THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. L~D [~ tIO ~ uU XFO D3 ALNEW ANDOUPTO DATE Have You Seer) Our New Dorcas Sboes? 119 SOUTH MAIN ST. MJICHIGAN CENTRAL "The Niagara Falla Route" l cutschlev, the f'oto itapbet.lrm C oc s $ Takinag Effect April 19, 1899. U. oL M. Piuls 50c to $10.00. Fio ; GOINGEAST.Watch Repairing a Specialty, Detroit Night Expres...........5 5 .M A EJS TR C IE N T E A G Ailantie Express ........7 45 4 Gran R~apids Expretto E..AVEJUST.R CEIVEDANOTHE1LARGE JE i, CHAPMAN, JEWELER,. NY.Boston Special ......tO.4 85 Fast Eastern. a9DSPAYO4WAH IE096 _laisa Soth. Mait and Exprss ............0840 ___A_____________.__ Basten N. Y. aent Chicago ......... 3 - Fast VF estrs pres.... . . ta... ... 3. A REGULAR 75c ENGLISH SQUARE-50c H v o G.hR.agd aihtExpress......... 5 45 PaipTces l lses . to 0a.frmThe latest effects itn Narrow Four-in-Hands and Bat European potets as loesct rates. Fult tntor- Wings. Silks, (Ruricchtidas) (Baratha) 50 cents. raton o appicaton. een ua ORtCELI.ANS? Ftz O. W.RUGGES, . tit . HYEStig;out-oslp place is the 0.P.W& . UgOChia. 0. . HaAnnAro. I e :whereyoucancccbet them. 0.?.&T.g9, hicgo. g'sAsrcAchc. u ofM. PNS AACK & C . 5GAlL ATES TO S[NIORS 19001MICHIGANionSisNi15e00rydiispect0equalutie --(Costitnucd Icon page 1 o eo 9,-,whl eeii on of'7 is 112 W.Hares St. N. S. Phase 119 1.?i.Jt a2 -A.... mnwi T nnu -, ttlitsto Ith iisb1ot are Pitaklcpha1Gam-. i ottt cc c i cetlion. One Der1vcat.- TIME TABLEia tttene it t t tttcc pttli cfraternily antcc cstir Isfetttce' cfthisedto is he' TakingEffeet, Sunae r, Ma'y 21,18 , Itt~ti i ts 0 lcl tgl g theills rIllc iterture s1 cl ip tst - cesabot th ci tpt n Traatslease Acn Arbcricp Ce.,cr~lot sct'ctel. Kapa ijit tatidoes n c coct 1'ar«fci ,c aci.cters wcc r isrtdit.ak F1 .4 _____Tine___________thefraterniti______________tti ccytbooki. T es1 ae1 hoo SOUTH I eist~ ' cls oo sdvtd o Tl: frah n r inteestiing ancd fattmiliar- -- I :n t o 111tioisass ie tteis to cait s ic~ d. Probaly te motoc *No. 6.- t:25 A. a. No . Isle56A. Os. t ons ut i t cno dt hat teireder ttilu tic'is asmail liphc -phc al-A MOST EX UST TO HPA E Na. 2.-1t1a3) A.3as. *No. 5s-total a. at. I ccinytingc tiechyI Theireader itetone ofitelloonEXQUISITEthTOOTH PASTE No. .- 8:35 P. t. \o. 3.- 4:56 P. 5. ls i i it- cNo.1tOO-useS a.cM. INtl. 1t1t-9:05 A. aM. firsthtitheliteditor o accls c.- es liag sole. 'Titoe 7 :111 c. cc., Fridcay hie, , hsttteazns Fee .e h 1Ra ssI II IP~ utribiiisteaictc f itpulisic ngtloitAil cii iWhitenba tfesadth. r~e t - *R nhetwee AnArborteandcT'oledolo ay ndccc l e l igItt'itltc ,I ictiti ti~l troutghleeh t Stsdattony.ecpcsst. it tocci f cindafwral c rti ces. TeWrinkle, ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE" E. S. OIL'551)Pt, Agent. poctry5 111tlii'yca1r's 'ci ite ntsla sTS E 5W H. BENNETT. 0. P. A "ecep' thill 11111 lnd nchac oveIlshcc Ill ' irtiice s( io tlf d aseitalltttnumbeTATE ivlgs ~s fiti isb hco111111.Ic illc 11 c 1sale 'iedltescloy andelTiso- All druggiats 25ces, or by snail uon Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- MaIcs1all, 00, and R. R. Kctk, 0,3.slitil Thecc ca< y Claike 5iscinte receipt of price. bJor Railway. IhiccrIse lsci c scccl tnd otrty of poccltr dle Icd:is v1 1- c" tiactiv e Itote C. S DENT 8 CO, Detroit, Me-t, Cars leave for Betroithand Ypsilantifills c.llit c publicatlion. I"Tctre is tntte lIsis c f thencllienlt gamce. lBrown1'l has _______________________ every half our, seginning at 7:15 a. men cc icclhils ieentt itetlrilytt fil c liiu111donc a tbaccbalillceep'cge. I terc ts unatil 7:45 p. mto After that to Detroit slacc. ThIctitil in 111 1(1c cs c lda ttmoce tantticettstt'camontllIIofcerse attd at 8:45 p. en., O9:45 p. in. and 1l:15 p. em, lattmpts Iodcrac itlerest lttt ae rtcils-113pr o y arsitall, Kick Bowicntasct nd Waiting room, corner Ann and Main tu ges. oculters.11cc tlltllhercontca~lins twety peivate lessees ia dancing by ts,o:A: ate.: Detroit, 111 Grisrold st. 'hcecittorsciItt htiteti octiciedcitialpge cndslls icc15 cecnts. 'fhe cdi- Mra. Roes Granger.-Lesson: Ihee ma c kncts di-53 P. of cnriu ion tri<1 lc octmn mti etihecs non ce meho nit tdrce ad Academy on MaynardtS_: To ST. LOUIS Via the WABASH ROAD. Onanod after Jae3,acsew Wabash Train willate Chicago at aivo P.M. and arrie St. Louis 7:6A. M.; returning this tr0a11 will leave St. Louis -30~ i' M. ancd arrideUlicogo 8:0 A. M. Twso oihss last troins ,a ther Wabashl iftttis doesnot suit coo. All ectuipt' metstutptto-date. Shite or call foe mlaps andtimlechedle. City Ticket Office. 01 Adams St., Chicago, Itt. HOCKING VALLEY BY. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 BetweeroledIo aridColutmbus, osieg Union depot in bot cities. Treugh Sleeper to Wasthttgtos andtBattitmore. GREAT RAILROAD THF HOCKING V(ILLEY Write L. cW. LANDMAN, t1 W. Fort St, Detroit. Pte ccl ss, T. 'h. MaircitaiiR. B..Kik, of 1501 oIcc." This cwiii certainlyg takc \311cclicse hI, Morltn ihiss Verat e11an1 shoculid pcove ociniterecst Itoitoce CitmblateinlttJ. . Hackett attDeitc wo aB essI enitnttcollege fos checpsc ?Aleti;sttd of dratwittgsfroms Waler threc'cyetis. W\hlithead, J. H. Hlaccis, Molnte BtrowsnI '.IV Vreelaccnttd, cand\IS. A1. Lacc. Students are cordialty invited to in- Asaartbook taltd ctalogule citu-it peet our oon'ioiete tines of auita, aver- cicettactvi1y a1 the tUtiversity, itis year's coats, men's furnishings and hats. 'ticil ttelllciscli lts cctii ccScWadhams, Ryan - Rteute, S. Mtain at. sied 'ad much1 tacre 111111 sholbeiIc peciced.10olte cersoln whou'atla EXCURSION TO TOLEDO JUNE to' irostrcifticycollege organiztioniof rottt Eaichoyesr Toledo is hecomtittgotore tile ItrcshmtaIllSipcecSto ite AlkiittA s- atractivesacanttlExcttrstctt Cily, atnd csoctin10 lite enlitusiaclst o wst11o1 Michtigant people realize thsatsno nmorc knowcciwht M 'ichitsa dtdttis yearl 10 delightful plce catt hefluond to spend te tttn wh io hacs pati ctpated 10n001555a10alterttoon. Thr Ants Arbor Railroad itecoleite o01clabs ectetican111511ow wsilircasts ilnextecrsriots tote Cets- I sntscit sce hiiiis . me 1 ctn t r cottland tiiacl City tontSuntday, Jctne lthli, leav- icerhaps-pictrecs;ictoiaescnliorIcctwhsoiwats ihg AttttArbor at to :25 a. it. 'lie tare t1 reem clcihclislls Iclclas smt's deeds for tte rounttri wll ciibe 75 cents. No adfcsadicidcntallyhis 01111. aud onle shoadititilllshile inll loedo 10odvit lastly t'cct1110rateriwhciwic s lstudy11'Lake Erie Palrkcatid Casinao.Pifteetn heralticsorthe litescltroil 110111alpliaticenits illsstoreet car face irott te city toii ci ilito 5l1o 1 theseand m Iny t0tepirk aind rtets, alit1incluidco ad- others~s tis ye's ccnnuiaclc is icc lii llt' misstionii to lice Park atsd Zoological Ihc cccliyplacet.whllicit canc allciheccfouid. Garldecs, aisoItoa theceire cwhlerecfirol 'ccl 1cc ills inregdccocthcelivaietyi' andsiclass perfortmanices ace givds. Otn te muciltlici tclty fcuslstrarseitiontopeninigi(ltac, iMaty 20thtthe Cascino0 was wssahieatd oftiepeen11tcciiotie,11111 itvisitetby if.tily lcthoaticipeole. ccc e vrl cc yacri~cis hefore ltecci lilthe hi 'ich111111 cian11111ihisucho 'ie I-oward hats at Wadhams, RyanB' dings 111cilltilt.e cin1)11 'dcci a so many Rcule. Best hat on the market at. if ie hics in lithis edititoitItave teen $3.00. 200-202 S. Main at. READ THE DAILY. I WWa ~ftI Gold )'i Sale. Cash See A" Old Gold asd Slter. . .. WInl.Arnol d ,ea. TeMost Complete Liar IS LOWNEY CHOCOLATES itt the City'ecaa ieota;e TVUTTLbE'8 338 S. State S,a 0 tM MARTIN., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embhalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4ttos Ave. Ambhulance night and day. Rlea- Sance 302 fifth Ave. 1O AND Purihtanuxira fr MN f f WOMEN 3.O L20 STYLES IN ... . r Box Calf, Kid, Enamel, Patent Leather and Tango, E HURON ST. -I -- ENOF L I LE tmhalmer and 613 East William Street iA *~~IN The EOH OEI LFuneral ]Disaster Universit laut oar-half bloch west an a F e BARBE IIL I I~ Na. 116 E. Liherty Street. eet.Ld eidenes ssn.3 S Sh1oe Sh~p eirepairing sLestiy doe. ar.a OUIfINTEBS 84'TISPfIGTION. Fourthi Ave, Brth Phoae x129.p E. Lambert. Poo WE PATR0NIZE GOO0DYEAR'S DRUG STORE