r a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I)AILY. ALL NEW AND UP -TO DATE Have You Seer) Our New Dorcas Shoes? 2j SUhMIST MICHIGAN CENTPALI ",The Niagara Falls Rat." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect April 19, 1899. Detroit Night Expresse...........5 55 A. a. Atlantic Expresst........7 45" Grand Rapids Expresc.......11 10ii Mail and Expressc.........3 47 i'.m N. Y.Boston Special............ 5 FailEaseteen............... 9 43" Mail and Exprecs..e .......... 8 40 . M Boston, N. Y.ond Cbicago .0....5 3" Fast WbesternExperes.......1 38 P. a. G.SR. nnd Kal. Expresso.......5 45" Chicago Night Exprees..........94 pacifc Express........i ......12 50A.8M. Steanmnhip Tickets, all Classes, to and front European points ci lowest rates. Follinfor- mantion on application. 0. W. RUGGLES. H. W. HATES, G.SP. & T. Ag't, Chicago. Ag'l Ace Aeboc. .i1D RwRL T AR00I=P 2 00 S; TIME TABLE Taking Effet,Sundsay,llcay 21, 1899. Trains lease Ann Aebor by Centrali ,taed- aed Ticme. SOUTH NORTH *No. .- 7:25 A. 5. No. 1.- 8:5t A. N. No. 2-11:30 A. E. *No. 5.-12:30 P. m. No. 4.- 8:35 P. Ni. No. 3.- 4,00 P. ss. tNs. 102-8:05 P. 3. tNo. 101-9:05 A. 31. aRun betwee Ass Arbor and Toledo only All trains daily eceopt Sunday. {Sundays only. E. S. OILMORtE, Agent. W H. BENNETT.G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half oor, beginneing at 7:15 a. m. unatil 7:45 p. m; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. mo., 9:45 p. mo. and 11:15 p. mo. Waiting room, coraer Ann and Main se.; Detroit, 111 Griswold st. l 971M IDNIGHITFLE To ST. LOUIS Via the WABASH ROAD. Oct and afterJune 3, a new Wabash Train willileaveChicago a ce:sP.M. sod arrie St.Loons 7:56A. M "rietig ibis train twill 1esvc St. Louitt cc30 P. Al.sed arrveChcgo :oh.M. TI Two other list trains v a tke VWabasht ithisdoesolt t00u.All oequip metspto-date.'Wrie eor call fe City Tscket Office. L & I Adamn tS., Chicago, Il. H OCKI NG VALLEY RY. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Between Toledo sod Columcbus, usinig Union depot in both citier. Through Sleeper to Wshingtonand Bsalimore. GREAT RAILROAD TH-E HOCKING VILLEY Write L. W. LANDMAN, 11lW.Fort St, Detroit. STH-E BEST MAK(ESOF S 1Rentzchler, the "ibotograpber. Mandolins anti A;1 Guitars Such asnJeseph Botoan's, Washt and Bruno's reon sateat th~v I ~86lld6I rle MugiG 8tor~ W. Liberty, only 2 doors froes Maclo's Corose The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET ,A New Adoertising Plan for the Unieersitij- Prof. F. N. Scott, os University editor boo prepared o vest pocket note book of some forty pages -whbicb be is seniding to every this yers bighiscihooli gradu- ole who expects 10 enter soeecollrge ne01 foil. The book is additio:n 1o a large nuinber of pages for memoran- dumu contains ilioslrotions of University buildings and University professors. It also contains a coniprehensive slate- moent of the cost of going to college iith several tables that rpresent the octuol enxpenses of roal students. It is the expectation thot tis book in ihe bonds of those cointemploting a college educa.- lion will make it more easy 1o decide which institution they will go 10. The bronze fOxings for ihe imefmorial mortar at the foot of the flag staff are being pst in place. Also the inscription plate with which the muzzle of the mortar wvill be closed. The fixings w5ill iiiclude souse heavy bronze chains that orgitially kept the nmortar from kicking whes discharged. The relic of the Spanish role of Cuba has been mounted being nearly like it was at Santiago, excpt that the parts then made af oak are now represented ito marble. The collection of Indian relics that babeen loaned to the University by Dr. WV. B. Hinsdale is being rearranged in the cases along the oide wail in the hallway. In their newv location the exc- hibits can be sees to niuch greater advantage. Hlave You seor PORCELAINS? Fir. thing out-only place in lbs :nher youicangettbew.. S4EGIflL RTES [8TO SENIORS, 112 W. Hares St. N. S. Phone 119 Qut A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE. Whitens. besutiflee, end preseroont t--, teeth. ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THIE TASTE. All druggists 25 cento, or by mvail aupoz receipt of price. C. S DENT &c CO., Detroit. Mich. Private1lsecesdendancing by the. o- Mrs. Rocss rser -Lesson: tlb iar nunuerui ppn!a~iiisZvi Studntsarecordially invitedtoin- denertersend h,$.Academy on fcMaynard sa sucmmer school, announcecments have spect our cormpicth lisces of suite, ever- been received to date. From these the coats, men's furnishings and hate, committee in charge of the summner Wadhamne, Ryan - 5teule, S. Main est. session feel justified in prophesying thatRE DT E AIY the attendance will be larger than at Of. F. Bicklye, '93, wvas yesterday R A IED IY aniy previous session. The new courses nominated for the U. S. Congress, on offered in tature study and physical the Democratic ticket, from the third 4I -~" i~ areprvig gratinucmet t tos ____________' 6 il6 culture, as well as the regular courses, Congressional District of Ohio. I!e : areprvig gea iduemnttothsan Cades for desiring to inprove the opportunity for EXCURSION TO TOLEDO JUNE 10. } sold Gold hand summser study in a systematic woe. Ezchs year Toledo is becoming nmoreSivr _________ attractive an an Excursio)n City, and L.g ~ A..~A t.edng Thenos alnon palorwhih hn ichigan pcople rcalize that no more W m . Arnold ~ei~ palrwihhsdclightful place can be found to spend___ been created by a division through the an afternoon. The Ann Arbor Railroad The Mast Complete Line of old chapel will be ready to receive the wiii run its next excursion to the Ceo- old grads when they come bock com- tcnniail City 01n Sunday, Jsne loth, leav- L W E mencement week. The coons is to be ing Anns Arbor at 10:25 a. ms. The fare CHOCOLATES for the round trip wvill be 75 ccnts. No attractively furnished and supplied with nInsd alobl h ocotovstIt the Cityecan be fouatS' scribing materials and reading matter Lakc Erie Park and Casino. Fifteeis "rUTTL BE&8 so that those whbo caoe then cviii fnd ccents pays strcct car farc frons the city to use park aind rcturn, and includes ad- 338 S. State SIt. a swornswelcocme. mission to cisc Park aind Zoological Gardetns, also io the theatre where tirot .M 1 Iron frames for thirty recitation seats class performances are givcn. On the9,M MA TN. have been made by students in the en- oprening day, MSay alti,thoe Casino wvasFU E A gincering shops. Whonthoe cwoodwork visitdlby- fifty thousand people.FU E A to cocupete the seats is made the U~ni- DIRECTOR versty illbe ave th exens of Howard hata at Wadhams, Ryanc & Embalming a specialty. No. 209 1S. 4tls vriywlb sae th enes Reule. Meat bat on the market at Ave. Ambulance night and day. Ree- purchasing this furniture. $3.00. 200-202 S. Main at. deuce 302 Fifth Ave. rfr MENV Pritan Oxfords o W. N 3 20 STYLES IN ..... Box Calf, Kid, Enamel, Patent Leather and Tan 110 E. HURON ST® The- OUf: RANrTEE,5 SAiTISFACTION. N. Faseth Ave. Bath Phases129. SheE brt W E "P A TIR0 NIZE GOO 0DY E AR'S DR 4wt'U G ST0D'LRErap