any in- formation desired in the po- chase of otfits. We are Ann Arbor Agents for the following well-known clbs: WILLIE DUNN, McGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN, SPALDINGS and MORRISTON. Bring yor old Golf Balls and ex- change them for new. Sheehan & Co. PROMOTERS OF GOLF, 32o 50. STATE ST. ANN ARBOR, 1C U. of NY, IBarberVATBATH Shop and Bath teciRea- ole aes Rooms, 322 SAEeJ. R Tejanasski BICYCLES REPAIRED PRICES REASONABLE Wea egets fo the famous DfAYTON E30YGLE Cal ad examine. Detai tosemenueac- tured and repied. WMo. J. WENER, 113 E. Liberty New Phone 553 FOR 1900 Are better than ever. Prices, $2, $( ad $3Z). Chinaless, $60U. Also agency for orient, Sterling, Fowler, etc. Sundries. Tandems te rent. M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM 119 W. wanhiasgtatflSt., Phone 8. OHN F. HASKET, DEWITT ALLEN 223 S. Ingalls S. 720 So. 121 New Stte Phone 43. New State Ptoneee9t3r Qampus PI otofgrap~?r Maven al ine f u. ot M. and Ann Arr views. Mae n speilaty of Stdet' Rems d Flashlight Wek, at reananbe price. Views 000sale at Calkin', Selledee', Lvell, EdwardoBros. and Shale'o Beahtre. NORTH SIDE i LAUNDRY THOS. ROWE, Propr. duo roOMadway. 457 Bell Phn x t c 1 l t S 7 1 r BI SIo H igh Art Custom Tailoring L. C. GO ODRICHI, Over Firat National Bank. 2GSSZCSS nits Bicycle aji Golf Suits ss D. Ri TINKBFR &S01' BATTERIS AND FtURNISES Headquarters for DO YOU $1YOKE? O1C 4 Pittsburg Stogies for 13 Bill Anthony Cigars for 4 Brunswick Cigars for 5c 25c 25c INumber' 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. DEAN 8& CO. Senior Lits Wart to Reduce Clnss I Calendar. Tax. Wednesday, Jiune 20-Lasw department Recent developmnts in the senior reunion. literary class ace watched with more or lss isqietby sme f te pomi A new line eofiMannattan Shirts orn lmssbdis.iTrbyeomoo iho patrmi-sstin at Wadhams, Ryan & Reute, neit mmbrs.Tre t is ntue tisSee them. S. Main at riases never agrees on anything, but about a tmonth ago, when the class tax Tic ice aSscattyhaiftoenes ini this year's ws decided upon, it was hoped that the Jlichirgeoctsiiit. class was finotty a unit on something. ONE DOLLAR. HowNever, grumblings commenced im- medatey nd oo grw itoa vg- The Ann Arbor Music Co. have medatey nd oo grw itoa vg-some inducementa to offer atu- orous protest, so that up to yesterday denta on table board; also one sulte less than a dozen had paid their lax. of rooms. The members ot the arrasngesments cosm- i ! ' mistere which is supposed to have levied the tax coons to be the nest dissatis- fied crowrd in the class. Titeyclaems that they sad practically nothing to do with the figuring and do not know just seer it is to be sipcnt. St was fixed at 14.25. The report woe circulated that else chsairmaniof thte arrangesnent com- msitecofthlie closs ot '09irocketed about $255 et the class tunsds. This report caused to be spot ore toot r ovemsent Is reduce thtis year' stax, to $:3.5, pro- videdShot ass0roes be toured swhotill pledge tes seaited sate. One dSollasr ot this is so go fte elemrsorial, tee dollars tor the class day exercises and twenty-five cents tsr baeball csweaters. In return tsr this each one wo pays up wrill receive ten graduatioin insitations. Fiteen memcbers oS the class are cir- culating this, petliion. Thsesnovetnent eras started br the chairmen of tewo prominent comniiees. These preti- liens are being qite generally sigined and it is Icy no tmeaons improrbable thot the tewoe hundreed eilslice pecured. Everybody ceems to torget shot all accounts must be audited by a regular set of officers. Though the auditing esosmittee is generally merely nominal, it may have sme wvork to do this year as tse chairman ot the arrangement committee in the last class meeting re- quested that the secsunts ot the cap and goewn cotmmittee be audited as u-ott as this owvn. There are also other coiss- nmittees ewhichs have or will have hand- led considerable money this year. A pedestal has been placed under she totem column in she museum wrhich improves the looks ot this exhibit. The column is placed against the wait on She stairc leading to the third Sloar. SUTMMER \WORK. Nuimeresis reqtesots rsethe naesofo steidets dcsirinsumesicc rwore arc be- ieg received,soe o thilem offering cx- celict peesitios. Ass desirinsuchti posr- tiosse riw ie o ecl so ltaeniamsewcitic Secrctary ef Appointimenit Commslittee, Mondiay andsedncdesday, 4 So S6 p. cc. Dilly Reliey's"Spel" So tiec jury in Slit iliiigrllrdrliase. ODiDelar. A complete line at Adler Bros. fine anitse at Wadhans,. Ryan & Reule, lee- 202 S. 5Main at. Admiiral Deswey will be in Detroit Jiuie Sths and 9tih, and So cisable She pobict Ire attesnd She receptiess to be given in iis honsor Satuirday, Jutne 9th, She Atn Arbor raiiread ciii scii excursion lick- etc June 8thi and 9th, liimitd for return to Junce 9th, at oisc fare for the round trip. Cover Des.igne in blue asid geld by Whitiheadcfor tslie Miciegoisi.ti ONE DOLLAR. 'THE VICTORS" MARCH. Donst forget to lobe a copy ofeThe~pi Victters"March icy Lois Elcei hoe crisis yost. err sale aS Sieccias and lice AnnI Arbor 'Mnsic Ce. 25 cets a copy. TO REMOVE CONDITIONS IN PIIYSICS. Tihcrcewiii be asn exaineationi for use remeosvtiot csisditions ittpiicitosz (michciii. ssund, aisd Ligist),- phy-sics 2 ( iHeaS, (Eictiricty, aird Manisinis). ardsentisranethycitycten eds\rneday, Junie 6 at 4 P.5S. intheirphyisicaibbiliding. J. 0.EE, A. TeRORIG. A new line of Manhattan Shirts just in at Wsdhams, Ryan & Reule. See them. South Mtain street. III ad ceaplteineaOf GYMASUM CeaDSe and SttATEaS. AGENCY FOR LONLSY IHATS + 33 Suth Sate Sres C. Msaiand IHueoa Street. Capital, 05,00. Srspls, $30,D. Taacat geeiral akigbusiness. R, KEmpr,Fes. C. E. GaEEaE, V ie-Fes FRE.H BEasxCaschier. _ FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ogani d 1803 Capial, $100,t00. Srls and lrocit, 840,00 Tasata a gecral tesig tusies. Fregn excehane bught and sld. useish lttes ar cedit. E. D. IKINNE, res. HRRIStON SOULS, Vi0eresee S. W. CL:ARKt5ON Cashee The 11n1nflM or Savings Bank Capital Sock. $n,00.Sur spls, $150,000. Resorc st5,000 Orgaized usnder the Gneri Baskig Laws of this t5ae. Retes depsis, trys and ell exchange sn the periiplciiies the United State.Datt asrahd pas ppe idetiicatin, safty depsitcboecstsret. OFICRaS: Christ isn Mash. Pes . W, . 5. aret. man, ire-Pes.; Cam. E.heseSc, Cahiel M. J. Fritz,Assisant Cashier W. ARNOLD, ltVice-pre- V. SHEEHAN adJOHN.er oa. C.W AsvzAcs.Casehier 8WV~ i BAINK Transacst a general Banking IBusiness. COLLEGtATE CAPS. - GOWNS and M000, Retise at CAPe d 005WN5. 6 SPEC1LTY. CLASS CNPES, - 111 COLLEE FLAS, CLASS STATONERY, COLLEGE PNS, ISPECALTES WC, KERN & co a11lE. FsfttySrveoth St. tIIaActI LL. 'A lice to' (30 1404 pipeful ~ tYEC,, -' one reason Pipe a^ h l n Tobacco .a whOlE- aeSLIEssnseeasa glish Curve Cut pipe to. bacco is so \ popular ... The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco han ever made as many friends in so aort a time. "Itt disappointa no one." A trial box will be ent to any oen anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Od English De- partment. The American Tobacco Co., [Ii Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALINGS Official AJlbtic Goods Offiilpadoped y the leadinge Cllees, Schola and Ahlet Ctuha at the Cosntry. Base Sall Tenis Foot BOatl-Athnletic Go~lf Gymnasiaumnn Spalding's Oficial Leage Ball- lathe Offiial Ball cf the Natainal ^. Leatueeand all leadin celiete aaso- ciatioas. Spaldings Base Bl Guid foe 1900, 1 Oe f~i eti~paoasFreeA. G. Spalding & Bros. any addres. sew tee,c- eva s s . r i Openin~g of 4Spring Woolens.... Woolens far thse coming season have arrived, the must extensive line ever produced here is spread on our tables and new open for you to make selections. We have made evecy preparation to strictly retain the previoua standard of our tailoring and to promptly serve our patrono. We solicit your inspec- tion at an early date. WAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 South Main Street. ~7~ .. 16 . p j SPRING OF MIL WA4RD r SPRING WOOLENS OPEN FOR YOUR SELECTION