o 4~ A74 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1899. WI L T H E T A 1 L 0 R Fine Fall and Winter Suitings, Golf Sumts, Fancy Vestings. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY We Carry the Largest Stoch In the City. 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A 0 L 0 R TO-DAY'S GAME. Western Reseres Lne up Aqainst the 'Varsiti thin Afternoon. The warm weather has taken the life out of the men to some extent and the practice 2yesterday was less spirited than at any previous time during the year. The ball was in the 'varsity's territory most of the time but neither side succeeded in scoring during the short time given to the practice. Taking it all in all the work of the college team was better than that of the 'varsity. For the farmer "Windy" Weadock starred it at tackle, breaking through the line for good gains several times. On the other side of the ball the work was fair with the exception of the fum- bling. It was not u-> to the standard set earlier in the -work, however. The 'varsity lined ut as follows: Gill and White, ends; Wilson and Steckle, tackles; Barkabus and Seigmund, guards; Dickie, center; Gardner, quar- ter; McLean, Seweeley and Hernstein, half-backs; Keena, full. The game today promises to be a hard one, for Western Reserve counts the game with Michigan the one game of the year and bends her efforts toward making the best possible showing. Their men have been at work some time Michigans' Squad. For a week past the practice has been quite varied and has done much to- ward giving the coaches a better idea of what the men can do. The first two or three days the practice was hard, the hardest of the year in fact, but the warm weather that has since set in has necesitated much lighter work. Of the new men who have a.e)eared Gill has made a strong bid for end position and the probability is that White will be moved back to -his former position at tackle. Gill is a hard worker and knows the game much better than the average new man. His wind is bad but it must be remembered that this is his first week in the game this season and he has hardly had time to get into con- dlition. Snow is rapidly approaching his old time form at the other end. With White moved to his old position Michigan will have an exceptionally strong trio of tackles. He weighs a little more than he did last year antal n it spleandid conadition. Wilson is a1- says in condition and is light on his feet. However he is lighter than White. Capt. Steckle has not succeeded in get- ting into condition yet and the hard work keeps his weight d-own so that he is the lightest of the three men men- tiond. Juttner is also playing a good game at his place in the line but he has iard men to compete against for non- Wh I L Il We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti's and Kuhn's always instock. Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD n'eals weba te THOL ecentletyinigin atocknfor lien i boys. and aow arete nwith RELIABLE lflt aneolLUNCHOG GAR- iand TOBACCO. PIE'S A SPEGIALaTY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. ATHENS THEATRE ONE SOLID WEEK Commencing Monday, Oct. 16. WILBUR OPERA CO. In a reperireno Oeras, IIigh ClasslVaudevilles and Living Pictures. Popular Prices, 10, 20 and 30 cts.. - Matinees every day after Monday . 1.0nSeats at 1;;c, afew at 20c. FOT BA LL -CLOTHING- Y M SUITS GOLF' DOODS Jerseys and Sweaters at WAHR'S 9 longer than the mmbers of the home sen. team have and will be able to give the r dl 'vasit soethng f ahar ru. arkabus and Seegmund have been 'varsity somnething of a hard rub, playing the 'varsity guards in good The lte-up la s bee given out ans:el- shape but the former is a trifle too Ihgnessheavy for activity while Seigmund is aa.higs... . tern esrve not as heavy as he might be. They are WiOten... le ... Hook both doing remarkably well for new iloanr.............t.-''.. eatnry men though. Dicki as doing good work Dickey.u... .... .Mt'eay at lb' center of the line but will have Demn..........rg............Gusty 'to hard to reach the Michigan Secmund.........r........ L fulitter standtard. Cunningham was out in uni- Stn ate,cat. re.... Laubeas f rm .esterday for the first time. He Fotgi... . .... . . el did not get into the lineup though -nd F gerald.......... e.......' Do l uiatwork early. He is quite a bit Heen .............l.... Striinger.lighten than hewsa t Mcen t1 -.--r.....--Hlylgte hnh a atyear. Hetnstein ......... rh. ... .. .Haldy At quarter back Gardner is doing the Keena ............f............ Nedln best defensive work of any of the -an- -didatcs but his assing is inaccurate The Pedagogical SocietJ. and at times quite ragged. Fitzgerali The Pedagogical society announces is a batter man in the back field ad the date of its opening session as Oct. in passng the ball but tee can not touch 16, which is next Monday. The meet- the other man in regular quarterback ing will be held in the lecture room of defense. Street has appearad also this Tappan Hall at 7:30 p. i., Prof. Hins- week but has not been in any of the dale delivering the opening address. line-ups. Mohr is playing a splendid The society was organized somewhat game for the college team and will give less than a year ago, for the purpose any of them a hard run for the posi- of affording to the large number of tion. students preparing for the profession For the half back position there is a of teaching an opportunity to meet wealth of good material. McLean is and exchange ideas, and to establish rounding into his old time form and is a medium whereby members of the perhaps the best dodger in the squad. faculty may communicate the results Teetzel has been doing excellent work of their experience and study of the but just at present is laid up with his art of teaching to those interested. The ankle that has bothered him so much in enterprise was well supported from the the past. He will be in the game again start, and over a hundred members in a few days. Seweeley and Hermstein were enrolled last year. Profs. Hins- are both proving to be fast men behind dale, Scott, Drake and Hempl ad- the line and in carrying the ball. The dressed the society; besides, several latter has the happy faculty of being very profitable sessions were conducted able to do as the coaches tell him to do. by the members. Keena is practically the only good pun- The following faculty numbers have ter of the lot. He hits the line hard too. already been arranged for the coming The season is so short at Michigan year, and will thus be added: Opening that the middle of October has arrived' address, Prof. Hinsdale; chemistry in before the preliminary sifting out pro- the secondary schools, Prof. Freer; cess can be said to be completed. For Teaching Pronunciation, Prof. Hemp]; every man mentioned above as having History in Secondary Schools, Prof. been played on the 'varsity there is an- Dow; School Hygiene, Dr. Mosher: other man on the college team who is The Public Library and the School, almost if not quite, as good. In fact, Mr. Severance of the University Li- Michigan, for the time she has been brary. On each of these occasions full playing, has a rather good stuad of opportunity will be given members for football men in the daily practice. 1 osking questions. The discussions throughout will on topics eminently The game this afternoon will be onei practical and important. of of the best on the home grounds.I All teachers, and those preparing to western Reserve always has had one teach, are eligible to membership. The o the best teams among Ohio colleges, membership fee is twenty-five cents; having won the championship of the these fees are used in defraying the ex- state a number of times. They come penses of the society and increasing its prepared to give the 'varsity more than efficiency. a practice game and feel confident of scoring nt least once. This will be at The homeopathic faculty will give a good g;ate to see the marked improve- a "smoker" to the students of their le- ment in the playing of the 'varsity, a partment tonight at 8 p. m. in the --ich has taken place during the past Thompson block. rvtek. c No. 18.. S3nior Lit-Eng. Election. The senior literary claos met yester- day afternoon and held its annual elec- tion. There was a full attendance of the class but very little interest was manifested and there was no fight over any of the important offices. The slate as nominated beforehand went through entire. E. S. Corwin of Plymouth was unani- moousiy elected president. The other officers who were elected are: Vice-president-Miss Mabel Palmer, - Duluth, Minn. Treasurer-Fred S. Colburn, Psi U- silon, Detroit. Secretary-Harry tn-. Sedgwick, en- gineer, Zeta Psi, Chicago. Orator-Frank D. Eaman, Detroit. Prophetess-Miss Florence MHugt - Galena, Ill. Historian-Miss Marian C. Kanousc, Alpha Phi, Mlanistee. Poet-Thomas M. Marshall, Ann Ar- Por. Football manager-J. Walter Wood, engineer, Theta Delta Chi, Niles. Baseball manager-Paul A. Drtz, engineer, Auskegn. Track manager-E. Warner Case, Chicago. The other candidates who ran were: Miss Hope Barr, vice-president; Frank Diehl, treasurer; Miss Marian Kan- nuse, prophetess; Misses Morton, Car- penter, Clark, historian; Harry Wester- dale, Garrison Smalley, poet. It was decided to havetwo five-min- me speeches at the class day exercises One sneech about the faculty and one about the class. The Michganeesian this yearg sill contain the individua? pictnmes of each member of the senior classes. These pictures will be paid for out of the class tax. This feature will add considerable to the attractive- ness of the magazine. Protocol Boobs. Dr. Warthin's practical book for the use of the Junior and senior medica- students has been placed on sale. The protteol isso arrnged that a record of ten autopses may be kept in one book It can he readily seen that this book has supplied a long needed want among the medical students and is highly ap- psreiatedbPthet. It every autons- a crttan roamtine is followed and flint fact has been taken into consideration in the preparation of the protocot Spaces are arranged for both the gross tend microscopical examinations and diagnosis.Not only has it been prepared for the stud of the diseased and pathological organs, but it is so ar- ranged that a study must be made of the normal organs and tissues as well It being thought that Ihe nomal p- bearaaac scanhonessentil as the ptho- logical. It can be seen that it will be a valuable book for the student after. graduation. Chance for Too Directors.. It perhaps would not be amiss now to rall attention to the fact that the con- stitution of the Athletic association pro- vides that the homeopathic and phar- macy departments are each entitled to a epresentative on the Athletic Board of Directors as soon as they have ten members of the association, It seems strange that this being the case there have not been more men from those departments to join the as- sociation. However a mere mention of the condition of affairs should cause an increased activity on the part of the- homeops and pharmas to secure the required ten members and,in repre- sentation. Hadden Will Coach. Hadden, who played tackle on the varsity football team in '94 will cap- tain the Alumni team in next Satur- day's game. Mr. Hadden will spend next week in Ann Arbor coaching the- Varsity, paying special attention to the coaching of the tackles.